chos kyi ye shes
Encoutered Names in the collections
bod kyi lo tsA ba kam dge bsnyen chos kyi ye shes
ka ma chos kyi ye shes
Translator in
D420 - dpal phyag rgya chen po'i thig le zhes bya ba rnal 'byor ma chen mo'i rgyud kyi rgyal po'i mnga' bdag
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D420 - dpal phyag rgya chen po'i thig le zhes bya ba rnal 'byor ma chen mo'i rgyud kyi rgyal po'i mnga' bdag
dgra bcom
D420 - dpal phyag rgya chen po'i thig le zhes bya ba rnal 'byor ma chen mo'i rgyud kyi rgyal po'i mnga' bdag
BDRC (bdr:P1359)