(Collection: VP IOL Tib J - Set: MWIOL - Volume: IIOL309 - Section: 1 - image: https://data.idp.bl.uk/image/iiif/3/657CADD13DC84A459D69ED7CA5C22A88/full/max/0/default.jpg - image n°: 2)
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Texts in this fragment
IOL Tib J 309.1 - Section: 1
[tshe dpag tu myed pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo/]
Ch. 73. VI. 7, Pothī; 26 c. x 5.2 c.: foll. 9, numbered (letters) verso, 2-10; ll. 4 dbu-can.
Incomplete at the beginning and the end. Ends at the beginning of chapter 30 in Hoernle edition; §§ 8-11 and 19 omitted.
(La Vallée Poussin)