(Collection: VP IOL Tib J - Set: MWIOL - Volume: IIOL308 - Section: 1 - image: https://data.idp.bl.uk/mediaLib/b/2/x/m1e0mwprromnmzzohkmpg5/large_5C4C160E8BDC4C4D819E7EC68FCC69E3.jpg - image n°: 1)
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Texts in this fragment
IOL Tib J 308.1 - Section: 1
tshe tshad myed pa zhes bya ba'i theg pa chen po'i mdo /
a pa' ra myi ta'/ a yu na ma'/ ma' ha ya na' su' tra'/
Ch. CCC. 2, Pothī; 43 c. x 9 c.: foll. 3, numbered (letters) 28-30; ll. 6: dbu-can; red.
This MS. contained a number of copies of the Sūtra. One ends fol. 28b, l. 6; another begins fol. 30a, l. 1. There are two translations in Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, XIV. 200-8 and 208-15. See Hoernle_1916: p. 289.
(La Vallée Poussin)