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Ma Matho Collection

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Collection Ma Matho Collection Set MW1BL9 Volume EN036 [I1BL852] Section 1 folio 4a image bdr:I1BL852::I1BL8520007.jpg
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Texts in this fragment

Scan p. no. 5, line 9: Lde Gnya' khri btsan po gnam gyi lha las (next line mentions Ral pa can).. Same page mentions of Skol Bod kyi Rgyal khams (Line 1: Phrom Ge sar dmag gis btul bar gzigs nas Lha mo Tsin ti ka'i bu la rgya btul lo). Scan p. no. 6, line 8: nub phyogs ta zig dang tshams bcad bod kyi sa 'tshoms rmang gyi la rgyud gnam gyi skar ma thang la lhung ba 'dra bas. This certainly looks just like a historical work, with quite a lot of folios, maybe 29(?). I believe Martin Nils has mentioned this very text in a few footnotes of his (should trace the reference). (Dan Martin's Hurried Notes)