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Ma Matho Collection

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Collection Ma Matho Collection Set MW1BL9 Volume EN005 [I1BL821] Section 1 folio 4a image bdr:I1BL821::I1BL8210007.jpg
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⮜ 3b - 4a - 4b ⮞

Texts in this fragment

Quite a long prayer, or set of prayers to the protectors. At scan no. 13 is a kind of colophon with lineage. It has a terma (gter ma) concealment statement, which is interesting, at Bum thang Rtsi lung (=Rtsis lung) Temple. It was removed from concealment by Mye nyag Kha so ba (Mi nyag Kha so ba?). He taught it to Gnyan bston Shes rab rdo rje (My note: the 11th cent. Bon Tertön?), then he to his son Bla ma Nyi khri 'bar. Then there is an alternative lineage. I decided to write a blog about this text. (Dan Martin's Hurried Notes)