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Ma Matho Collection

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Collection Ma Matho Collection Set MW1BL9 Volume RN012 [I1BL631] Section 1 folio 1a[1] image bdr:I1BL631::I1BL6310002.jpg
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Texts in this fragment

Identified by a colophon title found on scan fol. no. 5: Rgyud kyi rgyal po chen po de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi gsang ba dur khrod kyi khu byug gi 'od [~'do, mdo?]. This is interesting since a similar title seems to be known (to Fifth Dalai Lama for example) along with a commentary, but doesn't seem to be in the Kanjurs or Tanjurs, and it seems these are Rnying ma texts. The reading can be difficult (in addition to clumsy spelling like "khyil khor" instead of dkyil 'khor, etc.). (Dan Martin's Hurried Notes)