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Ma Matho Collection

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Collection Ma Matho Collection Set MW1BL9 Volume C017 [I1BL586] Section 1 folio 2b image bdr:I1BL586::I1BL5860004.jpg
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⮜ 2a - 2b - 3a ⮞

Texts in this fragment

Several fols. of tantric material, much worn and abraded. I see on scan no. 4 mention of Mahāyoga, Anuyoga and Atiyoga. On scan no. 8 is a listing of four Man ngag sde tantras of Atiyoga: Rmad byung byang chub sems kyi rgyud, Khu byug blo bur rig pa 'dzin pa'i rgyud, Ma 'gags pa lta ba nam mkha' che'i rgyud, Rold pa bcu bdun shes rab stong gyis brgyan pa'i rgyud. Very interesting, especially for the question of when the classification of Man ngag sde emerged. (Dan Martin's Hurried Notes)