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Collection Ma Matho Collection Set MW1BL9 Volume T074 [I1BL568] Section 1 folio 2b image bdr:I1BL568::I1BL5680004.jpg
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Texts in this fragment

Fols. 4-5, with colophon on fol. 5r, but there is more than one text. The opening line can be identified by RKTS search as being from Tôh. 1140, Yang dag par rdzogs pa'i sangs rgyas kyi mtshan la bstod pa. One text is this one by Candragomin: Bhagavadāryamañjuśrīsādhiṣṭhānastuti (Bcom ldan 'das 'phags pa 'jam dpal gyi bstod pa byin rlabs dang bcas pa), Tôh. no. 2710. Before it is a very brief text attributed to Pan bi ta chen po Ti pang ka ra (Dīpaṅkara) with colophon title Rje btsun byang chub chen po la phyag 'tshal ba na dbu pa la gtugs nas phyag 'tshal ba'i bstod pa. A similar title Phyag 'tshal ba'i bstod pa seems to be attributed to Nāgārjuna instead... It's extremely short. (Dan Martin's Hurried Notes)