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IOL Tib J 1.1 - Section: 1 'dul ba'i dngos po/ (Vinaya-vastu) Ch. 51. I. 1, Pothī; 50 c. x 10 c.: foll. 13, numbered (letters) 1-13; ll. 9 and 10: dbu-med. Extract from the 68th and 69th Khaṇḍas of the Vinaya-vastu. Vinaya-vastu is commonly translated ḥdul-baḥi-gźi, but dṅos-po = vastu. Begins: bcom ldan 'das kyis rgan rims bcas pa dang /de nas dge slong dag /gcig la gcig bsnyen bkur byed /bla mar byed /mchod par byed /gcig la gcig de ltar byas pas... Apropos of mutual politeness Bhagavat narrates the fable of the partridge, the hare, the monkey, and the elephant. (Culla-vagga, vi. 6.3; Jātaka, 37, Tittira-jātaka; Francis_1916: 36; Schiefner_1882: 303-from Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, iii. foll. 189-93; Julien_1859: no. 77.) Ends with the Bhikṣubhaya: dge slong gi dngos por gyur cing tshangs par spyod par gnang ngam zhes gsol pa dang /bcom ldan 'das kyis tshur shog /tshangs par spyod cig ces gsungs ma thag du /tshe_dang ldan ba de rnams rab du byung zhing snyen pa rdzogs nas dge slong gi dngos por gyur te / 'di dag gi gtan tshigs zhib du ni 'dul ba'i dngos pobam po drug cu brgyad pa dang dgu pa las 'byung ngo //
IOL Tib J 2.1 - Section: 1 'dul ba'i dngos po/ (Vinaya-vastu) Ch. 51. I. 4, Pothī; 49 c. x 9.5 c. foll. 6, numbered 1-6 ll. 7 and 8: dbu-med, same hand as 1. Colophon. Extract from the 60th Khaṇḍa of the Vinaya-vastu. Begins: In the course of the year, at some moment, the night lasts for 18 muhūrtas, and the day for 12. At what moment? On the 8th tithi of the clear fortnight of Māgha the night lasts for 18 muhūrtas and the day for 12. Ends with discussions of eclipses (Rāhu), ending: de lta bas na khye'u de'i mying sgra gcan 'dzin du gdags so zhes btags te /zhib du ni 'dul ba'i dngos po bam po drug cu las 'byung ngo /
IOL Tib J 3.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. VII, frag A. 7, Pothī; 46.5 c. x 11.7 c.: foll. 2: dbu-can and dbu-med. Vinaya extracts. The first folio contains (recto) 3 lines in large dbu-can script. Ends: dal bus song ste zan chad par bya'o snyam nas de dal bus 'gro'o// 'Thinking "going slowly, one must eat", he goes slowly.' Texts follow, in small dbu-med, first folio recto 15 lines, verso 28 lines; second folio recto 32. These texts are abstracts from several books. The first: Vinaya-vastu, 12th Khaṇḍa, extract from the Poṣadha-vastu (gso sbyong gyi dngos po las); the second: extract from Pravrajyā-vastu.... Second folio verso, Chinese.
IOL Tib J 4.1 - Section: 1 Pravrajyā-vastu Ch. 73. VII, frag. A. 5, Pothī; 52 c. x 8.7 c.: 1 fol., numbered ka 59; ll. 7: dbu-can. Bhagavat and Upāli. Compare Upāli-paripṛcchā (Śikṣā-samuccaya, p. 164). Recto, l. 4: btsun ba lo drug lon la mthu dang ldan te/dge 'tun gyi bka'd sar zas la bya rog skrod nus na rab tu dbyung ngam/u pa li lo bdun gyi tshad kyis gzung ba'i phyir myi dbyung ngo// A boy may be admitted into the Order when he is able to drive away the crows..., or when he is seven years old.
IOL Tib J 5.1 - Section: 1 so so thar pa 'i mdo/ (Prātimokṣa-sūtra) phra ti mo k+sha sutra/ Ch. 1292, Roll; divided; 23.6 c. x 23.9 c.: foll. 62; ll. 13 and 16: dbu-can. At the beginning a Chinese fragment (7 coll.), upside down, is added as a cover. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Ḥdul-ba, Csoma_1836: V. 1-30, Beckh_1914: VI. 1-32. Begins: /thams cad mkhyen pa la phyag 'tshal lo/ /snyan pa 'i ba dan 'jig rten gsum du grags/ /dam pa 'i chos sgra seng ge 'i sgra bsgrags pa/ /thams cad mkhen pa 'i rin chen mdzod brnyes pa/ /zhabs la tshangs dbang gtsug gi nor bus gtugs/ /sdug bsngal rgya mtsho pha mtha' myed rgal pa/ /'gro ba 'i gtso la spyi bos phyag 'tshal te/ /thams cad mkhyen pa 'i bslab tshig rin chen snod/ /'phags pa 'i tshogs kyi dbus su dbye bar bya/ fol. 2, l. 13: [note a: 17 has nges par byas shing dbang po thul ba dag [note /nges par byas dang dbang po thul ba dang/ /mang du thos pa dgon pa zhi rnams su/ /gnas par gyur dang nagsu rgas pa dang/ /dar la bab pa yal ba rnams kyang bde/ /tshe dang ldan ba dag dpyid rnam las ci tsam 'das pa dang//lhag ma lus pa dag go//tshe dang ldan ba dag rga ba dang//'chi ba yang mngon bar 'ong zhing ston pa 'i/bstan pa yang 'jig par 'gyur gyis/tshe dang ldan ba dag bag yod pa la rnal 'byor du bya 'o//de bzhin gshegs pa dgra bcom pa yang dag par rdzogs pa 'i sangs rgyas rnam gyi byang chub dang//gzhan yang gang dag de lta bu 'i phyogs kyi dge ba 'i chos byang chub gyi phyogs kyang bag yod pas thob bo/ /dge 'dun gyi thog mar bya ba ji zhe na//bcom ldan 'das kyi/nyan thos gyi dge 'dun ni don nyung ba bya ba nyung ba 'o//tshe dang ldan ba dag ma lhags pa rnam la//dad pa dang yongssu dag pa dris shig//dris nas brjod par bya 'o/ /shag kya seng ge de la ni/ /sor mo bcu 'i thal sbyar te/ /so sor thar pa bshad par byas/ /'dul ba de ni nga la nyon/ [note b: Compare p. 474. [note fol. 59, l. 12: ...dang//bslab pa 'i chos mang po dang//rtsod pa zhi bar bya ba'i chos bdun bshad zin te/ /bcom ldan 'das de bzhin/gshegs pa dgra bcom ba yang dag par rdzogs pa'i sangs rgyas de 'i mdor gtogs shing//mdor bsdus pa ni 'di dag tu zad do//gang gzhan nas 'byung ba 'i chos gyi rjes su 'thun ba 'i chos de la yang//khyed rnams 'dum ba dang [fol. 60] mthun ba dang//dga' ba dang/myi rtsod par sems kun du bsrung ba dang//dran ba dang//bag yod pa la rab tu brtson bar bya 'o/ /bzod pa dka' thub dam pa bzod pa yis/ /mya ngan 'das pa mchog ces sangs sangs rgyas gsungs/ /rab tu byung ba gzhan la gnod pa ni/ /gzhan la 'tshe bas dge sbyong ma yin no/ [note c: Compare p. 474, Dhp. 49, 185, 183. [note Ends: /phan tshun tshul khrims bsrung ba dang/ /bstan pa 'phel bar bya ba 'i phyir/ /so sor thar pa bshad pas na/ /dge 'dun gyis ni gso sbyin byas/ /gang gi phyir ni mdo bshad dang/ /gang gi phyir gso sbyin byas gyur pa/ /tshul khrims des ni bsrung byas te/ /g.yag rnga 'i rtse mo ji bzhin no/ /so sor thar pa bshad pa 'i bsod nams grub pa gang yod pa//des ni 'jig rten ma lus pa//thub dbang gom/phang [note d: 6 has go 'phan [note thob par shog// @//so sor thar pa 'i mdo rdzogsso//
IOL Tib J 6.1 - Section: 1 so sor thar pa'i mdo/ (Prātimokṣa-sūtra) Ch. 2. E, Pothī; 43.5 c. x 8 c.: foll. 26, numbered (letters) 2-26, 28: ll. 6: dbu-can. Begins, prefatory stanza 12c: byis ba rnams ni ma mthong na /... Colophon (title only) on cover. Differs from 5 and from Cambridge Bkaḥ-ḥgyur. The first summary runs as follows, fol. ga - sdom ni / /myi tshangs spyod dang rku ba dang/ /myi la gsad par myi bya dang / /brdzun du smra ba gtogs par ni / /chos bzhi po dag 'dir gsungs so / ....tha na dud 'gro'i skye gnas su song ba dang lhan cig pa yang rung ste /dge slong 'diyang phas pham ba yin gyis ....
IOL Tib J 7.1 - Section: 1 so sor thar pa'i mdo/ (Prātimokṣa-sūtra) Ch. 73. VII. 17, Concertina; 34 c. x 7.4 c.: foll. 35; ll. 5: dbu-can. Incomplete at the beginning and in the middle. Begins in the middle of the fourth pāda of the fourth prefatory stanza— 'dus pa chen po yin /... Ends on verso of fol. 1. Summaries introduced by sdom ni: agrees with 6. Summary, fol. 35a: lhung bzed gnyis dang [note a: nga below line. [note tha ga gnyis/ /byin 'phrog ston sla tha cungs dang / /dgon pa pa dang ras cen dang / /bsngos pa dang ni stsogs 'jog go/ [note b: 5 fol. 26 has /bsngos [pa] dang ni bzhag pa'o [note /
IOL Tib J 8.1 - Section: 1 [so sor thar pa'i mdo/] (Prātimokṣa-sūtra) Ch. 9. II. 5, 03, 29 (fol. 44), 51. I. 48 (foll. 45-46), 03, 49 (fol. 47), Pothī; 31.5 c. x 8.2 c.: foll. 40, numbered ka 5-22, 24-30, 32-47; ll. 5: dbu-can, red and black. Fol. 5 begins with Theft: @/:/rgu ba'o zhes de skad kyang zer na / (5, fol. 6). Agrees with 5; introduces the summaries by 'dor na or mdor na (in red). Summary, fol. 20b: /lhung bzed .... /bsngos (pa) dang ni gzhag pa'o/ Ends mdor bsdus pa ni// (5, fol. 59).
IOL Tib J 9.1 - Section: 1 [so sor thar pa'i mdo/] (Prātimokṣa-sūtra) Ch. 73. IV. 10, CXLVII. 17 and 28, Pothī; 29 c. x 5.7 c.: foll. 7 (some damaged), 4 numbered, verso, ga, nga, khe, tso (?), 3 unnumbered; ll. 5: dbu-can, two hands. Fol. ga contains the last part of the prefatory stanzas, beginning with the last pāda of stanza 10: @/ /bsgrub pa 'ang shin tu rnyed par dka'/ Fol. ga b begins with prose tshe dang ldan ba dag dpyid rnams las ji tsam 'das pa dang lhag ma lus pa dag go/.... Unnumbered fol. marked A contains the metrical summary (introduced by sdom ni) contained in 5, fol. 26: /lhung bzed gnyis dang tha ga gnyis/ /byin 'phrog.... Unnumbered fol. marked B contains Saṃghāvaśeṣas. Fol. nga b, l. 2: .../tshe dang ldan ba dag bdag chag gso sbyong bgyiste//so sor thar pa'i mdo bstan pa gton gyis /khye chag su la nyes pa yod na 'thol chig//nyes pa myed pa na cang ma smra shig/@/cang myi smra na bdag gis tshe dang ldan ba dag yongs su dag par rig par bgyis te//ji ltar so sor tris nas dge slong gis lan btab pa de bzhin du dge slong gi 'khor 'di lta bur lan gsum gyi bar du bsgrags par bya'o /@/yang dge slong gang ....nyes pa yod la tran bzhin du ma 'thol na /de shes bzhin du brdzun Fol. khe contains a 'general summary': /spyi sdom ni/ /shes bzhin ba dang sa ban dang / /ma bskos pa dang yang yang [dang/] /chu dang khyim dang bsams bzhin dang/ /'drin mang rkun ma mchod ston no/༚/ /sdom ni /༚/ brdzun skyon dge slong phra ma dang/ ..../tshe dang ldan ba dag ltung byed gyi chos dgu bcu po 'di dag ni zla ba phyed phyed cing so sor thar pa'i mdo 'don pa las 'byung ngo//shes bzhin du brdzun smra na lhung byed do/
IOL Tib J 10.1 - Section: 1 [so sor thar pa'i mdo/] (Prātimokṣa-sūtra) Ch. 51. I. 58, Concertina; 23.8 c. x 8 c.: fol. 1; ll. 5: dbu-can. Recto, the four pārājikas: summary introduced by sdom ni Readings as 6: ..../chos bzhi po dag 'dir gsungs so / Verso. Śaikṣa-dharmas. Ends: /myi na bar lag pa na khar ba thogs pa dang /lag pa na gdugs thogs pa dang /lag pa na mtshon thogs pa dang /lag pa na ral gyi thogs pa dang /lag pa na
IOL Tib J 11.1 - Section: 1 [so sor thar pa'i mdo/] (Prātimokṣa-sūtra) Ch. 51. I. 56, Pothī; 36 c. (orig.?) x 8.3 c.: fol. 1, damaged; ll. 6: dbu-can. Contains the conclusion of the Adhikaraṇa-śamatha and the first of the final stanzas.
IOL Tib J 12.1 - Section: 1 [so sor thar pa'i mdo/] (Prātimokṣa-sūtra) Ch. 87. IV. 1, Pothī; 43 c. x 8.3 c.: fol. 1, numbered kha 24; ll. 5: dbu-can. A fragment of the Śaikṣa-dharma. Ends with the rules commented on in 14: .../myi na bar 'greng ste bshang gci myi bya bar bslab par bya'o//myi na bar chu 'i nang du...
IOL Tib J 13.1 - Section: 1 [so sor thar pa'i mdo/] (Prātimokṣa-sūtra) Ch. 73. III. 41, Pothī; 27 c. x 7.5 c.: fol. 1 (damaged), numbered recto right 45; ll. 5: dbu-can. Verso: .../'bru'i chang dang//'bras bu 'i cang myos par 'gyur ba 'thungs na ltung ba'o//yang dge slong gang du […]na bar grong du 'jug la 'khod pa'i dge slong la ma smras na de 'dra ba'i rkyen ma gtogs ste ltung ba'o//mdor na [...]
IOL Tib J 14.1 - Section: 1 [so sor thar pa'i mdo/] (Prātimokṣa-sūtra) Ch. 9. I, frag. 72, Pothī; 46.5 c. x 12 c.: fol. 1; ll. 7: dbu-can. Commentary, Śaikṣa-dharmas (See 12.) Recto, l. 7: /myi na bar lag na gdugs thogs pa la chos myi bshad par bya/]༚/de bzhin du lag na dbyug pa thogs pa la ma yin/mtshon thogs pa dang/ral gyi thogs pa dang/mda' zhu thogs pa dang/go cha gyon pa la chos bshad par myi bya ste/bsel ba ni ma gtogso/]༔/mnyan du yod pa na bsnyen dga' po 'greng bzhin du bshang gci byed pa dang/dad pa'i khyim bdag 'phye ste/ston pa'i nyan tos gzhan ngo tsha shes pa yin na/'di khrel ba dang ngo tsha ba myed de/'greng ste bshang gci byed ces zer ro//de lta bu bcom ldan 'das la gsol nas bslab pa bshad do///myi na bar 'greng ste bshang gci myi bya bar bslab par bya'o//bcom ldan 'das ser skya'i gnas na bzhugs//bsnyen dga' po ldum pa la ..../myi na bar sa phyogs sngon por bshang gci myi bya bar bslab phar bya//thams cad sngoste skabs myed pa ni ma gtogs//mnyandu yod pa na bsnyen dga' pos.... Compare MVyut. 97, Finot 106, J.R.A.S. 1913, ii, p. 413.
IOL Tib J 15.1 - Section: 1 so sor thar pa'i mdo/ (Prātimokṣa-sūtra) phra ti mo ga k+sha su tra/ Ch. XL. a, Concertina; 21 c. x 8.7 c.: foll. 4, verso blank; ll. 7: dbu-can. Beginning of the Sūtra: translation different from 5: thams cad mkhyen pa la phyag 'tshal lo/:/ snyan pa'i ba dan 'jig rten gsum las grags// dam pa'i chos sgra seng ge 'i sgra bsgrags pa'/:/ thams cad mkhyen pa rin chend mdzod./brnyes pa'/:/ zhabs la tshangs dbang gtsug gi nor bus gtugs/:/ fol. 4: ..../dang la bab pa'i yal ba rnams kyang bde/༔/tshe dang ldan ba dag ..../bag yod pas thob bo/༔/ Ends: ....dad pa dang yongs su/
IOL Tib J 16.1 - Section: 1 [so sor thar pa'i mdo/] (Prātimokṣa-sūtra) Ch. 03. 24 (fol. 58), 51. I. 26 (foll. 60-62), Pothī; 38 c. x 7.6 c.: foll. 4, numbered verso ka 58, 60-62: ll. 5; dbu-can; red and black. The text gives (58a-b) the ṭīkā on the prefatory stanzas 8d-9a; explains (60a, l. 2) the meaning of the prefatory stanzas 10-15, and gives a ṭīkā on the stanzas 10-12 (beginning). The Mūla, in red, differs in many instances from 5. Fol. 60a, l. 2: .../de la tshigs su bcad pa drug po 'di dag gis bsdus pa'i don ni rnam pa bdun te/so sor thard pa rnyed dka' ba dang/dkon mchog gsum 'byung ba bde ba dang/dge ba'i bshes gnyen la brten pa bde ba dang/sdig pa'i grogs po spangs pa bde ba dang/dge ba'i bshes gnyen gyi khyad bar la brten pa bde ba dang/thob par bya ba dang/de bsgrub pa bde ba dang/sgrub par byed pa sbyangs pa'i yon tan dang ldan ba bde ba'o//de la *bskal pa bye ba rnamsu yang [note a: Prefatory stanza, no. 10. [note /*zhes bya ba la stsogs pa tshigsu bcad pa gcig gis ni so sor thard pa rnyed dka' ba bstan to/.... Amongst the commentaries on the Prātimokṣa-sūtra are the Prātimokṣa-sūtra-paddhati (Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, LXXIII-LXXIV), the Prātimokṣa-sūtra-ṭīkā (LXXV-LXXVI).
IOL Tib J 17.1 - Section: 1 [so sor thar pa'i mdo/] (Prātimokṣa-sūtra) Ch. 51. I. 47, 9. I., frag. 10, Pothī; 38.3 c. x 7.6 c.: foll. 3, two badly damaged and one numbered ka 42 (in red); ll. 5: dbu-can; red and black. Foll. [41]-42: The fifth Saṃghāvaśeṣa (the 8th in Finot_1913: p. 481). Begins: [//gis]rnam grangs du mas smad nas//'dul ba las bslab pa bcas so//gleng gzhi ni rgyal po'i khab/gang zag ni sa can dang mdza' bo//nyon mo[ng]s pa ni myi bzod pa//nyes pa ni skur //_//*yang dge slong gang zhe sdang can zhig khros nas/gnod par byed de ji nas kyang 'di tshang par spyod pa dang dbral lo snyam nas ....dge slong yang zhe stang la gnas pa zhig pas/khros te smras so zhe na dge 'dun lhag ma'o//* = 5, fol. 10 (with the reading ci nas kyang...) Ends: las dang po pa la stsogs pa la nyes myed do//myi yin ba//spyad bzod pa/gzhan yin ba/sngar ma 'dus pa/'dus par 'gyur pa'o//lhag ma lnga pa rdzogs s+ho/ Ch. 9. I, frag. 10 contains the end of the 11th and beginning of the 12th Saṃghāvaśeṣa. ...bdag cag kyang dad cing bzod do zhes pa ni/dad pa ni thog ma rtsom ba'i tshe'o/bzod pa ni phyis kyang myi gtong ba'o//ma smra shig ces bya ba ni tshig gi lam bkag pa'o//gzhan[....]re ma smos so///lhag ma bcu gcig pa rdzogs so///sangs rgyas bcom ldan 'das mnyan du yod pa 'dze ta'i tshal na bzhugs/so/de'i tshe yul srin bu ri zhes bya ba na/[....]na bso po dang/yul ngur ka dmar gyi dge slong rnams 'khod de khyim sun 'byin pa_dang//sdig pa'i chos kun_du spyod do//de dag kyang bud med dang steg/....glu len /gar byed/.... The relation of this text to the Sūtra-vibhaṅga may be ascertained by aid of the quotation of the Ḥdul-ba, VI. 13b. Ḥdul-ba, VI. 13b: ...las dang po dang/smyos pa dang/sems 'khrugs pa dang/tshor ba dag gis nyen ba la lhung ba med do/rjes su phyogs pa'i dge 'dun lhag ma ste bcu gcig pa rdzogs so/ /sangs rgyas bcom ldan 'das mnyan yod na rgyal byed kyi tshal mgon med zas sbyin gyi kun dga' ra ba na bzhugs so/de'e tshe na re lde ri la dge slong 'gro mgyogs dang/nab so gnyis dang/dge slong dmar ser can khyim sun 'byin pa/sdig pa'i chos kun du spyod pa dag 'khod do//de dag bud med kyi yul dang lhan cig tho 'tsam par byed/kun tu rtse bar byed/kun tu ca co 'don par byed/rgod pa dang/dregs pa dang/lus sgyur bar byed/....glu len par byed/glu len du 'jud par byed/
IOL Tib J 18.1 - Section: 1 [so sor thar pa'i mdo/] (Prātimokṣa-sūtra) Ch. 73. VIII. 7a, Pothī; 44 c. x 9.5 c.: foll. 2, numbered nga 49 and 52; ll. 5: dbu-can; black and red. Fol. 49, Commentary on the final stanza 12: ...devadeva puruṣadamyasārathi. Fol. 52. Commentary on the final stanza 15: ārabhadhvaṃ niṣkrāmata... Fol. 52a, l. 3: /mthong ba 'i lam bskyed pa zhes bya ba ni//*sangs rgyas bstan la 'jug par bya//*zhes bya ba yin te/de ltar rab du byung bas myi tshog gi//sangs rgyas kyi bstan pa 'phags pa 'i bden ba rnams la 'jug cing mthong ba'i lam bskyed nas mthong bas spang bar bya ba 'i nyon mongs pa rnams spongs shig pa 'o//bsgom ba 'i lam bskyed pa zhes bya ba ni// * 'dam bu 'i khyim la glang chen bzhin//'chi bdag sde rnams gzhom par bya //* zhes bya ba yin te ji ltar glang po ches 'dam bu(52b)'i khyim brdzes na rdul du bshig ste/myed par byed pa de bzhin du mthong ba 'i lam kyi gong du bsgom ba 'i lam bskyed nas/....
IOL Tib J 19.1 - Section: 1 [so sor thar pa'i mdo/] Prātimokṣa-sūtra Ch. IX, frag. 13, Pothī; 59.5 c. x 7.5 c.: fol. 1, numbered kha 49; ll. 4: dbu-can and dbu-med; red and black. End of the Adhikaraṇa-śamatha (5, fol. 59). Fol. 49b, l. 1: ...*rtsod pa byung bar gyurd pa rnams *rtsod pa bzhi 'byung bar 'gyurd pa'o//*rtsod pa zhi bar bya ba'i chos bdun po 'di dag chos dang 'dul ba dang /stond pa'i bstan pa bzhin du 'dul bar bya zhi bar bya'/rnam par zhi bar bya'o//*de la chos ni mthong ba dang thos pa dang dogs pa dang ldan pa'o//'dul ba ni lnga ste dus la bab par bsgo ba dang/rigs par bsgo ba dang /don dang bcas par bsgo ba dang gnyen ba'i tshul gyis bsgo ba_dang/mdza' ba'i tshul gyis bsgo ba'o//.....*tshe dang ldan ba dag bdag gis rtsod pa zhi bar bya ba'i chos bdun po dag bshad zind to/de la bdag gis tshe dang ldan ba dag la ci 'di na yongs su dag par gnas mi zhes dri'o/....* Compare Finot_1913: p. 538.
IOL Tib J 20.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 9. I, frag. 39, Pothī; 33 c. (originally 45 c.?) x 9 c.: foll 1, damaged; ll. 5: dbu-can. Fragment of a Karma-vācana. Begins [ ]dngos po myed par 'gyur te /myed pa'o /bsrubs pa'o/ltung ba'o/phas pham ba ste/dge sbyong par dbyung du myed do/de las khyod kyis deng phan chad mi spyod pa dang /myi 'jug pa dang /myi spyod par dge ba la [....]/ci gnas 'di lta bu la myi spyod dam/des myi spyod do zhes smros shig //tshe dang ldan ba mying 'di zhes bya ba bcom ldan 'das kyis brdzun du smra ba ni [note a: brdzun...ni inserted below line. [note gzhung du ma las kyang rnam par spangs te/brdzun [....]kyis /deng phan chad tshe dang ldan ba mying 'di zhes bya ba khyod kyis/chung du na rtsed mo'i phyir yang shes bzhin ba'i brdzun myi smra bar bya na'/myed la kun myed bzhin [....]bcom ldan 'das yang dag par gshegs pa dgra bcom ba g.yung drung rdzogs pa'i sangs rgyas gyis mkhyen cing gzigs nas/bka' stsal pa/yang dge slong myi shes kun myi
IOL Tib J 21.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 9, I, frag. 56, Pothī; 22 c. (originally?) x 9 c.: fol. 1, badly damaged, numbered kha...; ll. 5: dbu-can. On pātra?
IOL Tib J 22.1 - Section: 1 Ch. CXLVII. 22, Pothī; 21 c. (originally?) x 9.3 c.: fol. 1, badly damaged; ll. 6: dbu-can. Etymology of the word Prātimokṣa.
IOL Tib J 23.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 51. I. 33, Pothī; 31 c. x 7.5 c.: fol. 1; ll. 8 recto, 3 verso: dbu-can. A fragment. The first Council and the seven aspects of the Vinaya-aṅga. Begins: /de la ston pa 'jig rten na bzhugs pa'i tshe na ni 'dul ba la stsogs pa myi bri bar bsdu ste/'dzin pas so sor bskos sO//bcom ldan 'da's mye[sic] ngan las 'das kar tshe dang/ldan ba 'od srungs chen po la/'dul ba dang/mdo sde dang ma mo rnams sdus shig ces bka' [note a: 'a inserted over ka [note stsal nas//mye ngan las 'das nas//ring zhig du ma bsdus pa dang/gnas gtsang ma'i lha rnams kyis/'phya ba thos zhes kyang 'chad do//bskul zhes kyang 'chad do//de nas 'od srungs chen pos... Ends: /de la 'dul ba'i yan lag ni rnam pa bdun gyis bstan te/gling[sic, for gleng] gzhi dang/bcas pa dang/rjes su bcas pa dang/lci ba dang/yang ba dang/dgag pa dang/gnang ba'o// 'When the Master was living, the Vinaya, &c., was not written, but committed to memory by everyone (?). But according to the word of Buddha: "O Āyuṣman Kāṣyapa, after my Nirvāna, you must compile Vinaya, Sūtra and Mātṛkās"....'
IOL Tib J 24.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 03. 35, Pothī; 31.5 c. x 8 c.: foll. 2, numbered verso ka 2 and 4; ll. 55: dbu-can. Prātimokṣa topics. A treatise. A kind of 'Nidāna-pudgala-samgraha' (see Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, XC. 5, Cordier_1909_1915: p. 412); looks like extracts from Commentaries on the Prātimokṣa-sūtra (compare 17). The preface makes reference to the Vinaya-vibhaṅga and to the Vinayavastu, and states that the present work gives nidāna or each point (śīla-vastu) and every specification thereof. Incomplete. Begins: @/:/myi dang /skye bo mang po la rgya che rab du 'chad cing gsungs pa'o//'di rnams so so 'i bshad pa zhib du ni 'dul ba rnam par 'byed pa la stsogs pa'//'dul ba sde bzhi las rgya cher 'byung ste /der blta bar bya'o//skabs 'dir ni/khrims kyi dngos po so so'i gleng zhi dang /yan lag dus nyams par gyur pa'i lci yang dang/nges pa'i tshig mdo tsam du bshad na/:/phas pham ba'i chos bzhi la//myi tshangs par spyod pa'i gleng gzhi'i yul ni bri zi/gang zag ni bzang sbyin/nyon mongs pa ni 'dod cags /nyes pa ni 'khrig pA /dngos po ni pho dang mo//yan lag bzhis pham ste/spyad bzod pa ma nyams pa nor bu 'das pa dga' bar tshor ba'o//'di rnams gcig dang ma ldan na spom po'o/:/ma byin par len pa'i gleng zhi la/yul ni rgyal po'i khab/gang zag ni nor can.... Fol. 4 deals with the Saṃghāvaśeṣas: @/:/phyi'i sems can du 'grang ba'o//'dzin pa'i gleng gzhi la/yul ni mnyam du yod pA//gang zag ni char ba/nyon mongs pa ni 'dod chags/nyes pa ni reg pa/dngos po ni pho dang mo/yan lag drug dang ldan na lhag mar gyur te/spyad bzod pa reg pa dgA bar tshor ba ma g.yos ma nyams pa /'khrigs pa'i 'dod chags//'khrig tshig gyi gleng zhi la//yul ni mnyan du yod pa/gang zag ni char ba/nyon mongs pa ni 'dod chags//nyes pa ni 'khrig tshig/dngos ni pho dang mo//yan lag bzhi dang ldan na lhag mar gyur te/spyad bzod pa/myi'i bud med legs nyes kyi don go ba 'khrig pa'i tshig/'khrig pa'i tshig du smras pa'o/:/kun spyod kyi gleng zhi la/yul ni mnyan du yod pA//gang zag ni char ba/....smyan byed pa'i gleng zhi la//yul ni mnyan du yod pa/gang zag ni drug sde /nyon mongs pa ni rtsod pa/....khang pa tshad las 'das pa'i gleng zhi la//yul ni mnyan du yod pa/gang zag ni dge slong mang
IOL Tib J 25.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 51. I. 46, and 77. XV. 3-4, Pothī; 37 c. x 7 c.: foll. 8, two badly damaged; ll. and 5: dbu-can. Prātimokṣa topics. Incomplete both ends. A treatise. Compare the preceding. Contains explanation of the Śaikṣa rules, beginning with kraya-vikraya (buying and selling, MVyut., 260. 23) pātra-dhāraṇa (adhika-pātra).... Fol.1a, l. 4: 'thag pa 'og ma ni yul shi ra ba sti na'//u pa nan 'das khyim bdag pho mo la /chos byang grol bar bshad nas//dad de khrims lnga lnga bzung /gos shig kyang byin bar byas te //tha ga pa la bcol pa bram mos sbran te //thos nas rgyal po zhig gis mchod ston byas pa las/so rtsi khyer te /tha ga pa la byan nas//'di nga'i yon kyis che zhing bzang por gyis shig //ces thabs bstan nas//khyim bdag las bsngu[?]n ba tshol te //snam bu bzang zhing ched po zhig 'thags pa dang /u pa nan tas/la myi sbyin no zhes nan than thos pa las//thabs kyis chos bshad de //snam bu nga'i /par [?ng]du bor cig ces byas nas//rngan gla yang ma byin par /sbyin pa'i tshigs bshad byas te //khyer ba las bcas/rtsis mgo bzhi ste //tha ga pa la thabs kyis kyang bstan //yon bdag las snon ba 'ang bslangs//yon bdag nyid kyis kyang ma byin //lag du 'ang thob pa'o/༔// sbyon phrog ni mnyan du yod pa na'//.... Fol. 8a, l. 3: nyes byaso/༔༔/nyo tshong ni mnyan du yod pa na'/drug sdes tshong dang /kha spogs shid ga byed de //yul yan man du byung ba las bcas//rtsis mgo gsum ste /zong yin //spogs kyang byas//spogs nye lag du yang thob pa'o//dge 'dun dang /yon bdag dang /yo byad dang zas kyi phyir /'tshong byed na'//dge bsnyen dag la byed du gzhug//bdag gis bya'/dgos pa zhig na'//bdag ma rgyal bar byas la/dad pa lan gsum dris te /dad na bya'o//lhag ma dang khyad par ni /gser dngul 'ba' zhig du ma zad de //nor rdzas dang phyug zan dang /myi dag /tshong byas pa dang /lam ring du spogs byas pa'o//bshad pa gzhan ni zong dang nyo tsong /'dra'o/༔༔/lhag pa'i lhung bzed ni mnyan du yod pa na'/u pa nan tas/....
IOL Tib J 26.1 - Section: 1 'dul-ba (Vinaya) Ch. 73. VII. 18, Pothī; 32 c. x 8.7 c.: foll. 8, numbered 1-8; ll. 6: dbu-can. Miscellaneous abstracts. l. Adhikaraṇa-śamatha (from the Vibhaṅga, &c.). ll. Ecclesiastical history—Sects. l. Begins: rtsod pa bzhi[=zhi] las gsum ni so so gleng gzhi[=gzhi] rnam par 'byed pa la stsogs pa dag gi nang nas//ci skad 'byung bar zad /de rnams kyi thog mar myi 'thun bar smra ba'i rtsod pa byung ste/_/de yang bcom sdan 'das ser skya 'i gnas nya gro da 'i tshal na bzhugs te// Mention of the King Śuddhodana and the Śākya Mahānāman follows. Fol. 4b, l. 3—5a, l. 2: ...'di rnams lta bur rtsod pa la zhi bar bya ba 'i chos bdun te/'dir brjod par bya'o//mdor na/mngon sum dran ba ma myos pa//de bzhin gag mang ngo bo nyid//rtswa rnams bkram ba lta bu dang/khas blang bar bya ba yang bya ba 'o//mngon sum du 'dul bar 'os pa la mngon sum sdu [sic]'dul ba sbyin no //dran bas 'dul bar 'os pa la ....gang khas blang bar lta bur 'os pa la khas blang bar bya 'o//_// ll. Ecclesiastical history—Sects. Fol. 5a, ll. 2-3: //@//sde pa bco rgyad ci ltar gyes pa slob dpon dbyig nyen [note a: Vasubandhu. [note gyis mdzad pa 'i bstan bcos chos brgyad ces bya ba [note b: See Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, xc. 11, p. 414. [note /rgyal bzhugs pa 'i 'grel pa/rgya 'i slobs dpon nam kwang pab shis [note c: A Chinese Ācārya. [note byas pa las // History of the division of the Church into 18 sects from the treatise Aṣṭa-dharmaka (?) by the Ācārya Vasubandhu and the Jināvatāra-vṛtti (?) by the Chinese Ācārya Nam Kvaṅ-pab-śi. Begins fol. 5a, l. 3: rtsod pa 'i gtan tshigs 'di skad du byung sto//sangs rgyas mya ngan las 'das pa 'i 'og du /lo brgya lag tsam zhig lon pa dang//rgyal po 'i khab ces bya ba na/tshong pa zhig gis rigs mnyam ba las chung ma blangs te//de dang rtse dga' yongs su spyod pa las/bu khye 'u zhig btsabs nas//mying yang lha chen po zhes btags so// ...Incest and parricide of Mahādeva... Ends with the genealogy of the sects; and mention of the sources, the Samaya-śāstra-darśana-samgraha (gźuṅ-lugs-kyi-bstan-bcos-lta-ba-bsdus-pa) of Vinīta-deva, and the Vinaya-kṣudraka. Ends fol. 8b, l. 6: /sde bco brgyad kyi mying btags pa de yang yul dang /don dang slobs dpon gyi dbye bas rnam pa bco brgyad du bshad do zhes 'byung ste/lha ched po la stsogs pa rtsod pa 'i rtsa ba ci las gyur pa ni myi 'byung//so sor thar pII gleng zhi 'di bshad pa 'i skabs su gtan tshigs mdo tsam zhig bris te/zhib du 'dul ba phra mo las 'byung ba bzhin sbyor chig/////༚//༚//
IOL Tib J 27.1 - Section: 1 thams cad yod par smra ba'i rtsa ba'i dge slong ma'i so sor thar pa'i mdo/ (Mūlasarvāstivādi-bhikṣuṇī-prātimokṣa-sūtra) Ch. CXLVll. 30, Pothī; 19 c. (originally?) x 9.1 c.: fol 1, badly damaged; ll. 6: dbu-can. End of the Tibetan title in red. Etymology of the word Prātimokṣa. Verso, l. 1: ...pa'i rnam pa las 'dis shin tu thar par byed pa[....]thar pa'o//kha cig na ro[....]yur ba'o//thar pa zhes bya ba ni las dang nyon mong[s dang]/tshe'i kun nas nyon mo[ngs......ku]n nas nyon mongs pa rnams las thar cing mya ngan las 'da's 'thob pa[.....]'di'i mying so sor thar pa zhes bstan pa ni myi rigs so//smras pa de ya[ng.....]gyur te/des nyon mongs pa dang/las dang/tshe'i kun nas nyon mongs spangs shi[ng....
IOL Tib J 28.1 - Section: 1 [so sor thar ba'i] (Prātimokṣa) Ch. CLXVll. 7, Concertina; 13. 6 c. x 7.7 c.: foll. 2; ll. 5: dbu-can, several hands. Begins, fol. 1a-b: pa 'am//rba 'i khab ral byed du bcug na ltung ba'o//dge slong dge 'du gyi khri 'am khru'u byed na rkang pa' bu gar zhugs pa ma gtogs par//bde bar gsegs pa'i sor brgyad du gyis shig de las lhag par byas na' bcad nas ltung ba'o//yang dge slong gang dge 'dun[Fol.1b.]'tshal ba dang mchod pa ston to//de la sangs rgyas ni nyon mongs pa dang shes bya'i bsgrib pa byang nas bsod nams ye shes kyi tshogs chen pos rgyas pa la bya'o/sras rnams la thugs las skyes pa'i byang chub sems dpa' dang /gsung las skyes pa nyan thos Fol. 2a. Prātimokṣa. Pratideśanīya-dharmas. Fol 2b, l. 2: ...a tsa rgya [note a: = ācārya? [note dpal gyi seng 'ge la stsogs pa dge slong dpal gyi chos nyid dang/chos gyi don grub la stsogs pa dge 'dun nyi shu lhag tsam zhig snyan pa rdzogso// A=ācārya?
IOL Tib J 29.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa thams cad yod par smra ba'i rtsa ba'i dge slong ma'i so sor thar pa'i mdo'i 'grel pA/ (Ārya - mūla - sarvāstivādi - bhikṣuṇī - prātimokṣa - sūtra - vṛtti) Ch. 73. Vlll. 6a and Vlll. 7, Pothī; 44.8 c. x 9.3. c.: foll.35, some damaged; ll.5: dbu-can, black and red. Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, LXXLX. 1-192, Cordier_1909_1915: p. 404. Mūla, Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Ḥdul-ba, Csoma_1836: IX. 1-36, Beckh_1914: X. 1-36. fol. 27, l. 1: ...sangs rgyas dang/byang chub sems dpa' dang/'phags pa[....]s thams cad la phyag 'tshal lo//so sor thar pa'i mdo 'di 'chad par 'dod pas/thog mar kho nar nyan thos kyi sde snod gsum dang po sus gang du bsdus pa'i gtan tshigs dang/[...g]sung rab gcu gnyis gang du bsdu bar bya ba dang/sde snod gang du gtogs pa dang/sde pa gang gi gzhung yin ba dang/dgos pa las stsogs pa dang/nges pa'i tshig gi don dang /[....]nyid bstan pa dang bdun brjod par byaste/de dag gi don gsung rab dang/bstan chos dang slob pon las brgyud de thos pa mdo tsham zhig bshad par bya'o// Homage to all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Ārya[ ].—With a desire to explain this Prātimokṣa-sūtra, one has just to state by whom and where the three Baskets of the Śrāvakas were collected, to which part of the Scripture belongs the Prātimokṣa.... There follows the history of the Councils (ma-mo = chos mṅon-paḥi-sde-snod); the genealogy of the twenty-two schools, amongst them the Mūlasarvāstivāda...; the localization of the Prātimokṣa-sūtra, why it is Vinaya, why it is Sūtra. There is a gap after fol. 4 (which contains the beginning of the commentary on the prefatory stanzas). There are 17 foll. dealing with the Pārājikas, 5 foll. dealing with the Naiḥsargikas, 4 with the Śaikṣadharmas. Incomplete and defective.
IOL Tib J 30.1 - Section: 1 ['phags pa thams cad yod par smra ba'i rtsa ba'i dge slong ma'i so sor thar pa'i mdo'i 'grel pA/] (Ārya - mūla - sarvāstivādi - bhikṣuṇī - prātimokṣa - sūtra - vṛtti) Ch. 9. I. 13a, Pothī; 44.8 c. x 9.3 c.: foll. 40, numbered ka 61-100; ll. 5: dbu-can: red and black. Incomplete at beginning and end. Begins: @/:/'di man cad ni bsdus pa'i don rnam pa brgyad du bstan pa las gnyis pa ste /bslab pa'i dngos po rnams bstan pa zhes bya ba ston to //'di la yang rnam pa gnyis su dbye ste/ltung ba'i dngos po rnams bstan pa dang /rtsod pa'i gnyen po rnams bstan pa'o /:/de la ltung ba'i dngos po rnams bstan pa zhes bya ba ni/phas pham ba brgyad nas bslab pa'i chos mang po rnams rdzogs pa'i bar du 'o /rtsod pa'i gnyen po rnams bstan pa zhes bya ba ni /zhi bar bya ba'i chos bdun po rnams so//de la ltung ba'i dngos po bstan pa yang /ltung ba sde lngar dbye ste /ltung ba sde lnga gang zhe na /phas pham ba dang /dge 'dun lhag ma dang /ltung ba dang /so sor bshags pa dang /nyes byas kyi sde rnams so//de la phas pham ba'i sde zhes bya ba ni phas pham ba brgyad po rnams so//dge 'dun lhag ma 'i sde zhes bya ba ni dge 'dun lhag ma'i chos nyi shu po rnams so//ltung ba'i sde zhes bya ba ni spang ba'i ltung ba'i chos sum cu rtsa gsum dang /ltung ba brgya' brgyad cu po rnams so/so sor bshags par bya ba'i sde zhes bya ba ni so sor bshags par bya ba'i chos bcu gcig po rnams so//nyes byas sde zhes bya ba ni bslab pa'i chos mang po rnams so//'dir phas pham pa'i sde rnams sngar bstan pa'i phyir // *mdor bstan pa ni // myi tshangs spyod dang ma byin len pa dang / /myi gsod myi chos bla mar gyur smra dang / /ri dags dgra'i bu dang spos 'tshod khye'u / /mdza can ma dang gre la[s] skyes[ma'o]//* zhes bya ba gsungs so//tshigs su bcad pa 'di ni phas pham ba brgyad po rnams kyi bsdus pa'i don te// Pārājika i ends fol. 74b; ii, 76b; iii, 83b; iv, 88a; v, 90a; vi, 92b; vii, 94b; viii (the last), 100a (grel-skyes-źes-bya-ba-ni...) Pārājika v begins fol. 88a, l. 5: ri dags dgra 'i bu zhes bya ba ni sangs rgyas bcom ldan 'das mnyan du yod pa na bzhugs so//de'i tshe dge slong ma rnams ri dags dgra 'i bu 'i sa g+nga' gi khang pa na gnas shing 'khod do //de yang nyin cig bzhin du phyag 'tshal du 'ong ste /gzugs bzang ba lta na sdug pa zhig ste /gtsug dga' mos mthong ste... Compare Vinaya iv, p. 211, Sāḷha, Cūḍānandā. The heroes of Pārājika vi are the Young Perfumer and Sthūlanandā (Sbom-dgaḥ, Thullanandā). The last lines of the Mūla: 'O Ārya women, I have explained the eight Pārājika-dharmas. The Bhikṣuṇī who has committed one of these sins is pārājikā afterwards as before (yathā pūrvaṃ tathā paścāt); she must not live with the Bhikṣuṇīs, have intercourse with them'. The commentary on these lines follows, incomplete, in spaced characters, as if these were supplementary folios to fill up a gap in an older MS. Fol. 68b, l. 2, reference to the Yogacaryā-bhūmi-vyākhyā-saṃgraha (rnal-ḥbyor-spyod-paḥi-sa-la-rnam-par-bśad-pa-bsdus-pa-las ). The identification of this text is somewhat doubtful. It is not a part of the Vibhaṅga. It is a commentary on the Bhikṣuṇī-prātimokṣa. But this Prātimokṣa has a different wording for the Summaries, which are written in lines of seven syllables: dge slong ma'i so sor thar pa'i mdoBhikkṣuṇī-Prātimokṣa-sūtra (Cambridge, Ḥdul-ba. IX. 3. b. 3.) //sdom la/ mi tsangs spyod dang rku ba dang/ /mi gsod brdzun du smra ba dang/ /sa ga'i bu dang spos 'tshod khre'u/ /mdza' mo dang ni gre skyes pa'o/ /'phags ma dag pham par 'gyur ba'i chos brgyad po 'di dag ni zla ba phyed phyed cing so sor thar pa'i mdo gdon pa las 'byung ngo/ MS. 32 contains another commentary on the Prātimokṣa, shorter, with the same Summaries as the present.
IOL Tib J 31.1 - Section: 1 dge slong ma'i so sor thar pa'i mdo'i 'grel pA (Bhikṣuṇī-prātimokṣa-sūtra-vṛtti) Ch. 9. I. 13b and CXLVll. 10, 26, Pothī: 44.8 c. x 9.3 c.: foll. 12 and a fragment; ll. 6: dbu-can, red and black. The eight Pārājikas. Begins: 'dir pas pham ba'i sde rnams sngar bstan pa'i phyir//*mdor bstan pa ni/* */myi tshangs spyod dang ma byin len pa dang/ myi gsod...* zhes bya ba gsungs so//tshigs su bcad pa 'di ni phas pham ba brgyad po rnams kyi bsdus pa'i don te// Agrees with 30. Incomplete and defective. Compare 32.
IOL Tib J 32.1 - Section: 1 phags pa thams cad yod par smra ba'i rtsa ba'i dge slong ma'i so sor thar pa'i mdo'i 'grel pa/ (Ārya - mūla - sarvāstivādi - bhikṣuṇī - prātimokṣa - sūtra - vṛtti) Ch. 9. I, frag. 18, Pothī; 52.5 c. x 6.8 c.: fol. 1, numbered ka 51; ll. 5: dbu-can, red-and black. Not the same text as the two preceding-seems to be a shorter recension. Begins: 'di man cad ni bslab pa'i dngos po rnams ston te //'dir ni re shig phas pham ba brgyad bstan par bya ba'i phyir// * mdor bstan/pa ni/ /myi tshangs spyod dang ma byin len pa dang/ /myi gsod myi chos bla mar gyurd smra dang/ /ri dags dgra'i bu dang spos 'tshong khye'u/ /mdza can ma dang gre la skyes ma'o//* zhes bya ba smos te//'di ltar mdor bsdus te bstan pa ni phas pham ba brgyad las mang nyung du bskyed cing dbrir dogs pa dang/'og nas 'byung ba'i don rnams bde blag du khong du chud par bya ba'i phyir ro//sangs rgyas bcom ldan 'das rgyal po'i khab na bzhugs//de'i tshe na ser skya bzang mo snga dro sham thabs dang chos gos bgos/lhung bzed thogs nas rgyal po'i khab du bsod snyoms la' zhugs pa las//ma skyes dgra 'i blon pos ser skya bzang mo gzugs bzang ba blta na sdug pa mdzes par mthong ngo//de mthong nas 'dis ni rgyal po'i mya ngan 'dul bar nus so zhes smras nas/chos gos phrogs te gos dkar po bskon nas /rgyal po ma skyes dgra'i btsun mo'i nang du bzhag go//rgyal pos bzang mo de'i gzugs mthong ma thag du 'dod chags kyis gzir te /
IOL Tib J 33.1 - Section: 1 dge slong ma'i so sor thar pa'i mdo'i 'grel pA. / (Bhikṣuṇī-prātimokṣā-sūtra-vṛtti) (?) Ch. 79. XII. 1, Pothī; 22 c. x 7.6 c.: fol. 1, numbered 9; ll. 5: dbu-can. The eighth Pārājika. dge slong pha spangs pA'i rjes su phyogs shes bya ba ni/yul gyi gleng gzhi ni mnyan du yod pa/gang zag gi gleng gzhi ni dge slong gre las skyes dang/sbom dga' mo ste//de yang ji ltar bcas she na gre las skyes dang/sbom dga' mo gnyis ma 'os par mdza' ba zhing gcig gis gcig kha 'dzin cing/ma 'os par mdza' ba las/dge slong gzhan 'phya bar gyur nas/snyan du gdas te bcas so//dge slong pha spangs pa rjes su phyogs pa'i yan lag rnam pa brgyad do//dge slong pha yin ba dang/dge 'dun gyis de bskrad pa dang/dge slong mas kyang de la phyag myi bya ba'i sdom pa bcas pa yin pa dang/der 'du shes yod pa dang/de dge 'dun la dbyung ba slong 'dod pa dang/dbyungs ba ma slong shig ces bzlog pa dang/de dge 'dun gyis de ma zer cig ces bzlog pa dang//de ma log pa dang/las gsum gyi tshig rdzogs pa dang brgyad do//
IOL Tib J 34.1 - Section: 1 Author: Guṇaprabha ['dul ba'i mdo/] (Vinaya-sūtra) Ch. 9. I, frag. 71, Pothī; 46.3 c. x 12 c.: fol. 1; ll. 7: dbu-can; red and black. A commentary. Guṇaprabha (Yon-tan-ḥod) is the author of the Vinaya-sūtra (Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, LXXXll. 1-109, Cordier_1909_1915: p. 406; Commentaries, LXXXlll-LXXXVlll). Begins: slob dpon yon tan 'od kyis 'dul ba'i mdo zhes bya ba'i gtsug lag mdzad pa'i thog mar *gtogs pa nges par theg pa'i tsul/*zhes smos pa 'dis 'og nas 'byung ba'i mdo thams chad la sbyor te /de la gtam 'am tshig tha mal pa yang bsnyad pa dang /dgos 'brel myed na thog ma nas rtog cing 'jug pa'i rnams myi nyan na gtsug lag dang /rab du bya ba la rnam pa 'di bzhi myed du myi rung ba lta ji smos te//de lta bas na bsnyad pa myed par dogs pa dang/don myed par dogs pa dang /thabs myed par dogs pa dang /dgos pa'i yang dgos pa myed par dgos pa /myed par dogs pa rnams bsal ba'i phyir rnam pa 'di bzhi kha cig ni mngon du /kha cig ni brgyud nas smra ba yin no//de la chos 'di pa rnams kyi 'dul ba thams chad kyi bslab pa sdom ba'i dngos po bdun gyi tsul khrims tsul zhes smos pa 'di bsnyad pa yin no/bcom ldan 'das kyis gsungs pa'i tsul khrims rang bzhin gyi kha na ma tho ba bzlog pa ni 'di dang 'di 'o/bcas pa'i kha na ma tho ba bzlog pa ni 'di dang 'di'o zhes rgyas par ston pa ni dgos pa'o//rnam pa de gnyis kyi tsul khrims mdo 'di las smos pa rnams kyis go bar ston pa ni thabs dang thabs kyi 'am bya ba dang byed par 'brel pa'o//nges par theg pa zhes smos pa ni dgos pa'i yang dgos par ston pa yin te/de la bsnyad pa dang dgos pa'i yang dgos pa gnyis ni tsul dang nges par theg pa zhes mngon du bstan to//.... ..../de la yang glan ka pas bya ba tsul khrims bstan par dgos pa'i phyir 'dul ba' mdo 'di rtsom mo zhe na /tsul khrims bstan pa ni rnam par 'byed pa la stsogs pa'i gzhung gis kyang rgyas par bstan na /khyod kyis mdo brtsam ba 'di jir dgos shes pa'i lan du /....
IOL Tib J 35.1 - Section: 1 thams cad yod par smra ba 'i rnams gyi dge tshul gyi [tshig le]'ur byas pa/ (Ārya-mūlasarvāstivādi-śrāmaṇera-kārikā) sa rba stir ba di nan shra ma ne ka ri ka Ch. 73. Xlll. e, Pothī; 13.5 c. x 10.2 c.; fol. 1; ll. 7: dbu-can. Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, XC. 1, foll. 1-5, Cordier_1909_1915: p. 411. Begins: mgon po thams cad mkhyen dang chos/ /'phags pa'i tshogs la phyag 'tshal te/ /dge tshul gyi ni cho ga rnams mdo tsam nges par bshad par bya/ /shag kya seng ges bstan pa la/ /dad pas rab du byung nas ni... 'Having paid homage to the Protector Omniscient, to the Law, to the holy congregation, I have to explain briefly the rites (vidhi) of a novice. Having left the world out of faith in the teaching of the lion of the Śākyas...'
IOL Tib J 36.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa thams cad yod par smra ba 'i dge tshul gyi bya ba'o/ (Ārya-sarvāstivāda-śrāmaṇera-kārikā) a rya sa rba sti ba shra ma ne ra gA ri ka/ Vol. 55, 4, Pothī; 42 c. x 8.5 c.: fol. 1. numbered ka 1; ll. 6: dbu-can, with dbu-med interlinear glosses. Titles and begnning.
IOL Tib J 37.1 - Section: 1 thams cad yod par smra ba rnams kyi dge tshul gyi bya ba'o/ (Sarvāstivādināṃ śrāmaṇera-karaṇa) Ch. 2. D, Pothī; 46.5 c. x 12 c.: fol. 1; ll. 4: dbu-can. (Sarvāstivādi-śrāmanera-karaṇa, Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, XC. 3, foll. 35-134, Cordier_1909_1915: p. 411. Begins with the stanzas of 35: thams cad yod par smra ba rnams kyi dge tshul gyi bya ba'o [note a: 35 has the Sanskrit title; ...dge tsul gyi [tshig le ]'ur byas pa [note // mgon po thams chad mkhyen dang chos/ /'phags pa'i tshogs la phyag 'tsal [note b: 35, 'tshal [note te/ /dge tsul [note c: 35, dge tshul [note gyi ni cho ga rnams/ /mdo tsam nges par bshad par bya/1 /shag [note d: 35, shak [note kya seng ge'i bstand pa la/ /dad pas rab du byung nas ni/ /brtul zhugs brtan ba [note e: 35, bas [note rab bsgrims te/ /bdag gi lus bzhin bslab pa bsrung/2 /nam gyi cha stod [note f: 35, nam gyi [ ]smad ma la [note mal nas langs/ /nam nangs bar du kha ton bya/ /gdong dang so'i dri bkrus nas/ /rdzogs sangs rgyas la gus phyag bya /3 /bla ma gnas pa'i sgo glegs la/ /lag pas dal gyis brdung bar bya/ /nang zhugs [note g: 35. ends with nang zhu [note gus par bla ma la/ /khams bde myi bde la stsogs dri/4 /de dag bya zhes dris nas ni/ /dkyil 'khor la stsogs rnams byas la'/ /nya phyis la stsogs chu brtag ste/ /steng dang bar gtan rims bzhin no/5 /nya phyis la stsogs myed na 'ang/ /skyor ba 'dab ma bum pa bkang/ /chu'i skye bo che chung rnams/ /yun myi ring bar nan tan blta/6 /snying rje can gyi khu ba rnams/ /rab du brtags te spyad par bya/ /srog chags yod na legs par btsag/ /srog chags yod na legs par rnams la gnod myi bya/7 /rtswa dang lci ba shing la stsogs/ /dgos pa gang dang gang yang rung / /de dag srog chags myed par bya/ /sdom pas srog chags gsad par bsrung /8 /stan chu sa dang so shing dang / /'dag pa'i chal kyang sta gon bya / /lhung bzed bkru la stsogs pa dang / /bla ma'i dgos pa thams cad bya /9 /de nas dus rig phyag bya ste/ /de bzhin gus par thal sbyar nas/ /zas bza' bya zhes bla ma la/ /brtul zhugs can gyis de ltar zhu/10 /lag pa bkrus nas tsul bzhin du/ /de ni myi smra tshod rig par/ /bru ba'i nad las bzlog pa'i phyir/ /bza'o snyam ba'i sems kyis bza'/11 /zos shing de bzhin 'thungs pa dang/ /drung ba'i chu yis de'i 'og/
IOL Tib J 38.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 51. I. 35, Pothī; 34 c. (originally?) x 7.2 c.: foll. 2, damaged; ll. 4: dbu-can. A commentary on 37. Begins: [phan tshun ]gar 'gro yang rung ste dal bus [note a: 40, dal gis [note 'gro zhing myig rgyang [note b: 40, rgyang ring du [note du myi blta bar rkang pa'i 'og du sems can ma [note c: 40, myi [note song bar bag bgyi zhing 'gro'o //glal byung ngam dgod na /skad myi che bar dal [...]na po dar bla ma la zhe sa gus par bgyi' //grogs na ba lta zhing zhal ta rim 'gro cher bgyi //kha zas dang 'bud shing rnams kyang sems can yod dam myed brtag cing bsal cing [...]/'og ma la myi nga nas 'bod do //gzhon pas ni gong ma la dge btsun zhes 'bod do //yon bdag gis yon byin na /mgu bar bya'/'os ran bar blang //tshog zhig [...b]colo //bcol ba'i 'os myed na //lan gnyis lan gsum du dris nas /byas na nyes pa myed do //myi dga' ba myed par byas la tshong bya //nor zhig lam kar... Fol. 2b, l. 2: .../gan tshun du 'gro ba'i tshe/sgo la stsogs pa la myi reg myi snyogs par bbyi'//de nas nya phyis la stsogs pa'i nang du chu brtag/de nas so shing sor[...]pa gcig srin bu myed par brtag ste /sO brud la/thor to gcig phyed du btsal te /lce ma snad par bzhar la so shing nyid kyang /bkrus te bor nas/brtags pa'i [...]bza' ba'i tshe yang dkon mchog gsum dang mkhan po dang byig shu gong ma dang shing bskyed ba /... Compare Sarvāstivādināṃ śrāmaṇera-kārikā, 35, 36, 38-40, stanzas 6 (ña-phyis) 9 (so-śiṅ).
IOL Tib J 39.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 74. Vl, Concertina; 13.2 c. x 10 c.: foll. 7; ll. 6: dbu-can. The same text as the preceding. Fol. 1a, l. 2: .../kha zas bza' ba 'ang zhim bar chags pa ni ma lags gyis dge ba spyod pa dang khrims bsrung ba'i phyir bza bar bsaM /kha phyis gyi nang du tshod ma dang thug pa las stsogs te/glugs so 'tshal tshon gang tsam gyis ma gang bar bgyi//yan man ste ra la myi blta//kha zas 'drim.... Fol. 1b, l. 2: .../khrus byed pa'i tshe mtshan gzhan gyis myi mthong bar mdos dkri//bdag sbrid pa byung na bla ma la phyag bya/bla ma sbrid pa byung na yang phyag bya /'og ma sbrid pa byung na a rog kya zhes bya/... Fol. 4b, l. 1: .../glald byung ngam dgod na skad myi che bar dal kyis dgod cing so myi snang bar kha dgab//mkhan po dang bla ma la zhes gus par bgyi//... = 37 passage quoted.
IOL Tib J 40.1 - Section: 1 thams cad yod par smra ba rnams kyi dge tshul gi bya ba'o (Sarvāstivādināṃ śrāmaṇera-karaṇa) Ch. Fragment 51, Concertina; 14 c. x 6.7 c.: foll. 4; ll. 4: dbu-can. Four folios recto contain a part of the text: one folio verso contains the end and the colophon. Begins: gang la dregs pa [note a: 41, pa'i [note skye 'gyur ba/ /dregs pa'i yan lag spangs nas [note b: 41, na [note ni/ /brtul zhugs gnas shes brjod pa yin / /nyi ma phye mtshams phan cad nas/ /skya reng [note c: 41, ring [note ma shar du myin te/ /de ni rgyal bas dus myin gsungs/ /sdom can gis ni der myi bza [note d: 41, der ni myi bza' [note / /skya reng [note e: 41, ring corrected range [note shar nas phye 'i der / /de 'i skabs su zos pa [note f: 41, na [note ni/ /de yang bdag shes sdom pa ste/ /bza' ba'i dus su zos pa yin / /dus myed dus su 'du shes nas/ /nam yang bza' bar myi bya ste / /sman pas nyon mongs bsgo na ni / /nad pas [note g: 41, pa [note nyes par myi 'gyur ro/ /sa le sbram ni gser yin te/ /rngul zhes bya rngul nyid do / /sbyin bdag rnams kyis de byin na / /brtul zhugs can kyis myi blang ngo/ /bdagi [note h: 41, bdag gi [note rung ba ma yin 'dis/ /rung ba'i dngos po btsal snyam du / /de ltar mngon par bsams nas ni/ /de nas gzhan zhig len du gzhug/ /dkon mchog gsum gi chad ka dang/ /tshangs pa mtshungs par spyod rnam gi [note i: 41, rnams kyis [note / /gser dang dngul la reg 'gyur [note j: 41, gyur [note kyang / /nyes par 'gyur pa ma yin no / /'dod pas bar du gcod byed ces/ /rdzogs sangs rgyas kyis gsungs pa [note k: pa omitted. [note de/ The end agrees with the end of 41, beginning with des ni bden par smra bar bya/ Colophon: thams cad yod par smra ba rnams kyi dge tshul gi bya ba rdzogs s+ho Another hand: @/:/phyogs bcu'i smon lam du gsol ba' grags pas mngon par khyab cing zhi mgon thams cad kyi mnga' bdag lha btsan po 'od srungs dang yon gyi bdag pos dkon mchog gsum la yon don dam pas mchod cing.... Ends abruptly.
IOL Tib J 41.1 - Section: 1 dge slong cho ga/ (Bhikṣu-vidhi = Sarvāstivādināṃ śrāmaṇera-kārikā) Fragment 90, Scroll; 54 c. x 28 c.: ll. 51; damaged: dbu-can. End of the text and colophon: rgya gar kyi mkhan po dang bod kyi zhu chen gyi lo tsa pas zhus te gtan pa phab pa/ 'Translated and revised by an Indian Paṇḍit and by a Tibetan źu-chen-gyi-lo-tsa-pa.' Agrees with the text of 36-40. Ends, l. 49: /bsgrims te myi nyal bya ba te/ /de nas [note a: 40, des ni [note bden bar smra bar bya'/ /ldang dang snang ba 'i 'du shes kyis/ /seng 'ge nyal thabs bzhin du bya'/ /dran dang ldan zhing dge rgyud gtang / /de bzhin myur du sad nas ni/ /ji [note b: 40, ci [note skad bstan pa bzhin du bya'/ /ci ltar nyon mongs myur zad nas [note c: 40, dang [note / /byang chub dam pa thob 'gyur [note d: 40, thob par 'gyur [note ba / /de ltar bsgrims dang ldan bar bya'// Other variants in 40, bya instead of bya', seng ge instead of seng 'ge &c.
IOL Tib J 42.1 - Section: 1 dul ba bsdus 111, bsdus = saṅcaya. pa'i bstod pa bshad ba/ (Vinaya-saṅgraha-stotra-bhāṣya) Ch. 2, frag.1, Pothī; 46.8 c. x 12 c.: fol. 1; ll. 8: dbu-can. Mūla, by the Paṇḍita [Viśiṣṭa]mitra, is styled Vinaya-stotra (ḥdul-ba-la-bstod-pa) in the commentary. There is a Vinaya-stotra by Dharmaśreṣṭhin, Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, xc. 9, Cordier_1909_1915: p. 413. Begins: de la yid du 'ong ba'i lha la mchod pa dang /dgos pa dang/bshad pa dag ni gzhung gzhan dang yang sbyar te/ci rigs par bshad par bya//mkhan po khyad par gyi bshes gnyen gyis 'dul ba la bstod pa'i zlas sangs rgyas la yang bstod do//de la gang gi zhes bya ba ni 'dul ba 'di gang gi zhe na sangs rgyas kyi 'dul ba'o/ji 'dul zhe na nyon mongs pa las stsogs pa las 'dul ba'o//... Ends: ....bsal pa ni dug gsum gyi myi shes pa' thams cad ma lus par bsal pa la bya'o//_//
IOL Tib J 43.1 - Section: 1 khyim pa pho mo rnams khrims lnga dang brgyad dbog pa'i cho ga gzhung du bris pa'/ Ch. 9. I. 14, Pothī; 44.8 c. x 9 c.: foll. 10, numbered ka-tha; ll.5: dbu-can. Instructions for lay devotees of either sex, concerning the rite of reception of the five and eight rules (śīla). Deals with: 1. The obstacles (antarāya-dharma) to the taking of the vows. 2. The advantages of taking the vows. 3. The postulant's request (verses). 4. The confession: &c. Incomplete at the end. The only work in Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, dealing with the Upāsakas seems to be the Upāsaka-saṃva-rāṣṭaka (xc. 14, Cordier_1909_1915: p. 415). Begins: //su yang rung ba zhig dus khrims lnga dang brgyad nod par 'dod pa 'am/yang na gtan khrims ji srid 'tsho'i bar du bsrung bar 'dod pa zhig 'ongs na sdom ba sbyin bar byed pa'i slobs dpon gyis thog ma kho nar sdom ba nod par 'dod pa de la bar chad gi chos rnams rmaste/ 'Whoever comes desiring to observe the five and the eight śīlas for some time or for life, the Ācārya, "giver of discipline" (saṃvara), explains first the obstacles to this man who desires to receive the vows.' Compare Abhidharma-kośa, chap. iv.
IOL Tib J 44.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 9. I, frag. 78, Pothī; 46.8 c. x 12 c.: foll. 8, numbered (Chinese) 1-8; Chinese 7 columns; fol. 4 verso, 3 columns Chinese and 16 Tibetan lines, small dbu-med. Sūtra form. Bhagavat at Śrāvastī — Vinaya topics.
IOL Tib J 45.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 77. XV. 3-4, Pothī; 37 c. x 7.3 c.: foll. 2, damaged; ll. 5: dbu-can. Vinaya topics.
IOL Tib J 46.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 84. Vlll, Pothī; 16 c. x 8 c. (originally?): fragment of fol. 1, numbered verso ka 3; ll. 5: dbu-can. Vinaya topics.
IOL Tib J 47.1 - Section: 1 Vol. 70, fol. 8, Pothī; 20 c. x 8 c.: fol. 1, numbered verso ka 3; ll. 5: dbu-can. Fragment of a Vinaya text: mentions the 500 fishermen of Vaiśālī.
IOL Tib J 48.1 - Section: 1 [blo gros mi zad pas bstan pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo/] (Akṣayamti-nirdeśa-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtra) Ch. 9. I, frag. 9, 0005, 0017, 9, I. 22, 9. I. frag. 30, Pothī; 42. 8 c. x 7.9 c.: foll. 18, numbered (letters) 7-13, 19, 20, and ng+la, ng+ka, ng+kha, ng+ga, ska, skha, sga, snga, gra; ll.6: dbu-can. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Csoma_1836: XIV. 224-74, Beckh_1914: XVI. 100-219, Wassiljew_1860: 327. Begins, fol. 7, ja, with a dialogue between Śāriputra and the Bodhisattva Akṣayamati concerning gati and agati. A fragment of this dialogue is quoted in Madhyamaka-vṛtti, p. 108. The fol. Ch. 9. I. frag. 9 contains a part of this dialogue: 'There is neither arrival (āgama) nor departure (nirgama)'; compare Madhyamaka-vṛtti, p. 43. The foll. ska sqq. deal with skilfulnesses (kauśalya): satya-kauśalya, pratyaya-kauśalya (rkhyend-daṅ-ḥdu-ba-tshogs-te-ḥbyuṅ-ba-la), trikāla-kauśalya, abhijṅā-kauśalya, yāna-kauśalya. On the last named: 'There are three Vehicles, Śrāvaka-yāna, Deva-yāna, Manuṣya-yāna. What is skilfulness concerning Śrāvaka-yāna? When a Buddha does not appear, there is no Śrāvaka-yāna (...theg-pa-myed-deḥ). Why? Because the correct insight of a Śrāvaka follows the voice of another (parato ghoṣānuga).' Cambridge Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, fol. 120a. l. 1: beginning of the fourth bam-po: de la shes rab kyi yul gang zhe na/'di lta ste/chos brgyad la mkhas pa'o//de la chos brgyad la mkhas pa gang zhe na /'di lta ste/phung po mkhas pa dang/khams la mkhas pa dang/skye mched la mkhas pa dang/bden la mkhas pa dang/rten cing 'brel bar 'byung ba la mkhas pa dang/dus gsum la mkhas pa dang/thegs pa thams cad la mkhas pa dang/chos thams cad la mkhas pa'o/ /de la byang chub sems dpa'i phung po la mkhas pa gang zhe na/ Āyatana-kauśalya begins fol. 122a, l. 4: de la byang chub sems dpa'i skye mched la mkhas pa gang zhe na/chos kyi skye mched la 'jug pa'i ye shes te/chos kyi skye mched lta ba'i mtshan nyid ni ma yin no/ Fol. ja a: @/:/'gyur ro'://de nas tshe dang ldan ba sha ri bus:/blo gros myi zad pa'i byang chub sems dpa' la 'di skad ches smras so//rigs kyi bu khyod gag nas 'ongs:/yang dag par gshegs pa de'i mtsan dang:/'jig rten de'i khams ci zhes bya'://'jig rten gyi khams [note a: gyi khams inserted below the line. [note de 'di nas ji srid chig yod://blo gros myi zad pas smras pa'/gnas brtan sha ra dwa ti bu da tung tu 'ong [ba ]dang '[gro ]ba['i ]'du shes 'byung ngam://smras pa rigs kyi bu bdagis ni 'du shes ni kund shes:so://smras pa btsun ba sha ri bu 'du shes kun shes pa ni gnyis la blo myi 'gro na':de ji'i phyir khyod 'di ltar khyod gag nas 'ongs [...]btsun ba sha ri bu 'ong zhes bya ba de ni 'du ba'i tshig go://btsun pa sha ri bu 'ong zhes bya ba de ni 'byung ba'i tsheg go:/gang la 'du ba'i tshig myed pa dang /'byung ba'i tsig myed pa de la 'ong ba myed do 'gro ba myed do://'gro ba dang 'ong ba myed pa de ni 'phags:pa:rnams kyi':'gro ba'o://btsun pa sha ri bu 'ong zhes:bya ba:de ni las kyi rang bzhin gyi mtsan nyid gyi tshig go://btsun ba sha ri bu 'gro zhes:bya ba de ni las kyi rang bzhin zad pa'i:mtshan nyid gyi tshig go://gang la las kyi rang bzhin gyi mtsan nyid myed pa dang:/las kyi rang bzhin zad pa'i:mtsan nyid myed pa' de la 'ong ba myed do:/'gro ba myed do:/'ong ba dang 'gro ba myed pa ni 'pha[gs rnams ]kyi 'gro ba'o://btsun ba sha ri bu 'ong zhes bya ba de ni smon laM kyi mtshan nyid do://.... Fol. ta a, Śāriputra asks again: .../khyod gag nas 'ongs:/yang dag par gshegs pa de'i mtshan dang:/'jig rten kyi khams de ji zhes bya':/'jig rten kyi khams:de 'di nas ji srid chig yod://... Fol. ta b, l. 4: .../bcom ldan 'da's dge'o:zhes sthe:/tshe dang ldan ba sha ri bu bcom ldan 'da's la phyir nyand tho:/... Fol. ng+la b, l. 4. End of the Bodhisattvasya dhātu-kauśalya: .../byang cub:sems dpa'i khams:la':mkhas:pa:zhes:bya':o:// Beginning of the Bodhisattvasya āyatana-kauśalya: de : la : byang : chub : sems : dpa'i : 'du' : mched [note b: ḥdu-mched = Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, skye mched, fol. 122a, l. 4. sq.] : la' : mkhas : pa : gang : zhe na :/gang chos : gyi : 'du : mched : la : 'jug : pa'i : ye : shes : te' :/chos : gyi : 'du' : mched : ni' :/myig : gi : du : mched : de' :/chos : gyi : 'du' : mched : lta : ba'i : mtshan : nyid : ni' : ma : yin : no' ://... Fol. ng+kha a, l. 5. End of ḥdu-mched-la-mkhas-pa. Beginning of bden-pa-la-mkhas-pa, described as śes-pa-bźi-la-ḥjug-pa-ni (duḥkha-jñāna, &c.). Three truths: samvṛti, paramārtha, lakṣaṇa-satya. Two truths: gang 'di' spyod pa'i bden ba' dang/don dam pa'i bden pa'o/ Fol. ng+ga a, l. 6, ends the first part of the satya-kauśalya. Fol. ng+ga b, l. 1. Again satya-kauśalya. Fol. ska a, l. 1 (formerly tswa). byang : chub : sems : dpa'i : rkyend : dang : 'du : ba : tshogs : te : 'byung : ba : la : mkhas : pa: End of a first paragraph; beginning of a second. Fol. ska b, l. 4. End of second paragraph. Beginning of dus-gsum-la-mkhas-pa. Fol. sga a, l. 5. End of dus-gsum-la-mkhas-pa. Beginning of theg-pa-kund-la-mkhas-pa, which continues on fol. snga. Fol. gra a, l. 2. End of a paragraph: byang : cub : sems : dpa'i : rnams : gyi' :/shes : rab : rnam : pa : brgyad : cu : rtsa : bzhi : 'jug : pas :/mngon : bar : bsgrubs : pa' : 'o :/... byang : chub : sems : dpa' : rnams : gyi' : /rag : la : rten : par : 'jug : pa' :/sum : cu : rtsa : gnyis :.... Complete fol. gra a, l. 2-gra b, l. 5.
IOL Tib J 49.1 - Section: 1 snang ba bsam du myed pa zhes bya ba'i chos kyi gzhung/ (Acintya - prabhāsa - nirdeśa - nāma - dharma - paryāya) Ch. 73. XV. 12, XL. c (foll. 18-19), CXXll. 3 (fol. 21), Pothī; 30 c. x 7 c.: foll. 20, numbered ka 1-16, 18-21; ll. 5: dbu-can: fol. 1, a duplicate, smaller size (28.7 c. x 7 c.), no hole. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, IV, Csoma_1836: foll. 421-38; Beckh_1914: foll. 367-83. The title is: Khyeḥu-snaṅ-ba bsam-gyis-mi-khyab-paḥi-bstan-pa-źes-bya-baḥi-chos-kyi-rnam-graṅs. The MS. styles the Bodhisattva: Snaṅ-ba-bsam-du-myed-pa. Fol. 19. Lists of four dharmas of a Bodhisattva. Bhagavat, King Prasenajit (Rab-tu-sde-ḥpham-byed), and the young Acintya-prabhāsa. Fol. 21. Bhagavat and Nanda (Dgaḥ-bo) — Nanda speaks: ...chos kyi 'khor los btsud cing rdzu 'phrul dang/ /myi rtag sgra'i lha dang myi rnams dang/ /de bzhin klu dang gnod sbyin sgrag mdzad pa/ /'dzum pa mdzad pa de ni bdag la gsungs/ snang ba brnye's shing mnyam ba nyid la spyod/ /dpa' bo mnga' mchog yon tan rab mnga' ba/ /'dzum ba mdzad pa de ni bdag la gsungs/ Bhagavat answers: dga' bo khye'u snang ba bsam du myed pa de/ /tal bdun tsam gi bar snang la 'dug pa/ /mthong ngam gsol ba mthong ngam/... Gautama = 'ge'u ta na and 'ge'u ta ma
IOL Tib J 50.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. Vll, frag. A. 12, Pothī; 44 c. x 7. 3 c.: fol. 1; ll. 6: dbu-med. a. End of a text containing series of 'four dharmas' of the Bodhisattvas, the Bodhisattva-caryā- pariśo-dhaka-dharmas. Ends with the 'ties' of a Bodhisattva. b. [Adhyāśaya-saṃcodana-sūtra.] A text slightly different from the fragment in Śikṣā-samuccaya, p. 104, l. 11: @//'jig rten 'di dang pha rol tu ma smas par thar par 'gyur ba'i chos bzhi ste /bdag gi nyes pa la so sor rtog pa dang /gzhan gi nyes pa la myi gleng ba dang /mdza' bshes dang slongs mo ster ba'i khyim la myi lta ba dang /yid du myi 'ong ba'i bslu tshigs spong ba'o /yang bzhi ste/thos pa nyung ba'i sems can spang ba dang /'khor bsdu ba spang ba dang /bas mtha'i gnas mal bsten pa dang /bdag nyid zhi ba dang /dul ba la brtson ba'o/... The same fragment in 152.
IOL Tib J 51.1 - Section: 1 [rnam par mi rtog par 'jug pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs/] (Avikalpa-praveśa-dhāraṇī) Ch. 9. I, frag. 33, Pothī; 43. 6 c. x 8.2 c.: foll. 4, numbered ka 5-8; ll. 5: dbu-can. On Vijṅapti and Avikalpa-dhātu. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Csoma_1836: XI. 1-10. Begins, fol. 5a, ll. 1-3: @//dngul rin po che dang gser rin po che dang /rdo'i snying po ring po che sna tshogs rin po che tha dad pas yongs su gang ba'i gter chen po zhig yod la /de nas gter chen po 'dod pa' myi la la zhig 'ongs pa' de la /gter ched po mngon par shes pa'i myis 'di skad du /kye skyes bu brag gcig du 'khrebs shing sra ba de 'i 'og na rin po che 'od gsal bas yongs su gang ba'i rin po che'i gter chen po yod da /de' i 'og na yid bzhin gyi nor bu rin po che'i gter yod kyis /khyod kyis tho mkho nar rdo'i rang bzhin thams cad rko shig //de brkos dang dngul du snang ba'i rdo khyod la snang bar 'gyur te //de la khyod kyis gter chen por 'du shes myi bya'i /... Fol. 6a, ll. 1-3: gser du snang ba'i rdo zhes bya ba de ni stong pa' nyid la stsogs pa' la rnam par rtog pa'i mtshan ma rnams kyi tshig bla dags so //.../...de ltar dpe nye bar bkod pa' 'dis rnam par myi rtog pa'i dbyings su 'jug pa' khong du chud par bya 'o// Fol. 7a, l. 1: @/::/rnam par rig pa' ma gtogs par chos gang yang myi dmyigs la rnam par rig pa de yang dngos po myed par yang dag par rjes su myi mthong /... Compare 52, frag. 93 verso. A distinctive feature is (foll. 6, 7, and 8) the four dots:/༶/
IOL Tib J 52.1 - Section: 1 [rnam par mi rtog par 'jug pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs/] (Avikalpa-praveśa-dhāraṇī ) Ch. 73. VII. 16 and frag. 93, Pothī; 37.7 c. x 8.6 c.: foll. 4; ll. 6: dbu-can. The folio marked frag. 93, verso agrees with 51, fol. 7a. There are variants to/rnam : par : rig : pa : ma : gtogs : par : yang : chos : gang : yang : myi : dmyigso :/rnam : par : rig : pa : de : myed : par : mthong : mod : kyi :/... The folio marked 73. VII. 16, b, l. 3 = 51, fol. 5a, l. 2. The first folio, marked 73. VII. 16, verso, l. 5 : ...gter : chen : po : mngon : bar : shes : pa'i : myi : zhes : bya : ba : ni : yang : dag : par : gshegs : pa : dgra : bcom : ba : g.yung : 'drung : rdzogs : pa'i : tshig : bla : dags : so :/...
IOL Tib J 53.1 - Section: 1 'phyir mi ldog pa'i 'khor lo zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo/ (Ārya-avaivarta-cakra-nāma-mahā-yāna-sūtra) Ch. 73. VII. 14, Pothī; 42 c. x 8.5 c.: foll. 44; ll. 7: dbu-can. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Csoma_1836: XIX. 367; Beckh_1914: XXI. 361 (āryāvevarta, wrongly corrected āryāvivarta). Correct reading Avaivarta, see MVyut. 65, 46. Incomplete at beginning and end. The beginnings of the 3rd and 4th bam-po are marked.
IOL Tib J 54.1 - Section: 1 (Upāli-paripṛcchā) Ch. CXLVII. 6, Scroll; 33 c. x 25 c.: recto Chinese 19 columns, verso 17 ll. Tibetan. A small fragment of the Confession (Pāpa-śuddhi), quoted in Śiksā-samuccaya, pp. 169-71, containing the homage to Kuśuma-śrī (Men-tog-dpal)... to Smṛti-śrī (Dran-baḥi-dpal)... Line 12: .../men tog dpal la phyag 'tshal lo/de bzhin gseg pa 'tshang pa'i 'od zer rnam par rol pa mngon par mkhyen pa [note a: mngon-par-śes-pa is the classic equivalent of abhijñā. [note la phyag 'tshal lo//...nor dpal la phyag 'tshal lo//dran ba'i dpal la phyag 'tshal lo/'tshangs dpal shin du yongs bskrags la phyag 'tshal lo///dpang po tog/gyi rgyal mtshan gyi rgyal po la phyag 'tshal lo///shin du rnam par gnon/pa'i/dpal phyag 'tshal lo/// ...namaḥ Kusumaśriye/namo Brahma-jyotirvikrīḍitābhijñāya tathāgatāya/namo Dhana-śriye/namaḥ Smṛtiśriye/namaḥ Suparikīrtitanā-madheyaśriye nama Indraketudhvajarājāya/namaḥ Suvikrāntaśriye....
IOL Tib J 55.1 - Section: 1 ['phags pa 'od srung gi le'u zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo/] (Ārya - kāśyapa - parivarta - nāma - mahāyāna - sūtra) Ch. 80. II. 1 and 9. i, frag. 27 (1 fol.), Pothī; 43 c. x 9 c.: foll. 8; ll. 6: dbu-can. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Dkon-brtsegs, Csoma_1836: VI. 38; Beckh_1914: VI. 6 (foll. 95-100). The Sūtra is styled vaguely Ratna-kūṭa (Śiksā-samuccaya, p. 52). Incomplete. fol. 1a, l. 1 (80. II. 1) = yan na labhyate tan naivātītaṃ nānāgataṃ na pratyutpannaṃ/tat tryadhvasa-matikrāntam/yat tryabhvasamatikrāntaṃ tan naivāsti na nāsti (= Bodhicaryāvatāra-pañjikā, ad. ix. 106) There are six folios (marked in pencil 1-6) following one another. The folio marked 80. II deals with the four byaṅ-chub-sems-paḥi-ḥkhrul. (Bodhisattva-skhalita.) There are five such in 194. Fol. 9. I. frag. 27, Bhagavat explains to Kāśyapa the Middle path: 'Where is no citta, no cetanā, no manas, no vijñāna, that is the Middle Path, the correct view on the dharmas (dharmāṇāṃ bhūta-pratyavekṣā).... The saṃsāra is one end, nirvāṇa is the other end; the middle is that there is no rūpa....' Compare Madhyamaka-vṛtti, p. 358, l. 10.
IOL Tib J 56.1 - Section: 1 (Kāśyapa-parivarta?) Ch. 9. I, frag. 75, Pothī; 41.6 c. x 8.2 c.: fol. 1; ll. 6 dbu-can. An address to Kāśyapa. Begins: .../od srung 'di lta ste sngags dang smand 'chang ba dug gyis myi tshugs so//'od srung de bzhin du shes rab dang thabs mkhas pa'i sman 'chang ba'i byang chub sems dpa' la nyon mongs pa'i dug gyis myi tshugs so//'od srung 'di lta ste grong kyer chen po lud de ni bu ram gyi zhing dang dgun 'bru'i shing la phan par 'gyur ro//'od srung de bzhin du gang byang chub sems dpa'i nyon mongs pa de thams chad mkhyend pa la phan bar 'gyur ro//...
IOL Tib J 57.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. XIII. 3, Scroll; 65.5 c. x 29.7 c.: ll. 47: dbu-can. Two copies of a fragment of a Mahāyāna-sūtra, the first complete, the second (another hand), incomplete. An address to Kāśyapa, probably Kāśyapa-parivarta. But Kāśyapa is one of the chief characters of the Ratnarāśi-sūtra (see Śikṣā-samuccaya, pp. 136, 138).
IOL Tib J 58.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. XIII. 16, Roll; 28 c. x 20 c.: foll. 2; ll. 14: dbu-can. A fragment. Bhagavat and Kāśyapa.
IOL Tib J 59.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 75. IX. 3, Pothī; 44 c. x 10 c.: fol. 1; ll. 6: dbu-can. Bhagavat and Kāśyapa.
IOL Tib J 60.1 - Section: 1 khang bu brtsegs pa'i mdo/ (Kūṭāgāra-sūtra) kU-tA-a-gA-ra-sUd-tA-ma Ch. 03. 10, Pothī; 41 c. x 8.2 c.: foll. 6, numbered letters). 1-6; ll. 5: dbu-can. Translators: Indian Paṇḍit Dharmākara and Ban. Ratnarakṣita (Ban-de-de-ban-trag-śita) (Devendrarakṣita. F. W. T.) Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Csoma_1836: XXVI. 410-15; Beckh_1914: XXVIII. 344-8. In Beckh_1914 the only translator is the Lo. Ratnarakṣita. The present MS. does not contain the last part of the Sanskrit text. After ...aprameyaguṇaiḥ samanvāgata ānanda tathāgato 'rhan samyaksambuddhaḥ, it omits: asmin khalu dharmaparyāye bhāṣyamāṇe... and concludes: ittham avocad bhagavān āttamanā [ānanda]s te ca bhikṣavo bhagavato bhāṣitam abhyanandann iti.
IOL Tib J 61.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. XIII. b, Pothī; 49.7 c. x 10.3 c.: fol. 1, and fol. 1 blank; ll. 6 dbu-can. Later part of the [Kṛmy-avadāna]? Presents strong analogies with Avadāna-śataka, no. 58 (Mahiṣa); see also Der Weise und der Thor, Schmidt_1843: chap. 50. A Tripiṭakin reborn as a worm because he had abused 77, 000 Śaikṣas and Aśaikṣas. Recto, l. 3: ...dge slong dag ci snyam du sems de'i tshe yang dag par rdzogs pi sangs rgyas thams cad mchog gi bstan pa la rab du byung bi sde snod gsum par gyur pa gang yin ba de ni srin 'di nyid yin te /des der slob pa dang myi slob pa bdun khri bdun stong la tshig rtsub po smras pi las de'i rnam par smyin pas des na 'di dud 'gror skyes te/... ...bskal pa bzang po 'di la sangs rgyas lnga brgya 'byung bar 'gyur te //de rnams kyi 'og du yang dag par rdzogs pi sangs rgyas snang mdzad ces bya ba 'jig rten du 'byung ste /...
IOL Tib J 62.1 - Section: 1 [byang chub sems dpa' sems dpa' chen po sa'i snying pos bcom ldan 'das la zhus pa'i mdo/] (Kṣitigarbha - mahāsattva - bodhisattva - bhagavat - paripṛcchā - sūtra) Ch. 03. 14 and 51. I. 49, Pothī; 34.1 c. x 7.3 c.: fol. 3, numbered 1, 1; 2, 2; 3, 3; (gcig gcig...); ll. 4: dbu-can. An extract, incomplete. There is a Kṣitigarbha-sūtra, Nanjio_1883: 64-65; Wassiljew_1860: 170; Śikṣā-samuccaya, 13, 67, &c., which deals with Karmāvaraṇa. Begins: @//byang chub sems dpa' sems dpa' chen po sa'i snying pos /bcom ldan 'das la zhus pa'i mdo las sems can skye bo rnams kyis /dus drug dang /dus bcu dang /dus ring po gsum gyi nyi ma la /... On deliverance from bad existences. On the advantages of Buddha-vandanā: '...the day of the new moon. Mahābrahmā, the king of the gods, dies. This day, he says: "Homage to Buddha Śākyamuni" and pronounces his name. After a month he is liberrated from the Kukkūla-hell, although he has accumulated sins for 200,000 Kalpas.... The 29th tithi, the dikpāla dies...he is liberated from the Kālasūtra hell, although he has accumulated sins for 7,000 Kalpas.'
IOL Tib J 63.1 - Section: 1 tshigs su bcad pa gnyis pa'i phan yon dang bcas par bstan pa/ (Anuśaṃsā-sahita-gāthā-dvaya-nirdeśa) Ch. 9. I. 1b, Pothī; 52.5 c. x 6.8 c.: fol. 1, numbered 68; ll. 5: dbu-can. Title in colophon. Translator Zu. Lo. Bhikṣu Dpal-brtsegs-rag-śi ta (Śrīkūṭarakṣita). Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Csoma_1836: XI. 10; Beckh_1914: XIII. 9; Rgyud, Csoma_1836: XIII. 429; Beckh_1914: XV. 124, XXIII. 346: Gāthā-dvaya-dhāraṇī (see Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, XXXVII. 5), Cordier_1909_1915: 368. Translated by Feer, A.M.G.V., p.467). I.The two Gāthās: sangs dang ni chos la brnyas pa dang/ /le lo dang ni chung tsam chog par 'dzin [note a: 65, 'dzind [note / /'dod chags dang ni nga rgyal spyod pa dang/ /'gyod pa dang ni ma nges byed [note b: 65, second hand, 'byed [note pa rnams/1 /sems can [note c: 63, sems-chan [note rnams gyi sgrib par 'gyur ba ste/ /de'i gnyen po theg pa' [note d: 65, pa [note mchog bstand [note e: 62, bstan [note pa'/ /deyis [note f: 65, de'is [note bar du gcod pa de dag gi/ /nyes pa thams cad rab du spong bar 'gyur/2 II. Three stanzas on the advantages of the two Gāthās: contempt of the Buddha and of the Law, laziness, to be satisfied with mean things, love, egoistic conduct, discontent, uncertainty—vices that are an obstacle to beings—the excellent Vehicle has been taught as an antidote to them. All faults are abandoned... /tshigs su bcad pa gnyis pa bzung ba la'/ /tshag gi don gyi sgo nas sbyor ba gang/ /sems can dam pa blo dang ldan ba des/ /phan yon rnam pa bcu rnams 'thob par 'gyur/1 /khams rnams thams chad rgyas par 'gyur ba dang/ /'chi ba'i tshe na mchog dga' rnam pa 'thob/ /ji ltar 'dod pa bzhin du skye ba dang/ /thams cad du ni tshe rabs dran bar 'gyur/2 /sangs rgyas rnams dang phrad par 'gyur ba dang / /de bzhin de dag las ni theg mchog thos/ /mos par 'gyur ba blo dang bcas pa dang / /sgo gnyis dang ni byang cub myur du 'thob/3
IOL Tib J 64.1 - Section: 1 tshigs su bcad pa gnyis pa phan yon dang bcas par bstan pa'/ Ch. 51. I. 15, Pothī; 45 c. x 9.5 c.: fol. 1, numbered (letter) 3; ll. 7: dbu-can. Agrees with 63.
IOL Tib J 65.1 - Section: 1 Author: Ācārya [Sundaravyūha] (Mdzes-bkod) tshigs su bchad pa gnyis pa'i bshad pa'/ (Gāthā-dvaya-vyākhyāna) Ch. 9. I. 1a, Pothī; 59.5 c. x 7.2 c.: foll. 11, numbered ka-da and 1-11, in the margin tshig bshad gnyis; ll. 4: dbu-can, black and red, and dbu-med. Translator: Zu. Lo. Bhikṣu Dpal-brtsegs-rag-śi-ta (Śrikūṭarakṣita). Commentary on Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, XIII. 2; Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, XXXVII. 4 (foll. 196-205), Cordier_1909_1915: p. 368. Translator not mentioned in the Paris copy, but see Mdo-ḥgrel, XXXVII. 3. Just before the Tibetan title, fol. 1a, l. 1: sems ni mnyam bar ma bzhag pa'/ /da ltar nyi tse mthong ba rnams/ /theg pa chen po zab mo la'/ chen por 'phar bar ji ltar 'gyur/ /'on kyang rten la gnas bchas dang/ /dge ba snga nas goms byas pa'i/ /bsod nams kyis na 'jig rten rnams/ /rnam pa kun mkhyen 'thob par 'gyurd/ The colophon is followed by three lines in dbu-med on the bhūmis: adhimokṣa-caryā-bhūmi, vipaśyanā-bhūmi, lokottara-dharma: mos par spyod pa'i me dang drod la dang por rnam par byang ba [dkar [note a: [...] inserted beneath the line. [note po rnam par mthong bas na ]dkar po rnam par mthong ba'i sa zhes bya //dad pa shin du che ba'i sa dang/'jig rten gi chos kyi mchog la/...
IOL Tib J 66.1 - Section: 1 tshigs su bcad pa gnyis bshad pa'/ (Gāthā-dvaya-vyākhyāna) Ch. 03. 13, Pothī; 45 c. x 9.5 c.: foll. 4; ll. 6: dbu-can; interlinear commentary in dbu-med; black and red. 1. Two introductory stanzas (benediction, see 65). 2. The title (Tibetan only). 3. The 'Homage to all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas'. 4. The two Gāthās (in red). 5. The commentary (incomplete, to st. 1, pāda 3). 6. The interlinear commentary: de la tshigs su bcad pa gnyis pa zhes bya ba 'di ni theg pa chen po'i mdo sde zhal nas gsungs pa yin te /tshigs su bcad pa lnga 'byung ba la dang po gnyis ni mdo sde 'i lugs su rnam par bzhag go//'og ma gsum ni tshigs su bcad pa gnyis pa'i mdo sde 'di 'i don bzung bsgoms pa las stsogs pa'i phan yon bstan pa yin no//yang na tshigs su bchad pa gnyis pa phan yon dang bcas par bstan pa 'di mdo sde zhal nas gsungs par myi bzhag ste slobs dpon dag gis mdzad pa'i bstan bcos yin bar blta'o zhes kyang 'chad do//'di'i 'grel pa ni slob dpon mdzes bkod ces bya ba... The two Gāthās are Sūtra; but the three 'advantages' were composed by an Ācārya, and therefore this work Anuśaṃsā-sahita-gāthā-dvaya-nirdeśa must be looked upon as Bstan-ḥgyur.
IOL Tib J 67.1 - Section: 1 tshigs su bcad pa gnyis bshad pa'/ (Gāthā-dvaya-vyākhyāna) Ch. 03. 8, Pothī; 56.1 c. x 8.5 c.: foll. 7, numbered a+ma k+ma kh+ma....ch+ma; ll.7: dbu-can; interlinear glosses dbu-med: black and red. The same text as the preceding. The Sanskrit title is not given, but a blank has been left for it after the Rgya-gar-skad-du. 1. The title. 2. The two intro ductory stanzas. 3. The two Gāthās. 4. The Vyākhyāna. For the numbering of the folios see 48.
IOL Tib J 68.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa chos bzhi pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo/ (Ārya-catur-dharmaka-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtra) a rya tsa tur dar ma ka na ma ma hA ya na su tra / Ch. 51. I. 28, Pothī; 45 c. x 7.5 c.: fol. 1; ll. 5: dbu-can. Complete. No colophon. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Csoma_1836: XX, 85-86; Beckh_1914: XXII. 75-76; Feer, p. 196; Śikṣā-samuccaya, 41. Śrāvastī, Jetavana, Anāthapiṇḍada. 'There are, Bhikṣus, four dharmas that a Bodhisattva ought not to abandon, even for the sake of his life...yāvajjīvaṃ na parityaktavyā jīvitahetoḥ.'
IOL Tib J 69.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa chos bzhi pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo (Ārya-catur-dharmaka-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtra) Ch. 9. 1, frag. 19, Pothī; 55 c. x 9 c.: fol. 1, numbered 1; ll. 5; interlinear commentary: dbu-can. Complete. Translators: Indian Paṇḍit Surendrabodhi (Su-ren-tra-bo) Zu. Lo. Ban. Ye-śes-sde (Jñānasena.)
IOL Tib J 70.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa chos bzhi pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo/ (Ārya-catur-dharmaka-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtra) a rya tsa tur d+ha rma ka /na ma ma ha ya na su trA/ Ch. IX, frag. 16, Pothī; 55 c. x 8.5 c.: fol. 1 written on one side; ll. 6: dbu can. Incomplete at the end.
IOL Tib J 71.1 - Section: 1 Author: Vasubandhu 'phags pa chos bzhi pa'i rnam par bshad pa/ (Ārya-catur-dharmaka-vyākhyāna) Ch. 51. I. 14, Pothī; 45 c. x 9.3 c.: foll. 6; interlinear glosses: dbu-can: black and red. A commentary by Vasubandhu on the Catur-dharmaka-sūtra. Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, XXXIV. 10 (foll. 83-84); Cordier_1909_1915: p. 363. The Mūla (red) begins: 'There are four dharmas that a Bodhisattva must not abandon for the sake of his life.' Commentary: 'Why has this sūtra been undertaken? In order to introduce into the Great Vehicle....'
IOL Tib J 72.1 - Section: 1 Author: Ācārya Vasubandhu 'phags pa chos bzhi pa'i rnam par bshad pa/ (Ārya-catur-dharmaka-vyākhyāna) Ch. 9. I, frag. 5, Pothī; 42 c. x 6 c.: fol. 1, numbered ka 2; ll. 6: dbu-can. Incomplete at the beginning. The colophon (...chos-bśi-paḥi-bśad-pa, not rnam-par-bśad-pa) names the author, Ācārya Vasubandhu.
IOL Tib J 73.1 - Section: 1 Author: Jñānadatta [Ye-śes-byin, see Tāranātha, 212, 226]. 'phags pa chos bzhi pa'i rnam par bshad pa rgya cher 'grel pa/ (Ārya-catur-dharmaka-vyākhyāna-ṭīkā) Ch. 51. I. 13, Pothī; 45.4 c. x 9.5 c.: foll. 6, numbered (letters) 4-9; ll. 6; interlinear glosses: dbu-can: black and red: same hand as 71. Translators and revisers: Paṇḍits Dānaśīla and Prajñāvarman ( Prad-ña-bar-ma), Zu. Lo. Ban. Ye-śes-sde (Jñānasena). Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, XXXIV. 11 (foll. 84-90); Cordier_1909_1915: p. 363. The Mula (red) begins: ' Śrāvastī, Jetavana, Anāthapiṇḍada.... There are four dharmas that a Bodhisattva must not abandon, even for the sake of his life. Why has this sūtra been undertaken?...'
IOL Tib J 74.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa chos bzhi pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo/ (Ārya-catur-dharmaka-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtra) Ch. 9. II. 4, Pothī; 55.3 c. x 8.5 c.: foll. 6, numbered ka 2-6, 8; ll. 6: dbu-can: black and red. Ends fol. 2a.
IOL Tib J 74.2 - Section: 2 Author: Vasubandhu 'phags pa chos bzhi pa'i rnam par bshad pa/ (Ārya-catur-dharmaka-vyākhyāna) Ends fol. 3a.
IOL Tib J 74.3 - Section: 3 Author: Jñānadatta 'phags pa chos bcu pa'i rnam par bshad pa rgya cher 'grel pa'/ (Ārya-catur-dharmaka-vyākhyāna-ṭīkā) Translators: Indian Paṇḍit Dānaśīla, Zu. Lo. Ban. Ye-śes-[sde] (Jñāna[sena]). Ends fol. 8.
IOL Tib J 75.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa'i rgyal ba'i blo gros shes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo/ (Ārya-Jayamatir-nāma-mahāyana-sūtra) A rya ja ya ma tir nA ma ma hA yA na sutra/ Ch. 0001, Pothī; 23.5 c. x 7 c.: foll. 2; ll. 5: dbu-can. Translators: Surendrabodhi and Ye-śes-sde (Jñānasena). Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Csoma_1836: XV. 403-4; Beckh_1914: XVII. 336. Complete.
IOL Tib J 75.2 - Section: 2 Two lines of mantras.
IOL Tib J 76.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa rgyal bu don grub kyi mdo zhes bya ba'//bam-po-gcig/ (Ārya - jinaputra - artha - siddhi - sūtra - nāma - prathamaḥ khaṇḍaḥ) Ch. 04, Book form; 21.9 c. x 15.3 c.: foll. 1-64; ll. 8: dbu-can. Complete. On the cover (upside down) @@//shes rab kyi pha rol du phyin Title in colophon (rdzogs-so) (fol. 45a). Begins: evaṃ mayā śrutam ekasmin samaye (dus-gcig-naḥ/). Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Csoma_1836: XXX. 85 (Tibetan title only); Beckh_1914: XXXII. 71 (Jinaputra-siddhi). Feer's conjecture: Kumāra-siddhārtha. Ends with the identification of the characters; 'I was this Rgyal-bu-don-grub, Śāriputra was Indra, Yali was Rāhula .' (= Jālin, Jātaka-mālā, 9.)
IOL Tib J 76.2 - Section: 2 mar mye smon lam/ (Pradīpa-praṇidhāna) Title in colophon (fol. 45a-46b). Another hand. Begins: bla na myed pa'i dkon mchog gsum la phyag 'tshal lo //sangs rgyas dang byang chub sems dpa' thams cad bdag la dgongs su gsol //chos thams cad ngo bo nyid gcig ste /tha dad pa ma lags na /....chos kyi dbyings kyi byin gi rlabs ....
IOL Tib J 76.3 - Section: 3 byang chub sems dpa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug yid bzhin 'khor lo la bstod pa/ (Avalokiteśvara - bodhisattva - cintā - cakra - stotra) Title and colophon (...rdzogs-sho.//) (fol. 46b-48a). Contains 13 1/2 ślokas. Begins: rdzogs pa yang dag chos kyi sku / /ci bzhin mnyam ba nam ka 'dra' / /sprul pa'i yon tan kun mnga' bas / /skye bo sgrol ba'i don yang mdzad / /rnam par grol ba'i spos bsregs la / /'gyod pa myed pas 'gyod tshangs bya / /dmyigs myid mchod cing phyag 'tshal na / /phyag gcig gis ni kun du khyab / Ends: /sgrib pa'i skyon rnams kun byang nas / /rnam pa thams cad phyir bsal te / /chos bzhin mnyam ba sangs rgyas zhing / /bde ba'i zhing dar skye bar shog /
IOL Tib J 76.4 - Section: 4 'jig rten gyi lo rgyus bshad pa/ (Loka-prajñā) lo ka prad nya'/ Foll. 48b-63a. Lo-rgyus = pravṛtti, vṛttānta. Ends: chos kyi mdo gces par dkon mchog gsum gi mtshan dang /yon tan dang /thar pa'i lam dang /bden ba'i dmyigs dang /las dang las kyi rnam par smyin pa gang gsungs pa dag dang /mthun bar log non tsam du bshad pa rdzogs s+ho /
IOL Tib J 76.5 - Section: 5 sngags kyi nang nas 'byung ba'i mying/ (Mantroddhṛta-nāmāni?) Another hand; dbu-med, to some extent. Avocabulary of Tāntrik words. Begins without title so called: sṅags-kyi-naṅ-nas-ḥbyung-baḥi-myiṅ-la/.... Deals with the words tantra, maṇḍala (in transcription man-da-la). Ends abruptly fol. 63b, l. 2.
IOL Tib J 76.6 - Section: 6 Beginning of a Sūtra: evaṃ mayā śrutam.... fol. 64b (cover).
IOL Tib J 77.1 - Section: 1 phung po gsum pa theg pa chen po'i mdo/ (Triskandhaka-mahāyāna-sūtra) tri skan d+ha ka ma ha ya na su tra/ Ch. 73. VII. 13 and 9. I. frag. 6 (fol. 34), 9. I. frag. 11 (foll. 35-36), Pothī; 42 c. x 8 c.: foll. 35, numbered ka 1, 3-36; ll. 5: dbu-can. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Csoma_1836: XXII. 82-111; Beckh_1914: XXIV. 74 (with the reading Traiskandhaka). Nanjio_1883: 1090, 1103, 1106, another work. See Śikṣā-samuccaya, 171, 290. Bodhicaryāvatāra-pañjikā, v. 98-99. Ends fol. 34a. Colophon, title only.
IOL Tib J 77.2 - Section: 2 bkra shis tshigs su bcad pa 'a/ (Maṅgala-gāthā) mang 'ga la ma ta / Many Maṅgala-gāthās; Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Beckh_1914: XXIV. 344, &c. Thirteen stanzas of nine syllables. Another copy 432, 2. The Maṅgala-gāthā, 379, is another text. Begins: 'Like a golden mountain which affords all blessing, guardian of the three worlds, having abandoned the three impurities...' phun sum tshogs 'dzin gser gi ri bo 'dra / /'jig rten gsum mgon dri ma gsum spangs pa' / /sangs rgyal chu skyes kham bu 'dab ma'i spyan / /bkra shis de ni skye dgu'i zhi byed 'gyur / While the recension 432, 2 has: phun sum tshogs par mnga' ba gser kyi ri bo 'dra / /'jig rten gsum gyi mgon po dri ma gsum spangs pa / /sangs rgyas pad ma rgyas pa'i mdab 'dra'i spyan mnga' ba / /bkra shis de ni skye dgu zhi byed dang po 'o / Ends: tshangs pa'i dbang po klu dang myi 'is phyag byas pa'i / /dri za gnod sbyin myi dang lha 'is phyag byas pa'i / /de bzhin gshegs pa stobs bcur ldan ba'i bkra shis gang / /bkra shis de ni skye dgu rnams bde ba byed par shog //i ti /
IOL Tib J 77.3 - Section: 3 chos kyi sbyin pa bsngo ba/ (Dharma-dāna-pariṇāmanā) Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, CXXXVI. 43 (foll. 321-5) [...bsṅo-ba not yoṅs-su-bsṅo-ba]; Cordier_1909_1915: 528 (Pariṇāmanā section). Begins fol. 36a, l. 5, incomplete: /dkon mchog gsum la phyag 'tshal lo / /dam chos gsung rabs yid bzhin nor bu 'od 'bar ba' / /yid 'dang rin cen sna tshogs 'byung ba'i gnas / /mkhyen bzhi shes bcu gang chen mtsho dang ldan ba yi / /chos rje sangs rgyas byang chub sems dpa' thams cad dang / /chos mdzod rang rgyal nyan thos 'phags pa thams cad la / /lus bdud dad pa'i spyi bos phyag 'tshal mchod par bgyi /
IOL Tib J 78.1 - Section: 1 phung po gsum pa theg pa chen po'i mdo/ (Triskanadhaka-mahāyāna-sūtra) Ch. 51. I. 30a, Pothī; 42.1. c. x 7.8 c.: fol. 1, numbered ka 34; ll. 6: dbu-can. End and colophon (title only), fol. 34a.
IOL Tib J 78.2 - Section: 2 chos kyi sbyin pa bsngo ba/ (Dharma-dāna-pariṇāmanā) Title and beginning.
IOL Tib J 79.1 - Section: 1 [phung po gsum pa theg pa chen po'i mdo/] (Triskadhaka-mahāyāna-sūtra) Ch. 9. I. frag. 21, Pothī; 42 c. x 5.5 c.: foll. 3; ll. 5 and 4: dbu-can. Bhagavat teaches a Kulaputra. Duties of a Bodhisattva. The text begins with a series of Anumodanās, followed by adhyeṣaṇās. Incomplete beginning and end. See 80.
IOL Tib J 80.1 - Section: 1 [phung po gsum pa theg pa chen po'i mdo/] (Triskandhaka-mahāyāna-sūtra) Ch. 9. I, frag. 23 Pothī; 32.5 c. X 6.7 c.: foll. 4; ll. 4: dbu-can. The first folio contains the same Anumodanās as 79. Fol. 2 (which does not continue fol. 1) contains Puṇya-mūla-parigraha and Parityāga. Begins: dge ba'i rtsa ba'i tshogs ki khyad bar gang gis //dge ba'i bshes gnyen rnams la gus pa'i sems brnyes pa de la yang rjes su yi rang ngo / Fol. 4b, l. 1: rin po che thaMs cad ki pad ma bkram ba'i rgyan gis /chos ki dbyings kun du gnas par gyur cig / = Cambridge, fol. 67b, 1. The last sentence as a 'refrain' with variants in the first. 79 begins: dge ba'i rtsa ba'i tshogs gyi khyad bar:gang gis 'gro ba thams cad:thogs pa myed pa'i myig:so sor:thob pa:de la yang rjes su yi rang ngo:/... Fol. 3b, l. 1: rigs gyi bu 'di ni sangs rgyas:/bcom ldan 'das:gyis /bka' stsald pa'i:rjes su:yi rang ba'i phung po:/kha na ma tho ba:myed pa'o://gzhan yang rigs gyi bu:/byang chub sems:dpa' des:/....
IOL Tib J 81.1 - Section: 1 [phung po gsum pa theg pa chen po'i mdo/] (Triskandhaka-mahāyāna-sūtra) Frag. 73, Pothī; 25.8 c. X 7.5 c.: fol. 1, numbered kha ka 39 (two hands); ll. 5: dbu-can. Fragment of a Praṇidhāna (rather vows than praṇidhānas). Advent of the Dharma-dhātu. Begins: @/:/kyi chos kyi dbyings kun du gnas par gyurd cig//rin po che thams cad : kyis khebs pa'i [rgyan gyis ]chos kyi dbyings su : gnas : par gyurd cig /men tog thams cad : kyi bla re bres pa'i chos kyi dbyings : kun du gnas par gyurd cig/... Ends: /rin po che thams cad kyi sprin snang ba rab tu 'gyed pa'i rgyan kyi chos kyi dbyings kun du gnas par gyurd [cig]
IOL Tib J 82.1 - Section: 1 [phags pa sa bcu/] (Ārya-daśabhūmaka, Daśa-bhūmi) Ch. 09, Pothī; 32. 2 c. x 11 c.: foll. 66, 30 foll. unnumbered, 31 foll. numbered (letters and numerals) ka 1-ang 31, 5 foll. unnumbered; ll. 9: dbu-med. Incomplete. Parts of bam-po 4, 5, 6, 7. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Phal-chen, Csoma_1836: 31; Nanjio_1883: 105, 110.
IOL Tib J 83.1 - Section: 1 ['phags pa sa bcu/] (Ārya-daśabhūmaka, Daśa-bhūmi) Ch. 9. I. frag. 8a, Pothī; 43 c. x 6 c.: fol. 1, numbered (letter) 9; ll. 6; dbu-can. Part of the seventh Bhūmi (Dūraṃgamā). Recto, l. 4: /kye rgyal ba'i sras dag:byang chub sems dpa' ring du song ba zhes bya ba'i sa:bdun mdor bshad na//'di la rab du 'dug pa'i byang chub sems dpa' ...
IOL Tib J 84.1 - Section: 1 Frag. 6, Pothī; Two fragments, 21.5 c. and 18.5 c. (originally?) x 8 c.: ll. 5: dbu-can. Fragment of 'phags pa sa bcu ? (Ārya-daśabhūmaka, Daśa-bhūmi)
IOL Tib J 85.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa sa bcu/ (Ārya-daśa-bhūmaka, Daśa-bhūmi) Frag. 31, Scroll; 30 c. x 25.3 c.: Chinese 16 columns; Tibetan 16 ll. dbu-can. Chinese 16 columns; Tibetan 16 Incomplete and damaged. An extract from the second Bhūmi.
IOL Tib J 86.1 - Section: 1 byang chub sems pa'i sa bcu/ (Bodhisattva-daśabhūmaka, Daśa-bhūmi) Ch. 0034, Pothī; 30.7 c. x 7.1.: fol. 1; ll. 2, interlinear gloss: dbu-can. Notes on the Bodhisattva-daśabhūmaka. The general sense (sāmānyārtha) is fourfold, beginning with the nature or definition of Bhūmi: this nature again is twofold....
IOL Tib J 87.1 - Section: 1 Vol. 56, 2-4, Pothī; 52 c. x 8 c.: foll. 3, numbered kha 71-73 ll. 5: dbu-can, red and black. From a commentary on the Daśa-bhūmi or the Bodhisattva-bhūmi.
IOL Tib J 88.1 - Section: 1 Vol. 72, 4-8, Roll; 26 c. x 20 c.: foll. 11 + part of another; ll. 15, 16, and 17: dbu-can. ? Daśa-bhūmi. On Mahā-karuṇā and purifying the faculties.
IOL Tib J 89.1 - Section: 1 'du shes bcu bstan pa'i mdo/ (Daśa-saṃjñāna-nirdeśa-sūtra) da sha sang ngid nya+ya nir de sha su tra. / Ch. 9. I. frag. 63, Pothī; 35. 2 c. x 8.1 c.: foll. 2; ll. 4: dbu-can. Complete. Another copy, 311, 4. Ārya-saṃjñānaikādaśa-nirdeśa-sūtra, Ḥdu-śes-bcu-gcig...Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Csoma_1836: XXVI. 246; Beckh_1914: XXVIII. 216. There are really eleven notions (saṃjñā, aṃjñāna) described in the present text. Begins, after homage to the three jewels: di skad bdag gis thos pa [note a: 311, 4 pa'i [note dus gcig na //bcom ldan 'das ku sha'i grong khyer /gyad kyi nyen 'khor shing sa la zung gi 'tshal [note b: 311, 4 grong khyer na gyad gyi nyin khor shing sa la'i tshal [note na bzhugs te //yongs su mye [note c: 311, 4 myi [note ngan las 'das pa'i dus kyi tshe //de nas bcom ldan 'das kyis dge slong rnams la bka' stsal pa [note d: 311, 4 pA [note //dge slong dag 'chi [note e: 311, 4 chi [note ba'i dus kyi tshe //dge slong dag 'du [note f: 311, 4 dag gyis 'du [note shes bcu mngon du [note g: 311, 4 du'o/ [note bya'o / The eleven notions are: 1. ma chags pa'i 'du shes 2. sems can thams cad la byams pa'i 'du shes 3. 'khon du 'dzin pa thams cad yongs su dor ba'i [note h: 311, 4 thams cad 'dor ba'i [note 'du shes 4. 'chal ba'i tshul khrims [note i: 311, khrims [note thams cad bshes pa'i 'du shes 5. [note j: There are only ten notions in 311, 4 of which the 5th reads: tshul khrims kyi nyes pa chen po dag la chung ba'i 'du shes [note tshul khrims thams cad yang dag par blang ba'i 'du shes 6. nyes byas chen po dag las yang ba'i 'du shes 7. dge ba'i rtsa ba chung ngu dag [note k: 311, 4 chung ba dag [note la che ba'i 'du shes 8. 'jig rten pha rol dag la 'jigs [note l: 311, 4 rol la 'jigs [note pa myed pa'i 'du shes 9. 'du byed thams cad la myi rtag pa'i [note m: 311, 4 thams cad myi rtag [note 'du shes 10. chos thams cad bdag myed pa'i 'du shes 11. mye [note n: 311, 4 mya [note ngan las 'das pa ni zhi ba'o snyam du mngon du bya 'o / Ends in Sūtra form: pleasure and congratulation of the monks.
IOL Tib J 90.1 - Section: 1 ['phags pa mi 'am ci'i rgyal po sdong pos zhus pa zhes bye ba theg pa chen po'i mdo/] (Ārya - druma - kinnara - rāja - paripṛcchā - nāma - mahāyāna - sūtra) Ch. 73. XII. 2a, 73. VII. frag. A. 6 and frag. 3, Pothī; 46.5 c. x 11.5 c.: foll. 24, some damaged, numbered ka 4, 6, 7, 10, 12-15, 20, 23-24, 27-28, 32-33, 36, 43, 52, 54, 63-64, 68, 70-71; ll. 7: dbu-can. Druma-kinnara-rāja-paripṛcchā, Mdo, Csoma_1836: XII; Beckh_1914: XIV; Nanjio_1883: 161. Compare Mahā-druma-kinnara-rāja-pariṛcchā, Nanjio_1883: 161, 162. (161 = Mahā-druma-kinnara-rāja-paripṛcchā-ratna-tathāgata-samādhi.) On the excellencies and qualities of the Bodhisattvas, &c. The Bodhisattva Lhaḥi-cod-pan (Devamukuṭa) taught by the Sthavira Mahākāśyapa (fol. 10 ), by Bhagavat. Bhagavat and a Mahārāja, Prince Nirma-lacakṣus (Dri-ma-myed-paḥi-mig); Bhagavat and Śāriputra; rain of flowers; 'bhagavan-maṇḍala-cakra', and question of Śāriputra thereon. The same hand as 135. Fol. 52. Ten dharmas to abandon womanhood. Fol. 33. Kinnara-rāja (Sdoṅ-po)—32 purifications of gift. Fol. 28. Kinnara-rāja. Fol. 24. Lhaḥi-cod-pan inquires whether Sdoṅ-po, the chief interlocutor Kinnara-rāja, attains the Ratnākara-samādhi. Fol. 70. Bhagavat, the King Ajātaśatru and the Kinnara-rāja (Sdoṅ-po). On Bodhicitta, verso, l. 3: ...slas dang bcas bu dang bcas g.yog dang bcas pas 'dir byang chub du sems bskyed nas//de dag thams cad...
IOL Tib J 91.1 - Section: 1 dga' bo'i mdo/ (Nandika-sūtra) nan ti ka su tra/ Ch. 03. 25, Pothī; 54 c. x 7.3 c.: fol. 1, numbered 1; ll. 4: dbu-can: two holes, red circle, four lines yellow. Title and beginning of the Sūtra. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Csoma_1836: XXVI. 425; Beckh_1914: XXVIII. 354. Nandika asks: bcom ldan 'das....sangs rgyas kyis mkhyen gzigs te/gang 'di dge bsnyen dag gi bslab pa lnga bshad pa de dag las/dge bsnyen gyis gal na rnam par smyin pa cir 'gyur/ Compare for the topic Śikṣā-samuccaya, p. 175. Dga'-bo is a character in 49, 53, 183, 269.
IOL Tib J 92.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 77. XV. 1, Pothī; 44. c. x 20 c.: fol. 1; ll. 12: dbu-can. Bhagavat and Subhūti.
IOL Tib J 93.1 - Section: 1 [shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa/] (Prajñā-pāramitā) Ch. 9. I. frag. 45, Pothī; 38 c. x 8.5 c.: fol. 1; ll. 13: dbu-med. Bhagavat teaches Śāriputra; the Prajñā and the Prajñā-caryā (śes-rab-kyi-spyod-pa) of a Bodhisattva. Begins: sha ri bu de la shes rab zhes bya ba ni /'di lta ste/dge bi chos thams cad rab du rtogs pa gang yin ba de ni mngon sum mthong bi shes rab yin te/chos thams cad rjes su rtogs pi phyir ro/ Observe pi=pa'i, bi=ba'i Ends: ...myi skye bi chos kyi bzod pa yong su rdzogs pi don gang yin ba de ni pha rol tu phyin pi don ces bya 'o/phyir myi ldog pi sa mthar yongs su rdzogs pa gang yin pa de ni pha rol du phyin pi don ces bya 'o/sangs rgyas
IOL Tib J 94.1 - Section: 1 [shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa/] (Prajñā-pāramitā) Ch. 77. X. 13, Scroll; 149 c. x 28 c.: recto, Chinese, verso, Tibetan; ll. 104: dbu-can. A fragment. Ends: ...snying rje chen po ngo bo nyid myed pa gang yin pa dang/byang chub sems dpa' gang yin pa dang/sngon gyi mtha' gang yin pa dang/phyi ma'i mtha' gang yin pa dang/dbus gang yin pa de thams chad kyang gnyis su byar myed do/
IOL Tib J 95.1 - Section: 1 [shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa/] (Prajñā-pāramitā) Ch. 73. VIII. 16, Scroll; 50 c. x 29 c.: ll. 46: dbu-can, dbu-med. Notes and extracts. Begins: bam po bdun cu pa la/ma tshang ba'i tshig mtshams/lha dang klu dang gnod sbyin dang/dri za dang lha ma yin dang/... Another paragraph begins, recto, l. 28: /ba dang/'god pa yin te/rab 'byor de ltar byang chub sems dpa....shes rab pha rol du phyin pa la spyod pa'i....
IOL Tib J 96.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa tshul brgya' lnga bcu pa/ (Ārya-prajñā-pāramitā naya-adhyardha-śatikā) (Prajñā-pāramitā naya-śata-pañcāśatikā) prad nya pa ra myi ta na ya a dya rda sha ti ka / Ch. 9. I. 45, Pothī; 42 c. x 8.1 c.: foll. 5, numbered (letters) 1-5; ll. 9: dbu-med. See 134. Complete. Compare ? Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Csoma_1836: VIII. 466-76; Beckh_1914: IX. 339-48.
IOL Tib J 97.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa tshul brgya lnga bcu pa/ (Ārya-prajñā-pāramitā naya-adhyardha-śatikā) a rya prad nya pa ra mi tA na ya/a d+hya d+ha sha ti ka/ Ch. 9. II. 1 (foll. 1-13, 15-20), 9. I. 29 (foll. 21-46, 48, 50-64), XIX. 005 (fol. 47), Pothī; 23.2 c. x 5.4 c.: foll. 62, numbered ka 1-13, 15-48, 50-64; ll. 3: dbu-can. Defective in the middle and at the end. Paragraphs separated by Bījas: Vajra hūṃ, Vajra kri, Vajra A. Series of Prajñā-pāramitā-nayas styled Mahācakrāvatāra, Avalokiteśvara-jñāna-mudrā..., and of Hṛdayas— Vajrapāṇi, Avalokiteśvara, Ākāśagarbha, Sarvadharmāprapañca tathāgata. Begins: bcom ldan 'das ma shes rab kyi pha rol du phyin pa la phyag 'tshal lo//'di skad bdag gis thos pa dus gcig na //bcom ldan 'das de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi [note a: 96—rdo rje 'i byin kyi rlabs dam tshigs gi ye shes rnam pa tha dad pa'i bye brag gi ye shes dang ldan te/ [note rdo rje'i gnas/dam tshig dang /mkhyen pa'i bye brag rnam pa tha dad pa dang ldan ba /de bzhin gshegs pa [note b: 96—thams cad kyi rin po che 'i cod pan gis khams gsum gi chos kyi rgyal por dbang bskur ba thob pa/ [note rin po che thams cad kyi cod pan gyis khams gsum du dbang bskur ba brnyes pa/ fol. 21: @/:/nas/rkang g.yas pa bskum ba'i tshul du gnas pas 'dug nas/rdo rje hung zhes bya ba'i snying po 'di smras so//ba dzra hUm//de nas bcom ldan 'das de bzhin gshegs pa ngo bo nyid rnam par dag pa'i chos nyid brnyEs pas/yang chos thams cad kyi mnyam ba nyid /spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug gi ye shes kyi phyag rgya zhes bya ba shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i tshul 'di bshad de/'dod chags thams cad rnam par dag pas/'jig rten na zhe sdang thams cad rnam par dag par 'gyur ro/... Fol. 24b, l. 3: pad ma'i gzugs sna tshigs shes bya ba'i snying po 'di smras so//ba dzra hri//de nas bcom ldan 'das ... Fol. 30a: dngos grub thams cad kyi dam tshig ces bya ba'i snying po 'di smras so//ba dzra a//de nas ...chos thams cad spros pa myed...
IOL Tib J 98.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa tshul brgya lnga bcu pa/ (Ārya-prajñā-pāramitā naya-śata-pañcāśatikā) Ch. 73. III. 19, Concertina; 29 c. x 10 c.: foll. 28; ll. 5 and (foll. 1-5 verso) 9, 11: dbu-can, different hands. End of the text and colophon.
IOL Tib J 98.2 - Section: 2 A text beginning: snang ba'i sgo mdo tsam [note a: mdo tsam sūtrīkṛta. [note brtsams te/ /dbang po rtul po rnams la bslab pa'/ /dal [note b: dal for rnal [note 'byor 'di rny+had rab tu dka'/ /yang dag don cen thos pa la/ /'di tshe brtson bar ma bsgrubs na/ /phyis ...
IOL Tib J 98.3 - Section: 3 Tāntrik matters. Vajra-dhara, Vajra-mudrā, Vajra-samatāvatāra (°praveśa), Sarva-dharma-samatā, Vajra-muṣṭi....
IOL Tib J 98.4 - Section: 4 Abhidharma topics. 'There are three Vedanās, the pleasant....'
IOL Tib J 99.1 - Section: 1 ['phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i tshul gyi sgo mo brgya lnga bcu/] (Ārya-prajñā-pāramitā naya-mukha-śata-pañcāśatikā) Ch. 51. I. 50 and 03, 45, Concertina; 27 c. x 7.5 c.: foll. 2; ll. 5: dbu-can, different hands. A fragment. .../dri rnam par dag pa'i tshig de ni 'di lta ste byang cub sems dpa'i tshig go //ro rnam par dag pa'i tshig de ni ...//chos rnam par dag pa'i tshig de ni ...//de ji 'i phyir zhe na //'di ltar chos thams cad /rang bzhin stong pa nyid /ngo bo nyid rnam par dag pa ste /chos thaMs cad ngo bo nyid stong pa nyid phyir /shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa /rnam par dag pa 'o /lag na rdo rje ... This passage occurs 102, 1, foll. 4-5.
IOL Tib J 99.2 - Section: 2 Fragment of a Sūtra. The Devapūtra Ratnapāṇi goes into the Kun-du-sgo-baḥi-yul (Samanta-mukha?). /de nas lha bu rin cen lag/ /de skad bstan pa'i tshig thos nas/ /rje sa gus pa phyag 'tsald te/ /skye shi chos tshul dri ba'i phyird/ /drang srong 'jigs mchog de tshol du/ /'khor dang bcas te mchis pa ni/
IOL Tib J 99.3 - Section: 3 A fragment. Begins: rlabs shes bya ba 'i /ting 'dzin la snyoms par bzhugs nas //sems can byin kyis rlob_pa zhes bya ba'i /shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa zhes bya ba'i //tshul gyi don 'di bshad do //thams cad kun du bzang po //byang cub sems dpA chen po 'i rang bzhin bas na //sems thams cad ni //de bzhin gshegs pa'i snying po 'o //thams cad rdo rje 'i snying pos dbang bskur ba'i phyir /sems can thams cad ni snying rje 'i snying po 'o //...
IOL Tib J 100.1 - Section: 1 ['phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i tshul gyi sgo mo brgya lnga bcu/] (Ārya-prajñā-pāramitā naya-mukha-śata-pāñcāśatikā) Ch. XL. K, Pothī, originally Concertina; 21 c. x 8.5 c.: fol. 1; ll. 6: dbu-can, two hands. A fragment. ...mtshan nyid rnam par dag pa'i tshig de ni 'di lta ste //byang cub sems [d]pa'i tshig go //yid dga' ba rnam par dag pa'i tshig de ni lta ste//byang cub sems dpa'i tshig go//snang ba rnam par dag pa'i...//lus bde ba rnam par dag pa'i...//ngag rnam par dag pa'i... This passage occurs 102, 1, fol. 3.
IOL Tib J 100.2 - Section: 2 [rdo rje gcod pa]/ (Vajracchedikā) A fragment. de 'di lta ste dper na rab 'byor skyes bu mun par zhugs pa ltar/gang dngos por [ma ]lhung bas byin ba yongs su gthong ba'i byang cub sems dpa' rab lta'o/de 'di lta ste dper na rab 'byor myig dang ldan pa'i skyes bus /nam nangs te nyi ma shar nas gzugs rnam pa mang po mthong ba de bzhin du /gang dngos por... See Müller_1881: p. 32, ll. 24 seq.
IOL Tib J 101.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i tshul gyi sgo mo brgya lnga bcu/ (Ārya-prajñā-pāramitā naya-mukha-śata-pañcāśatikā) Ch. 75. IV. 2, Roll; 22 c. x 25 c.: foll. 3 (two damaged); ll. 18, 19, 13; verso 37 columns Chinese; dbu-can: red and black. Last part of the text and colophon (title only).
IOL Tib J 102.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i tshul gyi sgo mo brgya' lnga bcu/ (Ārya-prajñā-pāramitā naya-mukha-śata-pañcāśatikā) Ch. XXVII. B and 2a. 1, Concertina; 24.8 c. x 6.8 c.: foll. 24; ll. 4, 5 and 6: dbu-can: black and red. The passage quoted in 100 occurs here on fol. 3. It is followed by Prajñā aphorisms on voidness (śūnyatā) and essential purity (viśuddha-svabhāvatā) of Dharmas. Then occurs a mention of Vajrapāṇi, Guhyakādhipati to whom the sermon is addressed. This method (naya) of Prajñā-pāramitā destroys every hindrance or veil (āvaraṇa), the kleśa, the karma, the dharmāvaraṇa (commonly styled jñeyāvaraṇa). See 95, fol. 12b. The paragraphs into which the text is divided (beginning with 'tato Bhagavān...') are separated by bījas written in red, hūṁ, vajrahūm.
IOL Tib J 102.2 - Section: 2 'phags ba 'jam dpal gnas pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo/ (Ārya-Mañjuśrī-vihāra-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtra) a rya man 'ju shri bi ha ra ma na[sic] ma ha ya na su drA/ Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Csoma_1836: XV. 427-36; Beckh_1914: XVII. 355-62. Defective at the end. Mañjuśrī teaches Śāriputra; Bhagavat teaches Śāriputra. Concerning five hundred bhikṣus, who fell into the hells because Mañjuśrī failed to teach them the sattvānurakṣaṇa-dharma (sems-can-rjes-su-sruṅ-baḥi-chos). Ends in ślokas (Bhagavat).
IOL Tib J 103.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. IV. 3 and 8, Concertina; 25.5 c. x 8 c.: foll. 28, incomplete and defective; ll. 5: dbu-can, different hands. A tāntrik text. A series of Prajñā-pāramitā-nayas and of Hṛdayas (Bījas). Begins: sbyan gyi gzugs kyis /rdo rje khro ba'i gad mo zhes bya ba'i snying po 'di smras so//ha//de nas bcom ldan 'das de bzhin gshegs [pa ]chos thams cad kyi mnyam pa nyid la gnas pas/yang chos thams cad kyi mchog ces bya ba/shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i tshul 'di bshad do//thams cad mnyam ba nyid pas shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa mnyam ba nyid do//thams cad don nyid pas shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa don nyid do//thams cad chos nyid pas shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa chos nyid do//thams cad las nyid pas//shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa las nyid du rig par bya'o//de nas bcom ldan 'das lag na rdo rje de bzhin gshegs pa dang/byang cub sems dpa' thams cad kyi don yod pa'i dam tshig gi dkyil 'khor byin kyis rlob pa zhes bya ba'i ting nge 'dzin la snyoms par zhugs nas/don yod pa thams cad kyi dam tshig ces bya ba'i snying po smras so//huM//... Other bījas are: hrī, hruṅ, hri, traṅ.
IOL Tib J 103.2 - Section: 2 [byang po spyod pa'i smon lam/] (Bhadra-caryā-praṇidhāna) Incomplete at beginning and end. Begins: /sems can rgya mtsho dag ni rnam par grol/ /chos rnams rgya mtsho rab tu mthong byed cing/
IOL Tib J 103.3 - Section: 3 Mantras. ...om b+ha ga ba na/A rA pa ra na byi sho d+ha ya swa hwa//om ni tham shad kyi thog mar 'gro bas/sems can/tham shad cho bo la bsgral ba 'o/...
IOL Tib J 103.4 - Section: 4 A tāntrik text (the same as no. 1 ?). Bhagavān and the Bodhisattva Asaṅga (Thogs-pa-myed-pa). The Sarva-Tathāgata-guhya-mudrā and the Bhadra-mukha-dhāraṇī). Four kings, Rnam-thos-kyi bu (Vaiśravaṇa), Yul-'khor-sruṅ, Ḥphags-skyes-po, Myig-mi-bzaṅ. For Vaiśravaṇa = Rnam-thos-kyi bu, see 400: but Rnam-thos-sras in Bstan-ḥgyur.
IOL Tib J 103.5 - Section: 5 A fragment on the chos thams cad kyi mnyam pa nyid kyi snying po/(Sarva-dharma-samatā-hṛdaya)Compare the Sūtra, Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Csoma_1836: IX. 1; Beckh_1914: XI. 1.
IOL Tib J 103.6 - Section: 6 Maṅgala? ...glo bur du myi 'chi/dpal dang bsod nams thob pa 'ang grangs myed do/...
IOL Tib J 104.1 - Section: 1 shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa stong phrag brgya pa/ (Śata-sāhasrikā prajñā-pāramitā) Ch. 01a, 01c, 73. V, 73. VIII. 11, 73. XIV, 73. XIVA, 75. IX, 76. IV. 1, 77. II. 4, 77. XII, 80. VIIIA, 83. IX, 86. IV, 87. VI, 87.XVI. 1-2, Pothī; 72 c. x 20 c.: foll. 66 (7 fragmentary), numbered ka 507-34, kha 42, 290-2, ga 149, 264, 321, nga 81, 192, 194-5, 204-5, 207, 265, 270, 415, 426, 446, ta 19, 21, 65, 100, tha 1, 31, ba 63, 88, ma 92, tsa 44, za 10, 47, 'a 16, 64, 67, 70, 'wa 23, 30; ll. 12: dbu-can. Foll. 507-34 contain kāṇda (dum-bu) 1, khaṇḍas (bam-pos) 66-7 : fol. 507 = B I. iii. 252. The 11th parivarta (leḥu) ends with the 68th bam-po. The other folios contain incomplete khaṇḍas from the second and fourth kāṇḍas. Mention of kāṇḍas does not occur in the Bibliotheca Indica, in Csoma_1836, or in Beckh_1914. Each bam-po is, as a rule, followed by a colophon giving the names of scribes and revisers: fol. ka 513, Leṅ-ho Śiṇ-tse, Bu-gi, Leṅ-cu, Dam-tsoṅ, Chos-sprin, Dge-brtan, Seṅ-ge, Keḥu-yiṅ; fol. ka 519, Btsan-bźer, Phab-dzaṅ, Leṅ-tseḥu, Dam-tsoṅ, Keḥu Lha-ḥod-gi, Dge-brtan; ka 527, Dzeḥu-Hiṅ-tsin, Phab-dzaṅ, Leṅ-ceḥu, Dam-tsoṅ, Keḥu Lha-ḥod-gi, Dge-brtan, Ye-śes-gi; ka 533, Liḥu Klu-brtan, Phab-dzaṅ, Dam-źen, Dam-tshoṅ, Chos-sprin, Dge-brtan; ta 19, Dzeḥu Hiṅ-tsiṅ, Lha La-rton, Legs-rtsan, Leṅ-ceḥu; za 47, Sag Dge-legs, Dam-źen, Bzaṅ Skyo-ṅa, Phab-dzaṅ; 'a 67, 'Im Hor-tshek, Caṅ Hveṅ-yir, Pham Dar-tshe, Phab-men.
IOL Tib J 105.1 - Section: 1 shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa stong phrag brgya pa/ (Śata-sāhasrikā prajñā-pāramitā) Ch. 01b, Pothī; 73 c. x 20 c.: foll. 146; ll. 12: dbu-can. Kāṇḍa 1, khaṇḍas 51-70 (incomplete). Except in a few cases, the bam-pos begin recto l. 1, and are follwed by colophons giving the names of the scribes and revisers: Brtan-legs, Ci-dzeṅ, Ḥgo Kaṅ-kaṅ, Hva Stag-legs, Hvaṅ Ham-ḥdo, Khaṅ Dpal-legs, Leng-ho Zir-hiṅ, Sag Dge-brtan, Sag Dge-legs, Sag Hveṅ-ciṅ.
IOL Tib J 106.1 - Section: 1 shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa stong phrag brgya pa/ (Śata-sāhasrikā prajñā-pāramitā) Ch. 73. XIV. 4 and 76. XI. 5, Pothī; 72 c. x 20 c.: foll. 5, numbered ka 487, ga 161, 254,..., two badly damaged; ll. 12: dbu-can. Contains kāṇḍa 4, khāṇḍa 32.
IOL Tib J 107.1 - Section: 1 shes rab kyi pha rol phyin pa stong phrag brgya pa/ (Śata-sāhasrikā-prajñā-pāramitā) Ch. XL. m, 73. V, 73. VI. 73. VIII. 20, 73. XIV, 73. XV, 74. VI, 74. VII, 75. III, 75. IX, 75. XII, 77. XV. 1, 77. XVI. 1, 79. VIII. 2, 79. XIV, 79. XVI, 80. V. 2-3, 80. VIII. 4, 81. IV, 82. VII, 82. IX, 82. XVI, 83. IX. 83. XIV, 85. IX, 85. IX. 2, 86. I. 15, 86. II, 86. XI, 87. I, 87. VI, 87. VIII.a. 1, 87. X. 2, CXXII, Pothī; 72 c. x20 c.: foll. 119 (51 badly damaged) and numerous fragments, unnumbered; ll. 12: dbu-can. Similar to 104 and 105, to which some of the folios may belong. Scribes and revisers mentioned in the colophons: Bam Stag-gzaṅ, [B]rtan-koṅ, Bun-śu, Byaṅ-cub, Bzaṅ-skyoṅ, Caṅ Legs-rma, Caṅ Stag-rma, Chos-sprin, Ci-pun, Dam-tsoṅ, Dam-źen, Dge-legs, Dpal-gyi Ṅaṅ-tshul, Dpal-gyi Zla-ḥod, Gźo-nu, Ḥbaḥ Heḥu-heḥu, Ḥgo Kaṅ-Kaṅ, Ḥjam-dpal, Hve Ḥa-gog, Keḥu Btsan-bzaṅ, Leṇ-ho Źun-tse, Leṅ-ceḥu, Lha-ḥod, Lha-la-rton, Phab-dzaṅ, Phug-ḥgi, Śa-ri-bu, Sag Dge-legs, Śan-ben, Son Kyen-tse, Stag Cuṅ-gi, Stag-slebs, Źi-mchog.
IOL Tib J 108.1 - Section: 1 shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa stong phrag brgya pa/ (Śata-sāhasrikā-prajñā-pāramitā) Ch. 73. XIV. 16. 5, Pothī; ? x 24.5 c.: fol. 1, damaged; ll. 13: dbu-can. Deals with the abhijñās.
IOL Tib J 109.1 - Section: 1 shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa stong phrag brgya pa/ (Śata-sāhasrikā-prajñā-pāramitā) Ch. 73. I. 1 and frag. 47 (foll. 38), 73. VIII. 2 (fol. 1), 73. XIV. 16. 1 (fol. 1), 74. III (foll.4), 77. X. 4 (foll.30), 84. VIII. 1, 3, 4 (foll. 4, 17, 17), 86. XII. 1-4 (foll. 5, 17, 2, 2), 87. XI (foll. 9), frag. 44 (foll. 8), frag. 54 (foll.16), a collection of rolls; various sizes: all dbu-can. Other prajñā-pāramitā rolls, either fragmentary or fairly complete, are found under the numbers Ch. 73. I. XIII. 11; 76. XI. 1; 77. II, II. 1, 2, 5, 6, X. 1. 2; 79. XVI; 80. II, II. 1, VIII. 2, IX. B. 2; 81. V, V. 2, XII; 82 (back); 84. VIII, VIII. a, XIV; 85. IX, IX, 3; 86. II, II. a, IV, V, V, a, XI, XII; 87, XI. 1; Frag. 82; and there are unnumbered fragments bound in vols. 53, 54, 55, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73. Detailed descriptions of 86. XII. 1-4, 74. III, and 73. VIII. 2 follow. 86. XII. 1, 30.2 c. x 20. 5 c.: pp. 10; different hands, the writing differing with the leaves. Ends rather abruptly, on l. 3 of the last page. Notes by the scribes: //khrom zigs gyis zhus// (Khrom-zigs) brang kun nod pa'/ (Brang-kun) /meg long ldong 'dus gyis bris meg le lcang bges spad// (Meg-loṅ, Ldoṅ-ḥdus, Meg-le, Lcaṅ-bges) @//mo zom klu bzhe+r dang/khu khri gzigs kyis zhus//skya tsha kyi skugs dang ru klu rmas yang zhus bgyis//stag zigs kyi be ne kyi gol gyis zhu cen byis// (Mo-zom Klu-bźre, Khu Khri-gzigs, Skya-tsha-kyi-skugs (?), Ru Klu-rma, Stag-zigs Be-ne, Kyi-gol) Verso: @// 'bum pha'i gzhi 'dzin la gthad pha'/ In the text 'a and 'a, d drag and y inserted before i and e are used indifferently. 86. XII. 2, page 29.3 c. x 26 c.: pp. 34, leaves of two pages; ll. 14; different hands: one of the rolls to which the stick has remained fastened. Notes by the scribes (another hand): mo sma nos kong gis bri ste/chad nyung// and another hand: @/:/tshab (?)nos lha snang gis zhu chin bgyiso// and another hand: @/:/nang rje po blon bzhe 86. XII. 3, 30.5 c. x 25 c.: pp. 3; ll. 20. Notes by the scribes (not the same hand as the MSS.): khrom zigs gyis zhus chen bgyis// (Khrom-zigs) @/./mo zom 'dron kong gis bris /bde gsang gi yi ge pa 'tshal zhing cog ro legs 'dus kyis bris (Mo-zom Ḥdron-koṅ, Bde-gsaṅ, Cog-ro Legs-ḥdus) @//rgya gar [...]zhu chen bbyis 86. XII. 4, 25.4 c. x 19.5 c. and 26.5 c.: pp. 3; ll. 14. Notes by the scribes: 'u tshang 'phan legs gyis zhus// (Ḥu-tshaṅ Ḥphan-legs) zhu chen lags pha and on the leaf to which the stick was fastened, three hands: *gu rib ke'u shang gis zhus* (Gu-rib Keḥu-śaṅ) ke'u shang zhus// (Keḥu-śaṅ) gu rib ke'u shang gis zhu chen bgyis// (Gu-rib Keḥu-śaṅ) and on the back of the last leaf zhus da'i mtshand 74. III, 27.3 c. x 29.4 c.: foll.4, one damaged; ll. 16. End of a roll, Bam-po 17 of dum-bu 1. On Tathatā. Colophon: cog ro mjal gong gis bris /shang ben yang zhus so// (Cog-ro Mjal-goṅ, Śaṅ-ben) so zhe sum zhus/ (So Źe-sum) mchog rab b[zhe+r ]zhus/ (Mchog Rab-bźe[r]) On the fly-leaf: sangs rgyas dang byang chub sems dpa' sems thams yi'u brtan gong lan cig bris (Yiḥu Brtan-goṅ) @//lug lo 'i dbyar sla ra ba tshes nyi shu la/je'u brtan gong lan cig bris sthe/glegs bu brgyad gyis bkang ngo// (Jeḥu Brtan-goṅ) @/:/shes rab gyi pha rol tu phyin pa stong phrag brgya' pa dum bu dang po/bam pho bcu bdun no/: //dpyid sla ra ba'i ngo la/wang gyu rton lan cig bris so/ (Waṅ Gyu-rton) @//lugi lo'i dbyar sla tha chungs tshes nyi shu dgu la/ling 'o zhun tshe lan cig bris te glegs bu brgyad la bkod/ (Liṅ-ḥo Źun-tshe) lug gi lo'i@//rta'i lo dbyar sla ra ba la seng hwa'i kyis lan cig (?)pya(?)gs sho// (Seṅ Hvaḥi) 73. VIII. 2, 24 c. x 26 c.: ; fol. 1; ll. 7: dbu-can. Fly-leaf of a Prajñā-pāramitā roll. @/:/dbyar sla tha cung sa nya la bzhi pa bco brgyad khrom legs briste gleg bcu gcig phul te/gshib pyeg bgyis//tshig kyang rab sla bar dka'o// (Khrom-legs) Smaller hand: cang(?)tse gyis lan cig bris/legs cung lan gcig briste bar sla bar dka'o/bam po yang tshig kyang bar bar sla bar bar dka' lagso//che rab bo// (Caṅ-tse, Legs-cuṅ) bam po yang che lagso/le'u kyang sum cu rtsa brgyad mchis so/ cang tsin dar bris te glegs bu bcu lags so ( Cang-tsin) @//bchen legs lan cig briste che rab po/glegs bu bcu la pheg bgyis sho (Bchen-legs) Verso disconnected words.
IOL Tib J 110.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa sdud pa'i tshigs su bcad pa/ (Ārya-prajñā-pāramitā-sañcaya-gāthā) a rya prad nya pa ra myi ta san dzA ya ga ta/ Ch. 9. I. 43, Pothī; 37 c. x 8.6 c.: foll. 61, numbered ka 1-61; ll. 5: dbu-can. Translators: Indian Paṇḍit Vidyākarasiṃha (Byid-dya...) and Źu. Lo. Ban. Dpal-brtsegs (Śrīkūṭarakṣita). Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Śer-phyin, Csoma_1836: II. 2; Beckh_1914: II. 24 (foll. 1-29). Commentary Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, VIII. 3 (foll. 135-223, 6 kh.) by Buddhaśrījñāna and the same translators, Cordier_1909_1915: III, p. 280.
IOL Tib J 110.2 - Section: 2 Fol. 61b, a fragment, beginning abruptly, on the Māra-karmāṇi (see Śikṣā-samuccaya, p. 151, &c.)
IOL Tib J 111.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa/sdud pa'i tshigs su bcad pa/ (Ārya-prajñā-pāramitā-sañcaya-gāthā) a rya prad nya pa ra myi tA san tsa yA ga ta/ Ch. 2. A, Pothī; 23.5 c. x 5 c.: foll. 78, numbered verso ka 1-78; ll. 4: dbu-can. Complete. Colophon, title only. This translation differs from 110; it agrees (fol. 3a, l. 4) with the translation 112.
IOL Tib J 112.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa stong phrag brgya pa las sdud pa'i tshigs su bcad pa'i le 'u zhes bya ste/brgyad cu rtsa bzhi pa/ (Ārya-prajñā-pāramitā-sañcaya-gāthā) Ch. 0066; 0068-0070; Fragments 76, 98; XXXIII. 004-7, 010; 73. VI. 11; 73. VII. frag. A. 13; XIX. 007; 81. IV. 3, Pothī; 41 c. x 8 c.: foll. 37, some damaged, numbered ka (red) 2-3, 6-8, 11, 13, 15, 18, 20-22, 24, 26-34, 37-39, 41-52; ll. 5: dbu-can; black and red. Foll. 1-39. Fol. 39b blank. Stanzas of eleven syllables, first and last lines of folios generally written in red. Fol. 2a, l. 3: /gzhan yang shes rab 'di ni gang yin gang gi phyir/ /gang las 'byung zhes chos 'di thams cad stong par rtog/ /nye bar brtags nas zhum ba myed cing skrag pa myed/ /byang cub sems dpa' de ni byang cub nye ba yin/ = 110, fol. 2b, l. 3: /yang 'di shes rab 'di ni gang yin su'i yin/ /gang las yin zhes chos 'di thams cad stong par rtog/ /nye bar brtags nas zhum ba myed cing skrag myed pa/ /byang chub sems dpa' de ni byang chub nye ba yin/ Fol. 7a, l. 3: */rgyal ba'i shes rab pha rol phyin 'di rig sngags che/ /sems can khams mang mya ngan sdug bsngal chos zhi byed/* = 110, fol. 9b, l. 4. Fol. 21a, l. 1: */sa bon las ni myu gu me tog 'bras bu 'byung/ /de yang 'gags la de myed par yang shing de myed/* = 110, fol. 31b, l. 3: /sa bon las ni myu gu me tog 'bras bu 'byung/ /de yang 'gags la shing yang myed pa de myin ltar/ Reference to the first thought of Bodhi (Bodhi-citta), seed of Buddhahood. The translation in this MS. Differs from 110, which is better.
IOL Tib J 112.2 - Section: 2 'jam dpal gyi mtshan yang dag par brjod pa/ (Mañjuśrī-nāma-saṃgīti) Foll. 40-52. Fol. 43a, l. 5-43b, l. 2: /sbyin bdag chen po gtsho bo ste/ /tshul khrims chen po 'chang ba mchog/ /bzod cen 'chang ba brtan pa po/ /gtson 'gru [..... ............]brtul pa che/ /bsam brtan chen po ting 'dzin gnas/ /shes rab chen po'i lus 'chang ba/ /stobs po che la thabs che ba/ / [note a: [note bsam ba'i ye shes rgya mtsho ste/ [note a: Inserted beneath the line. [note /byams ceng rang bzhin[.... .....]po blo'i mchog/ /shes rab chen po blo chen ldan/ /mkhas pa chen po thams che ba/ /rdzu 'phrul chen po stobs dang ldan/ Fol. 47b, l. 1: /nyon mongs ma lus zhi byed pa/ /'khor ba'i rgya mtsho pha rol phyin/ Fol. 52a, l. 2: /rnam par sangs rgyas kun rig mchog/ /sangs rgyas kyi sprul pa'i sku/ /bye ba dpag myed 'gyed pa po/ Fol. 48b, l. 3: /rdul myed rdul bral dri ma myed/ /nyes pa spangs shing skyon myed pa/ .... /dus gsum sangs rgyas las byed pa/ /sangs rgyas thog ma mtha' ma myed/
IOL Tib J 113.1 - Section: 1 ['phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa sdud pa'i tshigs su bcad pa] (Ārya-prajñā-pāramitā-sañcaya-gāthā) Ch. 0024, Pothī; 41.5 c. x 7 c.: fol. 1, numbered k+ka 94; ll. 4: dbu-can. .../de bzhin rgyal ba'i pha rol phyin lnga 'di dag kyang / /shes rab pha rol phyin pa'i mying nyid thob par 'gyur / / thams cad mkhyen pa nyid phyir yongs su bsngos byas na / /byang chub ces byar drug po 'di kun ro gcig 'gyur / = 100, fol. 11b, l. 3.
IOL Tib J 114.1 - Section: 1 ['phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa sdud pa'i tshigs su bcad pa] (Ārya-prajñā-pāramitā-sañcaya-gāthā) Ch. 51. I. 54 and 77. XV. 6, Pothī; 30 c. x 8.2 c.: foll. 7, numbered ka 16, 18, 22, 24, 30, 36, 46; ll. 5: dbu-can. Fol. 18b, l. 3: /dper na seng 'ge ri sul brten nas 'jigs myed par / /ri dags phra mo mang skrag byed cing sgra sgrogs ltar/ /myi'i seng ge shes rab pha rol phyin brten nas/ /mu stegs can mang skrag byed 'jig rten sgra yang sgrog/ = 110, fol. 22b, l. 2. '...As the lion, residing in a hill-ravine, is without fear, and frightens many minor animals while he roars, in the same way the lion amongst men, residing in the Prajñā-pāramitā, frightens the many heretics while he roars.' Fol. 22a, l. 5-22b, l. 2: /nam mkha'i khams ni shar kyi phyogs dang lho phyogs dang/ /de bzhin nub kyi phyogs dang byang phyogs pha mtha' yas/ /steng dang 'og dang phyogs bcu'i ci snyed rnams na 'ang yod/ /tha dad gyur pa myed ching bye brag gyur ba myed/ /'da's pa'i de bzhin nyid gang ma phyin de bzhin nyid/ /da ltar de bzhin nyid gang dgra bcom de bzhin nyid/ /chos kun de bzhin nyid gang rgyal ba'i de bzhin nyid/ 'Free from differences, free from distinctions, the Tathatā of the past is the Tathatā of the present, the Tathatā of the present is the Tathatā of the Arhats, the Tathatā of all things is the Tathatā of the Jinas.' As an instance is given the ether element of the cardinal directions. = 110, fol. 27a, ll. 2-5.
IOL Tib J 115.1 - Section: 1 ['phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i sdud pa'i tshigs su bcad pa/] (Ārya-prajñā-pāramitā-sañcaya-gāthā) Ch. 85. IX. 9; 0062; 77. X. 11 and 87. V, Pothī; 27.3 c. X 8 c.: foll. 6, numbered ka 3, 10, 18, 21, 32, 33, some damaged; ll. 5: dbu-can. Fol. 18a, l. 2: /glang po rnyed kyang glang po'i rjes ni tshol ba ltar/ ..... /shes rab pha rol phyin 'di 'dzin par myi 'gyur ba'i/ /bar du gcod pa rnam mang gzhan yang 'byung bar 'gyur/ = 110, fol. 20a, l. 5. Fol. 21a, 1l 2: /byang chub sems dpa' chos nyid gang du 'ang myi 'gro la/ /sangs rgyas sa'i yon tan gang yin thams cad sdud/ 'Although the Bodhisattva is not arrived at the Dharmatā, he concentrates all the qualities of the Bhūmi of the Buddhas....' = 110, fol. 23b, l. 3. No variants except gang du yang (which makes a faulty line). Fol. 32a, l. 2: /de bzhin byang chub sems dpa' gsal de nyan thos dang/ /rang rgyal rnams kyi shes pa rnam grol kun la mkhas/ /de la myi gnas sangs rgyas ye shes gnas ma yin/ /'dus ma byas la myi gnas lam gyi tshul shes yin/!/ gang tshe 'gro la byams pa rjes su 'brel byas nas/ /ting 'dzin stong pa mtshan myed smon pa myed spyod pa/ /de ni mya ngan 'das pa thob par 'gyur zhe 'am/ /'dus byas yin bar gdags nus de ni gnas myed do/!/ dper na spruld pa'i myi lus myi snang ma yin zhing/ /de ni mying gis kyang ni gdags su nus pa ltar/ /de bzhin.... 'The Bodhisattva knows the Vimokṣa of the Śrāvakas and the Pratyeka-buddhas, but he does not abide in it; just as a man does not abide in the Ratnadvīpa, although he knows the way.... He sees, in a dream, the begings of the three bad existences, and resolves to avoid the bad existences.'
IOL Tib J 116.1 - Section: 1 ['phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa sdud pa tshigs su bcad pa/] (Ārya-prajñā-pāramitā-sañcaya-gāthā) Ch. 2. C, Pothī; 47.5 c. x 8 c.: foll. 4, numbered ka 3, 10, kha 100, ga 13 (= 3, 10, 200, 213); ll. 6: dbu-can. Foll. 3 and 10. Begins: snying rje chen po skyed kyang sems can 'du shes myed / /'di ni shes rab pha rol phyin mchog spyod pa yin / 'To produce the great companion and to be free from the notion of beings, that is the excellent practice of the Prajñā-pāramitā.' = 110, fol. 5b, l. 4.
IOL Tib J 116.2 - Section: 2 'phags pa sa bcu pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo/ (Ārya-daśabhūmaka-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtra) Colophon (title only) fol. 213b. The seventh and last khaṇḍa (bdun-pa-ste-tha-maḥo) begins fol. 200a, l. 1.
IOL Tib J 117.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i snying po/ (Ārya-prajñā-pāramitā-hṛdaya) Ch. 87. XIII. e, Scroll; 45 c. x 31 c.: ll. 19. dbu-can. Scribe: Klu-brtsan. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Śer-phyin, Csoma_1836: XXI. 13; Rgyud, Csoma_1836: XI. 13; (Feer_1881: n.p. 202). Agrees with the edition Anecd. Oxon. iii Müller_1884. The Mantra at the end runs as follows: tad thya 'ga' te 'ga' te/pa ra 'ga' te/pa ra sang 'ga' te/b+ho de swA hA//
IOL Tib J 118.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 0016, Pothī; 35.2 c. x 9.4 c.: fol. 1, numbered ka 28; ll. 6: dbu-can. End of a metrical text (11 and 9 syllables); a Śaraṇa-gamana, no colophon. Ends: men tog 'phreng ba spel legs mdzes pa dang/ /tsan dan bdug spos mar mye bshos la stsogs/ /bkra shis rol mo sil snyan lhab lhu[b] rgyan rnams kyis/ /phyag 'tshal mchad bkur skyabs su nye bar mchi/
IOL Tib J 118.2 - Section: 2 bcom ldan 'das ma shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i snying po/ (Bhagavatī-prajñā-pāramitā-hṛdaya) (bA ga bA ti/prad nya pa ra myi tA hri da yA/) Begins verso l. 4.
IOL Tib J 119.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i snying po/ (Ārya-prajñā-pāramitā-hṛdaya) Ch. 73. XIV. 15a, Concertina; 13.5 c. x 4.5 c.: foll. 7; ll. 4: dbu-can. Defective at the beginning ; ends without colophon: tad tya tha/'ga' te 'ga' te/ba ra 'ga' te//ba ra sang 'ga' te//b+ho d+ha swa ha//rdzogs so//
IOL Tib J 119.2 - Section: 2 Fragment of a Tāntrik text. Fol. [4], verso: rigs kyi bu u dum 'ba' ra 'i men tog 'byung ba ni rnyed par sla 'i/gsang sngags 'di 'jig rten du 'byung ba ni/rab tu rnyed par dka'o / '...Son of family , the birth of the Udumbara flower is easy to obtain; but the birth (appearing) in the world of this Mantra is difficult to obtain....'
IOL Tib J 120.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i snying po/ (Ārya-prajñā-pāramitā-hṛdaya) Fragments 46, 49a-c, Ch. 73. VI. 1-2, 73. XV. 9, 74. VI. 30 (13 columns Chinese verso), 75. XII. 2, 76. XI. 2, 79. VIII. 1, 80. II. 2, 82. XII. 1, and 3 without numbers (vol. 56, fol. 6; vol. 69, fol. 24; vol. 55, fol. 77); all scrolls except vol. 55, fol. 77, which is the left half of a pothī: dbu-can. Sixteen copies of the Sūtra. Ch. 73. VI. 1-2; Dpal - gyi - ṅaṅ - tshul - źus. Ch. 76. XI. 2; mkhan - po - Lha - dbyaṅs - kyi - bsod - nams - su - bris: written for the merit of Paṇḍita Devaghoṣa.
IOL Tib J 121.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol du phyin pa'i snying po/ (Ārya-prajñā-pāramitā-hṛdaya) a rya prad nya pa ra myi ta r+hi da ya'/ Ch. CXXII. 4, Scrolls; 44 c. x 30 c.: ll. 16 and 15: dbu-can.
IOL Tib J 121.2 - Section: 2 'phags pa shes rab gyi pha gdugs dkar po'i snying po/ (Ārya-prajña-[pāramitā-]sitātapatra-hṛdaya) The phrase 'shes-rab-gyi-pha' is a scribal error, copied from the preceding text. Two copies of each text.
IOL Tib J 122.1 - Section: 1 shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i snying po bshad pa/ (Prajñā-pāramitā-hṛdaya-vṛtti) Ch. 03. 18 and 73. VII. 4 (foll. 55-61), Pothī; 52.5 c. x 6.7 c.: foll. 9; numbered ka 52-61; ll. 5: dbu-can: red (mūla) and black. Incomplete at the beginning. Colophon, title only, but a note, second hand, dbu-med, states that this commentary (ḥgrel-pa-ḥdi) is the work of the Ācārya Kamalaśīla . There is a Prajñā-pāramitā-hṛdaya-ṭīkā (ḥgrel-pa) by this Ācārya, Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, XVI. 14. (foll. 330-3), Cordier_1909_1915: p. 289. But see a number of commentaries in XVI, amongst which two Vyākhyās (rnam-par-bśad-pa), and CXXIV, 9. Begins with prefatory stanzas: yang dag chos sku mtha' yas bsam myi khyab/ /rgyu dang rkyen du ldan pa'i phyir/ /thams cad mkhyend pa nyon mongs sdug bsngal sgrol gyi mkhan/ /chos dbyings gsang ba dpag myed smra brjod 'das pa las /khams gsum ma rig bslad pa'i mun pa brtsal ba'i phyir/ /shes rab zab mo dug gsum sbyong ba'i sman gyi mchog/ /de ltar myi dang chos ldan bas/ /bdag dang gzhan don phun sum tshogs par mdzad/ /sems can 'khor ba'i skyabs myed la/ /mgon po dpal zhing yon 'bul rigs pa'i gtso/ /de la ngag yid lus kyis gus par phyag 'tsal te/ /bstod cing yon tan dge brjod nas/ /bde gshegs sangs rgyas byin rlabs dang/ /bdag gis thos bsgoms ci mchis pas/ /sems can phal gyi don phyir du/ /shes rab snying po dgrol zhing bshad par bgyi/// mdo sde 'di bshad pa la don rnam pa bdun gyis gsal bar bya ste/shes rab kyi mying dang/shes rab la 'jug pa dang/shes rab kyi mtshan nyid dang/shes rab kyi spyod yul dang/shes rab kyi yon tan dang/shes rab kyi 'bras bu dang/shes rab kyi gzungs so//'di ni shes rab kyi mying ste/mying myed na dngos po rig par myi rung bas dngos po la dmyigs pa'i phyir mying smos so//*'phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol du phyind pa'i snying po'o//* shes pa rnam pa gsum ste/'jig rten dang.... Prajñā is threefold, mundane (laukika), supra-mundane (lokottara), supreme (anuttara). The mundane wisdom is to see anitya, aśuci, duḥkha, anātmaka as they are. The supra-mundane wisdom is the knowledge of the unsubstantiality of the individual that belongs to the Śrāvakas (Śrāvaka-pudgala-nairātmya), that is, to realize the impermanence of the Saṃskāras, the suffering of the Saṃskāras, the calm of Nirvāṇa (saṃskārānityatā, saṃskāra-duḥkhatā, sāntaṃ nirvāṇam). The supreme wisdom is the knowledge of the unsubstantiality both of the individual and of the Dharmas, that belongs to the Tathāgatas (Tathāgata-pudgala-dharma-nairātmya-jñāna). Fol. 55a, l. 2, 'rūpam śūnyatā, śūnyataiva rūpam' is translated: gag(for gaṅ?)-gzugs-pa-de-stoṅ-pa-ñid/gag(for gaṅ?)-stoṅ-pa-ñid-pa-de-gzugs-te. The Mūla ends with the Dhāraṇī, which is styled a Mantra which appeases all suffering, fol. 61a, l. 4: *tad tya thA/'gA te 'gA te/pa ra 'gA te/pa ra pa ra 'gA te/bo de swA hA//
IOL Tib J 123.1 - Section: 1 [shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i snying po bshad pa/] (Prajñā-pāramitā-hṛdaya-vyākhyā) Ch. 82. XII. 2, Pothī; 17.7 c. x 7.5 c.: fol. 1; ll. 4: dbu-can: red and black. Begins: @/:/par phyin to zhes pa'i bar du'o//shes rab gyi 'bras bu ni byang cub du mngon bar rdzogs par sangs rgyas so zhes pa'i bar du'o//shes rab kyi gzungs ni mjug gi sngags yan cad do //da ni gleng bzhi'i don bshad de/*'di skad bdagis thos pa/*zhes pa'i ni theg pa chen po'i mdo sde thams cad 'phags pa 'jam dpal gyis gnas te/bsdus pas na /bdagis thos pa zhes bya'o/de la 'di skad ces pa ni shes rab gyi snying po'i rnam grangs ji snyed brjod pa nyid do //... '... Mañjuśrī has heard and compiled all the Mahāyāna Sūtras and it is Mañjuśrī who says: Thus I have heard....'
IOL Tib J 124.1 - Section: 1 [shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i snying po bshad pa/] (Prajñā-pāramitā-hṛdaya-vṛtti) Ch. 73. XIV. 4a, Roll (divided); 36 c. x 20.2 c.: foll. 2, badly damaged; ll. 13: dbu-can: red and black. Fragment; same commentary as 122, with variants. Mūla = 'shorter text' of Max Müller. The Mūla runs: *thams cad mkhyen pa la phyag 'tshalo/..../'di ltar 'phags pa kun tu spyan ras gzigs gyi dbang po/.../byang cub sems pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa [zab mo ]spya[d pa ]spyod pa'i tshe/... 'Namaḥ sarvajñāya. Āryāvalokiteśvara-bodhisattvo gambhīrāṃ prajñā-pāramitāya caryāṃ caramāṇo...' (restored: ...gambhīrāyāṁ prajñā-pāramitāyāṃ...). The Tibetan points to a compound: gambhīra-prajñā-pāramitā-caryā-caraṇa-kāle. Begins: /'bum pa'i don kun 'dir 'dus pas//de'i phyir snying po zhes bya'//yang rnam gcig tu na'//de bzhin gshegs[....]bstan pa'i gsung rabs bcu gnyis kyi nang na'//shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa 'di mchog tu gsungs pas//snying po lta bur gyur pa'i phyir yang snying po zhes bya 'o//* thams cad mkhyen pa la phyag 'tshal lo/*༔/thams cad mkhyen pa zhes bya ba ni//kun rdzob dang don dam pa gnyis ma lus par mkhyen pA ste//de la don dam pa mkhyen pa ni//chos kyi sku'i spyod yul te//rnam par myi rtog pa'i ye shes gyis//shes bya la rnam par myi rtog pas/nam ka'i ngos bzhin du mthong ste//bdagi don phun suM tshogs pa ni//don dam pa thams cad mkhyen zhes bya 'o//kun rdzob kyi thams cad mkhyen pa ni//...
IOL Tib J 125.1 - Section: 1 [shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i snying po bshad pa/] (Prajñā-pāramitā-hṛdaya-vṛtti) Ch. 77. XV. 8, Pothī; 34 c. x 7 c.: fol. 1, numbered, verso, 3; ll. 5: dbu-can. Fragment of the same commentary as 122. Verso, l. 4: thams cad mkhyen pa la phyag 'tshal lo//thams cad mkhyen pa ni kun rdzob dang//don dom [note a: for dam [note pa'i chos gnyis ma lus par mkhyen te//de la don dam pa mkhyen pa ni//chos kyi sku'i spyod yul te/rnam par myi rtog pa'i ye shes kyis/... 'Homage to the Omniscient. The Omniscient knows entirely both the relative and the the absolute. The knowledge of the absolute has for object the body of the Dharma. Owing to a knowledge free from discursiveness....'
IOL Tib J 126.1 - Section: 1 shes rab gyi snying po bshad pa/ (Prajñā-pāramitā-hṛdaya-vyākhyā) Fragment 56, Roll; 21 c. x 25.5 c.: foll. 9, some damaged; ll. 17: dbu-can: verso, Chinese. Tibetan title only; incomplete at the end. Differs from 120, but presents much analogy thereto. Mūla = 'larger text' of Max Müller. Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, XVI. 9; Cordier_1909_1915: p. 288; India Office copy, fol. 309a (Śes-rab-gyi-sñiṅ-po-rnam-par-bśad-pa) Begins: bcom ldan 'das ma shes rab gyi pha rol tu phyin pa 'i snying po 'o//zhes bya ba ni //mdo sde'i mtsan brjod pas na //bcom ldan 'das ma shes rab gyi pha rol tu phyin pa 'i snying po zhes bya'o//thog ma kho nar mying ma btags na //mdo gang yin mthol myed pa'i phyir mying smos pa'o//mying btags ba 'ba' shig tu ma zad gyi //shes rab gyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i snying po'i mdo thams cad kyang //'dir ma 'dus pa myed pas na//mdo'i yang mdo zhes bya'o//... Fol. 2, l. 8: don rnam pa btun gyis gsal par bshed//te yang gang zhe na //gleng gzhi dang shes rab la 'jug pa dang... In this MS. 'e' frequently has a slight hook, but is distinct from 'i' which has a wider hook.
IOL Tib J 127.1 - Section: 1 rten cing 'brel par 'byung ba'i tshigsu bchad pa/ (Pratītya-samutpāda-gāthā) phrad ti tya sa mud pA da gA thA/ Ch. 9. I. 2, Pothī; 59.5 c. x 7.5 c.: foll. 4, numbered verso (black) 1-4 (hand of the scribe), recto, first hand (red)...nga...,and by a second hand (black), letters, 17-20; ll. 4: dbu-can: red and black. The stanza: ye dharmā hetuprabhavā...
IOL Tib J 127.2 - Section: 2 rten cing 'brel par 'byung ba'i tshigsu bchad pa'i rnam par bshad pa/ (Pratītya-samutpāda-gāthā-vyākhyāna) phrad ti tya'/sa mud pA da gA tha'/byag khya na'/ Author: Ācārta Vinayavarman (Ḥdul-baḥi-go-cha) of the Sammitīya School (Kun-gis-bkur-baḥi-sde-pa) Begins, fol. 1a, l. 2: thams cad mkhyen pa la phyag 'tshal lo//slobs dpon dbyig nyen la stsogs pa/sngon gyi slobs dpon rnams kyis byang cub thob pa dang/rjesu 'thun ba rten cing 'brel par 'byung ba'i don bshad pa' /mdzad pa nyid pas sngun ma byung ba'i don bstan par bya ba ni chung zad kyang myed do//de lta yin mod kyi/skye bo dbang po rnams la phan gdags pa'i phyird dang/rang gi dran ba bskyed pa'r bya ba'i phyird/rten cing 'brel par 'byung ba'i bshad pa brtsam mo// *chos rnams gang dag rgyus byung* 'Homage to the Omniscient. The ancient Ācāryas, beginning with Vasubandhu, have made expositions of the Pratītya-samutpāda favourable to the obtaining of enlightenment. Therefore there does not remain any meaning, even small, that has not been taught already. Nevertheless, in order to be useful to persons of [dull?] intelligence, and to increase my own memory, I begin the commentary on the Pratītya-samutpāda Ye dharmā hetuprabhavāḥ hetuṃ...'
IOL Tib J 128.1 - Section: 1 rten cing 'brel par 'byung ba'i tshigs su bcad pa'/ (Pratītya-samutpāda-gāthā) pra ti tya sa mud pa da ga tha'/ Ch. 9. I. 31, Pothī; 45.3 c. x 6.4 c.: foll. 3, numbered nga 38-40; ll. 5: dbu-can: red and black, interlinear commentary dbu-med.
IOL Tib J 128.2 - Section: 2 rten cing 'brel par 'byung ba'i tshigs su bcad pa rnam par bshad pa'/ (Pratītya-samutpāda-gāthā-vyākhyāna) pra ti tya /sa mud pa da/gA tha'/byag khya na/ Incomplete at the end.
IOL Tib J 129.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa sangs rgyas rjes su dran ba/ (Ārya-Buddha-anusmṛti) a rya bud d+ha /a nu smri ti / Ch. 03. 1, Pothī; 42.8 c. x 8.2 c.: foll. 4, numbered 1-4; ll. 2: dbu-can, interlinear commentary dbu-med. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Csoma_1836: XXII. 79-80; Beckh_1914: XXIV. 71-72. Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, XXXIII. 56 (foll. 158-9); Cordier_1909_1915: p. 349. Author deest: this text is Sūtra. The vṛtti (Mdo-ḥgrel, XXXIV. 2, foll. 14-18) is attributed to Asaṅga, not to Vasubandhu (Dbyig-gñen), as stated in our interlinear commentary. Complete: synonyms of Tathāgata (Tathāgatasya paryāya-nāmāni). [note a: In MVyut. i, anuttara follows loka-vid. ] A list of the qualities (guṇa) of the Bhagavat expressed in his titles: Tathāgata, Arhat, Samyak-sambuddha, vidyā-caraṇa-sampanna, sugata, loka-vid, puruṣa-damya-sārathi, anuttara, deva-puruṣa-śāstar, puṇya-niṣyanda, akṣaya-kuśala-mūla,... The interlinear commentary begins: sangs rgyas rjes su dran ba 'di 'i ...ni bcom ldan 'das dpal gyi mgur nas gsungs ste/mdo sder gtogs so /de la mdo sde 'i mtshan yang /gnas skabs bzhi las mtshan du btags pa las 'di ni don las mtshan du btags pa lags /'di 'i 'grel pa ni slob dpon dbyig gnyen gis mdzad /... Text ends: 'di dag ni de bzhin gshegs pa'i yang dag pa'i che ba'i yon tan yin no//
IOL Tib J 130.1 - Section: 1 shin tu rgyas pa chen po mdo sangs rgyas phal po che zhes bya ba las/kun tu bzang pos bstan pa'i le'u 'o/ (Buddhāvataṃsaka - nāma - mahāvaipulya - sūtre Samantabhadra - nirdeśa - parivarta) Ch. 0010, Pothī; 42 c. x 8.2 c.: fol. 1; ll. 8: dbu-med. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Phal-chen, Csoma_1836: 32 (Csoma-Feer, Feer_1881: p. 211). End of the text (end of a regular sūtra; joy of the auditors) and colophon.
IOL Tib J 130.2 - Section: 2 'phags pa' las kyi sgrib pa rnam par dag pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo/ (Ārya - karma - āvaraṇa - viśuddhi - nāma - mahāyāna - sūtra) a rya kar ma A ba ra ni bi shud di na ma ma hA yA na su tra / Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Csoma_1836: XVI. 451; Beckh_1914: XVIII. 360-77. See Śikṣā-samuccaya, 90, 6; Nanjio_1883: 1094. Another hand. Title and beginning.
IOL Tib J 131.1 - Section: 1 kun tu bzang po'i ting nge 'dzin dang rnam par phrul ba rab tu byung ba zhes bya ba sde gsum/ (Samantabhadra - samādhi - sahita - vikurvaṇa - pravrajyā - nāma - tṛtīya - vargaḥ) Ch. 0028, Pothī; 42.3 c. x 8.1 c.: fol. 1; ll. 23 and verso 5: dbu-med: same paper as 130, with red lines. Last part and colophon of the third chapter of the Samantabhadra-nirdeśa.
IOL Tib J 132.1 - Section: 1 byang cub sems dpa'i sde snod/sangs rgyas phal po che theg pa chen po'i mdo la rims kyis/thams cad mkhyen pa'i ye shes kyi 'byung gnas shes bya ba sa bcu pa bstan pa'i le'u rdzogs so/ (Bodhisattva - piṭaka - Buddhāvataṃsaka - mahāyāna - sūtra - krameṇa sarvajñā - jñānākara - nāma - daśa - bhūmi - nirdeśa - parivarta) Ch. 9. I, frag. 64, Pothī; 32.2 c. x 10.5 c.: fol. 1: dbu-can and dbu-med. Translators: Indian Paṇḍit Surendrabodhi (bo te) and Źu. Lo. Ban. Jñānasena. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Dkon-brtsegs, Csoma_1836: III; Beckh_1914: II. 352-III. 271. A colophon (title); writing exercises and two lines by another hand.
IOL Tib J 133.1 - Section: 1 ['phags pa byang chub sems dpa'i spyod yul gyi thabs kyi yul rnam par 'phrul ba bstan pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo/] (Ārya - Bodhisattva - gocaropāya - viṣaya - vikurvaṇa - nirdeśa - nāma - mahā - yāna - sūtra) Ch. 73. XII. 2b and 73. XIII. c (fol. 10), Pothī; 46.5 c. x 11.5 c.: foll. 6, 5 numbered ka 4, 5, 10, 18, 19, and one unnumbered, some damaged; ll. 7: dbu-can, same hand as 135. Fragment of a Mahāyāna-sūtra. Bhagavat and Mañjuśrī. End (fol. 19a) of a third chapter: Upāya-kauśalya-parivarta-tṛtīyaḥ. Fol. 4, Series of similes. Meru and the Kāla-parvatas; Sun and Khadyotaka. The same similes, with a slightly different wording, in 272. Fol. 5a, l. 7, Mañjuśrī praises Bhagavat: /stobs bcu mnga' ba lhar bcas 'jig rten 'di/ /zil kyis mnan nas khyod ni lha ner bzhugs/ /srid pa gsum na khyod 'dra ma mchis na/ /lhag pa'i sems can mchis par ga la 'gyur/ /dper na lhag nas gyur pa lhun po ni/ /ri bo kun kyi nang nas mngon 'phags te/ /ri bo gzhan dag zil kyis mnan nas su/ /phyogs rnams kun nas lhan ner rnam par mdzes/ /de bzhin... Fol. 10 (damaged), Bhagavat teaches Mañjuśrī 12 guṇas connected with dāna-pāramitā. Fol. 18, Mañjuśrī questions on the 12 Yon-tan-sñiṅ-po of the Buddha-kṣetra. Fol. 19a, l. 5: .../sangs rgyas kyi zhing de ni sngon gyi de bzhin gshegs pa rnams bzhud cing rjes su bzhud pa'i phyir byang chub kyi snying po dang ldan ba yin te/'jam dpal gang tu sangs rgyas bcom ldan 'das byang chub mngon par rdzogs par 'chang rgya ba'i sangs rgyas kyi zhing de ni yon tan gyi snying po de dag dang/ldan ba yin no/ /thabs la mkhas pa'i le'u ste gsum pa'o//༔ ༔/'jam dpal de ltar rnam grangs des kyang 'di ltar nga la nyan thos dang/rang sangs rgyas kyi theg pa rnam par dgod pa myed par khyod kyis rig par bya'o//de ci'i phyir zhe na/de bzhin gshegs pa la 'du shes tha dad pa myed pa'i phyir ro//... The unnumbered folio deals with the three vehicles: @/:/kyi theg pa 'o//'di ni rang sangs rgyas kyi theg pa'o//'di ni theg pa chen po 'o zhes theg pa gsum brtsams te/sems can rnams la chos bstand pa mdzad lags//bcom ldan 'das kyis bka' stsald pa/'jam dpal theg pa rnam pa dgod par zhes bya ba de ni de bzhin gshegs pas/sa rnam par dgod pa mdzad pa yin gyi theg pa rnam pa bkod par ma yin no// Chapter headings in Cambridge, Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, XIII: 1. gleng gzhi'i le'u Fol. 88b. 2. pha rol tu phyin pa bstan pa'i le'u Fol. 92b. 3. thabs la mkhas pa'i le'u Fol. 94b. 4. theg pa'i gcig tu bstan pa'i le'u Fol. 98b. 5. rgyal po'i drung du phyin pa'i le'u Fol. 101b. 6. rgyal po'i tshul gyi le'u Fol. 111b. 7. bden smra 'gron du 'os pa'i le'u Fol. 113b. 8. yon tan dang skyon bstan pa'i le'u Fol. 118a. 9. —— 10. lung bstan pa'i le'u Fol. 141b.
IOL Tib J 134.1 - Section: 1 byang chub tu spyod pa'i smon lam/ (Bhadracaryā-praṇidhāna) Ch. 73. IV. 14, Concertina; 25 c. x 8 c.: foll. 10; ll. 5, 6, 7, and 8; dbu-med and dbu-can. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Ḥdul-ba, Beckh_1914: XVI. 292-6. Ṭīkā by Vasubandhu, Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, XXXVIII. 6 (288-308); Cordier_1909_1915: p. 371. Defective at the beginning: title in the colophon. The Tibetan points to a reading Bodhicaryā-praṇidhāna, but the present text agrees in many particulars with the copies of the Bhadracaryā-praṇidhāna. Fol. 6, l. 5 = st. 16, Cambridge Add. 1471: sarvajanmaru...tshe-rabs-kun-tu.
IOL Tib J 134.2 - Section: 2 'phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i tshul brgya' lnga bcu pa/ (Ārya-prajñā-pāramitā naya-śata-pañcāśatikā) Defective at the beginning. Title in the colophon. See 96.
IOL Tib J 134.3 - Section: 3 Thomas_1951: II. 48-9.
IOL Tib J 135.1 - Section: 1 [byang chub sems dpa'i spyod yul gyi thabs kyi yul rnam par 'phrul ba bstan pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo/] (Bodhisattva - gocaropāya - viṣaya - vikurvāṇa - nirdeśa - nāma - mahāyāna - sūtra) Ch. 73. XII. 2. c, Pothī; 46.5 c. x 11.5 c.: foll. 12; ll. 7: dbu-can: same size and hand as 133. The folio marked b does not follow immediately on a, fol. c does not follow on b, and d does not follow on c. Fol. marked d (Cambridge, fol. 101b) contains the colophon of the fifth chapter: Rājābhigamana-parivarta (Rgyal-po-druṅ-du-phyin-paḥi-leḥu) The sixth chapter (foll. marked e, f, g), Rāja-nīti-parivarta (see 134), incomplete, describes the joy of King Caṇḍapradyota (Gtum-po-rab-snaṅ) at hearing the sermon of the Nirgrantha-putra Satyavādin (Bden-smra). On that king see Schiefner_1875; Bb, 4, 45; Vinaya-kṣudraka, Ḥdul-ba, x, 270-310, XI. 1-27; Mahākātyāyana und König Tschaṇḍa, St. Pet., Schiefner_1875a Foll. a-δ contain description of the Śramaṇa Gautama.
IOL Tib J 136.1 - Section: 1 [byang chub sems dpa'i spyod yul gyi thabs kyi yul rnam par 'phrul ba bstan pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo/] (Bodhisattva - gocaropāya - viṣaya - vikurvāṇa - nirdeśa - nāma - mahāyāna - sūtra) Ch. 03. 39, Pothī; 53.4 c. x 8.3 c.: fol. 1, numbered kha 11; ll. 5: dbu-can. Compare Nanjio_1883: 178 and 179. Contains the end of the sixth chapter: rgyal-poḥi-tshul-kyi-leḥu.
IOL Tib J 137.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa bzang po spyod pa'i smon lam (Ārya-Bhadracaryā-praṇidhāna) Ch. 73. XIII. 6, Scroll; 19 c. x 30 c.: ll. 7: dbu-can. Colophon (title only).
IOL Tib J 138.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa bzang po spyod pa'i smon lam (Ārya-Bhadracaryā-praṇidhāna) Ch. CXLVI. 3, Pothī; 31.5 c. x 7.8 c.: foll. 3, 2 damaged; ll. 5: dbu-can. End and colophon (title only).
IOL Tib J 139.1 - Section: 1 [bzang po spyod pa'i smon lam/] (Bhadracaryā-praṇidhāna) Ch. 03. 19, Concertina; 29.7 c. x 8 c.: foll. 7; ll. 4: dbu-can. Incomplete at the beginning and at the end. Begins with stanza 28, ends with st. 48 of Cambridge Add. 1471. Fol. 4a, l. 4: /bzang po spyod pa'i stobs ni rdzogs par bgyi/ /zhing rnams rgya mtso rnam par dag byed cing/ /sems can rgya mtso dag ni rnam par dgrol/ /chos rnams rgya mtsho rab tu mthong byed cing/ /ye shes rgya mtso rab tu rtogs par byed/ /spyod pa rgya mtso rnam par dag byed cing/ Fol. 7a, l. 1: /nam mkha'i mtha' thug gyurd pa ci tsam bar/ /sems can ma lus mtha' yang de bzhin te/ /ji tsam las dang nyon mongs mthar gyurd pa/ /bdag gi smon lam mtha' yang de tsam mo/ Bhadracarī. 39. Kṣetrasamudra viśodhayamānaḥ / sattvasamudra vimocayamānaḥ / dharmasamudra vipaśyayamāno / jñānasamudraṃ vigāhyamānaḥ / 46. Yāvata niṣṭha nabhasya bhaveyā satva aśeṣata niṣṭha tathaiva karmatu kleśatu yāvata niṣṭhā tāvata niṣṭha mama praṇidhānam /
IOL Tib J 140.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa bzang po spyod pa'i smon lam gyi rgyal po/ (Ārya-Bhadracaryā-praṇidhāna-rāja) a rya b+had dra tsa rya pra ni d+ha na rA dza/ Vol. 64, foll. 3-14, Concertina; 21.5 c. x 6.2 c.: foll. 12; ll. 5, 4 and 3: dbu-can. Incomplete at the end.
IOL Tib J 140.2 - Section: 2 A text beginning: dus gsum du gshegs shing bzhugs pa'i/sangs rgyas dang //byang chub sems dpa' thams cad la phyag 'tshal lo//rang sangs rgyas dang //nyan thos dang //'da's pa dang /ma byon pa dang /da ltar byung ba rnams la phyag 'tsa+llo/yang tag par song ba rnams la phyag 'tsal lo//... There follows homage to Śāradvatīputra, Amitābha, Triratna, Avalokita, Amoghapāśa.... bdag 'jigs pa kun las srung bar gyur chig//tad tya tha Om //tsa ra tsa ra //tsi ri tsi ri /tsu ru tsu ru /
IOL Tib J 141.1 - Section: 1 Vol. 64, foll. 1-2, Concertina; 21.6 c. x 5.7 c.: foll. 2; ll. 4: dbu-can. A text ending: .../bzang po spyod pa dag ni rab ston cing / /ma 'ongs bskal pa kun tu spyod par 'gyur / /bdagi spyod dang mtshungs par gang spyod pa/ /de dag dang ni rtag tu 'grogs par shog/ /lus dang ngag rnams dang ni/sems kyis kyang / /spyod pa dag dang smon lam gcig tu spyad/ /bdag la phan bar 'dod pa'i rogs po gag [note a: gag for gang? [note /
IOL Tib J 141.2 - Section: 2 mchod pa'i sprin zhes bya ba'i gzungs/ (Pūjā-megha-nāma-dhāraṇī) Title and beginning. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Beckh_1914: xv. 1-3, xviii. 177; XXIV. 301-2; Csoma_1836: XIII. 300-1. dkon mchog gsuM la phyag 'tshal lo/ /na mo rad na dra ya yA/na mo ba ga ba te/ba dzra sa ra /pra mar rti ni/ta tha ga ta yA/a pa ra ha te/sam myag sam b+hud da yA/tad tya tha /Om ba dzre ba dzre/ma ha ba dzre/ma ha te dza ba dzre/ma ha bo d+hi man to/
IOL Tib J 142.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa bzang po spyod pa'i smon lam gyi rgyal po/ (Ārya-Bhadracaryā-praṇidhāna-rāja) Ch. 00. 61; Roll (Divided); 22 c. x 13 c.: foll. 7 complete and one damaged; ll. 8: dbu-can. Incomplete at the beginning.
IOL Tib J 143.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa bzang po spyod pa'i smon lam gyi rgyal po/ (Ārya-Bhadracaryā-praṇidhāna-rāja) a rya bAd tra tsa rya pra ni d+ha na rA dzA / Ch. XXXVII. D, Pothī; 30 c. x 8.5 c.: foll. 5; ll. 5: dbu-can: same paper as 323 and 413 f Incomplete at the end, the introductory prose of the Sanskrit wanting (two lines: atha khalu Samantabhadro bodhisattva...) Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Beckh_1914: XXIV. 331-5; wanting in Csoma_1836 according to Beckh_1914, but see Phal-chen, 45 (and Mdo-ḥgrel, Cordier_1909_1915: pp. 369 sqq.). This work is usually styled in MSS. Bhadracarī-praṇidhāna-rāja; Cambridge, Add. 1680, 1471. The Bhadracarī is used as a charm; compare Śikṣā-samuccaya, p. 139. Begins: /'jam dpal gzho nur gyur pa la phyag 'tshal lo / /ci snyed su dag phyogs bcu 'i 'jig rten na / /dus gsum gshegs pa myi 'i seng 'ge kun / /bdag gis ma lus de dag thams cad la / /lus dang ngag yid dang pas phyag bgyi 'o / /bzang po spyod pa'i smon lam gyi rgyal stobs dag gis / /rgyal ba thams dcad yid kyi mngon gsum du / /zhing gi rdul snyed lus rab btud pa yis / /rgyal ba kun la rab tu phyag 'tshal lo / Ends: /bsod nams zhing 'gyur rnams la mchod par bgyi / /mar mye mchog dang bdug pa dam pa dang / /yid 'ong myi las ...
IOL Tib J 144.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 03. 37, Pothī; 43.6 c. x 8.3 c.: fol. 1; ll. 7, verso blank: dbu-med. A Praṇidhāna, a larger recension of a part of the Bhadracaryā-praṇidhāna. Neither title nor colophon. Complete. @//ci nas kyang zhing rnams rgya mtsho mtha' dang dbung myed pa rnam par dag la dri ma myed par gyur cig /sems can rgya mtsho mtha dang dbung myed pa rnam par grol bar gyur cig /chos rnams rgya mtsho mtha dang dbung myed pa rab tu mthong bar gyur cig /....ting nge 'dzin rgya mtsho mtha' dang dbung myed pa'i yul la mnyam bar 'jog cing rnam par ldang bar gyur cig / /ci nas kyang thams cad mkhyen pa'i ye shes kyi khyad bar gyis yang dag par dbang bskur bar gyur cig /...... /dus sum gi bde bar gshegs pa thams cad ki chos ki sprin chen po yang dag par 'dzin pa'i byin kyi rlabs kis byang chub sems dpa'i spyad pa spyod par gyur cig / Compare Bhadracaryā-praṇidhāna, st. 39.
IOL Tib J 145.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 9. I, frag. 24, Pothī; 30 c. x 11 c.: fol. 1; ll. 8: dbu-can and dbu-med. Same text as 144, some variants at the end. Begins: @/ci nas kyang zhing rnams rgya mtsho mtha' dang dbung myed pa rnam par dag la dri ma myed par gyur cig / Ends: dus sum gi bde bar gshegs pa thams chad ki chos ki sprin chen po yang dag par 'dzin cing /byang chub sems dpa'i spyad pa spyod par gyur cig /
IOL Tib J 145.2 - Section: 2 Inverted, three lines, Bhagavat and Mañjuśrī.
IOL Tib J 146.1 - Section: 1 Author: Ācārya Bhadrapaṇa (Rgyan-bzaṅ-po) 'phags pa bzang po spyod pa'i smon lam gyi rgyal po rgya cher 'grel pa/ (Ārya-Bhadracaryā-praṇidhāna-rāja-ṭīkā) a rya b+had tra tsa rya pra Ni d+hA na rA dza TI ka/ Ch. 51. I. 9, Pothī; 47.1 c. x 7.1 c.: foll. 23, numbered (letters) 5-27; ll. 5: dbu-can: black and red: minute interlinear glosses, dbu-med. Translators: Paṇḍit Jñānagarbha (Gñaḥ-na-gar-ba), Źu. Lo. Ban. Dpal-brtsegs (Śrīkūṭarakṣita). Mūla (red) begins: *ji snyed su dag phyogs bcu'i 'jig rten na dus gsum gshegs pa myi'i seng ge bdagis ma lus de dag[thaMs cad...] thams cad ma lus lus dang ngag yid dang bas phyag bgyi'o zhing gi rdul snyed* The commentary after homage to all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, explains tha general aim and meaning (samavāyārtha) of the vow of sublime conduct (bhadracaryā), which is tenfold: tathāgata-vandanā-kriyā, tathāgata-pūjā, pāpa-deśanā, puṇyānumodanā, cakra-pravartanādhyeṣaṇā, tathāgatāvatārādhyeṣaṇā, (de-bźin-gśegs-pa-bźugs-par-gsol-ba), kuśala-mūla-pariṇāmanā, tad-prabhaṅga (deḥi-rab-tu-dbye-ba), tad-anta, tad-guṇa. The Tathāgata-kośa is quoted folio dza verso (Bhagavat and Kāśyapa).
IOL Tib J 147.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 9. I. 23 Pothī; 44.5 c. x 8.5 c.: foll. 10, one damaged; ll. 7: dbu-can. A commentary on the Bhadracarī-praṇidhāna-rāja. Not the same as 146. Fol. 1a, l. 7, quotations of the Gaṇḍa-vyūha and the Maitreya-vimokṣa, and Śikṣā-samuccaya, p. 9). Fol. 10b, l. 6: 'It has been said by Bhagavat that all Dharmas are like a mirage....' Fol. 10b, l. 2, on four Acintyas: the great strength of Dhyāna, of Karman, of the nāgas, of the Buddhas. Deals with the topics that are 'beyond human reason' and which must be admitted though faith: /bsam gyis myi:khyab:pa'i:/gzhung las:/gsungs pa/ngo mtshar du gyurd /cang myed /myed de /mkhas:pa rnams:gyi:dbang po:las//gyang 'gyur na' //de la ngo mtshard du //ci yod ces:'byung ba dang /'jig rten gyi mgon pos:/gsungs/pa/bsam/gyis/myi khyab pa:/ni /rnam pa/bzhi ste:/bsam:gtan pa:dang /las dang klu dang /sangs rgyas:rnams gyi /mthu ched po'o:/de lta bas na'://sangs:rgyas rnams gyi://bka' yid myi slebs shing /nyams:gyi:don du ma grub na 'ang /de bzhin du dad par gyis:shig://sangs rgyas:gyi bka' de bzhin du gtan la bab pa:/mngon du ma khugs:pas:na /the://tsom:du gyurd te //'jig rten thams:cad kyang /stong pa:nyid lta bu'i:/rtags gyis yid ces:par bya':// Double dot, very frequent. Compare 146, fol. pha verso, l. 1: /de tshe ngo mtshar ci zhig che//'jig rten mgon po skyobs pa yis//bsam gtan las dang klu rnams dang//sangs rgyas bdag nyid che rnams kyi//bsam gyis myi khyab bzhir bshad do//zhes gsungs te de lta bas na sangs rgyas kyi bka' la blo sbyangs pa rnams kyis don 'di myi srid pa 'dras kyang de kho na ltar yin no zhes dad par bya dgos so//
IOL Tib J 148.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa bzang po spyod pa'i smon lam gyi rgyal po'i rgya cher 'grel pa/ (Ārya-bhadra-caryā-praṇidhāna-rāja-ṭīkā) a rya b+had tra tsa rya pra ni da na ra dza ti kA/ Ch. 9. I. 15, Pothī; 56.5 c. x 8 c.: foll. 6, numbered ka 24, 27, 30, 31, 35, 38; ll. 6: dbu-can, interlinear glosses dbu-med: black and red. Incomplete. Agrees with 146. The tenth item in the Samavāyārtha (Commentarii initio) is tad-guṇānuśaṃsa.
IOL Tib J 149.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa 'jam dpal gnas pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo/ (Ārya-Mañjuśrī-vihāra-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtra) Ch. 2a. j, Pothī; 23.4 c. x 6.9 c.: foll. 13, numbered (letters and figures) 1-13; ll. 5: dbu-can. Contains the first khaṇḍa of the work. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Csoma_1836: XV. 427-36; Beckh_1914: XVII. 355-62.
IOL Tib J 149.2 - Section: 2 phud bcad de gsol ba'i snying po/ Fol. 13b. Tāntrik fragments by another hand Begins: om ba ke shwa ra mo /...
IOL Tib J 149.3 - Section: 3 smye gtor gyi snying po la/ (Tilaka-bali-hṛdaya?) Begins: om a 'bri te hum phAd/...
IOL Tib J 150.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa bgres mos zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo/ (Ārya - mahālalikā - paripṛcchā - nāma - mahāyāna - sūtra) a rya ma ha la li ki pa ri prid tsha na ma ma ha ya na su tra / Ch. 73. VII. 15 and 03. 26 (fol. 12), Pothī; 41 c. x 7 c.: foll. 12, numbered ga 1-12; ll. 4: dbu-can. Complete. Translators: Indian paṇḍits Jinamitra and Dānaśīla, Źu. Lo. ban. Ye-śes-sde (Jñānasena). Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Csoma_1836: XIII. 503 (Mahālalikā); Schmidt, XV. 310 (Mahālalikā); Beckh_1914: XV. 419 (Mahālalikā); Feer, ex conj. Mahallakā.
IOL Tib J 151.1 - Section: 1 [sprin chen po'i mdo/?] (Mahā-megha-sūtra?) Ch. 73. XIV. 11, Concertina; 24.2 c. x 8.4 c.: foll. 10; ll. 6: dbu-can. A metrical text, incomplete. Ratnapāṇi questions Mahāmegharāja, fol. 3 verso, l. 6: /bdag gi pha ni 'od 'bar rgyal/ /de ni tshe 'phos lus rjes na/ /ji bgyis slar mchi phrad par rung/ /ji bgyis bde zhing skyid par 'gyur/ /de skad ces ni dris pa dang/ /... /de ni skye zhing shi ba'i chos/
IOL Tib J 152.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa dkon mchog brtsegs pa chen po'i mdo stong phrag brgya' pa las //byang chub sems dpa' kun tu snang ba'i 'dus pa ste //'dus pa bzhi bcu gsum pa // (Ārya-śata-sāhasrike Mahāratna-kūṭa-sūtre Samanta-bodhisattva-saṃgrahas tricatvāriṃ-śattamaḥ saṃgrahaḥ) Ch. 9. I, frag. 7, Pothī; 43.4 c. x 7 c.: fol. 1 numbered (letter) 22 (?); ll. 7: dbu-med. End of the text (regular end of Sūtra) and colophon. Compare the different wording in Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Dkon-brtsegs, I. 1 and II. 2 (Beckh_1914: pp. 16-17). In Beckh_1914 the 7th ḥdus-pa (bdun not mdun) is II. 2; the 43rd leḥu would be VI. 95, the Kāśyapa parivarta.
IOL Tib J 152.2 - Section: 2 A text beginning with four dharmas of deliverance in this world and in the other: to see one's own faults....
IOL Tib J 153.1 - Section: 1 dkon mchog brtsegs pa : zhes : bya : ba : theg : pa : chen : po'i : mdo/ (Ārya-ratna-kūṭa-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtra) a : rya : rat : na : ku : ta : na : ma : ma : ha : ya : na : su : tra'/ Vol. 31, fol. 1, Pothī; 42 c. x 9 c.:fol. 1, damaged:ll. 6:dbu-can. Title and beginning of the text. ...'di : skad : bdag : gis : thos : pa : dus : gcig : na : /bcom : ldan : 'da's : rgyal : po'i : khab : bya : rgod : spung [note a: For spungs [note ngas : pa'i : ri : la//dge : slong : brgyad : stong : gi : dge : slong : gi : dge : 'dun : chen : po : dang : /sangs : [note b: MS. damaged. [note ...pa'i : byang : chub : sems : dpa' : sems : dpa' : chen : po/stong : phrag : bcu : drug : dang /thabs : gcig : du : bzhugs : te//'di : lta : ste : thams : chad : gyang : bla : na : myed : pa : yang : dag : par... Compare Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Dkon-brtsegs, I. 1.
IOL Tib J 154.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa dkon mchog brtsegs pa chen po'i mdo brgya drug cu dgu pa/ (Ārya-Mahā-ratna-kūṭa-sūtre śataṣaṣṭinavama [parivarta]) Ch. 03. 40, Pothī; 62 c. (originally?) x 8.5 c. (originally?): foll. 2, cut in half above the holes and at one edge; ll. 5 (originally 11?): dbu-can. Begins with homage to all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and the 'evaṃ mayā śrutam'. Regular opening of a Mahāyāna-sūtra: ...the Bodhisattvas of the Bhadra-kalpa, beginning with Maitreya....
IOL Tib J 155.1 - Section: 1 [bdud btul ba'i mdo/] (Māra-damana-sūtra) Ch. 73. III. 26, Concertina; 20 c. x 6 c.: foll. 16; ll. 4: dbu-can. Imperfect at beginning and end. Fol. 5a corresponds to the fragment of this Sūtra quoted in Madhyamaka-vṛtti, Bibl. Buddh., p. 300. (Māra-damana-sūtra)
IOL Tib J 156.1 - Section: 1 dkon mchog dbal zhes bya ba'i gzungs theg pa chen pa'i mdo/ (Ratna-ketu-dhāraṇī-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtra) Ch. 9. I. 56, Pothī; 47 c. x 12 c.: foll. 31; ll. 7: dbu-can. The comlete title is Mahā-saṃnipāta-ratna-ketu-dhāraṇi. . . = Ḥdus-pa-chen-po-rin-po-che-tog-gi-gzuṅs... Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Csoma_1836: X. 304-455; Beckh_1914: XII. 255-373. Incomplete. The colophon of the 2nd chapter: dkon mchog dbal gyi gzungs sngags las//sngon gyi tshul gyi le'u zhes byaste gnyis so/ (Ratna-ketu-dhāraṇyām pūrva-naya-parivarta) The colophon of the 4th chapter: dkon mchog dbal las 'dus pa chen po'i le'u ste bzhi 'o/ (Ratna-ketau-mahā-saṃnipāta-parivarta) The colophon of the 7th chapter: le'u bdun no/
IOL Tib J 157.1 - Section: 1 [dkon mchog dbal gyi gzungs/] (Ratna-ketu-dhāraṇī) Ch. 85. IX. 7, Pothī; 44 c. x 9.5 c.: foll. 15; ll.7: dbu-can. Incomplete at the beginning and the end. Fol. 13a, beginning of the 8th khaṇḍa (dkon-mchog-dbal-bam-po-brgyad-do) Begins: .../bcom ldan 'das shind du ngo mtshard to//bde bar gshegs : pa'i ://de : nas : yang dei tshe : bdud ag sti zhes : bya ba :/sngon rgyal ba la : rim gro : byas te//dge ba'i rtsa ba bskyed pa dkon mchog [note a: ma at the end of a line, chog at the beginning of the following line. [note gsum la : myi g.yor bar dad pa rnyed par gyurd : pa :/bla na myed pa yang dag pa rdzogs pa'i byang chub : du lung bstand pa : thos pas//drang : srong chen po' : gzugs : su :/shag kya thub pa de bzhin//bshegs pa'i spyan sngar 'dug nas :/de stan las langs te//... Fol. 3a, l. 4 : .../de nas bcom : ldan 'das : la : 'tshangs [note b: 'tshang at the end of a line, sa at the beginning of the following line. [note pa : myi : mjed kyi dbang pos/'di : skad : gso+l : to :/bcom : ldan 'das : da ltar : nas ma : 'ongs : pa'i : dus : dang :/dam : pa'i : chos gyi tshul : ma : nub : pa'i bar du... For this loka-dhātu see 156, fol. 26. Fol. 4a, l. 6 : .../de : nas : 'phags : skyes : pos gyang gso+l : pa :/bcom : ldan 'das : da : ltar : dang/ma : 'ongs : pa'i : dus : na :/grong : ngam : ga : la : ga : lar yang rung ba'i : bar : du :/chos gyi gzhung : 'di bsrung bar : ma : bgyis : na /bdag gi : bro : 'di yid dam : las : 'gal bar 'gyur : ro ://tad thya : tha : a : kha : na : ba na sa na//sa : mu : dra : sang ne(?) : ta tha : tsyu : tha : ba : ru na :/ba ba ra : dza : swah ://... Note double dot or stroke after most syllables.
IOL Tib J 158.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa 'dus pa chen po dkon mchog dpal gyi gzungs shes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo/ (Mahā - saṃnipāta - Ratna - ketu - dhāraṇi - mahāyāna - sūtra) a rya ma hA san ni pad tA rad na ke tu d+ha ra Ni/na ma ma hA ya na su tra/ Ch. 9. I. 55, Pothī; 66 c. x 18 c.: foll. 49, numbered 1-49, some damaged; ll. 11: dbu-can. Incomplete. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Csoma_1836: X. 304-55; Beckh_1914: XII. 255-373, where the title is translated: ...rin-po-che-tog-gi-gzuṅs/ 1. Fol. 5b, l. 11: bdud spa bkong ba 'i le'u ste dang po 'o/ [Māra-tarjana-parivartaḥ prathamaḥ] 2. Fol. 12a, l. 2: sngon gyi tshul gyi le'u.... [Pūrva-yoga-parivarta] 3. Fol. 17a, l. 11: bdud btul ba'i le'u /.... [Māra-damana-parivarta] 4. Fol. 23a, l. 11: drang srong skar ma la dga' ba'i le'u 5. Fol. 29a, l. 8: mtshan nyid kyi le'u.... [Lakṣaṇa-parivarta] 6. Fol. 36b, l. 9: le'u ste drug pa'o [ Parivartaḥ ṣaṣṭhaḥ] 7. Fol. 37b, l. 10: dam pa'i chos yongs su gzung ba 'i le'u.... [Sad-dharma-parāmarśa-parivarta ?] 8. Fol. 41a, l. 5: lung bstand pa'i le'u... [Vyāka-raṇa-parivarta] 9. Fol. 42a, l. 1: rjes su thugs brtse ba'i le'u... [Anukaruṇā-parivarta ] 10. Fol. 44b, l. 5: kund du bsrung ba'i le'u... [Adhirakṣaṇa-parivarta] 11. Fol. 47b, l. 7: dam pa'i chos kyi tshul bsrung ba'i le'u... [Sad-dharma-naya-rakṣaṇa-parivarta] 12. Fol. 49b, l. 5: 'brog gnas kyi le'u... [Araṇya-vihāra-parivarta]
IOL Tib J 159.1 - Section: 1 'dus pa chen po rin po che tog gi gzungs/ (Mahā-saṃnipāta-Ratna-ketu-dhāraṇī) Ch. 85. IV. 1, Pothī; 45 c. x 14.2 c.: foll. 21, numbered ka 4, 6, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25, 57, 61, 63, 67, 68, 70, 71, 76, 78-82; ll. 9: dbu-can. Incomplete. Fol. 25b, l. 6 ends chapter ii: sngon byung ba'i le'u Fol. 70 ends the 6th khaṇḍa. Fol. 80a ends chapter vi, no title. Fol. 82b, l. 1 ends chapter vii: dam pa'i chos yongs su bzung ba'i le'u This translation differs from 158.
IOL Tib J 160.1 - Section: 1 [rin po che'i tog gi gzungs/] (Ratna-ketu-dhāraṇī) Ch. 9. I, frag. 73, Pothī; 45.5 c. x 9.3 c.: fol. 1; ll. 5: dbu-can. A fragment. ...rin po che'i tog gi gzungs 'di thos ma thag tu... bud med kyi dbang po myi snang zhing/skyes pa'i dbang po skye bar 'gyurd... 'Just after hearing this Ratna-ketu-dhāraṇī, the female sex ceased to appear and the male sex was produced.'
IOL Tib J 161.1 - Section: 1 'phags pA dkon chog sprin theg pa chen po'i mdo'/ (Ārya-Ratna-megha-mahāyāna-sūtra) Ch. 2. B, Pothī; 42.5 c. X 8.2 c.: foll. 4; ll. 7: dbu-can: foll. 1 recto and 4 verso, black. Text begins as the Ratna-megha (Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Csoma_1836: XVIII. 1-175; Beckh_1914: XX. 1-160). Ends: 'Seventh bam-po of the Ratna-megha'.
IOL Tib J 162.1 - Section: 1 (Ratna-megha-sūtra?) Ch. 9. I. 21, Pothī; 44.3 c. X 9.8 c.: foll. 8, 6 unnumbered, 2 numbered ka 8 and 12; ll. 6: dbu-can. The Bodhisattva Sarvanīvaraṇaviṣkambhin gives instruction to a Kulaputra on several sets of ten qualities (dharma) of a Bodhisattva.
IOL Tib J 163.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 9. I, frag. 44, Pothī; 44.5 c. X 10 c.: fol. 1; ll. 6: dbu-can. Disconnected sentences, amongst which : '...you have heard the Ratna-megha-sūtra....'
IOL Tib J 164.1 - Section: 1 dkon mchog sprin gyi nang nas pha rol tu phyind pa bcu nyi tse log[s] shig tu mdo[r] btus pa/ (Ratna - meghoddhṛta - kevala - daśa - pāramitā - saṃkṣepa) Ch. 9. I. 26, Pothī; 52.5 c. x 7 c.: foll. 4, numbered (letters) 2-5; ll. 3: dbu-can; extensive interlinear commentary, small dbu-med. A compendium of the ten Pāramitās, extract from the Ratna-megha. Defective at the beginning. Title given in the colophon.
IOL Tib J 165.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa rin po che phung po'i mdo btus pa/ (Ārya-Ratna-rāśi-sūtra-samuccaya) Ch. 73. IV. 6, Pothī; 30.5 c. (originally 50 c.?) x 8 c.: fol. 1, verso blank; ll. 5: dbu-can. Title and beginning of the first khaṇḍa of this Mahā-sūtra. Bhagavat and Kāśyapa (Jetavana, Vulture's Peak). Bkaḥ-ḥgyur. Dkon-brtsegs, Csoma_1836: VI. 39; Beckh_1914: VI. 150-82. Śikṣā-samuccaya, passim.
IOL Tib J 166.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa rin po che phung po'i mdo/ (Ārya-Ratna-rāśi-sūtra) Ch. XL. d, Pothī; 30.5 c. x 8 c.; fol. 1, numbered ka 1; ll. 5: dbu-can. First leaf, beginning of the first khaṇḍa
IOL Tib J 167.1 - Section: 1 lang kar gshegs pa/ (Laṅkāvatāra) Ch. 03. 36 a and b, Pothī; 44 c. x 9.4 c.: foll. 2, numbered ga 76 and 4; ll. 6: dbu-can. Fragments. 1. Fol. ga 76a l. 4: blo gros chen po dgra bchom pa ni/bsam gtan dang bsam gtan du bya ba dang/ting nge 'dzind dang/rnam par thard pa'/dang/stobs dang mngon bar shes pa dang/nyon mongs pa dang/sdug bsngal rnam par rtog pa myed pas dgra bcom pa zhes bya'o/ 2. Fol. ga 4. Begins: de dag dang/ /sangs rgyas rnams gyi bka' bzhin bgyid/ /bdag gis myi dbul gcig ma mchis/ /thub pa chen po thugs brtser dgongs/ /de'i tshig de gsand pa dang/ /srid gsum dbang pos gsungs pa ni/ /gnod sbyin ba_dbang po 'da's pa yi'/ /mgon pos rin chen ri bo la/ /so sor rang rig chos rnams bstand/ /khyod nyid la yang thugs brtser dgongs/ Verso, l. 2: smra ba rnams kyi mchog mchod de/ /blo gros chend po rab mchod ching/ Not the same hand as fol. ga 76, but the same orthography and letter forms.
IOL Tib J 168.1 - Section: 1 [yul 'khor skyong gis zhus pa/] (Rāṣṭrapāla-paripṛcchā) Ch. 73. XII. 2 e-g, Pothī; 46.5 c. x 11.5 c.: foll. 7 and one damaged; ll. 7: dbu-can. Incomplete. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Csoma_1836: XIII. 277-83. Bhagavat and the King Puṇyaraśmi (? Bsod-nams-gyi-ḥod-gzer-ldan), also Rgyal-po-ḥod-gzer-ldan, who praises Bhagavat: /srid gsum khyod mtshungs ma mchis lhag pa ga la mchis/ /sems can dam pa lha dbang lha myin rgyal pos bkurd/ /skye bo khyod kyi gzugs la lta bas ngoms myi 'gyur/ /yon tan ye shes rgya mtsho dpa' la phyag 'tshal lo/ = Finot, p. 54, l. 13.
IOL Tib J 169.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 9. I, frag. 48, Pothī; 22 c. (originally ?) x 9 c.: fol. 1, badly damaged: dbu-can. Bhagavat and a Licchavi-putra (Li-tsa-byi-bu), on the purification of a Buddha's field. There is a Licchavi-kumāra-vyākaraṇa from Mahā-megha-sūtra in 193.
IOL Tib J 170.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa rdo rje gcod pa theg pa chen po'i mdo/ (Ārya - vajracchedikā - nāma - prajñā - pāramitā - mahāyāna - sūtra) a rya bad dzra/tshEdi ka na mA phra nya pha ra myi ta ma ha ya na su tra/ Ch. 73. XV. 11, 0007 (foll. 88-89) and 0009 (fol. 90), Pothī; 35.7 c. x 6 c.: foll. 32, numbered kha 58-90; ll. 3 and 4: dbu-can. Complete. Colophon, title only. Fol. 90 is a substitute by another hand, on another paper of slightly different size. Fol. 88a, l. 1 = Max Müller's edition, Müller_1881: p. 44, l. 15. Fol. 89b, l. 3 = p. 46, l. 5 (tārakā-timiraṃ...). The end does not exactly agree with the printed text: gnas brtand (fol. 90a)rab 'byord dang /dge slong de dag dang/byang chub sems dpa' de dag dang /'khor bzhi po dge slong dang/dge slong ma dang/...
IOL Tib J 171.1 - Section: 1 [rdo rje gcod pa/] (Vajracchedikā) Ch. 73. XIII. d, Pothī; 41 c. x 9.5 c.: fol. 1; ll. 6: dbu-can. Recto, l. 3: .../de bzhin gshegs pas/byang cub sems dpa' sems dpa' chen po rnams //rjes su gzung ba'i dam pas rjes su gzung ngo//...
IOL Tib J 172.1 - Section: 1 [rdo rje gcod pa /] (Vajracchedikā) Ch. 73. VI, frag. 1, Pothī; 42.8 c. x 9.4 c.: fol. 1; ll. 7: dbu-can. An older translation. Recto, l. 1: ...sa phyogs gang du chos gyi gzhung 'di las chung ngu tshig bzhi le'u tsam yang/smras sam bstan na'/sa de'i phyogs lha dang myi dang lha ma yin dang 'jig rten du bcas pha'i mchod rten du gyurd na //... ...chos gyi gzhung 'di yi mying shes rab gyi pha rol tu phyin pha' ste de' bzhin du zung shig //... 170, fol. 69b, l. 2 (chos kyi rnam grangs ):....sa phyogs gang na chos kyi rnam grangs 'di las tha na tshig bzhi pa'i tshigs su bcad pa tsam 'don tam/stond pa'i sa phyogs de...
IOL Tib J 173.1 - Section: 1 [rdo rje gcod pa/] (Vajracchedikā) Ch. 82. II. 2, Pothī; 29.7 c. x 7.3 c.: fol. 1, numbered ca 2; ll. 4: dbu-can. Bhagavat and Subhūti. The number of the atoms of the great cosmos. ...de bas rdul phra rab kyi tshogs shes bgyi'o/ =170, fol. 87b. Begins: yang rab 'byor rigs kyi bu 'am rigs kyi bu mo gang gis [note a: 170, gang la la zhig gis ... [note stong gsum gyi stong chen po'i 'jig rten gyi [note b: [note khams kyi sa'i rdul rnams ji snyed pa de 'di lta ste [note b: 170, khams na/sa'i rdul ji snyed yod pa dag 'di lta ste/dper na ... [note //rdul phra rab kyi tshogs bzhin du phye mar byas na //rab 'byor 'di ji snyam du sems// rdul phra rab kyi tshogs de mang ba yin nam//
IOL Tib J 174.1 - Section: 1 [rdo rje gcod pa/] (Vajracchedikā) Ch. 51. I. 44, Pothī; 25.3 c. x 6.3 c.: foll. 4, numbered verso ka 6, (?, margin damaged), 10, 30; ll. 4 and 3: dbu-can. Fragments. Fol. 6b, l. 1: rab 'byor 'di ji snyam du sems shar phyogs kyi nam ka'i tshad gzung bar sla 'am/tat kiṃ manyase Subhūte sukaraṃ pūrvasyāṃ diśy ākāśasya pramāṇam udgrahītum/ = Max Müller's edition, Müller_1881: p. 21, l. 13.
IOL Tib J 175.1 - Section: 1 [rdo rje gcod pa/] (Vajracchedikā) Fragment 71, Pothī; 39.3 c. x 8.1 c.: foll. 2, numbered (letters) 10 and 20; ll. 5: dbu-can. Fol. 10b, l. 1: ...rab 'byor byang chub sems dpa' gang la la zhig 'di skad du bdag gis zhing bkod pa rnams sgrub bo zhes zer na de myi bden pa smra'o//...zhing bkod pa /rnams zhing bkod pa rnams shes bya ba ni bkod de dag myed par de bzhin gshegs pas gsungs pa'i phyir... = Max Müller's edition, Müller_1881: p. 38, l. 6.
IOL Tib J 176.1 - Section: 1 [rdo rje gcod pa/] (Vajracchedikā) Ch. XL. g, Concertina; 21 c. x 8.4 c.: foll. 2; ll. 6: dbu-can. Fragmentary. Recto begins: .../mtshan phun sum tshogs pa ma mchis par de bzhin gshegs pas gstsungs te/de bas na mtshan phun sum tshogs pa zhes bgyi 'o/ Recto ends: rab 'byor de dag ni/sems can yang ma yin/sems chan myed pa yang ma yin no//de ci 'i phyir zhe na/rab 'byor sems chan rnams zhes bya ba ni/de bzhin gshegs pas de dag sems chan myed par gsungs te//de'i Verso ends with the stanza, Max Müller's edition, Müller_1881: p. 46: .......... /'dus byas dag ni de ltar blta' / /bcom ldan 'das dgyes shing de skad ces bka' stsal to/ /gnas brtan rab 'byor dang dge slong dang dge slong ma dang/dge bsnyen
IOL Tib J 177.1 - Section: 1 ['phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa rdo rje gcod pa'i rgya cher 'grel pa/] (Ārya-prajñā-pāramitā-vajracchedikā-ṭīkā) Ch. 9. I. 5; 73. XV, frag. 2 (foll. 82, 91); 82. XI (1 fol., damaged), Pothī; 52.5 c. x 8.7 c.: foll. 12, numbered kha 57-60, 81, 82, 88-91, 100 and ? (damaged margin); ll. 5: dbu-can, interlinear glosses, small dbu-med: red and black. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, XVI. 7 (foll. 209-85); Cordier_1909_1915: p. 288. A commentary (Mūla in red) on the Vajracchedikā. Fol. 57. The text commented upon is the beginning of the Sūtra: ...śrutam /ekasmin samaye / Bhagavān...viharati sma / Anāthapiṇḍadasya. Fol. 81, adharmasaṃjñā na pravartate, dharmasaṃjñā na pravartate (Max Müller's edition, Müller_1881: p. 23, l. 10. Fol. 82b, Müller_1881: p. 23, l. 10. Fol. 88a, l. 3, Müller_1881: p. 25, l. 8: (śes-bya-bar-gsuṅs-so should have been written in red). Fol. 89a, l. 1, quotation of a stanza: mdor na rgyal po chos sku ni / /ye shes tshogs las byung ba ste / /sangs rgyas rnams kyi gzugs sku ni / /bsod nams tshogs las byung ba'o/ 'In short, O King, the body of Dharma is born from the equipment of science (jñāna-sambhāra); the body of Rūpa (visible body) of the Buddhas is born from the equipment of merit'. Compare Madhyamakāvatāra. Fol. 89a, l. 3. Colophon: chos kyi sku thob par 'dun pa'i gnas bshad zin to/Dharmakāya-prāpti-cchanda-sthānam uktam. (The number of this Sthāna is not given.) Fol. 89a, l. 4. Begins the third bam-po. Fol. 100, Kiṃ manyase Subhūte... (Müller_1881: p. 29, l. 13).
IOL Tib J 178.1 - Section: 1 [rdo rje gcod pa' 'grel pa/] (Vajracchedikā-vṛtti) Ch. 9. I. 49 and 48, Pothī; 42.8 c. x 8.5 c.: foll. 3, numbered 31, 32, 34, and 4, numbered 106-8, 134; ll. 6: dbu-can. The first fragment deals with the Sattva-loka, beginning with the Yonis (aṇḍaja) and the Sthānas (arūpa-dhātu, &c.). (Strong analogy with the Sarvāstivādin Loka-prajñapti, Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo, LXII. 1 and the third chapter of the Abhidharma-kośa.) Begins: yul 'dzin pa'i bye brag [ste [note a: [...] Inserted below the line. [note 'du shes gyi sgo nas so]//de la sgong las skyes pa ni byol song phal che ste /ngang mo da+ng rma bya da+ng ne tso da+ng khra las stsogs pa'o //mngal nas skyes pa ni' myi phal che ste /myi da+ng bal glang da+ng rta da+ng ... ..../don de rgya cher bstan pa'i phyir smras pa/ myi da+ng byol song skye bzhi ldan / /mtho ris sems dmyal phung po bar / /der ni rdzu skye tsham zhig yod / /yi dags mngal dang rdzu skyer bchas / /myi la skye ba rnaM bzhi ldan bar yode /myi sgo nga las skyes pa ni/she'i la da+ng u pa she'i la khrung khrung gi sgo nga las byung ba da+ng //ci ltar rgyal po pan tsha a la'i bu lnga brgya sgo nga las byung ba da+ng /..... [note b: Compare Abhidharma-kośa-vyākhyā, iii. [note Fol. 31b, l. 5: skye ba thams chad gyi nang na gang mchog / smras pa rdzu ste skye ba mchog go//byang chub sems dpa' skye ba thams cad gyi mnga' brnyes na /chi'i phyir mngal nas 'byung //smras pa de ni don rnam pa bzhi gzigs the pa'i phyir de /gnyen du gtogs pa shag kya pa rigs ched po chos la dkod pa'i phyir ba da+ng /gdul ba'i rjesu bstan pa'i phyir ba da+ng //bskur ba yongsu spang ba'i phyir ba da+ng /.... Fol. 32a, l. 5: skye bai [note c: bai = ba'i [note bye brag bshad zin tho//gnas gyi bye brag smra bar bya'o//gzugs yod pa ni gzugs gyi khams da+ng 'dod pa'i khams te [ [note a: [...] Inserted below the line [note gzugs yod pa thaMs chado //gzugs myed pa ni gzugs myed pa'i khaMs....] Note dang nearly always written da+ng. The second fragment (foll. 106-108) begins with the fourth bam-po. Begins: /gnas bchu bdun po bsam ba rnam par dag pa'i:sa smra bar bya'o:/'di lta ste dper na rab 'byord skyes bu:zhig zhes pa:las stsogs pa'o://mngon bar chud pa ni:/sa dang po:nas sa bcu'i bar du'o:/de 'ang ye shes rab tu thob pa' dang /snyems pa' myed pas 'thob par 'gyur ro:/ji ltar ye shes rab tu thob pa' zhe na'//ye shes rnam gnyi ste:/rigs yongsu 'dzin pa'i ye shes dang:/mnyam ba nyid kyi ye shes so'//gang gis ye:shes de thob pa na de bzhin gshegs pa'i rigs su skyes pa yin no:/ The 17th point, the Adhyāśaya-viśuddhi-bhūmi, is to be explained:tad yathā Subhūte puruṣa ity ādi (Max Müller's edition, Müller_1881: p. 32, l. 16 or 37, l. 15). Fol. 108b, l. 4: rab 'byor byang chub sems dpa' gang zhi+ng:gi rgyan bsgrub bo zhes de skad zer ba de yang de bzhin du bshad par bya'o zhes:pa la stsogs pa'o:/
IOL Tib J 179.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa rdo rje rgyal_mtshan zhes bya ba yongs su bsngo ba'o/ (Ārya-Vajra-dhvaja-nāma-pariṇāmanā) Ch. 9. I. 16, Pothī; 43 c. x 7 c.: foll. 2, numbered ka 25-26; ll. 4: dbu-can. Complete in 15 stanzas. Colophon, title only; a blank space has been left for the Sanskrit title. On this text, and the kindred Vajra-dhvaja-sūtra, see Śikṣā-samuccaya and Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Phal-chen, Csoma-Feer, Feer_1881: p. 211, 30. Beckh_1914 does not give the sub-titles of the Buddhāvataṃsaka. Begins: rgyu dang myi rgyu 'jig rten phan pa'i phyir /: /byung dang 'byung bar 'gyur dang da ltar gyi /: /rang byung thugs rjer ldan ba thub dbang la /: /bdag gi lus kun bdud de phyag bgyi'o /: /chags pa dang ni zhe sdang gti mug gyis /: /bdag gi lus dang ngag dang yid rnams gyis /: /srid pa nyam ngar sdig pa ci bgyis pa /: /sdig pa de kun so sor bshags par bgyi' /
IOL Tib J 180.1 - Section: 1 [dri ma myed pa grags pas bstan pa/] (Vimalakīrti-nirdeśa) Ch. 73. XV. 10, Pothī; 32 c. x 8 c.: foll. 30, 3 unnumbered and 27 numbered kha 6-32; ll. 5: dbu-can. Eighth chapter. gnyis su myed pa'i chos kyi sgor 'jug pa'i le'u (Advaya-dharma-mukhāvatāra-pariccheda) Incomplete at the beginning. The unnumbered folios are part of this text. Cambridge, Mdo, XVI, foll. 217b-221a. At the requst of the Licchavi Vimalakīrti a large number of Bodhisattvas speak on Non-duality (advaya): Akṣayamati, Varamati (? Rab-kyi-blo-gros), Ketugarbha (? Dpal-gyis-sñiṅ-po), Sujyotis, Subāhu, Sunetra (Mig-bzaṅs), Nārāyaṇa (? Sred-med), Samantagupta (Kun-nas-sbas-pa), Śrīgupta (Dpal-sbas)... Many of them are responsible for ślokas ending: gñis-su-myed-pa-la-ḥjug-paḥo. Begins, fol. 6a: @/de nas li tsa byi dri ma myed par grags pas/byang chub sems dpa' de dag la 'di skad ces smraso//skyes bu dam pa dag/byang chub sems dpa' rnams kyi gnyis su myed pa'i chos kyi sgor 'jug pa gang yin//spos [note a: = sbos. [note par gyis shig/ /byang chub sems dpa' chos rnam par 'phrul ba zhes bya ba der 'dus pa des/'di skad ces smraso//rigs kyi bu skye ba dang 'jig pa ni gnyis ste/gang ma skyes ma byung ba de la/'jig pa gang yang myed de/myi skye ba'i chos la bzod pa thob pa ni/gnyisu myed pa la 'jug pa'o//byang chub sems dpa' dpal sbas gyis smras pa//nga dang nga 'i zhes bya ba de ni gnyis te/bdag tu sgro btags pa myed na/nga'i bar myi 'gyur te/gang sgro btags pa myed pa de ni/gnyisu myed pa la 'jug pa'o/ /byang chub sems dpa' dpal brtsegs gyis smras pa/kun nas nyon mongs pa dang/rnam par byang ba zhes bya ba de ni gnyis te/kun nas nyon mongs pa yongs su shes na//rnam par byang ba la rrlom [note b: rrlom, = rlom. In the same way rsnying-po = sñiṅ-po [note sems myi 'gyur zhing/rlom sems thams cad legs par 'jom ba dang/'thun bar 'gro ba'i lam ni/gnyis su myed pa la 'jug pa'o/ Ends, fol. 14a: de ltar byang chub sems dpa' de dag gis//rang rang gi bstan pa bshad nas//'jam dpal gzhon nor gyur pa la 'di skad ces smras so//'jam dpal byang chub sems dpa'i gnyis su myed par 'jugs pa gang yin//'jam dpal gyis smras pa//skyes bu dam pa khyed kun kyis kyang legs par smras mod kyi//khyed kyis bshad pa de thams cad gnyis_so//bstan pa gcig ni ma gtogs [note c: ga at the end of a line, togs at the beginning of the following line. [note te//brjod du myed pa//smrar myed pa//bshad du myed pa//bsgrag du myed pa//bstan du myed pa//gdags su myed pa de ni gnyis su myed par 'jug pa'o/ /de nas 'jam dpal gzhon nor gyur pas/li tsa bye dri ma myid par grags pa la 'di skad ces smras so//kho bo cag gis ni//rang rang gi bstan pa bshad zin na//rigs kyi bu khyed kyang/gnyis su myed pa'i chos kyi sgo bstan pa la spos par gyis shig//de nas li tsa byi dri ma myed par grags pa cang myi smra bar gyurto//de nas 'jam dpal gzhon nor gyur pas//lid tsa byi [note d: lid tsa byi once. [note dri ma myed par grags pa la legs so zhes bya ba byin te//legso legso /rigs kyi bu 'di ni byang chub sems dpa' sems dpa' rnams kyi gnyissu myed par 'jug pa yin te//de la yi ge dang/sgra dang/rnam par rig pa'i rgyu ba myeddo//bstan pa 'di bshad pa na//byang chub sems dpa' lnga stong gnyis su med pa'i chos kyi skor zhugs pas//myi skye ba'i chos la bzod pa thob par gyur to// //gzhis su myed pa'i chos kyi sgor 'jug pa'i le'u ste brgyad pa'o// Unnumbered folios: 1. A duplicate of fol. kha 12 verso, 4 lines, recto, only. 2. Recto, blank except for @//sangs rgyas dang byang chub Verso, Rab-kyi-blo-gros. 3. A blank folio, with the title, recto, @//chos dkon mchog gi lo rgyus kyi gzhung / Note also gnyissu, legsso, gdagsso, myeddo, and elsewhere in similar cases, no dot. gag = gang: gag de ltar rjessu 'gro ba de ni......, more often: gang de ltar.....
IOL Tib J 180.2 - Section: 2 'phags pa sa lu'i ljang pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo/ (Ārya-Śāli-stamba-sūtra) a rya sha li stam b+ha na ma ma [ha] ya na su tra/ See 186 sqq. The text ends abruptly fol. 32: ...akṛtam asaṃskṛtam.... (See La_Vallée_Poussin_1913: p. 88.)
IOL Tib J 181.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa dri ma myed pa grags pas bstan pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo/ (Ārya - Vimalakīrti - nirdeśa - nāma - mahāyāna - sūtra) (a ryA bi ma la kir ti/nir de sha na ma ma ha [ya ]na su tra/) Ch. 9. I. 10, Pothī; 47 c. x 7 c.: foll. 26; ll. 4: dbu-can. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Csoma_1836: XIV. 274-382; Beckh_1914: XVI. 219-300; Wassiljew_1860: 152, 222. Frequently quoted by Buddhist commentators, see Śikṣā-samuccaya, passim, note, p. 6, 264; Madhyamaka-vṛtti, &c. Incomplete at the end. Ends: yang 'jam dpal ji ltar na/byang cub sems dpas/byang cub sems dpa na ba la dga' bar bya//'jam dpal gyis smras pa/lus myi rtag pa ste/skyo zhing 'dod chags dang bral bas ma yin no/lus sdug bsngal ba ste/mya ngan las 'das pa la dga' bas ni ma yin no//lus la bdag myed pa ste/sems can smyin par myi byed pas ni ma yin no//lus zhi ba nyid gyis ste/shin tu zhi bas ni ma yin no//ngan par spyod pa thaMs
IOL Tib J 182.1 - Section: 1 [dri ma med par grags pas bstan pa/] (Vimalakīrti-nirdeśa) Ch. 51. I. 36, Pothī; 64 c. x 9.7 c.: fol. 1, numbered kha 10 (bcu thaM); ll. 6: dbu-can. Verso, l. 3. colophon of the second chapter: Acintya-upāya-kauśalya nāma... (no mention of the work, but agrees with Bkaḥ-ḥgyur). Bhagavat, Śāriputra, and the Licchavi Vimalakīrti: 'This your body...born from the Skandhas is subject to the four hundred and four illnesses; the body of the Tathāgatas, being born from their resolutions (adhimukti), from gift, from meditation....' At the beginning of the third chapter Bhagavat sends Śāriputra to Vimalakīrti.
IOL Tib J 183.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 9. I, frag. 59b, Pothī; 41 c. x 8 c.: fol. 1: ll. 6: dbu-can. The Licchavi Vimalakīrti (Lib-tsa-byi-dri-ma-myed-par-grags-pa). Nanda (Dga-bo), Bhagavat.
IOL Tib J 184.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa dpA sbyin gyis zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo/ (Ārya - Vīradatta - paripṛcchā - nāma - mahāyāna - sūtra) (a rya bi d+ha ra dad ta pa ri prid tsa na ma ma ha ya na su tra/) Ch. 03. 2, Pothī; 51.4 c. x 8.4 c.: foll. 12, numbered 1-12; ll. 6: dbu-can. According to the colophon this Vīradatta-gṛhapati-paripṛccā (Khyim-bdag-dpaḥs-byin-gyis-źus-paḥi-leḥu) is the 32nd chapter of the: 'phags pa dkon mchog brtsegs chen po'i chos kyi rnam grangs le'u stong phrag brgya pa/ ( Ārya - Śata - sahasra - parivarta - Ratna - kūṭa - mahā - dharma - paryāya ) Translated by the Indian Paṇḍits Jinamitra and Dānaśīla and the Źu. lo. ban. Jñānasena, and recast (skad gsar chad kyis kyang bcos nas gthan pa phab pa) Same formula 390, and commonly enough in Bkaḥ-ḥgyu;, see Laufer, Bird divination, p. 67. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Dkon-brtsegs, Csoma_1836: V. 24; Beckh_1914: V. 234-47. Readings of old style: myed pA
IOL Tib J 185.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa dpA sbyin gyis zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo/ (Ārya - Vīradatta - paripṛcchā - nāma - mahāyāna - sūtra) a rya bi d+ha ra dad ta pa ri prid tsha na ma ma ha ya na su tra/ Ch. CCC, fragg. 2 and 3, Pothī; 44.5 c. x 11 c.: foll. 2; ll. 7: dbu-can. Two copies of the first lines of the Sūtra. Same paper, &c., as 199.
IOL Tib J 186.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa sA lu'i ljang pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo/ (Ārya-Śāli-stamba-sūtra-mahāyāna-sūtra) Ch. 79. VI. 1, Roll; 27.4 c. x 24 c.: foll. 4; ll. 17: dbu-can. Incomplete.
IOL Tib J 187.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 75. IX. 4, Pothī; 55 c. x 10 c.: fol. 1, damaged; ll. 7 with minute interlinear glosses; dbu-med; black and red. Contains a fragment of the Śāli-stamba. Begins: ...yaḥ pratītyasamutpādaṃ paśyati sa dharmaṃ paśyati...
IOL Tib J 188.1 - Section: 1 sa lu ljang pa rten cing 'breld par 'byung ba'i mdor bstan pa/ (Śāli-stamba-pratītya-samutpāda-saṃkṣepa) Ch. 74. IV. 2, Scroll; 156 c. x 27 c.: ll. 135, damaged: dbu-can. End and colophon.
IOL Tib J 189.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa sa lu ljang pa'i rgya cher 'grel pa/ (Ārya-Śāli-stambaka-ṭīkā) Ch. 51. I. 16 (foll. 1, 32, 33), 73. VII. 8b (foll. 2-8), 03. 12 (foll. 9-22); Pothī; 46.8 c. x 7.1 c.: foll. 24, numbered ka 1-22, 32-33; ll. 4: dbu-can, internear glosses small dbu-med: black and red. Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, XXXVII. 4, foll. 174-96 (Cordier_1909_1915: 366) by Kamalaśīla. There is another ṭīkā, by Nāgārjuna, Ārya-śāli-stamba-mahāyāna-sūtra-ṭīkā, ...rgya-cher-bśad-pa (XXXIV. 6, foll. 25-69). The Mūla, Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, XVIII. 10. The commentary quotes (fol. 2a, l. 1) the Ārya-saṃdhi-nirmocana on the two truths, and points out that wisdom (prajñā) and pity (karuṇā) are the path to the apratiṣṭhita-nirvāṇa: owing to wisdom one does not fall into saṃsāra, owing to pity one does not leave saṃsāra. Fol. 32a = p. 84 (karma kṣetrakāryaṃ karoti) of the printed text (La_Vallée_Poussin_1913: pp. 68-90 Sanskrit text, La_Vallée_Poussin_1913: pp. 90-108 Tibetan text).
IOL Tib J 190.1 - Section: 1 [dam pa'i chos pad ma dkar po/] (Sad-dharma-puṇḍarīka) Ch. 9. I. 20, Pothī; 42 c. x 9 c.: foll. 6, numbered ka 1-6; ll. 11: dbu-med. Begins: 'Mañjuśrī! firm in four things a Bodhisattva Mahāsattva ought to proclaim this "exposition of the law" (dharma-paryāya) at the end of time, in the last period....' See Bibl. Buddh. X, Kern_1912: p. 275, and Müller_1879-1910: XXI, p. 262.
IOL Tib J 191.1 - Section: 1 [dam pa'i chos pad ma dkar po/] (Sad-dharma-puṇḍarīka) Ch. 83. VIII, Concertina; 14 c. x 6.6 c.: fol. 1; ll. 5: dbu-can. On Avalokita. Begins: dbang phyug la phyag byas na /zhe sdang dang bral bar 'gyur ro//sems can gang dag gti mug spyod pa de dag gis/byang chub sems dpa' sems dpa' chen po spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug la phyag byas na /gti mug dang bral bar 'gyur ro//rigs kyi bu de ltar byang chub sems dpa'...spyan ras gzigs dbang... = Bibl. Buddh. X, Kern_1912: 441, l. 9. Bhagavat praises the cult of Avalokiteśvara: 'Beings who are living in darkness, after having paid homage to Avalokiteśvara will be liberated from darkness—Son of family....' Verso ends: ....dmyal ba dang/ /byol song dang ni gshin rjes bsgo ba dang/ /skye rga na bas gzir pa thar zhi byed/ /shin... = Bibl. Buddh. X, Kern_1912: p. 451.
IOL Tib J 192.1 - Section: 1 [dam pa'i chos pad ma dkar po/] (Sad-dharma-puṇḍarīka) Ch. 9. I, frag. 40, Pothī; 44 c. x 8.5 c.: fol. 1; ll. 5: dbu-can. Bhagavat tells Maitreya (Ajita, Ma-pham-po) how Bhagavat Candrasūyapradīpa (Gñi-zla-sgron-ma) teaches the Dharma-paryāya 'Mahānirdeśa': miracles follow, earthquakes, rays from the body of the Buddha. .../ma pham ba de'i tshe na yang /bcom ldan 'das gnyi zla sgron ma de bzhin gshegs pa dgra bcom ba yang dag par rdzogs pa'i sangs [rgyas ]des gdon myi za bar bstan pa chen po zhes bya ba'i chos kyi gzhung mdo sde shin tu rgyas pa chen po/..../sangs rgyas kyi zhing thams cad kyang rnam pa drug du rab du g.yos par gyur te /.... = Bibl. Buddh. X, Kern_1912: p. 19, 1. 10.
IOL Tib J 193.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. VII. 5a, Pothī; 49.9 c. x 9.1 c.: foll. 4; ll. 8 and 9: dbu-med. Fol. 1a. Fragment of a Sūtra. Bhagavat resided in.... Then the Master, at the time of his Nirvāṇa, said to the bhikṣus: 'I have taught you the Vinaya in extenso, but I have not taught you the Vinaya in short....'
IOL Tib J 193.2 - Section: 2 Fol. 1b. Extract from the Sad-dharma-puṇḍarīka. Begins: 'Ānanda, for what reason is this Kalpa named Bhadrakalpa?...'
IOL Tib J 193.3 - Section: 3 Fol. 2a, l. 1. Extract (a) from the khams gsum sems can du bshad pa'i khungs theg pa chen po'i mdo / (b) from the Ārya-ghana-vyūha (stug po bkod)
IOL Tib J 193.4 - Section: 4 Fol. 2a, l. 5. Extract from the Laṅkāvatāra.
IOL Tib J 193.5 - Section: 5 Fol. 2a, l. 8. Extract from the Lokottara-parivarta ('jig rten las 'das pa'i le'u)
IOL Tib J 193.6 - Section: 6 Fol. 2b, l. 1. Extract from the Śrī-mālā-sūtra (dpal 'phreng gi mdo)
IOL Tib J 193.7 - Section: 7 Fol. 2b, l. 2. Extract from the Ārya-Buddhāvataṃsaka-sūtra ('phags pa sangs rgyas phal po che'i mdo) 7a. Fol. 2b, l. 4. Definition of the Śukla-vipaśyanā-bhūmi (dkar po nam par mthong ba'i sa ) (Part of no. 7?)
IOL Tib J 193.8 - Section: 8 Fol. 3a, l. 1. Extract from the Licchavi-kumāra-vyākaraṇa in the Mahā-megha-sūtra.
IOL Tib J 193.9 - Section: 9 Fol. 3a, l. 6. Extract from the Buddhāvataṃsaka (= no. 7). 'In the same way as every particle of water in the great ocean is created by the excellence of the thought of the Nāgas, in the same way the immeasurable stream of Dharma in the ocean of the omniscience of the Tathāgata is created by the excellence of the ancient resolutions.'
IOL Tib J 193.10 - Section: 10 Fol. 3b, l. 1. The first stanza of the Abhidharma-kośa with the commentary from the Bhāṣya.
IOL Tib J 193.11 - Section: 11 Fol. 4a. How a text is to be commented upon. To what part of the Scripture, Piṭaka, Vehicle, does it belong...?
IOL Tib J 194.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa dgongs pa nges par 'grel pa zhes bya ba 'i theg pa chen po'i mdo/ (Ārya - Saṃdhi - nirmocana - nāma - mahāyāna - sūtra) Ch. 82. XVI, Pothī; 30 c. x 8 c.: foll. 49, some damaged; ll. 5: dbu-can. Bhagavat, Mañjuśrī (on the Kāyas), Dharmākara, Guṇākara. Chapter X, fol. 1a (fol. marked 82. xvi): .../bcom ldan 'da's yang dag par gshegs pa rnams gi /chos gi sku'i mtshan nyid ji lta bu:ba//bcom ldan 'da's gis bka' stsal pa//'jam dpal yang dag par gshegs pa rnams gi chos [gi ]sku'i mtshan nyid ni /sa dang pha rol du phyin pa shin du bsgoms pas//gdon myi za ba':theg par gna's 'phos nas//mngon bar thob pa mtshan nyid de 'jam:dpal de ni yang dag par gshegs pa rnams gi chos gi sku'o//de ni bsams gis myi khyab pa'i mtshan nyid du shes par bya'o//de yang rnam pa gnyis gyi phyird te smrar myed pa dang mngon bar 'dus ma byas pa'i phyir ro//.... Note short stroke or double dot after many syllables. Chapters v-vi, fol. 46a (fol. marked*): .../de : nas : bcom : ldan : 'da's : gyis : de'i : tshe : tshigsu : bcad : pa : 'di : skad : ces : bka' : stsald : to/ /lend pa'i : rnam : par : shes : pa : zab : ching : phra/ /'bab : las : ji/ltar : 'byung : ba'i : sa : bond : kund :/ /byis : ba : rnams : la : nga'is : de : ma : bshad :/ /bdag : tu : rtogs : par : ma : gyurd : chig : par : ro/༔/༔/ de : nas : yon tan 'byung gnas : byang chub : sems : dpa's : /bcom : ldan : 'das : la : zhu : ba : zhus : pa'//... Bhagavat and Maitreya, on the fivefold ḥkhrug-pa (skhalita) of a Bodhisattva (Four in 55). 1. yid la byed pa'i 'khrug 2. phyi rol gyi sems gyi 'khrug 3. nang gyi sems gyi 'khrug 4. mtshan ma'i 'khrug 5. nyes pa sbom po+e 'khrug on śamatha and vipaśyanā. Bhagavat and Mañjuśri, on saṃkleśa = vyavadāna (from a certain point of view); on jñāna and prajñā-pāramitā, and concerning Avalokiteśvara; on the kāyas. Bhagavat and Don-dam-g-yuṅ-druṅ-ḥphags. Bhagavat and Avalokita, on the Pāramitās. The Pāramitās are named Pāramitās for five reasons.
IOL Tib J 195.1 - Section: 1 ting nge 'dzin gyi rgyal po/ (Samādhi-rāja) Ch. 73. XII. 1, XL. f (fol. ka 28), 73. XV. frag. 10c (foll. ka 24, 99 and two damaged folios), Pothī; 24 c. x 14 c.: foll. 145, numbered ? (damaged), ka 2, 5-7, 11-14, 16, 18-24, 26, 28. 31, 33-35, 38, 40, 43-45, 48-56, 59-65, 67-75, 77, 80-86, 99, ? (damaged folio), kha 2-9, 20-27, 29-34, 37, 39-40, 42-57, 59-61, 63-68, 71-73, 75-77, 79-82, 84-86, 88-100, ga 1-6; ll. 9: dbu-can and dbu-med. Defective. Chapter v ends fol. 19a: Ghoṣadatta-pariccheda. vi ends fol. 21a: Samādhi-pariśuddhi°, whereas Camb. Add. 916 has Samādhi-pariccheda. vii ends fol. 23b: Kṣānty-avatāra°, Camb. has Tri-kṣānty-avatāra , viii ends fol. 26b: Abhāva°, Camb. has Abhāva-samudgata. Begins the 3rd bam-po. ix ends fol. 31b: Gambhīra-dharma-kṣānti°. x ends fol. 44b: Pura-praveśa°. xi ends fol. 49b: Sūtra-dhāraṇa°. xii ends fol. 51b: Samādhy-anuśikṣaṇā°. xiii ends fol.54a: Samādhi-nirdeśa°. xiv ends fol. 60b: Smita-saṃdarśana°. xxv ends fol. 61b: Smita-vyākaraṇa°. xvi ends fol. 63b: Pūrva-yoga°. Fol. 69a begins the 6th bam-po. xviii ends 82a: Samādhy-anuparīndanā°: Tiṅ-ṅe-ḥdzin-rjes-su-gtad-paḥi.... xix ends 86b: Acintya-buddha-dharma-nirdeśa°. xxv ends fol. 107b (kha7): Pratisaṃvid-avatāra°, = chap. xxiv in Camb. Add. 916. xxvi ends fol. 109a: Anumodanā°, = Camb. chap. xxv. xxvii ends fol. 120a: Dānānuśaṃsā°, = Camb. chap. xxvi. xxviii ends fol. 120b: Śīla-nirdeśa°, = Camb. chap. xxvii. xxxiii ends fol. 151a: Sūtra-dhāraṇānuśaṃsā, mdo-sde-ḥdi-ḥdzin-phan-yon-gyi-leḥu, = Camb. chap. xxxii. xxxiv ends fol. 155b: Kṣemadatta-parivarta, = Camb. chap. xxxiii. xxxv ends fol. 161b: Jñānavati°,= Camb. chap. xxxiv. xxxvi ends fol. 177a: Supuṣpacandra°, Men-tog-zla-mdzes-kyi-leḥu, = Camb. chap. xxxv. xxxviii ends fol. 189a: Yaśaprabha°, Sñan-paḥi-ḥod-kyi-leḥu, = Camb. chap. xxxvii. Begins 14th bam-po. xxxix The MS. ends near the end of this chapter. Fol. 201b (ga 1) begins the 15th and last bam-po (bam-po-bcho-lṅa-ste-tha-ma-ḥo). Written by several hands. For instance, fol. kha 61 (181) was begun at a certain place in the original, and the scribe of fol. kha 60 (180) had to space his writing to fill the page. Fol. ka 28 (badly damaged). Bhagavat explains, in verses of nine syllables, that the water, at the moment of the cosmical destruction through water, does not come from anywhere, just as clouds appear in the clear sky. /'jig rten /'di na ji snyed ji yod pa/ /chu'i phung po/'di ni/'og du 'g[.../ .................. ...............]gyis/ /ji/ltar bar snang cung zad sprin myed/las / /skad cig du ni sprin gyi dkyil '[...... .................... /...]kha bzhin brgyan pas bltas pas na/ /byis ba de ni de/la chags bskyed nas / /'dod [... Note short stroke after some syllables. Compare Pitā-putra-samāgama, Śikṣā-samuccaya, p. 247 (prose), Madhyamaka-vṛtti. Fol. ka 99. Bhagavat teaches a Kumāra a number of groups of four— ...byang cub sems dpa' rnams/kyi tshad myed pa'i tshig ...
IOL Tib J 196.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 51. I. 60, Pothī?; 23.2 c. x 7.1 c.: fol. 1; ll. 2: dbu-can: verso blank. Fragment. Disconnected words...Candrapradīpa-prabha-samādhi-rāja.
IOL Tib J 197.1 - Section: 1 (Samādhi-rāja?) Ch. 73. VII. 12, Pothī; 43 c. x 7 c.: foll. 15, numbered 1-15; ll. 6: dbu-med. Begins abruptly : api ca... (gźan-yaṅ). Prose and verses (7 and 9 syllables). Candraprabha-kumāra learns eighty dharmas, which are included in five dharmas and again in two and one dharma. Fol. 15a, l. 4 begins a new text: evaṃ mayā śrutam...
IOL Tib J 198.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa ting nge 'dzin mchog dam pa zhes bya ba'i mdo/ (Ārya-samādhy-agrottama-sūtra) Ch. 86. XV, Pothī; 49 c. x 6 c.: fol. 1; ll. 5, verso blank: dbu-med. End of the text and colophon. Compare Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Csoma_1836: X. 254-304, Beckh_1914: XII. 243-54.
IOL Tib J 199.1 - Section: 1 [chos thams cad 'byung ba med par bstan pa/] (Sarva-dharmāpravṛtti-nirdeśa?) Ch. CCC. 1, Pothī; 45 c. x 11 c.: foll. 2; ll. 7: dbu-can. Bhagavat and Mañjuśrī. On karmāvaraṇa. Compare Sarva-dharmāpravṛtti-nirdeśa quoted Śikṣā-samuccaya, p. 91. Many expressions occur both in this MS. and in that Sūtra, e.g. dūrībhavati bodhiḥ, karmāvaraṇaṃ parigṛhṇāti Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Csoma_1836: XIV. 439-88; Beckh_1914: XVI. 334-71. Same paper, &c., as 185.
IOL Tib J 200.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa klu'i rgyal po rgya mtsho zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo/ (Ārya - sāgara - nāgarāja - paripṛcchā - nāma - mahāyāna - sūtra) Ch. 83. Misc. A. 1, Scroll; ll. 14: dbu-can. Title and beginning. There are two recensions of this Sūtra, a short one and a large one. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Csoma_1836: XII. 178-305, 305-17; Beckh_1914: XIV. 149-248, 248-57, Śikśā-samuccaya, p. 309 (Bṛhat°).
IOL Tib J 201.1 - Section: 1 seng 'ges zhus pa theg pa chen po'i mdo/ (Siṃha-paripṛcchā-mahāyāna-sūtra) Ch. 9. I, frag. 47, Pothī; 26 c. (originally 38 c.?) x 7 c.: fol. 1, damaged; ll. 5: dbu-can. End and colophon. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Dkon-brtsegs, Beckh_1914: VI. 1-6; Csoma_1836: VI, sub 33. Śikṣā-samuccaya, 5, 13; 53, 5 (on bodhi-citta).
IOL Tib J 202.1 - Section: 1 [seng 'ges zhus pa theg pa chen po'i mdo/] (Siṃha-paripṛcchā-mahāyāna-sūtra) Fragment 92, Pothī; 20.7 c. x 6 c.: fol. 1, numbered 69 (rog-dgu); ll. 4: dbu-can. Fragment. On the bodhi-citta, how it is never abandoned. Recto, l. 3-verso, 1. 2: skye ba kun tu byang chub sems/ /rmyi lam na yang sems de ni/ /'dor myi 'gyur na ma nyal tshe/ /smos ci 'tshal bar gang gis 'gyur/ /grong dang grong khyer rnams su 'am/ /gang tu gnas pa'i yul rnams su/ /byang chub la ni yang dag 'dzud/ /des na sems 'dor myi 'gyur ro/ Cambridge Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Dkon-brtsegs, VI, foll. 28b, l. 7-29a, l. 1. Compare the quotations in Śikṣā-samuccaya, p. 59.
IOL Tib J 203.1 - Section: 1 [bu mo blo gros bzang mos zhus pa/] (Sumati-dārikā-paripṛccha) Ch. 9. II. 7, Pothī; 52 c. x 8.4 c.: foll. 7, numbered ka 54-60; ll. 5: dbu-can. Incomplete at the beginning and the end. Sumati and Bhagavat; Sumati, Maudgalyāyana and Mañjuśrī; Mañjuśrī and Bhagavat. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Dkon-brtsegs, Beckh_1914: V. 262-72; Nanjio_1883: 23, 30; 39 and 40. Fol. 54a, l. 1: ..../'chi ba'i dus ni bgyid pa na/ /mngon sum sangs rgyas mthong ba dang/ /de las chos kyang nyand pa dang/ /sdug bsngal tshor ba myong myi 'gyur/ /de skad ces gsol nas/bcom ldan 'das kyis/bu mo blo gros bzang mo la 'di skad ces bka' stsald to//bu mo khyod kyis de bzhin gshegs pa la don 'di dri bar sems pa legs so legs so/......./bu mo byang cub sems dpa' chos bzhi dang ldan na/mdzes par 'gyur te/bzhi gang zhe na/'di lta ste tha na dgra la yang khro bar myi byed pa dang/byams pa la gnas pa dang/chos 'dod pa dang/de bzhin gshegs pa'i sku gzugs byed du 'jug pa ste/ ...../de la 'di skad ces bya ste/ /gnod pa'i rtsa ba khro ba 'phel myi byed/ /byams la gnas par byed dang chos 'dod [pa ]dang/ /de bzhin gshegs pa'i sku gzugs byas na ni/ /mdzes par 'gyur te blta bar 'os pa yin/ Then four dharmas producing riches (nor-che-bar-ḥgyur-te), and so on.
IOL Tib J 204.1 - Section: 1 ['phags pa lha'i bu rab rtsal sems kyis zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo/] (Ārya - Suvikrānta - citta - devaputra - paripṛcchā - nāma - mahāyāna - sūtra) Ch. 9. I, frag. 43 and 73. XII. 2d, Pothī; 46.5 c. 11.5 c: foll. 19, some damaged; ll. 7: dbu-can, same size and hand as 90. Incomplete. Mañjuśrī, Bhadanta Ānanda, Devaputra Suvikrāntacitta (Rab-rtsal-sems). On abiding in 'non-duality' (gñis-su-myed-paḥi-gnas-pa), on svabhāva. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Csoma_1836: XIII. 162-225; Beckh_1914: XV. 145-99. Begins: ...'jam dpal stong pa nyid la gnas pa ci zhig la gnas pa yin /'jam dpal gyis smras pa/lha'i bu stong pa nyid la gnas pa ni/'dod pa dang/gzugs dang gzugs myed pa la gnas pa [ma ]yin/phung po dang kha[ms dang ]skye mched la gnas pa ma yin /lus dang sems la gnas pa ma yin no //de ci'i phyir zhe na /lha'i bu.... Fol. 11: Bodhisattva, Śrāvaka, Pratyeka-buddha-mārga. Fol. 12: Mahāyāna-praveśa. Fol. 15: How is a Bodhisattva a Pratyeka? Fol. 16: How is a Bodhisattva a Śrotaāpanna? Fol. 16b: How is a Bodhisattva an Anāgāmin?
IOL Tib J 205.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa khar sil gyi mdo/ Ch. 03. 9, Pothī; 44 c. x 9.9 c.: foll. 4, numbered kha 42-5; ll. 5: dbu-can. Last part of the text and colophon. Ends fol. 4b, l. 1.
IOL Tib J 205.2 - Section: 2 khar sil bcang ba'i kun tu spyod pa'i cho ga/ Complete. Begins, fol. 4b, l. 2: khar sil yang dag par len par 'dod pas/btsun ba gcig gi mdun du pus mo sa la btsugs te/'di skad du//btsun pa dgongs su gsol//bdag mying 'di zhes bgyi ba deng btsun ba las khar sil bcang ba'i slob dpon du gsol lo//zhes lan gsum bzla bar bya 'o/... The colophon states that 'this Sūtra and this Vidhi of the Stick have been translated from a Chinese original by the Źu. Lo. Ban. Chos-grub (Dharmasiddha).' Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Beckh_1914: XXVIII. 358-62 and 362-4 (Khar-sil-ḥchaṅ-baḥi).
IOL Tib J 206.1 - Section: 1 ga' la'i rtse mo theg pa chen po'i mdo' bshad pa/ (Śikhara-mahāyāna-sūtra-bhāṣya?) Ch. 9. I. 50, Pothī; 44.8 c. x 8.5 c.: foll. 21, numbered (letters) 2-7, 15-18, 20-21, (kha-ja, ba-tsha, wa-zha), 6 unnumbered, 1 numbered k+ka and 2 unnumbered; ll. 8, 7 and 6: dbu-can. Defective at the beginning; title from the colophon. This commentary is not to be found in Mdo-ḥgrel. There are two commentaries (vyākhyāna and miśraka-vyākhyā) on the Gayā-śīrṣa-sūtra (ga-ya-mgo'i-ri), Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo, XXXIV. 12 and 13 (Cordier_1909_1915: III, p. 364), Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, V. 4. The Gayā-śīrṣa, like this text, is a Sūtra of the Vijñānavādins. Deals with the Bhūmis of the Bodhisattva; mention of a Subhūti-pariccheda-bhāṣya (Rab-ḥbyord-gyi-leḥur-bśad-pa). Begins: zhes:bya'o:/drug:du 'bras:bu:phun sum tshogs:pa:ste:/kun gzhi rnam:par dag:pas:/sa:la:gnas [note a: gna's frequent. [note :pa'i:byang chub:sems:dpa's:/so:sor:chud par gyurd pa'i:mtshan ma:tha:dad pa'o://bdun du na bdag:pho:phun suM tshogs pa ste:/'di ni yang dag:par gshegs:pi:gnas:yin pas:so://brgyad du na nang gi:'khor phun suM:tshogs:pa:ste:/grangs:dang spyod yul:tshad myed pa'i:byang chub:sems:dpa':rnams:/yang dag:par gshegs:pa'i:rjesu:'dong ba'o:/dgur na phyi:'khor phun suM:tshogs:pa:sthe:/lha:dang myi:dang /klu:dang /lha:ma:yin dang /yi:dags:gyi:rgyal:pho:rnams:/sangs:rgyas:dang byang chub:gyi:rjes:su:spyod pa'o:/bcur na gzungs:phun sum:tshogs:pa:ste:/sems:chan zas:gyis:gzungs:bya:ba:bzhin du gnas:thede [note b: tha cancelled in MS. [note na chos:pa:chen pho'i:ros:'tshosthe:/.... Ends: yang shes:rab dang thabs:la:mkha's pa dang:/mtshan nyid gchig la:'jug pa'o///yang gnyis gyi rgyu ba':yongs su:spangs pa:dang:/dge' ba'i:chos sgom ba la':/brtson 'grus brtsams pa'o//yang chos shin du:bslabs:pa dang:/de:ltar khong du chud pa':bsgom ba la mkhas pa'o//rnam pa bzhi po 'dis:rgyu:rnam par dag pas:'bras bu rnam par [dag par ] [note c: [....] inserted below the line. [note shes par bya ste:/de yang mtshan nyid gchig la:/dus gsum dang ldan ba'i:/de bzhin gshegs pa'i:ye shes ma nord pa' bstand pas stond pa'i:thugs dgyes par bya ba's:/legs par bstand par shes par bya'o//stond pa rnam par dag pha dang:/bstand pa rnam par dag pa dang:/bstand pa'i 'bras bu rnam par dag pas:/mngon bar dga' ba'i dond shes par bya'o/// @//'ga':la'i rtse mo:theg pa chen po'i mdo' bshad pa rdzogs so// Double dot very frequent, even before stroke.
IOL Tib J 207.1 - Section: 1 thar pa chen po'i 'gyod tshangs kyi le'u/ (Mahā-vimokṣa...) Ch. 51. I. 7, Pothī; 47 c. x 8 c.: foll. 9, numbered, ka 33-34, 38-39, 58-59, 61-63; ll. 5; dbu-can. Colophon: pang kong chen po An extract from the Thar - pa - chen - po - phyogs - su - rgyas - pa - ḥgyod - tshaṅs - kyis - sdig - sbyaṅs - te - saṅs - rgyas - su - grub - par - bkod - pa ... theg - pa - chen - poḥi - mdo, Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Csoma_1836: XXI. 328-45; Beckh_1914: XXIII. 285-359, translated from the Chinese. (Compare the Rtogs - pa - chen - po - yoṅs - su - rgyas - paḥi - mdo - las - phyag - ḥtshal - baḥi - cho - ga - daṅ - ḥgyod - tshaṅs - kyi - leḥu - ñi - tshe, Beckh_1914: XXIII. 359-93 and Schmidt, XXIII. 264-87, wanting in Csoma_1836, and 208, the Paṅ-koṅ-chu-nu.) Foll. 33-39 contain a series of namaskāras (or vaṇdanā), to the Buddhas Dīpa, Ratnarāja, Amitābha, Vipaśyin, Bahuratna, Śākyamuni. Fol. 58, the Bodhisattva Mtshan-la-mos-pa (Nāmādhimukti?, Nāmadheya°?) and Bhagavat on the remission of sins. The text is therefore both phyag-tshal and ḥgyod-tshaṅs. Begins: @//thar pa chen po'i 'gyod tshangs kyi le'u//de 'i dus na 'khor mang po 'i 'dus pa'i nang nas/byang cub sems dpa' mtshan la mos pa zhes bya ba de 'khor 'dus pa'i nang nas langs te/tshul bzhin du gos tshags bcos nas//bcom ldan 'das kyi zhabs la spyi bos phyag 'tshal te//... = Thar-pa-chen-po..., Cambridge, Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, fol. 215b, l. 7: dkyil 'khor chen po la zhugs par bya'o zhes bka' stsal pa dang/de nas 'khor mang po'i nang nas byang chub sems dpa' mtshan nyid dad ces bya ba de 'khor... Ends with the stotra of Dge-mthoṅ and his 3,000 men, fol. 63b, l. 3: sangs rgyas nyag gcig gtso bo [note a: mchog [note ste/ /khams gsum pha ma thams cad mkhyend/ / [note b: [note thams chad mnyam dang myi mnyam ba'i [note b: mi mnyam mnyam pa nyid [note / /sangs rgyas [note c: bcom ldan [note dkon la phyag 'tshal lo/ / [note d: [note byis+ba sbyin spyad bdag lus phyir [note d: skye bo sbyin gtong rang gi phyir [note / /nor rdzas [note e: [note sbyin la phan 'dod ltar [note e: byin cing lan yang re [note / /byams chen sangs rgyas [note f: rgyal ba [note de myin te/ / [note g: [note dgra sdang nye byams snyom mdzad pa'i [note g: dgra gnyin byams dang phan snyoms mdzad [note / /brtson grus che la bdag stod phyogs/ /rkang gnyis kun nas sangs rgyas gtso/ /shes rab myi gcan gyis mthong nus/ /lha rnams shes rab de myi shes / /dus gsum sangs rgyas de rnams la/ /thams cad kun la bdag ni phyag 'tshal lo/ /de bzhin sangs rgyas bdag cag phyogs/ /dus gsum sangs rgyas mchod byas 'dra/ /de bas rtog du gus phyag 'tshal/ @//pang kong chen po rdzogs sO// The Rgyal-bu of fol. 63 occurs in Cambridge Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, fol. 253: fol. 63b, l. 2 = Cambridge, fol. 252b, l. 4. Variants for the first two stanzas are noted a-g. The succeeding stanzas in Cambridge Bkaḥ-ḥgyur run as follows: /rkang gnyis nang na rgyal ba btsun/ /shes rab spyan gyis mkhyen gzigs la/ /brtson 'gras che bdag skyabs su mchi/ /lha gzhan shes rab de ma 'tshal/ /'das dang ma byon da ltar gzhugs/ /rgyal ba kun la bdag phyag 'tshal/ /de bzhin rgyal la skyabs gsol ba 'ang/ /dus gsum rgyal ba mchod pa bzhin/ de nas phyogs bcu'i sangs rgyas rnams kyis rgyal bu dge mthong....
IOL Tib J 208.1 - Section: 1 pam kong chu ngu/ Ch. 9. I, fragg. 53 and 70, Pothī; 42.5 c. x 8.5 c.: foll. 2, numbered, verso, kha 48-49; ll. 5: dbu-can. Last part of the text and colophon. Compare 207. /pa 'i sems/chos bdag myed pa dang/'thun ba 'i dran ba chan/byang cub kyi sems tshad myed pa dang/ldan bzhin du /'chi ba'i dus byed par shog shig//mdor na bag chags ma lus kun byang nas//bsod nams ye shes tshogs [note a: Cambridge Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, fol. 56, l. 1: gnyis [note chen yongs rdzogs te//'gro ba ma lus byin kyis bsgral ba'i phyir //bdag nyid myur du mngon bar 'tshang rgyar shog /༔/༔/༔/@/./pam kong chu ngu rdzogs s+ho/ = Dpaṅ-skoṅ-phyag-brgya-pa (Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Csoma_1836: XXII. 1-7: Beckh_1914: XXIV. 1-7).
IOL Tib J 208.2 - Section: 2 ['gyod tshangs gyi smon lam/] (Anuśaya-praṇidhāna?) Formulary of confession. Begins, fol. 48a, l. 3: /dkon mchog gsum la phyag 'tshal lo/ /sangs rgyas bcom ldan 'das zhi ba chos kyi sku //thams cad mkhyen pa'i ye shes can //stobs dang myi 'jigs pa dang /ma 'dres pa 'i chos kyis brgyan pa//ji snyed po thams cad la phyag 'tshal lo//dam pa'i chos ngo bo nyid kyis dag pa/......./(fol. 48b, l. 4)dkon mchog gsum la/bla na myed pa'i mchod pa chen pos mchod par bgyi 'o //bdag cag rnams kyis bsam gyis myi khyab pa'i tshe rabs snga ma nas /dus 'di 'i bar du lus dang/ngag dang yid kyis sdig pa myi dag ba/... Same text 247 and 452, 2 where the title is given. Fol. 49a, l. 5: 'gyod pa'i sems kyis gtang ngo /spang ngo //sngon gyi sdig pa thams cad byang zhing phyin chad sdig pa myi bgyid par smon to//bdag cag rnams kyis dus 'di nas bzung ste /snying po byang chub la 'dug gi bar du /dkon mchog gsum la /skyabs su mchi'o /... Fol. 49b, l. 1: dge ba'i rtsa ba bsngo ba ni /yon men tog gsol pas ni //gar skyes gar skyes kyang yid du 'ong ba'i gzugs dang /mtshan gyis brgyan te //skyon dpyas myed pa'i lus thob par gyur cig //pog spos gsol pas ni /gar skyes gar skyes kyang long spyod mchog yid du 'ong ba'i chos kyi dri bsung dang ldan bar gyur cig //mar mye gsol pas ni//...
IOL Tib J 209.1 - Section: 1 'gyod tshangs dang smon lam/ (Pāpānuśaya and praṇidhāna?) Ch. 80. V, Roll; 30.5 c. x 23 c.: foll. 7, 1 damaged (which may be the first folio of the text); ll. 23: dbu-can. Incomplete at the beginning; title in colophon. Begins with invocations to the Buddhas of the ten cardinal regions and to the Buddhas of some Universes; then to many unlocated Buddhas and to many Bodhisattvas. Confession begins fol. 4, l. 15: bdagis thog ma'i mtha' ma mchis pa nas //srid pa gsuM gyi 'khor ba na/'khor zhing 'dod chags zhe sdang gthi mug dbang gis //myi dge ba bcu dang mtshams myed pa lnga la stsogs te//gsung rabs kun las 'gal ba'i sdig pa myi dge ba'i las //bdagis bgyis pa dang //gzhan la bcol pa dang//rjesu yi rang ba de dag thams chad /rdul tsam/bag tsam ya+ng ma lus par 'thol zhing bshagso//sbyang shing bsal to/... Ends: .../nad thams chad da+ng bral bar gyur chig//khyim nas byung bas ni /khyim /gi nyes pa thams chad sphang ste//khams gsuM gyi khri mon nas/byung bar gyur /chig//sman gsol pas ni//tshe rabs thams chad du lus la nad sel pa'i /bdud rtsi dang /sangs rgyas sman kyi rgyal po ltar gyur chig/'bru zan sna //tshogs phul bas ni//tshe rabs thams chad du/'bru sna tshogs la dbang bar gyur/chig//'di ltar dge ba sna tshogs sphel pas ni//bdag cag rnaMs tshe /'di la//ya+ng tshe ring zhing nad myed de/lo phyugs [rtags du ]legs pa dang/dgra dang/'khrug pa dang//bgegs thams chad rnam par zhi ba dang/'phan zhing //rags pa dang/dbang thang skye bar smon to//
IOL Tib J 210.1 - Section: 1 'gyod tshangs dang smon lam Ch.81. VI, Scroll; 26.5 c. x 290 c.: 175 ll. Tibetan; verso, 107 columns Chinese: dbu-can: damaged. End of an 8th bam-po (long series of namaskāras), beginning of a 9th bam-po, l. 118: 'gyod tshangs dang smon lam du gsol pa'/... Namaskāras follow. See 208, 2 and 452, 2.
IOL Tib J 211.1 - Section: 1 phyag 'tshal (Vandanā) Ch. 03. 28, Concertina; 27 c. x 8.2 c.: foll. 2; ll. 5; verso, 6 columns Chinese (Vajracchedikā): dbu-can. Series of namaskāras. Begins: lho nub 'tsams kyi sangs rgyas nyi ma'i dkyil 'khor snang bA dam pa'i dpal de bzhin gshegs pa la phyag 'tshalo//nub byang 'tshams kyi sangs rgyas gdugs dam pa'i dpal de bzhin gshegs pa la phyag 'tshal lo//'og ma phyogs kyi .../'das pa'i sangs rgyas .../ma byon pa'i sangs rgyas .../sangs rgyas chos kyi sku myed pa la phyag 'tshalo//'jig rten na mtha' yas pa'i sku gzugs thams cad la phyag 'tshalo//ring bsrel thaMs ... For these names ending in °śrī, compare 54 and Śikṣā-samuccaya, p. 169.
IOL Tib J 212.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. XIII. 4, Scroll; 30.5 c. x 35 c.: ll. 12: dbu-can. Series of namaskāras, beginning with the twenty-two Tathāgata-meru-dvīpa-rājas, the asaṃkhya-pūrvātīta-tathāgata-arhat-samyak-sambuddhas, the 20,000 Tathāgata-Sūrya-candra-dīpaṃkara.... Begins: de bzhin gshegs pa ri rab mar mye 'i rgyal po nyi shu rtsa gnyis la gus par phyag 'tshal lo/....gnyi zla mar mye mdzod ....de bzhin gshegs pa byams pa la ....
IOL Tib J 213.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa dus dang dus ma yin pa bstan pa zhes bya ba'i mdo/ (Ārya-Kālākāla-nirdeśa-nāma-sūtra) Ch. 9. I. 27, Pothī; 38 c. x 8.3 c.: foll. 4, numbered ga 50-53; ll. 5: dbu-can. Complete. Translator and reviser: Chos-grub, from a Chinese original. The titles of Chos-grub are given fully: Źu - chen - gyi - Mkhan - po - daṅ - Lo - tsa - pa - Bcom - ldan - ḥdas - kyi - riṅ - lugs - Ban - de - Chos - grub. Begins, after the homage and the classic introduction: dge slong dag ngas khyed la dus dang/dus ma yin pa'i mdo bstan gyis legs par nyon la/yid la zung shig ces bka' stsald pa dang/dge slong rnams kyis kyang de bzhin 'tshal lo zhes gsol to/...
IOL Tib J 214.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa byang chub sems dpa' spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug phyag stong spyan stong dang ldan pa thogs pa myi mnga' ba'i thugs rje chen po'i sems rgya cher yongs su rdzogs pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs bam po dang po'o/ Ārya - mahākāruṇikānādi - sahasrapāṇi - sahasranetrāvalokiteśvara - bodhisattva - citta - vistara - paripūraṇa - nāma - dhāraṇī / prathamaḥ khaṇḍaḥ) Ch. 9. I, frag. 28, Pothī; 28 c. x 8 c.: fol. 1, numbered ka 1; ll. 5: dbu-can. Translator : Chos-grub, from a Chinese original. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Beckh_1914: XVI. 376-425; not in Csoma_1836. Begins: 'Homage to all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Thus have I heard.'Bhagavat Śākyamuni in Potala. Bodhisattvas Avalokiteśvara,... See 314 (Avalokitastotra), same paper and hand.
IOL Tib J 215.1 - Section: 1 gtsug tor chen po las bdud kyi le'u nyi tshe zhig btus pa/ (Mahoṣṇīṣe Māra-parivarta-kevala-saṃgraha) Ch. 2a. D, Pothī; 44.7 c. x 9.1 c.: foll. 21, numbered, ka 1-21; ll. 5 and 6 (foll. 11 sqq.): dbu-can. Colophon: ...leḥu-log-śig-tu-btus-paḥo/ Chapter of Māra, extract from the Mahoṣṇīṣa. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Beckh_1914: XX. 418-34 (Gtsug-tor-chen-poḥi-bam-po-dgu-pa-las-bdud-kyi-leḥu-ñi-tshe-ḥbyuṅ-ba/); Schmidt, XX. 287-99 (...ñi-tshe-phyuṅ-ba/), who points out that the text is translated from the Chinese. The text begins, without the prelude in Beckh_1914: sems byang snyoms na/de ni bsam pa zad pa yin no/bsam pa zad na bsam pa thams cad dang bral te/thams cad byang snang bas/g.yo ba dang 'dug pa gcig/dran ba dang brjed pa gcig/de kho na gnas te/ting nge 'dzin tu zhugs na/... The cover of fol. 1 contains formulas of homage, blank, and, by another hand, definition of the Seven Treasures, beginning with śraddhā-dhana.
IOL Tib J 216.1 - Section: 1 'tsho ba rnam par dag pa/ Ch. 02 and 010, Pothī; 23.4 c. x 4 c.: foll. 13, numbered (letters and numerals) kha gnyis, ga gsum, nga, ca, cha bzhi....pha bcu gnyis; ll. 2: dbu-can. The complete title seems to be: Zas-kyi-ḥtsho-ba...; Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Beckh_1914: XVIII. 123-25; Csoma_1836: XVI. 153-55; no Sanskrit title. Defective at the beginning; colophon, title only. Bhagavat gives instruction to Maudgalyāyana concerning the former actions of certain Pretas. Ends fol. na 10b, l. 2: dge 'dun la zas myi gtsang ba zar bcug na /de lta bu'i sdig pa'i rnam par smyin pa ni /thams cad myig nad dang /rims nad kyis thebs pa dang /sdig par myi shes pa'o /phyin cad dge 'dun kyi kha zas gtsang sbrar byas pa la /lag pa gtsang mas /dge 'dun kyi kha zas kyi snod gzung ba dang /lag pa gtsang mas khre 'bras bkru ba dang /kha zas gtsang mas sbyin ba byas pa ni //bsod nams bsam gis myi khyab pa thob par 'gyur ro //phyin chad 'di yongs su grags pa dang [d?]myur ba'i yid kyis rjes su zung shig //___// ...'tsho ba rnam par dag pa rdzogs sO// Verso of fol. pha 12: rgya gar skad du /a rgya de ba' myi ta /ka lo ni /bod skad du /'phags...
IOL Tib J 217.1 - Section: 1 'dzang blun pa'i mdo/ Ch. 0027, Pothī; 44.8 c. x 8.9 c.: fol. 1; ll. 14 and verso 4: dbu-med. 'Der Weise und der Thor' (Schmidt_1843), Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Beckh_1914: XXX. 185-365; Csoma_1836: XXVIII. 196-464; Schmidt, XXX. 129-298; translation from the Chinese. An extract; summary of the XXIVth chapter. Begins: 'dzang blun pa'i mdo las 'byung ba/ Ends: zhib du ni ka byi na 'i le 'u las 'byung ngo/
IOL Tib J 218.1 - Section: 1 'dzangs blun pa'i mdo/ Ch. 03. 20, Pothī; 46.3 c. x 11.8 c.: foll. 3; ll. 30, 26, 24, 27, 36, 32: dbu-med. Extracts and summaries from the Sūtra of the Wise Man and the Fool. The second extract is from the XXIIIrd chapter.
IOL Tib J 219.1 - Section: 1 Author: the Chinese Ācārya Ven-hve 'phags pa lang kar gshegs pa rin po che'i mdo las//sangs rgyas thams cad kyi gsung gi snying po'i le'u rgya cher 'grel pa/ (Ārya - Laṅkāvatāra - mahāyāna - sūtre Sarva - buddha - vacana - hṛdaya - parivarta - ṭīkā) Ch. 9. I. 51, Pothī; 42.4 c. x 7.9 c.: foll. 144, numbered ca 2-100, cha 1-45; ll. 5: dbu-can: black and red. Translated by order of the King of Tibet (Dpal-lha-btsan-poi-bkaḥ-luṅ-gis) by the Bhikṣu Chos-grub, from the Chinese original. The Mūla (Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Csoma_1836: V. 298-456; Beckh_1914: V. 250-378) in eight bam-po. According to Beckh_1914, by Wen-hvi, translated by Ḥgos Chos-grub. Colophon: /bya gag lo'i dbyar sla ra ba'i ngo la //rje'i bsod nams dang/sems can thams cad kyi bsod namsu bsngos te //dge slong rdo rjes lang kar gshegs pa 'grel pa sde gcig bris pA//___// /sdong po btsan bzang gis bris//___// 'phags pa rnams 'dir gsan cing gshegs pa rnams kyi thugs las 'gal ba dang spyan lam du myi mdzes pa dang yi ge lhag chad du gyur pa rnams bzod pa 'bul zhing mchis//___//zhus/ Bam-po 37 begins fol. ca 21 ; 38, 42; 39, 62; 40, 79; 41, cha 3; 42, 24.
IOL Tib J 220.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa las legs nyes kyi rgyu dang 'bras bu bstan pa zhes bya ba'i mdo/ Ch. 73. VII. 2, Pothī; 58 c. x 8 c.: foll. 7, numbered kha 59-65; ll. 5: dbu-can and dbu-med (fol. 65). 'The Sūtra of the causes and results of good and bad action'. Defective at the end, although the text, fol. 65b, l. 5, does not continue to the end, leaving a blank space of more then half a line. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Beckh_1914: XXXII. 237-51; Csoma_1836: XXX. 303-20. The title omits las and adds mahāyāna-sūtra. Translated, according to the colophon, by Chos-grub, from Indian and Chinese originals (rgya-gar-daṅ-rgya-ḥi-dpe-las). Ends: 'People who in this life are attached to many women after death fall into the hell of the iron-mill.' See 335, 2.
IOL Tib J 221.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. XV, frag. 4, Pothī; 43.8 c. x 9 c.: fol. 1, numbered (letter) 8; ll. 6: dbu-can. Punishment, in another life, of bad actions, verso, l. 5: tshe 'di la ma yar mor (?)gyurd nas/chung ma snga ma'i bu dag la nar pa byas pa gang yin ba de ni shi 'phos nas/mye rab tu 'bar ba'i shing ng+ta [note a: rta written ng+ta, rngon written ng+ngon. [note dang ldan ba'i sems can dmyal bar ltung bar 'gyur ro/... Recto, l. 1: .../tshe 'di la khra sgrig gtong zhing/ng+ngon [note a: rta written ng+ta, rngon written ng+ngon. [note byed par mngon bar dga' ba gang yin ba de dag ni shi 'phos nas/... = 220, fol. 65b, l. 3.
IOL Tib J 222.1 - Section: 1 sangs rgyas kyi chos kyi rgyal po gcig bshad pa/ (Buddha - dharmarāja - kāra - prathama - khaṇḍa - bhāṣya?) Ch. 73. III. 18, Pothī; 37 c. x 8 c.: foll. 2, numbered ga 45 and ..8; ll. 6: dbu-can. Beginning and colophon. Compare Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Csoma_1836: VIII. 235-333 (Sanskrit title: Buddha-dharmakośa-kāra); Beckh_1914: X. 191-266 (no Sanskrit title, and v.l. in Tibetan title: Saṅs-rgyas-kyi-mdzod-kyi-chos-kyi-yi-ge, Saṅs-rgyas-kyi-mdzod-bśad-paḥi-chos-kyi-yi-ge, Saṅs-rgyas-kyis-bśad-pa-saṅs-[rgyas]-kyi-mdzod). Translated from Chinese, according to Csoma_1836. Begins with the events at Nirvāṇa: de 'i tshe sangs rgyas shing sa la zung gnyis kyi bar na bzug ste//mya ngan las 'das te//gshegs kar sems can thams cad//brgya stong khri 'bum phal mang po kun shing gi drung na/sangs rgyas 'khor bar bskor te//'khod nas//myig ni yar bcom ldan 'das kyi zhal du lta ste//chung zad kyang myi yengs//de nas yang dag par gshegs pas//'phrul gyi stobs kyis//'od chen po btang nas//nam ka thams cad khyab par snang ste//'od de 'i nang nas//chos so cho ga [note a: For chog. [note mngon bar bstan nas//de 'i tshe phal mang po 'i nang nas//byang chub sems dpa' nam ka mdzod ces bya ba zhig yod pa /stan las langs te/...
IOL Tib J 223.1 - Section: 1 [sangs rgyas rgyal ]po'i chos kyi yi ge bam po bcu gcig go/ (Buddha-dharmarāja-kāra ekā-daśamaḥ khaṇḍaḥ) Ch. 73. XIII. 14, Roll; 27 c. x 22 c.: foll. 2, damaged; ll. 14: dbu-can. Incomplete: title damaged. Compare 222.
IOL Tib J 224.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa gser 'od dam pa/mchog tu rnam par rgyal ba/mdo sde'i rgyal po zhes bya ba/theg pa chen po'i mdo/ de 'i shing kim kwang meng dzwe 'i shing 'wang kyeng/ Ch. 9. I. 34 and XXVII. L (fol. 56); Pothī; 51 c. x 9.5 c.: foll. 5, damaged, numbered ka 1-2, 3 (gong-ma), 56a (gong-ma), 56b ('og-ma); ll. 6 and 5: dbu-can. (Chinese : De-ḥi-śiṅ-kim-kwaṅ-meṅ-dzwe-ḥi-śiṅ-waṅ-kyeṅ/) The Chinese title in Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Beckh_1914: XII. 26-194; Csoma_1836: XIII. 1-208, is : tai-(better, tāḥi)-chiṅ-gi-ma-gvaṅ-miṅ-tsui-(better, tsuḥi)- śiṅ-vaṅ-gyi, with the conjecture gin for gi-ma. See Nanjio_1883: 126 (Kin-kwâṅ-miṅ-tsui-shaṅ-waṅ-kiṅ). The Tibetan title agrees with the MS. but for...rnam-par-rgyal-baḥi. Fol. 3b ends abruptly on l. 2. Fol. 56b contains the end and the colophon of the 7th chapter: pad ma lta bu 'i dpes bsngags pa brjod pa'i le 'u ste/bdun pa 'o//
IOL Tib J 224.2 - Section: 2 [gser rgyal zhes bya ba'i gzungs/] (Suvarṇa-jaya-nāma-dhāraṇī?)
IOL Tib J 225.1 - Section: 1 gser 'od dam pa mchog tu rnam par rgyal ba mdo sde'i rgyal po/ Ch.9. I. 18, Pothī; 42.3 c. x 8.2 c.: foll. 2; ll. 5: dbu-can. This fragment contains the end and colophon of the 7th chapter: pad ma lta bu 'i dpes bsngags pa brjod pa'i le'u ste / bdun pa'o//
IOL Tib J 226.1 - Section: 1 (Samantabhadra-bodhisattva-caryā?) Ch. 76. IV. 2, Pothī; 26.3 c. x 7 c.: fol. 1; ll. 6; dbu-can. Begins with the enumerations on the akṣaṇas: dmyal bar 'gro ba dang /byol song gi skye gnasu 'gro ba dang /lha dbul por 'gyur ba dang /sangs rgyas mthong ba yongs su myi 'dzind pa dang /... Ends with the same : gzungs gyi rgyan snang ba so sor myi 'thob pa dang /spobs pa'i rgyan gyi snang ba myi 'thob pa dang /kund tu bzang po byang cub sems dpa'i spyod pa'i
IOL Tib J 227.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 0025, Pothī; 30 c. x 9.5 c.: fol. 1, numbered ka 4; ll. 6: dbu-can. A sermon on the Durlabhas, appearance of the Buddhas, &c. Incomplete beginning and end. begins: dge bsnyen skyabs gsum chos la dad pa dang/ /rig pa'i rjes 'brang bden pa'i tshig nyan pa/ /lha klu gnod sbyin srin po 'dre las stsogs/ /bsod nams dga' sde dge ba kun nyon cig/ /'jig rten mtha' yas snga phyi rgyud bltas na/ /sangs rgyas 'jig rten 'byung ba shin tu rkon/ /bstan pa dam chos rgyas pa shin tu rkon/ /'phags pa'i dge 'dun zhal mthong shin tu rkon/ /dge ba'i bshes dang phrad pa shin [tu ]rkon/ /mtho ris bde 'gro lus rnyed rab tu dka'/ /dbang po rdzogs pa'i lus rnyed rab tu dka'/ Ends: mdor na dkon mchog gsum kyi bka' drin gyis/ /sems can thams cad mgron tu g.yar 'dren na/ /tshong pa rin cen gling du phyin pa ltar/ /bsod nams rin chen gling du myur du spyon/ /rigs 'dzin dpag bsam mtshal du rgyu ba ltar/ /mchod sbyin
IOL Tib J 228.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 9. I, frag. 31, 51. I. 27, 9. I. 44a-b, 9. I, frag. 76, 03. 33, Pothī; 42 c. x 9 c.: foll. 19, two damaged; ll. 6: dbu-can. Several hands. Fragments of a Mahāyāna-sūtra (Akṣayamati-sūtra?) 9. I. frag. 31: How the Bodhisattva is skilful concerning selflessness (nairātmya), retribution (vipāka): he knows that there is no self, no being (sattva), no individual (pudgala), but that there is act and fruit. 51. I. 27: '...O son of family, the Bodhisattva endowed with these ten qualities has completed the perfection of Vīrya....' 9. I. 44a: '...the Bodhisattva endowed with these ten qualities has completed the perfection of Śīla....' 9. I, frag. 76 and 03. 33: on the Āveṇika-dharmas, the thirty-two aspects of the Mahā-karuṇā, the ten Balas, the four Abhayas.
IOL Tib J 229.1 - Section: 1 Vol. 69, foll. 33-35, Roll; 26 c. x 20 c.: foll. 6 and parts of 2 others; ll. 14 and 16, 3 and 5 columns Chinese verso: dbu-can. Fragment of a sūtra (Bodhisattva-bhūmi?)
IOL Tib J 230.1 - Section: 1 Vol. 69, fol. 18, Roll; 28 c. x 21 c.: fol. 1 and a fragment; ll. 16: dbu-can. On the compassion of Buddha.
IOL Tib J 231.1 - Section: 1 Vol. 56, fol. 5, Roll; parts of 2 foll.: dbu-can. On the ten Balas.
IOL Tib J 232.1 - Section: 1 Vol. 69, fol. 16, Roll; 27 c. x 25 c.: fol. 1 and part of another; ll. 16: dbu-can. On Abhaya. Begins: te reg pa'i rkyen kyis tshor ba rnam par dag pas ..pa thams chad mkhyen pa nyid pa nyid rnam par dag pa ste de ltar na de bzhin gshegs pa'i stobs nam par dag [pa] dang lus kyi 'dus te reg pa'i rkyen kyis tshor ba rnams par dag pa dang rnam pa thams chad mkhyen pa nyid rnam par dag pa ste de ltar na de bzhin gshegs pa'i stobs rnam par dag pa dang lus kyi 'dus te...
IOL Tib J 233.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. XV, frag. 9, Pothī; 22.5 c.x 9 c.: fol. 1, numbered ka 9; ll. 6: dbu-can. How a Bodhisattva is skilful in diverse means, verso, l. 2: ...ji ltar na byang chub sems dpa' yul las rnam par zlog pa'i thabs mkhas pa yin zhe na / Answer: A Bodhisattva, seeing that there is no other means of correcting people addicted to sensual desires, creates a beautiful woman and causes her to die..: 'di la byang cub sems dpa' sems can gang rab tu 'dod chags can rab tu 'dod chags mang ba'i sems can rnams ba [note a: ba cancelled in MS. [note na/des de dag 'dul ba'i thabs gzhan myed do //snyam nas/des de dag gi drung du bud myed sprul pa bzang mo/blta na sdug pa bud med thams chad kyi mchog du sprul te//... Mention of Upāya-kauśalya, Dga'-bo, Srin-mo, Ye-śes-bla.
IOL Tib J 234.1 - Section: 1 Frag. 87, Scroll; 30.5 c. x 19.5 c.: ll. 7: dbu-can. Enumeration of the ten good acts (dge-ba-bcu-las, daśa-kuśala-karma).
IOL Tib J 235.1 - Section: 1 Ch. CXLVII. 15 (foll. 3, numbered ka 7, 24, and ?), 73. VIII, fragg. 1-2 and 73. IV, frag. 5 (foll. 3, numbered ka? and one damaged), 73. IV, frag. 4 (fol. 1, numbered kha 27), frag. 7 (2 fragments, 15 c. x 8.2 c. and 8 c. x 8.2 c.), Pothī; 43 c. x 8 c.: ll. 5: dbu-can. Fragments of a Mahāyāna-sūtra. Bhagavat teaches a Kulaputra the Prajñā. Contains a formulary of confession. Fol. ka 7 begins: na'/ /phyogs bzhi 'i sangs rgyas bzhi po dag/ /byin kyi rlabs kyis rlob par mdzod / /shar phyogs na ni myi 'khrug [... [note a: [...] MS. damaged. [note ...........]sangs rgyas rin chen mtshan/ /nub phyogs na ni tshe dpag myed/ /byang phyogs lha 'i ra+ng sgra dbyangs/ /ngas deng yang dag dam pa'i chos/ /bkra shis bshags pa'i mchog gyur pa/ /sdig pa tham[s cad....
IOL Tib J 235.2 - Section: 2 Ch. 73. VIII, fragg. 1-2, 73. IV, frag. 5. Bhagavat teaches a Kulaputra the three bodies. '...The Nirmita-kāya is revealed owing to the removal of the Karmāvaraṇa; the Dharma-kāya owing to the removal of the Jñeyāvaraṇa.' Then (73. VIII. frag. 2, verso, l. 4): 'di lta ste/dper na nam mkha' la brten nas ni glog 'byung/glog la brten nas ni 'od 'byung ba de bzhin du/chos kyi sku la brten pa'i phyir ni/longs spyod rdzogs pa' sku ston par mdzad do/longs spyod rdzogs pa'i sku la brten pa'i phyir ni/sprul pa'i sku ston par mdzad do/rang bzhin yongs su dag par gyur Compare the small Sūtra Kāya-traya (Kṣitigarbha), Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Beckh_1914: XXIV. 72-74, where Dharma-kāya = ākāśa, Sambhoga = megha, Nirmita=varṣa.
IOL Tib J 235.3 - Section: 3 Ch. 73. IV, frag. 4. Tshaṅs-paḥi-rgyal-po-chen-po ( Brahma-mahārāja) and the Bodhisattva Yid-bźin-rin-cen-ḥod-ḥphro (Cintāmaṇijyotis) on the man created by magic (māyā-nirmita-puruṣa) and his nature. Things are unspeakable (anabhilāpya).
IOL Tib J 235.4 - Section: 4 Fragment 7. Bhagavat teaches a Kulaputra the 'profound Sūtra' and the proper way of contemplating the Buddha.
IOL Tib J 236.1 - Section: 1 Vol. 37, 19-20, Pothī; 41 c. x 8 c.: foll. 2, 1 unnumbered, damaged, 1 numbered ka 23; ll. 5: dbu-can. Fragment of a sūtra on dharma-kāya. Begins: ...su rdzogs pa ston pa gang [yang] ba de ni longs spyod pa'i sku zhes bya 'o//rigs kyi bu byang chub sems dpa' sems dpa' chen pos ci ltar chos kyi sku khong du chud par bya ste na/nyon mongs pa'i sgrib pa las stsogs pa yongs su bstsal nas/dge ba'i chos rnams yongs su rdzogs par gyur pa'i phyir/de bzhin nyid dang/de bzhin nyid kyi ye shes kho na dang ldan bar gyur pa gang yin ba de ni chos kyi sku zhes bya 'o//sku snga ma rnam pa gnyis ni btags pa tsam du yod pa yin la/sku gsum pa 'di ni yang dag par yod pa yin te/... Ends: ...yongs su mya ngan la[s] 'das pa zhes bya 'o//bcu la ni de bzhin gshegs pas sems can dang/chos kyi ngo bo nyid thams cad stong zhing/stong pa nyid las gud na stong pa'i ngo bo nyid yod pa ma yin ba gang yin ba de nyid la yang dag pa'i chos kyi sku yin ..gas su chud pa'i phyir/yongs su mya ngan
IOL Tib J 237.1 - Section: 1 Vol. 70, fol. 5, Pothī; 25 c. (originally?) x 8 c.: fol. 1, badly damaged; ll. 5: dbu-can. Fragment of a sūtra on trikāya.
IOL Tib J 238.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. VII, frag. B. 6, Scroll; 29 c. x 21 c.: ll. 14, damaged, verso blank: dbu-can. A fragment; ends abruptly. Prajñā doctrines. Line 11: ...chos kyi dbyings mnyam ba'i phyir de bzhin gshegs pa yongs su myi ngan las 'das pa zhes bya 'o/de bzhin nyid ni bden pa ste/de bzhin nyid ma gtogs pi chos gzhan rnams ni brdzun ba'o/... 'Because he is identical with Dharma-dhātu, the Tathāgata is said to be 'parinirvṛta'. Tathatā is truth. All the dharmas, except tathatā, are false.'
IOL Tib J 239.1 - Section: 1 ? [tshangs lha phan sems kyis 'jam dpal zhus pa /] (Brah-ma-deva-hitamatinā(?) Mañjuśrī-paripṛcchā) Ch. 79. XVI. 8, Pothī; 22 c. (originally?) x 8 c.: fol. 1, damaged; ll. 6: dbu-can. Fragment of a Mahāyāna-sūtra. Prajñā doctrines. ...chos nyid la 'byung ba myed pa yin no/... Mañjuśrī and Brahmadevahitamati (?) (Tshaṅs-lha-phan-sems). The correct reading is Tshaṅs-la-phan-sems.
IOL Tib J 240.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 74. VI, Pothī; 25 c. x 6 c.: fol. 1, numbered verso 42; ll. 4: dbu-can. Prajñā topics: mention of Mt. Kailāsa.
IOL Tib J 241.1 - Section: 1 Vol. 69. 9, Roll; 28 c. x 20 c.: fol. 1 + parts of 2 others; ll. 18: dbu-can. On advaya.
IOL Tib J 242.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. IV. 16a. 1, Pothī; 19.5 c. (originally?) x 8.2 c.: fol. 1, damaged; ll. 5: dbu-can. Fragment of a Sūtra. Somebody (a Pratyeka-buddha?) who knows and does not teach others. On Pudgala-dṛṣṭi.
IOL Tib J 243.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 9. I, frag. 29, Pothī; 21.5 c. x 7.5 c.: fol. 1, numbered (letter) 4; ll. 6: dbu-can. Metrical text (seven and nine syllables) on Bodhi-citta, a sun that burns suffering, a moon that fosters the medicines of virtue. Recto, l. 4: chos gyi gzhi dang bag chags rnams/ /byang chub sems gyi sems chen gyis/ /gnyen po yang ni bskyed nasu/ /mya ngan thams chad 'jom ba'o/ /de bas de'i mthu rab gyis/ /nyes sbom lhan chig bag chags dang/ /'dod pa'i 'dam gyis myi gos par/ /sangs rgyas ye shes rnam mang sbyong/ /nyi mar gyurd pa'i sems cen gyis/ /mya ngan phyogs rnams rab tu bsreg/ /zla ba bzhin ba'i sems cen gyis/ /dge ba'i sman rnams spel ba'o/ Ends: /de bas rdo rje bzhin gyi ting 'dzin [note a: Vajropama-samādhi. [note du/ /byang chub sems ni rnam par bsgom/ /de dbus zla ba
IOL Tib J 244.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. VII. 1 and frag. A. 3 (1fol.), Pothī; 65 c. x 12.2 c.; foll. 5; ll. 7: dbu-can and dbu-med. How the Bodhisattva Nandirāja (? Dga-baḥi-rgyal-po) contemplated the body of Bhagavat, and obtained the intelligence of Dharma-dhātu (fol.1a).
IOL Tib J 244.2 - Section: 2 Resolution of obtaining the Enlightenment. Vow: Bhagavad aham adya-prabhṛti...yāvad-ābodhi-maṇḍa-niṣādanāt.... (Compare 245, verso.) Fol. 3: The Śrāvaka vehicle is Māra's work.
IOL Tib J 244.3 - Section: 3 Ch. 73. VII, frag. A. 3 (another hand, dbu-med): The threefold refuge of a householder Bodhisattva. Begins: @/bcom ldan 'das kyis bka' stsal pa/khyim bdag byang chub sems dpa' kyim_na gnas pas ni sangs rgyas la skyabs su 'gro bar bya/chos la skyabs su 'gro bar bya..../byang chub sems dpa' khyim na gnas pas ci ltar chos la skyabs su 'gro bar bya zhe na/... Ends (dbu-can, but not the same hand as 1 and 2): ...'di ni /khyim bdag byang chub sems dpa' khyim na gnas pas dge 'dun la skyabs su 'gro ba zhes bya 'o //
IOL Tib J 245.1 - Section: 1 (śaraṇa-gamana. Praṇidhāna) Ch. 73. XIV. 15b, Pothī; 25 c. x 7 c.: fol. 1; ll. 5: dbu-can. A fragment. Compare the Bodhicittotpāda-vidhi, &c., Mdo-ḥgrel, XXXIII. Begins: @/:/myi khyab pa/bla na myed pa'i sku/chos kyi sku mnga' ba la skyabs su mchi'o//chos 'dod chags dang bral ba'i mchog la skyabs su mchi ste/bla na myed pa de bzhin gshegs pa la mnga' ba zhi ba chos kyi sku so sor rang gis rig pa la skyabs su mchi'o//dge 'dun dul ba'i tshogs kyi mchog la skyabs su mchi ste/phyogs bzhi'i 'phags pa phyir myi ldog pa'i byang chub sems dpa' chen po'i dge 'dun la skyabs su mchi'o//de skad lan gsum bzlas//skyabs su 'gro ba'o// anuttaraṃ kāyaṃ dharma-kāyaṃ śaraṇaṃ gacchāmi. Dharmaṃ virāgāṇāṃ śreṣṭhaṃ śaraṇaṃ gacchāmi...evaṃ triḥkṛtvā śaraṇagamanam. Verso: sangs rgyas dang byang chub sems cdpa' [sic]thams cad bdag la dgongs su gsol//bdag mying 'di zhes bgyi ba dus 'di nas bzung ste byang chub kyi snying po la gnas kyi bar du /......aham evaṃnāmā adya-prabhṛti yāvad-ābodhimaṇḍa-niṣādanāt.... Compare 244. The same formula occurs in Bodhicittotpāda-vidhi (Mdo-ḥgrel, XXXIII. 28), fol. 50a, l. 1 in London edition.
IOL Tib J 246.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 51. I. 45, Pothī; 26 c. x 6.3 c.: fol. 1; ll. 4: dbu-can. Bodhisattva's confession of sins. Begins: @//khor ba'i rgyu myi dge ba'i las mtshams myed pa lnga dang//de dang nye ba dang myi dge ba bcu [...] [note a: [...] MS. damaged. [note las bstsogs te//... Causes of saṃsāra are the evil acts, the five ānanta-ryas, the sins approximate to the five ānantaryas, the ten evil acts....
IOL Tib J 247.1 - Section: 1 ['gyod tshangs gyi smon lam /] (Anuśaya-praṇidhāna?) 83. V. 2, Book from; one folio, 30 c. x 14 c., 4 pp.; ll. 8: dbu-can: last page blank. Confession of sins. Practice of a Bodhisattva. Begins: mchod pa chen pos //mchod par bgyi'o //bdag cag rnams gyis thog ma myed pa'i tshe rabs nas dus 'di 'i bar du //lus dang ngag dang yid gyis //sdig pa myi dge ba'i las /gal te mtshams myed pa lnga 'am /de dang nye ba lnga 'am /myi dge ba bcu 'am /de 'i yan lag 'am [note a: Note yan lag 'am not yan lag gam [note /kha na ma tho ba dang bcas pa 'am /nyon mongs pa'i rgyu 'am /skye shi 'i sa bon nam /bdag dang gzhan la yongs su gdung bar gyur pa'i sdig gi las bdag gis bgyis sam //... Ends abruptly: /de lta bu yon tan chen po bsam gyis myi khyab pa // The same text as 208, 2 and 452, 2.
IOL Tib J 248.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. III. 44, Pothī; 17 c. x 6 c.: fol. 1; ll. 4: large dbu-med. Confession. Begins: @// tshe rabs gyi sgrib les [note a: for las [note gyur kyang rung/phral gyi rkyen les [note a: for las [note gyur kyang rung/ Ends: .../de bzhin gshegs pa'i bk 'a [note b: for bka' [note gzhan du myi 'gyur srungs shig skyobs shig//nang mun bshags pa 'di phris/
IOL Tib J 249.1 - Section: 1 Vol. 54, fol. 14, fragment of a scroll; 18 c. x 24 c.: badly damaged; ll. 16, verso 9 columns Chinese: dbu-can. Ritual of confession.
IOL Tib J 250.1 - Section: 1 [ltung bshags/] (Pāpa-deśanā) Ch. 73. VI. 5 and 73. IV. 5a (foll. 62 and 65), Pothī; 38.5 c. x 8.5 c. (foll. 62-65 slightly different size): foll. 8, numbered 41-44, 59, 62-63, 65; ll. 4 and 5: dbu-can. Foll. 41-44 contain a part of the Vandanā (the Bodhisattvas Chos-kyi-sde-snod, Mñam-bar-gzigs, Myi-mñam-gzigs, Tiṅ-ṅe-ḥdzin-dbaṅ-phyug, Chos-kyi-dbaṅ-phyug-rgyal-po...; ending with the Bodhisattvas Mtshan-ñid-du-chud, Ṅes-paḥi-mtshan-ñid). Fol. 59 contains a part of the Śaraṇa-gamana, beginning with the universal Saṃgha, and the Tathāgatas of the East (Akṣobhya, Ḥkhrul-myi-mṅah-ba), &c. Foll. 62-65 contain part of the Pāpa-deśanā. Begins: pha dang ma la myi rigs shing tshul ma lags pa'i las bgyis pa 'am//yang rang nyams kyi dbang gis/phyogs bcu 'i dge 'dun gyi nor dang /yo byad la [bstsogs pa] [note a: [...] inserted below the line. [note spyad pa 'am//dge 'dun sde lnga la yang myi rigs shing ...../dam pa'i chos ni chos ma lags par bshad pa 'am//chos ma lags pa ni dam pa'i chos lags par bshad pa 'am//de bzhin gshegs pa ni myi rtag ces bgyis/pa 'am//dam pa'i chos kyang myi rtag go zhes bgyis pa 'am//.... Ends: 'das pa'i sangs rgyas rin cen mang dang//ma bshegs pa'i sangs rgyas stong dang//da ltar sprul pa'i sku bcom ldan 'das shag kya thub pa' rnams dang//sangs rgyas bcom ldan 'das thams cad ni//thugs rje dang byams pa'i mnga' bdag ste//kun la snyoms pa'i yab
IOL Tib J 251.1 - Section: 1 Vol. 16, 3, Pothī; 27 c. x 5 c.: fol. 1, ll. 5: dbu-can. Directions for Mahāyāna meditation. Begins: @//theg pa chen po bsgom [note a: ba crossed out. [note ba pas/thog ma sgom ba'i sgo mtsan ma can dang mtsan ma myed pa' /gang gyi sgo la sgom yang rung ste/thog mar mkhan po las /sgo ji lta bu'i lung mnyan nas/... Ends: .../de la ma chags myi blang myi gnas par /sgo las gnas na /gnod mye [note b: mye crossed out. [note pa myed de/de las 'das na bsam gtan gyi 'bras bu' 'grub par 'gyur ro//
IOL Tib J 252.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 9. I, frag. 20, Pothī; 45 c. x 10 c.: foll. 2, numbered ka 12 and 13; ll. 7: dbu-can, interlinear glosses. Fragment of a Mahāyāna-sūtra. The Bodhisattva Śin-tu-ḥdus-pa questions Bhagavat on the qualities of a Bodhisattva. Fol. 13a, l. 5. Comparison of the thirty-three gods entering into the Miśrakā-vana with a boat entering the ocean. Fol. 13b. Acquisition by the Bodhisattva of the Anutpattika-dharma-kṣānti. Fol. 12a, l. 1. Tathāgatānāṃ kriyānuṣṭhāna-jñāna. Fol. 12b, l. 1: /shin du 'dus 'di lta ste/dper na sems can rnams gyi yid gyi las nyams su myong bar 'gyur ba des/sems can rnams bde ba dang sdug bsngal so sor myong bar byed do//de bzhin du de bzhin gshegs pa rnams gyi bya ba bsgrub 'pa'i ye shes nyams su myong bar 'gyur ba'/thugs sprul pa'i 'phrin des/de bzhin gshegs pa rnams 'go gcig pa dang/rnam par dbye ba dang/dri ba dang/gzhag pa'i dri ba' lan gdab pa dag la ji rigs par lan gdab pa'i bya ba'i phyir/byung ba dang/'byung bar 'gyur ba dang/da ltar gyi don rnams so sor myong bar mdzad do/.../de nas bcom ldan 'das rnams la'/byang chub sems dpa' shin tu 'dus gyis 'di skad ces gsol to//bcom ldan 'das chos kyi' dbyings rnam par dag na'/ye shes gyi rdzogs par longs spyod pa'/'bras bu [dgos pa ?]ro gcig pa/'dres pa nye bar 'dres pa ji de bzhin gshegs pa rnams gyi lags sam/on te byang chub sems dpa' rnams gyi yang lags/ 'Do the Bodhisattvas acquire kriyānuṣṭhāna-jñāna? Yes, they do; but only the Bodhisattvas who possess anutpattika-dharma-kṣānti.'
IOL Tib J 253.1 - Section: 1 Ch. XL. n, Pothī; 50 c. (originally 55 c.) x 18.5 c.: fol. 1, damaged; ll. 9: dbu-can. Fragment of a Mahāyāna-sūtra. The Bodhisattva does not 'take' any nimitta, does not make any manaskāra.
IOL Tib J 254.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. VII, frag. A. 15, Pothī 36 c. x 8.2 c.: fol. 1; ll. 5: dbu-med. Recto. Writing exercises. Verso. Fragment of a Mahāyāna-sūtra. End of a metrical text: de yis nga 'i yon tan thos 'gyur kyang / tshig gcig tsam la 'ang mos par myi byed na / chos myed de yis ci ltar byang chub 'thob / dper na long ba dag la lam bstan 'dra //___// A Buddha or a Bodhisattva speaks: 'Even if he has heard my qualities, if he does not apply himself even by one word, how could this unlawful man obtain the Bodhi? It is the case of the way shown to blind men.'
IOL Tib J 255.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 87. V. 1, Pothī; 27.3 c. x 7.7 c.: foll. 3. numbered ka 3, 10, 33; ll. 5: dbu-can. Fragment of a Mahāyāna-sūtra. On the Prajñā-pāramitā-caryā.
IOL Tib J 256.1 - Section: 1 Fragment 52, Scroll; 30 c. x 30 c.: ll. 46: dbu-med. Fragment of a Mahāyāna-sūtra. On the Bodhisattvas and the Dharma-dhātu.
IOL Tib J 257.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 9. I, frag. 8b, Pothī; 43 c. x 6 c.: fol. 1; ll. 6: dbu-can. On the Kāya-saṃvara (Prajñā doctrines). Begins: @//ji ltar bar snang nam ka rnam dag pa/ /de ni rab tu dag la yongs gyis 'bar/ /lus gyi sdom ba dag la 'ang de bzhin te/ /nams kyang sgra'is bshad par yong myi nus/ /lus gyi sdom ba 'di ni stong zhing dben/ /de bzhin du ni lus gyi mtshan gnyis kyang/ /ji ltar nam ka mtshan nyid de bzhin du/ /lus gyi sdom ba'i mtshan bshad de dang 'dra'o/ /gag gis de bzhin sdom ba'i mtshan shes na/ /nams kyang myi sdom bar ni de myi 'gyur/ Ends: de ltar yang dag gdon myi za ba slobs/ /dngos po dngos ma yin bar su shes pa/ /de ni thams chad dngos la yo+ng myi chags/ /gang dngos po thams chad la ni yo+ng
IOL Tib J 258.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. XV, frag. 8, Pothī; 38 c. x 8.5 c.: fol. 1, numbered (letter) 2; ll. 12: dbu-med. Fragment of a Mahāyāna-sūtra. Bhagavat teaches 'Kumāra'. Compare 93. Begins: .../sems can thams cad yongs su smyin bar byed pi don gang yi[n] ba de ni pha rol du phyin pi don ces bya 'o/ ......./byang chub sems dpa'i sde snod chos kyi rnam grangs la yang dag par gnas pi don gang yin ba de ni... 'To ripen all beings, that is the meaning or the aim of the Pāramitā. To abide in all the doctrines (dharma-paryāya) of the Basket (Piṭaka) of the Bodhisattvas, that is the Pāramitā.'
IOL Tib J 259.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 87. IV. 2, Pothī; 49 c. (originally?) x 7.7 c.: fol. 1.; ll. 5: dbu-can. Fragment of a Mahāyāna-sūtra, Bhagavat teaches a 'Son of family' the Dhyāna-pāramitā, the Upāya-kauśalya-pāramitā. ...Five dharmas to complete each Pāramitā.
IOL Tib J 260.1 - Section: 1 Fragment 9, Pothī; 29 c. (originally?) x 17.5 c.: fol. 1, badly damaged; ll. 12: dbu-can. Fragment of a Mahāyāna-sūtra. Begins: 'phags pa'i gnas brgyad pa dang//sbyangs pa'i yon tan bcu gnyis la 'jub [note a: Sic, for 'jug [note par 'dod na//thog ma myi[... On the eight Ārya-vihāras and the twelve Dhuta-guṇas. In the margin, verso: dge slong dpal rgyan dang dge slong[_]seng ge dang gnyis gyi bris [so] 'written by the two, Bhikṣu Śrīalamkāra and the Bhikṣu [_]siṃha.'
IOL Tib J 261.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 9. I, frag. 34, Pothī; 51.5 c. x 8 c.: fol. 1, numbered ga 85; ll. 5: dbu-can, interlinear glosses dbu-med. Fragment of a Mahāyāna-sūtra. Virtues of a Bodhisattva. Begins: @//pa bzhin du nad pa 'am/tha mal pa la yang rung ste/yo byad thams cad dang 'thun ba'i lus dang ngag gi las kyis kyang yal bar myi 'dor ro//'dris pa la ci ba bzhin du /ma 'dris pa la yang de kho na bzhin no/thams cad kyang mdza' bo dang/grogs por byed de/phyir rgol ba myed pa yon no//... Ends: skye bo phal po che 'tshal ba'i tshul khrims las bzlog nas/tshul khrims dag la yang dag pa 'dzud par byed do//de bzhin du 'phags pa'i tha snyad Verso, l. 4: '...free from the fourteen vicious karmāntas, he has rejected the four Pāpa-mitras and adopted the four Kalyāṇa-mitras...'
IOL Tib J 262.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. VII, frag. B. 4, Scroll; 110 c. x 29 c.: ll. 76: dbu-can: incomplete, damaged. How one falls from the Saṃvara. A metrical text. Line 32: /de bzhin dri za grul 'bum klu/ /gnod sbyin lto 'phye chen po dang/ /sha za yi dags myi 'am ci//mthong ngo zhes las stsogs smra 'am/ /bsam gtan mngon shes tshad myed dang/ /rgyun zhugs la stsogs 'bras bu dang/ /lam la rab tu zhugs pa 'ang rung/ /bdag gis thob ces smras nas ni/ ...................... ......sdom ba nyams par 'gyur/ 'Whoever says that he sees Gandharvas, Kūṣmāṇḍas (Grul-bum), Bhūtas, Mahoragas, Piśācas, Pretas, or men; whoever says that he has obtained the Dhyānas, the Abhijñās, the Apramāṇas, the fruit of Śrota-āpatti or the entrance into the Path...he will fall from the Saṃvara.' A metrical rendering of the Vinaya chapter on Mṛṣā-vāda? See 45.
IOL Tib J 263.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. VII, frag. A. 14, Pothī; 46 c. x 10 c.: fol. 1; recto, ll. 2, verso, blank: dbu-can. Fragment of a story: merchants, a knower of the Tri-piṭaka, golden dust.
IOL Tib J 264.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 9. I. 40 and 03. 41 (fol. 79), Pothī; 37.3 c. x 8.5 c.: foll. 35, numbered ga 46-73, 73b, 74-79; ll. 6: dbu-can. A Mahāyāna-sūtra: chief characters, Bhagavat, Gaganagañja, and Phal-maṅ-po, the Bodhisattva Spyod-myed (foll. 65 sqq.) and Ḥdod-maṅs (fol. 65). May be the Dharma-saṃgīti-sūtra or the Gaganagañja: the latter more likely. Begins: @//sems can rnams kyi phyir//'di lta bu 'i don chen po thob ste/bsam gyis myi khyab bo//ngas khyod la yang dag pa'i bden ba theg pa chen po 'i chos bye brag phyed pa myi 'gyur ba'i gzhung rdzogs par bshad do//ci 'i phyir zhes byas na//sems can rgya cher thar par bya ba'i phyir ro/༚/sems can rnams myaM ngan dang/bral bar bya ba'i phyir ro//sems can dmyal ba'i nyon mongs pa las/phyin cing yul gtsang mar bya ba'i phyir ro//yang dag par grol thar cing/skye shi las 'das par bya ba'i phyir ro//khyed rnams kun sems gcig du sems shig dang//khyod la go bar bshad do/ de nas phal mang po kun dga' [note a: dga' added below line. [note gzha' ste//kha tha dad kyis kyang tshig 'thun bar cig car smras pa/.... /mya ngan phal mang po kun ni sems gcig las skyes so//sems myi sems na/mya ngan kung myi skye ste/.... Fol. 47a, l. 5: byang chub sems dpa' nam ka mdzod kyis//sangs rgyas la gsol pa//bcom ldan 'das yang dag par gshegs pas//theg pa chen po 'i chos yang dag pa'i gzungs shin du zab cing gces pa//bla na ma mchis pa'i sman bzang po theg pa gcig gi bden ba'i nang du 'jug pa bshad na slan cad kyi sems can myi gtsang ba'i las gsum gyis//ngan pa bcu 'i las bgyis te//log sred kyi las spyad pas rtsa ba dang gzhi phra zhing zhan te//sems la gzungs su gzung ba yang dka' nas/... Fol. 65. On the Dharma-kāya (pañca-vidha dharma-kāya) chos kyi sku lus rnam lnga thob par rung ngo / Fol. 74. Story of the Bodhisattva ' Dharmarāja ' narrated to Phal-maṅ-po (or Phal-maṅ-po-rnams).
IOL Tib J 265.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 81. XV, Pothī; 42 c. x 7.5 c.: fol. 1, numbered 28 (letter and numeral); ll. 5: dbu-can. A metrical text (7 syllables). Prajñā doctrines; identity of Buddhas; and beings; not to dwell in śūnyānta. Recto, l. 3: sangs rgyas dngos nyid skye shi myed/ /skye shi rnams dang yongs bral na/ /g.yo dang myi g.yo gnyis ka myed/ /ngo bo nyid ni de bzhin rtag/ = 264, fol. 73 bis, a, l. 3. Verso, l. 2: stong pa'i mu la gnas pa myed/ /myi bden yod pa'i gnas su zhugs/ Verso, l. 3: de nas sangs rgyas//byang chub sems dpa'/spyod myed kyi tshig le'ur bcad pa bshad....
IOL Tib J 266.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 51. I. 40, Pothī; 43 c. x 7.8 c.: fol. 1; ll. 4: dbu-can. Fragment of a Mahāyāna-sūtra, probably the Dharma-saṃgīti. Bhagavat and the Bodhisattva Gaganagañja on the unity of the Vehicle: comparison of the 'rain of the true laws'. Gaganagañja is an important character in the Gaganagañja-sūtra and in the Dharma-saṃgīti-sūtra. See the description of the Dharma-saṃgīti, Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Csoma_1836: XIX. 1-154, and Śikṣā-samuccaya, pp. 126-7. Recto, l. 5: ngas theg pa gcig gi [la]m kyi chos bshad pa ni/dper sa gcig gis yod do cog [note a: chog. [note bskyed cing thams chad [note b: cad. [note gso'i [note c: gso. [note nus pa dang mtshungs/yang dper na chos kyi char pa'i rlan gyis [note d: kyis. [note thams chad [note b: cad. [note la khyab par yogs [note e: g.yogste [note te sa las [note f: la. [note skyes [note g: skye'o. [note so chog kyang thams chad ngoms so / + 264, fol. 48a, l.2. Variants, chog, cad, gso, kyis, g.yogste, la, skye'o.
IOL Tib J 267.1 - Section: 1 Fragment 11, Concertina; 24.4 c. x 8.5 c.: fol. 1; ll. 6: dbu-can. Bhagavat answers some questions of the Bodhisattva Gaganagañja and explains that, in the days of yore, he remained in hell for twelve mahā-kalpas, having committed many sinful actions and 'destroyed' the three Jewels. Verso, l. 3: byang chub sems dpa' nam mkha' mdzod la bka' stsogs pA//nga 'das ste song ba 'i phyi na log sred la la zhig gis las ngan pa mang du byas ste//dkon mchog gsum myed par byed pa de lta bu 'i myi ni phyi ma 'i dus la sems can [dmya]l ba 'i nang du yang dag par ltung bas/bskal pa chen po bcu gnyis kyi bar du myi thar ro/... Bhagavat and Maitreya. Verso, l. 4 = 264, fol. 75b, l. 3: byang chub sems dpA chos kyi rgyal po 'dis //bskal pa brgya' stong khri.... The MSS. show notable variants; for instance, in the preceding lines, this MS. has bcom ldan 'das byams pa'i thugs rjes dgrol zhing bshad par gsol//bcom ldan 'das kyis phal mang po la bka' stsal pa'/... Whereas 264 has sangs rgyas gyis byams shing thugs rje gzigs te //bdag la dgrol bshad par smon to //sangs rgyas kyis phal mang po la bka' stsal pa /...
IOL Tib J 268.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. IV. 16a. 2, Pothī; 19.8 c. x 7.7 c.: fol. 1; ll. 5: dbu-can. Beginning of a Sūtra. Bhagavat and the four Mahārājas, on the bank of the Great River (Mahā-nadī-tīre?). On the four bhayas: jarā, vyādhi, vyasana, maraṇa. Begins: ...thams cad la phyag 'tshal lo//'di skad bdag gi thos pa dus gcig na //bcom ldan 'das gang gi' klung ched pa'i 'gram na //'jig rten skyong ba bzhi dang thabs gcig du bzhugste//de'i tshe bcom ldan 'das kyis rnam thos kyi bu la stsogs pa rgyal po ched po bzhi la 'di skad ces bka' stsald to//rgyal po chen po dag skyes pa dang bud med dang/khye'u dang bu mo rnam la 'jigs pa chen po bzhi po 'di dag 'byung ngo//bzhi gang zhe na 'di lta ste//rga ba dang na ba dang rgud pa dang 'chi ba'o/...
IOL Tib J 269.1 - Section: 1 Ch. XVII, frag. 3, Pothī; 28.7 c. x 7 c.: fol. 1, numbered ka 24; recto, ll. 3 verso, blank; dbu-can. Fragment of a Mahāyāna-sūtra. Ends abruptly. On the merit of learning...some dharma-paryāya (chos-kyi-gźuṅ). Dgaḥ-bo (Nanda, Nandika). Nanda is named with Vimalakīrti in 183.
IOL Tib J 270.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. XIII. 9. B, Scroll; 79 c. x 14.7 c.: ll. 42 recto, 25 verso: dbu-med. Ten dreams of Sumati (Blo-gros-bzaṅ-po, Bhadramati?). A pañcābhijña Ṛṣi is unable to explain them. Incomplete. Begins: gal te bcom ldan 'das kyis 'das pa'i las lung ston par bzhed na ni/bcom ldan 'das kyi snam logs su myi snang bar 'gyur ro/ma 'ongs pa'i las lung ston par bzhed na ni/mdun logs su myi snang bar 'gyur ro/sems can dmyal bar skye bar lung ston par bzhed na ni/zhabs kyi mthil du myi snang bar 'gyur ro/... The dreams, l. 38: rgya mtsho chen po btung ngo snyam pa dang/nam mkhA la 'gro 'o snyam ba dang/nyi ma dang zla ba mthu che ba 'di gnyis lag pas reg cing bzung bar bya 'o snyam ba dang/
IOL Tib J 271.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 9. I, frag. 74, Pothī; 22.5 c. (originally 37 c.) x 7 c.: foll. 2, damaged, one numbered 5 (letter); ll. 6: dbu-can. Mañjuśrī; Mahā-vaidūrya-bhūmi (description). Śakra, king of the gods, and the thirty-three gods. Note sems, written seMs; ḥjaM, 'jaM; deḥi-tshe, dai-tshe; grogs-po and grogs pho.
IOL Tib J 272.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 83. VI. 4, Roll; 30 c. x 22 c.: foll. 17, one damaged; ll. 18: dbu-can. Incomplete: ends abruptly fol. 17, l. 12. Fol. 1 is one of the first leaves of a Sūtra: it contains the end of the introduction. Mention of Mañjuśrī, Mālabalpramardana, Vajramati, Ratnapāṇimudra (Lag-na-rin-cen-phyag-rgya). Bhagavat rises from Samādhi, and thousands of rays emanate from his body. Fol. 8, l. 5: 'di lta ste/dper na /ri'i rgyal po ri rab ri nag po gzhan thams cad zil kyis non par gnas pa ni /mdzes shing lham me lhan ne lhange'o//'di lta ste dper na /zla ba'i dkyil 'khor skar ma'i gzugs thams cad zil kyis non par gnas pa ni mdzes shing lham me lhan ne lhange'o//'di lta ste dper na/nyi ma'i dkyil 'khor 'od gzhan thams cad zil kyis non par gnas pa ni mdzes shing lham me lhan ne lhange'o//de bzhin du bcom ldan 'das phyogs bcu'i 'jig rten lha dang bcas pa/dbang po dang bcas pa/tshangs pa dang bcas pa/gtsang ma'i gnas dang bcas pa/zil kyis non par bzhugs pa yang /'od dang/sku mdog dang gzi brjid dang/dpal kyis mdzes shing /lham me lhan ne lhange'o// Fol. 12, l. 17. Bodhisattva Raśmisambhava (Ḥod-gzer-kun-nas-ḥbyuṅ-ba). Fol. 13, l. 2. Bhagavat Ratnākara (Rin-cen-ḥbyuṅ-gnas). Fol. 13, l. 9. Sahā-loka-dhātu (myi-mjed), where Śākyamuni teaches the Prajñā. Fol. 14. Ratnākara orders Raśmisambhava to bring lotuses to Śākyamuni. pad mo gser gyi mdog can mdab ma stong dang ldan ba Fol. 16. Bhagavat Aśokaśrī (Mya-ṅan-myed-paḥi-dpal). The Bodhisattva Aśoka (Mya-ṅan-myed-pa).
IOL Tib J 273.1 - Section: 1 Ch 9. I, frag. 59, Pothī; 41.2 c. x 8 c.: fol. 1; ll. 6: dbu-can. Fragment of a Mahāyāna-sūtra. Brahmā, Bhagavat, Ānanda; Maitreya, who will give his benediction (adhiṣṭhāna) to people who will believe in this Sūtrānta. 'Good, Maitreya.' Recto, l. 5: bchom:ldan 'das gag de'i:dus:na 'di 'dra ba'i:mdo sde'i mtha' la dad par 'gyur ba dang/sgyur ba:de dag ni bchom:ldan 'das/byams:pa:byang chub sems:dpa'i:byin gyis:brlabs:par mkhyen par gsol:de:nas:bchom:ldan 'das:kyis:byams:pa'i byang chub sems dpa':la:dge'o:zhes:bka':stsaldte/dge'o:dge'o:byams:pa:... Note double dots after some syllables.
IOL Tib J 274.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 81. IV, Pothī; 42.5 c. x 8.6 c.: fol. 1, numbered ga 55 (nga lnga); ll. 5: dbu-can. Someone addressing the Buddha. Recto, l. 2: btsun ba bcom ldan 'das bdag cag gis yul de yal bar bor na /yul na gnas pa'i lha 'i tshogs thams cad kyis kyang/yul de yal bar 'dor bar 'gyur ro/... 'Bhadanta Bhagavat, when I shall have abandoned this country to decline, all the groups of gods living there will also abandon this country to decline....' There follow many calamities for this land. Verso, l. 4: yul du rlung drag po ldang bar 'gyur/char drag po 'bab par 'gyur/... 'In this country a strong wind will arise; a strong rain will fall....'
IOL Tib J 275.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 51. I. 43, Pothī; 45.5 c. x 7 c.: foll. 2; ll. 4: dbu-can. Fragment of a Mahāyāna-sūtra. Bhagavat and the Four Great Kings. On the 'adoration' of previous Buddhas by the future Śākyamuni. Ends abruptly, fol. 2b, l. 2, some namaskāras: .../de nas bcom ldan 'das la rgyal po chen po bzhi po dag gis 'di skad ces gsol to//bcom ldan 'das myi'i rgyal po gang la la zhig de ltar yang dag pa'i chos la gus pas bkur sti bgyis nas/mdo sde 'di nyan par bgyid pa dang/.....nas bsngags pa brjod par bgyid pa na /...
IOL Tib J 276.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 76. IV. 3 and frag. 97, Concertina; 7.5 c.(originally?) x 6 c.: foll. 10, damaged; ll. 4: dbu-can. Fragment of a Dhāraṅī. Fol. 8, l. 3: //__//sha ri 'i bu bzhi po 'di dag ni gzungs 'di la mngon bar brtson ba'i byang chub sems dpa' sems dpa' chen po 'i phan yon [...] [note a: [...] MS. damaged. [note /bzhi gang zhe na 'di lta ste /phyogs bcu'i [sangs ]rgyas bcom ldan 'das thams chad de [...] [note a: [...] MS. damaged. [note dang / Samantaprabhe/ Vipulaprabhe/ Vipula Raśmisam-bhave/ Samantamukhe/...
IOL Tib J 277.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 9. I, frag. 57, Pothī; 10 c. (originally?) x 8.6 c.: fol. 1, damaged, numbered on the right, second hand, 9; ll. 5: dbu-can. Fragment of a Mahāyāna-sūtra. Śāriputra, Mañjuśrī, monks. On dharma-dhātu.
IOL Tib J 278.1 - Section: 1 Ch. XVII, frag. 1, Pothī; 23.4 c. x 7.5 c.: fol. 1; ll. 5: dbu-can. Bhagavat, Mañjuśrī, Śāriputra. On four handred bhikṣus who avoid hell and obtain paradise owing to some dharma-paryāya. Begins: dge slong bzhi brgya ni len pa myed cing zag pa las sems rnam par grol lo//de nas tshe dang ldan ba sha ra dwa ti 'i bus/'jam dpal gzhon nur gyur pa la 'di skad ces smras so/'jam dpal khyod sems can rjes su srung ba'i chos myi ston pas//dge slong brgya po de dag ni 'khams so//de nas bcom ldan 'das kyis/gnas brtan sha ri'i bu la 'di skad ces bka' stsal [to/sha ri'i ]bu khyod de skad ma zer cig/....../sha ri'i bu gal te dge slong de dag chos kyi rnam grangs 'di ma thos su zin na/de dag gdon myi za bar sems can dmyal bar 'gro bar 'gyar ro.... Four hundred monks obtain the 'anupādāya āsrave-bhyaś citta-vimukti'. Śāriputra criticizes Mañjuśrī for not having taught the 'sattvānurakṣaṇa-dharma' and for having caused the bhikṣus to faint. Bhagavat justifies Mañjuśrī.
IOL Tib J 279.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. VII. 19, Scroll; 43.5 c. x 30.5 c.: ll. 25: dbu-can and dbu-med. Fragment of a Mahāyāna-sūtra. Śvetaketu (Tog-dkar-po), alias Śvetaketu Gautama (? Tog-dkar-po-ya-ta-mo?) teaches the Akaniṣṭhas...śuddhāvāsikadevas....
IOL Tib J 280.1 - Section: 1 Ch. CCC, frag. 4, Pothī; 45 c. x 11 c.: fol. 1, numbered kha 20; ll. 7: dbu-can. Fragment of a Mahāyāna-sūtra. Kīrtighoṣa (?) (Bsgrags-dbyaṅs) teaches Siṃhagati (Seṅ-ge-ḥgros) concerning the sat-puruṣas.
IOL Tib J 281.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 03. 48, Pothī; 44.4 c. x 7.7 c.: fol. 1, numbered ga 33; ll. 3: dbu-can, interlinear commentary small dbu-med. Contains homage to the Tri-ratna. Begins: sangs rgyas gtso la gus par phyag 'tshal lo / /skyob pa'i chos la gus par phyag 'tshal lo / /dge 'dun che la gus par phyag 'tshal lo / /gsum la rtag du gus par phyag 'tshal lo / /tshogs chen gnyis rdzogs mkhyen bzhi sku gsum grub / /rnam rtog myi mnga' ci yang sa ler mkhyen / /chos sku mkhra' 'dra gzugs sku mdzes dgur ldand / /sangs rgyas dpag bsams 'dra la gus par phyag 'tshal lo / /chos dbyings rgyu 'thun yan lag bcu gnyis dang / /chos nyid skye 'gag myed cing spros las dben / /de la dmyigs [note a: y, added by another hand. [note na yon tan kun [pa [note b: pa erased in MS. [note ]grub pa / /legs gzhi chos la gus par phyag 'tshal lo / Effusion (niṣyanda) of the dharma-dhātu, twelve-limbed, dharmatā free from birth and destruction, free from manifestation (prapañca), on which relying every quality is realized, homage be to the Dharma! /nyon mongs sgribs dang shes bya 'i sgrib pa dag / /gnyen pos ram par bstsal te sar gnas shing / /sems can don mdzad sangs rgyas zhing sbyong ba / /dge 'dun btsun la gus par phyag 'tshal lo / Interliner commentary on the first words of the stanza: homage to Buddha. Mūla: tshogs chen gnyis rdzogs mkhyen bzhi sku gsum grub / 'Who has completed the two great saṃbhāras, and realized the four knowledges (and) the three bodies.' Commentary: 1. rgyu phun sum tshogs yin te bsod nams dang ye shes kyi tshogs so/ 2. 'bras bu phun sum tshogs pa ste/ye shes bzhi dang sku gsum nyid do/de la sku gsum yang ye shes kyi rang bzhin du zad de sangs rgyas pa [note c: ? sa. [note 'i ti ka las/mye long lta bu'i ye shes ni chos kyi sku'o/mnyam pa nyid dngos por rtog pa'i ye shes ni/longs spyod rdzogs pa'i sku/bya ba bsgrub pa'i ye shes ni sprul ba'i sku zhes 'byung ste/sangs rgyas kyi sngon gyi smon lam gyi mthu dang/sems can snod dag pa'i rgyu rkyen las de lta snang ngo/ Compare (?) Bstan-ḥgyur, Rgyud-ḥgrel, LXXII. 73 (foll. 440a-b, Cordier_1909_1915: p. 97), the Ratna-traya-maṅgala-gāthā (Saṅs-rgyas-sku-gsum-chos-daṅ-dge-ḥdun- daṅ-bcas-paḥi-bkra-śis-tshigs-su-bcad-pa), which may be one of our Maṅgala-gāthās.
IOL Tib J 282.1 - Section: 1 Ch. IX, frag. 54, Scroll; 22 c. x 30.5 c.: ll. 15: dbu-med. Bhagavat, Śrāvastī, Anāthapiṇḍadārāma. A god questions concerning the way to heaven. Incomplete.
IOL Tib J 283.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 9. I, frag. 26, Pothī, 29.5 c. x 6 c.: fol. 1; ll. 4: dbu-can. One of the first leaves of a Mahāyāna-sūtra. Begins: ...kun nas nyon mongs pa'i bag chags kyi sa bon bsregs pa sha stag la 'di lta ste/tshe dang ldan ba sha ri'i bu dang/tshe dang ldan ba byams ma'i bu gang po dang/tshe dang ldan ba:ka pi na dang/tshe dang ldan ba rab 'byor dang /tshe dang ldan ba mo'u dgal gyi bu chen po dang /... '...having the seed of the passions burnt, namely the venerable Śāriputra, the venerable Pūrṇa Maitrayanīputra, the venerable Subhūti, the venerable Mahā-Maudgalyāyana, the venerable Skul-byed... Dgaḥ-byed... Kāśyapa.... Lteṅ-rgyas-Ḥod-sruṅ...the gods, beginning with Maheśvara....'
IOL Tib J 284.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 76. VIII. 1, Pothī; 44.3 c. x 7.8 c.: fol. 1, ll. 6: dbu-can. Fragment of a Mahāyāna-sūtra. Meghas and Sāgaras. Begins: @//'byung ba'i : snying po/gdan : seng ge'i : khri : sprind/rgya : mtso : dang : dri : tams : cad rgyi : men : tog : pad mo'i : 'phreng ba' : gdan : seng ge'i : khri : sprind/rgya mtso : dang : sangs : rgyas : tams : cad : gyi : gdan : gyi : rgyan snang bar : byed pa' : seng ge'i : gdan : khri [note a: Siṃhāsana-megha: gdan khri = āsana. [note : sprind : rgya : mtso' : dang : rgyan : tams : cad : gyi : 'breng ba : dang : rta : babs : 'thond : po : dang : stegs : bus : brgyan : pa' : rind po : ce : snying po'i : sprind :/gdan : seng ge'i khri sprind :/... Ends : rgya mtso' dang : nor bu : tams : chad gyi : shing gyi : yal : ga'i : rgyan : gyis : brgyand pa' : gdugs : gyi : sprind/ Note double dots.
IOL Tib J 285.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. VIII, frag. 4 Ends: gson pa'i tshe la btsan phyug bskrun.// shi ba'i 'og tu legs nyes bskrun.// mtho dman kun kyang sdig yul gcig// lha yul sgo mor che chungs mtshungs/ During life, mighty (?) and rich rival; Beyond death, good and evil rival (=are of the same value). No social differences after death:....at the gate of Paradise great and small are equal.
IOL Tib J 286.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. XIII. 2. f and g, Pothī; 46.5 c. x 11.5 c.: foll. 2 and 3 and a fragment; ll. 7: dbu-can. Fragments of a Mahāyāna-sūtra.
IOL Tib J 287.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 51. I. 51, Pothī; 34 c. x 7.4 c.: fol. 1, numbered 169 (in a second hand); ll. 5: dbu-can. Bhagavat Aparimitāyur: Mahābrahmā, who gives a Guhya-mantra(?) for the benefit of the preachers and the hearers of the Law, a protection against Māra and his attendants, Devas, Nāgas, female Nāgas, Nāga-rājas (?Klu-rgan),... Begins: .../de nas tshangs pa chen po phun sum tshogs pa'i dbang phyug stan las langs nas thal mo sbyard te phyag 'tshal nas 'di skad ces gsold to//sangs rgyas bcom ldan 'das rnams kyis/gang bdag gi sangs rgyas kyi zhing ma lus par 'dir dbyangs kyis go bar bgyis pa la /der bdag la bgegs chung zad kyang myi 'byung bar dbyangs kyi dkyil gyi [note a: 'khor inserted beneath the line. [note tshig brjod pa/rnam par gdon myi 'tshal ba bstand par bdag la byin kyis brlab du gsol//bdag gis da ltar chos smra ba rnams dang/chos nyand pa rnams kyi slad du 'di 'dra gsang sngags kyi tshig pa srung ba bshad par bgyi ste/
IOL Tib J 288.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. XV, frag. 11, Pothī; 25 c. (originally?) x 13 c. (originally?): fol. 1, damaged; ll. 7 (originally?): dbu-can. Fragment of a Mahāyāna-sūtra. A number of namaskāras.
IOL Tib J 289.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 87. XI. 1, Pothī; 59 c. (originally?) x 9 c. (originally?): fol. 1, damaged ; ll. 7 (originally?): dbu-can. Fragment of a Mahāyāna-sūtra.
IOL Tib J 290.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 76. IV. 2, Pothī; 26.6 c. x 6.9 c.: fol. 1, unnumbered; ll. 6: dbu-can. Fragment of a Mahāyāna-sūtra.
IOL Tib J 291.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 87. III. 1, Roll; 18 c. (originally?) x 25 c.: fol. 1, damaged; ll. 16: dbu-can. Beginning of the 6th bam-po of a Mahāyāna-sūtra.
IOL Tib J 292.1 - Section: 1 Fragment 10, Roll; 14 c. (originally?) x 23.5 c. (originally?): fol. 1, damaged; ll. 17 (originally?): dbu-can. Fragment of a Mahāyāna-sūtra. Name of many Buddhas, Pāramitās. Mention, l. 5, dhāraṇī-mukha (gzuṅs-kyi-sgo).
IOL Tib J 293.1 - Section: 1 Ch. VII, frag. 10, Pothī; 8.5 c. (originally?) x 8.3 c.: small fragment, left side, of a folio numbered ka 69; ll. 6: dbu-can. Contains the beginning of a text: @/:/rgya gar skad... Mention of mahāsattva, paripāka.
IOL Tib J 294.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 85. IX. 6, Pothī; 15 c. x 8 c.: fol. 1; ll. 5: dbu-can. A fragment, mentioning the Prajñā-pāramitā.
IOL Tib J 295.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 9. I, frag. 77, Pothī; 48 c. x 7 c.: fol. 1, numbered (letter) 1; l.1 1 recto, dbu-can, and 1 verso, dbu-med. Formal Sūtra openings.
IOL Tib J 296.1 - Section: 1 Frag. 81, Pothī; 16 c. (originally?) x 8 c.: part of fol. 1; ll. 5: dbu-can. Fragment of a Sūtra
IOL Tib J 297.1 - Section: 1 Vol. 55, fol. 3, Pothī; 42 c. x 8 c.: fol. 1; ll. 7: dbu-can. Fragment of a Sūtra.
IOL Tib J 298.1 - Section: 1 Vol. 70, fol. 6, Pothī; 28 c. x 7 c.: fol. 1; ll. 4: dbu-can. Fragment of a Sūtra.
IOL Tib J 299.1 - Section: 1 Vol. 70, fol. 7, Pothī; 25 c. x 7 c.: fol 1; ll. 6: dbu-can. Fragment of a Sūtra: address to a Kulaputra.
IOL Tib J 300.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 9. I, frag. 50, Pothī; 44 c. x 9 c.: fol. 1, numbered kha; ll. 11: dbu-med, cursive. Fragment of the first part of a Commentary. Mention of a Paramārtha-lakṣaṇa-parivarta containing the conversation of the Bodhisattva Dharmaviśeṣa (Chos-ḥphags?) with Subhūti. Begins: gzhan las chos kyi sgra thos pa dang/nang du tshul bzhin yid la byed pa'o/!/gzhan yang chos bzhi dang ldan ba'i gang [bog chi ?]mang du byas pa dang ldan pa yin te/dge ba'i bshes gnyen pa sten pa dang/gzhan las chos thos pa dang/tshul bzhin yid la byed pa dang/chos dang /chos kyi rjes su 'brang ba'o zhes gsungs pas na/ci ltar sangs rgyas bcom ldan 'das rnams bzhin du gzhan la pan gdags pa'i phyir /'grel pa mdzad pa yin no/!///gzhan yang ma rig pa'i mun nag rab tu gnyom pa'i phyir te/ci ltar mar mye mun pa sel cing snang bar byed pa ltar/slob dpon gyis mdzad pa'i 'grel pa 'di yang/ma rig pa'i mun nag seld cing/shes rab kyi snang ba skyed pa'i phyir des 'grel pa 'di mdzad do//༔/gzhan yang bdag myed pa'i gzugs brnyan rab tu bstan pa' phyir te/dper na mye long gyis na gzugs brnyan sna tshogs snang ngo//de bzhin du 'grel 'dis kyang chos rnams kyi rang dang spyi'i mtshan nyid rab du 'byed cing/bdag myed pa gnyis kyi gzugs brnyan gsal bar ston par 'gyur ba'i phyir ro// Ends: don dam pa'i mtshan nyid kyi le'u las byang chub sems dpa' chos 'phags dang/'phags pa rab 'byor gyis sngon byung ba'i gtam glengs pa yod pa'i phyir ro//dbyangs kyis bsnyad pa dang/lung bstan pa dang/ched du brjod pa dang/skyes pa'i rabs tshe mdo de ma tshang bas sbyar du myed do/༔༔/
IOL Tib J 301.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 9. I. 42, Pothī; 48.2 c. x 7.5 c.: foll. 5, numbered (letters) 4-8; ll. 6 and 5: interlinear commentary: dbu-med. Commentary on a Vijñāna-vādin Sūtra. Begins: ci'i phyir mdo sde 'di 'i 'grel pa mdzad ce na/ Kasmāt tasya sūtrasya vrttiḥ kriyate?Wherefore is made a commentary on this Sūtra? The usefulness of commentaries is explained by the quotation of the following Gāthās, fol. 4b, l. 5: ji tar mun nag khyim dag tu/ /rdzas rnam sna tshogs yod kyang ni/ /snang ba myed pas mun pas bsgrib pa+s/ /myig dang ldan yang mthong myi nus/ /de bzhin shes rab ldan mod kyi//gzhan las chos ni ma thos na/ /gang zag de yis nams kyang ni/ /legs nyes don ni 'byed myi nus/ 'There may be many things in an obscure house, but as they do not appear...even a man with eyes is not able to see them. In the same way, a man may be intelligent, but failing to hear the Dharma from another,...he will never (nam-kyaṅ) be able to distnguish the right and the wrong meaning.' Fol. 7 deals with the Vijñānas: rnam par shes pa brgyad po rnams kyi yul gyi mtshan nyid rnams ni rang gi sems las gyurd pa yin pas/yang dag par sems las log shig na yod pa ma yin te/sems kyi cha tsam yin pa'i phyir ro//sems kyi cha de yang mdor bsdu na rnam pa bzhi ste/rgyu mtshan gyi cha dang/[mtho [note a: mtho cancelled in MS.? [note ]lta ba'i cha dang/rang rig pa 'i cha dang/rang rig pa rtogs pa'i cha 'o/'di ltar zag pa dang bcas pa'i rnam par shes pa rnams rang gi ngo bor skyes pa na /thams cad kyang dmyigs par bya ba dang/dmyigs par byed pa'i mtshan nyid lta bur snang ste/de dag dang mtshungs par ldan ba'i chos rnams kyang de bzhin no//... Between the first and the second line: 'di yang slob dpon dar ma pa la 'i gzhung gis bshad pa yin no Ends rather abruptly fol. 8, l. 4.
IOL Tib J 302.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 03. 32, Pothī; 48.2 c. x 7.6 c.: fol. 1, numbered (letter) 6; ll. 5 and 4, interlinear glosses: dbu-med. A duplicate of fol. 6 of 301. On the six kinds of designation. Vijñāna-vāda. Begins: de la rnam par bshad pa drug ni 'di lta ste /las yongs su 'dzin pa'i rnam par bshad pa dang/bdag po'i dbang du byas pa'i rnam par bshad pa dang/rdzas dang bcas_pa'i_rnam_par bshad pa dang/phan_tshun_'gal_ba'i rnam_par bshad_pa dang/nye bar gur[gyur?]pa'i rnam_par bshad_pa dang/grangs dang_ldan_ba'i rnam_par_bshad_pa'o/ /de la_las_yongs_su_'dzin pa'i_rnam_par bshad pa ni 'di_lta ste/chos gang dag rang gi las_pa'i nus pa la brten nas mying thob pa dag yin de/dper na_kun gzhi rnam par shes pa zhes brjod pa lta bu ni 'di_ltar rnam_par shes_pa nyid sbed par nus shing ngo bo nyid_kyis las yongs su 'dzin_pa'i_phyir ro//bdag_po'i dbang du byas_pa'i_rnam_par bshad pa ni 'di lta ste/chos gang bdag po gzhan la brten nas mying thob pa dag yin te/dper na myig gi rnam par shes_pa zhes brjod pa lta bu ni myig_gi rnam par shes pa yin te/mya [note a: mya cancelled in MS. [note _'di_ltar_gying_de bdag po la rten pa'i phyir ro/ 3rd instance: gzhan gyi sems mngon par shes pa 4th instance: skye dgra'i tshigs 5th instance: dran ba nye bar gzhag pa 6th instance: spyan lnga
IOL Tib J 303.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 03. 15, Pothī; 44 c. x 8 c.: fol. 1, numbered ka 55; ll. 4: dbu-can, interlinear glosses dbu-med: black and red. Fragment of a commentary. The text commented upon: *bkra shis su smra ba dang ldan ba' //....lhag par g.yo ba dang bral bar g.yo' ba //....spangs par 'gyur //....yongs su shes nas //....rtsa ba nas bcad de //....myi snang bar gyurd //....phyis /....myi skye myi 'gag pa'i chos can du 'gyur ro //....bla na myed pa yang dag par rdzogs pa'i byang chub tu lung stond //....de skad ces smras nas //....* 'cut from the root, will not appear again, becomes a dharma which is not born or destroyed; receives "prediction" (vyākṛta) of supreme Bodhi....' Vasubandhu is named (in the interlinear gloss, verso, below l. 4, on the right, l. 2) as the author of the Buddhānusmṛti. There follows: '...Vyākaraṇa is threefold....' Compare 129. Commentary on: *myi skye ba myi 'gag pa'i chos can du 'gyur ro /* Verso, l. 2: zhes bya ba ni rtsa ba nas bcad pa'i phyir te /skye ba myed na 'gag pa myi srid pa'i phyir ro //de dag gis bdag tu lta ba spangs pa'i phyir /de'i rtsa ba nyon mongs pa'i dra ba thams chad bstsal nas /sgrib pa spangs pa de'i 'bras bu nye bar bstand to //myi gnas pa'i mya ngan las 'da's pa'i lam la 'jug pa yang de'i 'bras bu ste //*bla na myed pa yang dag par rdzogs pa'i byang chub tu lung stond //*ces bya bas ston te //...
IOL Tib J 304.1 - Section: 1 Vol. 2, foll. 1-5, Pothī; 52.5 c. x 9 c.: foll. 5, numbered kha 69-70, 85-87; ll. 5: dbu-can, interlinear glosses dbu-med: red and black. A commentary on the Catur-dharmaka-sūtra? See 71-74.
IOL Tib J 305.1 - Section: 1 Vol. 16, fol. 1, Pothī; 32 c. x 3 c.: fol. 1, damaged; ll. 2: dbu-med. Disconnected phrases: one mentions an Ārya-Maitreya-praṇidhāna(?).
IOL Tib J 306.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. XV. 16, Concertina; 25.7 c. x 5 c.: foll. 18, the last blank; ll. 4 and 3: dbu-can, with some dbu-med forms. Contains one text, beginning and end missing. Tāntrik maṇḍalas. Quotation from the Agny-āgama. Fol. 4b, l. 4: ༔༔//mye lung las kyang//rdo rje lta bu ye shes kyis //chos kun sgyu mar rig pa'i phyir dngos por rtogs pa'i bag chags bsregs zhes 'byung ngo/ma ha de ba dang/u ma de la yang//rnam pa gsum dang ldan te//de yang gang zhe na//dang por 'byung po 'i dus su drang srong mye lha la chos mnyan bar dran ba dang//bar du lha ma yin gi lus_blangs nas //lha ma yin gi ro mngon du mthong bar dran ba dang/da ltar bka' dang tshig mnos par dran ba dag dang gsum mo/ Another paragraph begins, fol. 11a, l. 2: dpal che ba yongs su rdzogs pa la yang//de bzhin gshegs pa'i byin gi rlabs bsam gis myi khyab pa sku la rdzogs pa dang//bsam brtan gi yul bsam gis myi khyab pa sku la rdzogs pa dang//klu'i mthu bsam gis myi khyab pa' sku la rdzogs pa' dang//sems can gi las bsam gis myi khyab pa' sku la rdzogs pa' dang bzhi 'o/
IOL Tib J 307.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 9. II. 15, Pothī; 25.2 c. x 6.1 c.: foll. 6, damaged; ll. 4: dbu-can. One folio, small hand. Charms against bad rebirths.
IOL Tib J 307.2 - Section: 2 sgo mtha' yas pas bsgrub pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs/ (Ananta-mukha-sādhaka-nāma-dhāraṇī) Foll. 5, larger hand. End and colophon, title only. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Csoma_1836: X, 474-89; Beckh_1914: XII. 388-400; Schmidt, XII. 289-99; Rgyud, Beckh_1914: XXIII. 326-39; S. gz. I. 244-55. Compare Nanjio_1883: 353-60; Hoernle_1916: p. 86.
IOL Tib J 308.1 - Section: 1 tshe tshad myed pa zhes bya ba'i theg pa chen po'i mdo / (Aparimitāyur-nāma-mahayana-sūtra) a pa' ra myi ta'/ a yu na ma'/ ma' ha ya na' su' tra'/ Ch. CCC. 2, Pothī; 43 c. x 9 c.: foll. 3, numbered (letters) 28-30; ll. 6: dbu-can; red. This MS. contained a number of copies of the Sūtra. One ends fol. 28b, l. 6; another begins fol. 30a, l. 1. There are two translations in Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, XIV. 200-8 and 208-15. See Hoernle_1916: p. 289.
IOL Tib J 309.1 - Section: 1 [tshe dpag tu myed pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo/] (Aparimitāyur-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtra) Ch. 73. VI. 7, Pothī; 26 c. x 5.2 c.: foll. 9, numbered (letters) verso, 2-10; ll. 4 dbu-can. Incomplete at the beginning and the end. Ends at the beginning of chapter 30 in Hoernle edition; §§ 8-11 and 19 omitted.
IOL Tib J 310.1 - Section: 1 tshe dpag tu myed pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo/ (Aparimitāyur-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtra) Ch. 0071, I. 1 (5 copies), XIX. 003, XXXIII. 003, XL. 004, 73. VI. 1a (5 copies), 73. VII. 1-3 (3 copies), 73. IX. (19 copies), 73. X, 73. XI (28 copies), 73. XIII. 12, 73. XV. 2 and 8, frag. 10b, 73. XVI, 74. V, 75. IV. 1, 75. IX. 5, 76. XI. 3, 77. VII. 1, 77. XVI, 78. I (23 copies), 78. II, 78. III (51 copies), 78. IV (38 copies), 78. VII, 78. VIII (54 copies), 78. IX, 78. X (50 copies), 78. XI, 78. XII (30 copies), 79. VIII. 5, 79. XIII. 1, 79. XIV. 3, 79. XVI. 6, 80. II, 80. II. B1, 80. IV. 1, 80. VIII. 1, 80. IX. B1, 81. V. 1, 81. VIII (2 copies), 82. II. 6, 83. V. 1, 83. VI. 2, 83. IX. 10, 85. IV. 2, 85. IX. 1 and 6, 86. I (46 copies), 86. III (28 copies), 86. VI. 86. VIa (46 copies), 86. VII (31 copies), 86. IX (12 copies), 86. X (2 copies), 86. Xa (54 copies), 86. XIII (25 copies), 86. XIV (48 copies), 86. XV (38 copies), 87. XIII (9 copies), 87. XIIIa, b, d, f (4 copies), CXLVII. 2, Fragments 28 (fr. 0060), 29 (fr. XLIII. 002), 33, 38 (3 copies), 39a (written on both sides, roll and scroll), 39b-c, 41, 53 (4 copies), 59, 84 (2 copies), and unnumbered fragments bound in vols. 53 and 55; a collection of rolls. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Beckh_1914: XV. 337; Csoma_1836: XIV. 320. Aparimitāyur-jñāna-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtra. Colophons: 87. XIII. d: tshe dpag tu myed pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo rdzogs sO/na mo a myi da phur/phab dzang zhus/phab ci yang zhus/dpal mchog sum zhus//kwag stag rtsan gis bris so/ (Phab-dzaṅ, Phab-ci, Dpal-mchog, Kvag Stag-rtsan-gi) 87. XIII. a and f: chos gyi ye shes bris/phab 'weng zhus/ (Chos-gyi-ye-śes, Phab-ḥveṅ) 87. XIII. b: ci king bris/phab ci zhus/phab dzang yang zhus/dpal mchog sum zhus/ (Ci-kiṅ, Phab-ci, Phab-dzaṅ, Dpal-mchog) Frag. 39a: can lha legs bris/ (Can Lha-legs) Frag. 39c: 'wan klu legs bris/ (Ḥvan Klu-legs) Frag. 39e: stag lod bris/ (Stag-lod) Frag. 41: cang stag ras bras/*leng le'u zhus/ci keng yang sgron ma suM zhus/* (Caṅ Stag-ras, Leṅ-leḥu, Ci-keṅ, Sgron-ma) The corrections in the text of this copy are also in red. XIX. 003, verso, contains part of a Samaya.
IOL Tib J 311.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa don yod pa'i zhags pa'i snying po'i gzungs log shig tu phyungs te/yi dam du klag pa/ (Ārya-Amogha-pāśa-hṛdaya-dhāraṇī...) Ch. 9. I. 32, Pothī, 47.5 c. x 6.6 c.: foll. 21, numbered ka 57-77; ll. 4: dbu-can. Begins: 'das pa dang/ma byon pa dang/da ltar bzhugs pa'i sangs rgyas dang/byang chub sems dpa' dang/rang sangs rgyas dang/nyan thos thams cad la phyag 'tshal lo//de bzhin gshegs pa tshe dpag myed la phyag 'tshal lo/'phags pa byams pa las stsogs pa byang chub sems dpa' sems dpa' chen po rnams la phyag 'tshal lo//......'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug thugs rje chen po dang ldan ba la gus par phyag 'tshal lo////tad ya thA/Om tsa ra tsa ra/tsi ri tsi ri/tsu ru tsu ru/thugs rje chen po dang ldan ba la phyag 'tshal lo/_/sa ra sa ra//si ri si ri/.... Ends, fol. 61a, without colophon (only rdzogs-shō), With mantras Om dza ya hung phad swA hA//
IOL Tib J 311.2 - Section: 2 'phags pa bzang po spyod pa'i smon lam gyi rgyal po/ (Ārya-Bhadra-carya-praṇidhāna-rāja) (a rya bad tra tsa rya pra ni da na ra tsA ) Foll. 62-72a.
IOL Tib J 311.3 - Section: 3 byang chub sems dpa' spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug yid bzhin 'khor lo la bstod pA/ (Avalokiteśvara - bodhisattva - cintā - cakra - stotra) Foll. 73-75a. Compare 76, 3 and 369, 3. Begins: rdzogs pa yang dag chos kyi sku/ /ci bzhin bnyam ba nam ka 'dra/ /sprul pa'i yon tan kun mnga' bas/ /skye bo sgrol ba'i don yang mdzad/ /rnam par grol ba'i spos bsregs la/ /'gyod pa myed pas 'gyod tshangs bya/ /dmyigs myed mchod cing phyag 'tshal na/ /phyag cig gyis ni kun tu khyab/ 43 more pādas follow. Ends: /sgrib pa'i skyon rnams kun byang nas/ /rnam pa thams cad phyir bsal te/ /chos [note a: 369, 3 begins here and reads: ...mnyam ba sangs rgyas ... [note bzhin bnyam ba sangs rgyas zhing/ /bde ba'i zhing der skye bar shog/
IOL Tib J 311.4 - Section: 4 'du shes bcu bstan pa'i mdo/ (Daśa-saṃjñā-nirdeśa-sūtra) (da sha sang ngid nyA ni ra de sha su tra) Foll. 76-77. See 89. Colophon of the MS. (the first eight words in another and smaller hand): kwag dar ma 'i yi dam//lags s+ho//༔༔༔//_//'wang btsun shes rab dpal gyi g.yar dam lags so// 'The undertaking of Prajñāśrī is completed.'
IOL Tib J 311.5 - Section: 5 Fol. 77b. Beginning of an unnamed text. The same hand as the beginning of the colophon of 4.
IOL Tib J 312.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 0011 (fol. 1), XXVII. i and n, Pothī; 43 c. x 9.7 c.: foll. 4, 3 numbered verso 1, 2, 3-4, and one unnumbered (Ch. XXVII. n); ll. 8 and 6: dbu-can. A collection of Tāntrik and religious texts. Praṇamanās and mantras. Ends: 'He will obtain the Nirmala-prabha-samādhi (dri-ma myed-paḥi-ḥod).'
IOL Tib J 312.2 - Section: 2 'phags pa don yod pa'i zhags pa'i snying po zhes bya ba'i gzungs/ (Ārya-Amogha-pāśa-hṛdaya-nāma-dhāraṇī) Compare the Amogha-pāśa-hṛdaya-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtra, Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Csoma_1836: XV. 1-11; Beckh_1914: XVI. 357, XXIII. 291.
IOL Tib J 312.3 - Section: 3 dkon mchog gsuM dang/ a rgya pa lo rjesu dran ba'i gzungs/ (Sa - ratna - trayāryāvalokiteśvarānu - smṛti - dhāraṇī)
IOL Tib J 312.4 - Section: 4 de bzhin gshegs pa spyi'i snying po rjesu dran ba/ (Sāmānya-tathāgata-hṛdayānusmṛti) Bkaḥ-ḥgyur (Tibetan title only), Rgyud, Beckh_1914: XII. 36-37, XXIII. 120; Schmidt, XII. 100; wanting in Csoma_1836.
IOL Tib J 312.5 - Section: 5 de bzhin gshegs pa rin cen gtsug phud mtshan rjes su dran ba/ (Ratnaśikhi-tathāgata-nāmā-nusmṛti) Bkaḥ-ḥgyur (Tibetan title only), Rgyud, ibid., with the reading: saṅs - rgyas - rin - chen - gtsug - tor - can - gyi - mtshan...
IOL Tib J 312.6 - Section: 6 'phags pa nad thams cad rab tu zhi bar byed pa'i gzungs/ (Ārya-sarva-roga-praśamanī-nāma-dhāraṇī) Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Csoma_1836: XIII. 254-5; Beckh_1914: XIV. 369-70.
IOL Tib J 313.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 83. Misc. A. 3, Pothī; 49 c. x 7 c.: fol. 1, numbered verso ga 48; ll. 5: dbu-can. Stotras. End of a text (two lines).
IOL Tib J 313.2 - Section: 2 dgon par 'gro bar mos pa la bstod pa/ (Araṇya-gamanādhi-mukti-stotra) There stanzas and a half (9 syllables).
IOL Tib J 313.3 - Section: 3 dgon par gnas par mos pa la bstod pa/ (Araṇya-vihārā-dhimukti-stotra) Three stanzas and a half (9 syllables).
IOL Tib J 314.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug la bstod pa / (Ārya-Avalokiteśvara-stotra) Ch. 9. I. frag. 41, Pothī; 28 c. x 8 c.: fol. 1; ll. 5: dbu-can. Thirteen pādas. Begins: spyan ras gzigs dbang thugs rje'i mchog / / kun la byams pa bu cig bzhin / /stobs bcu ma 'dres chos kyi bdag / / tshad myed bzhi la longs spyod mdzad / Ends: gting tshod yas pa rgya mtsho bzhin / / de bas bsnyen cing phyag 'tshal bstod. / See 214: same paper, size, and hand.
IOL Tib J 315.1 - Section: 1 'phags pA spyan ra[s] gzigs dbang phyug kyi mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa zhes bgyi ba'/ (Ārya-Avalokiteśvarasya-nāmāṣta-śataka) a rgya pA lo kyi te shwa ra sya na ma a/ sha sha na ka na/ Ch. 73. IV. 7, CXLVII. 12 and 29, Concertina; 27 c. x 10 c.: foll. 29; ll. 4, 5 and 6: dbu-can, several hands. Incomplete copies. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Beckh_1914: XV. 217-20. Agrees with 316, 1.
IOL Tib J 315.2 - Section: 2 'phags pa gtsug tor gdugs dkar po'i gzungs/ (Uṣṇīṣa-sitātapatra-nāma-dhāraṇī)
IOL Tib J 315.3 - Section: 3 gser 'od dam pa zhes bya ba 'i mdo/ (Suvarṇaprabhāsottama-sūtra)
IOL Tib J 316.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug gi mtshan bgya rtsa brgyad pa/ (Ārya-Avalokiteśvarasya-nāmāṣṭa-śataka) Ch. 73. VIII. 8, Concertina; 26.2 c. x 7.4 c.: foll. 25, damaged; ll. 3: dbu-can. Begins: thams cad mkhyen pa la phyag 'tshal lo//'di skad bdag gis thos pa'i dus gcig na//bcom ldan 'das 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang ba phyugs gi pho brang/ni po ta la'i rtse mo la men tog dri zhim po sna tshogs kyis brgyan pa/... Agrees with 315, 1.
IOL Tib J 316.2 - Section: 2 ltung ba bshags pa/ (Āpatti-deśanā) Begins: bdag cag mying 'di zhes bbyi ba sangs rgyas la skyabs su mchi'o/ Compare 632-4, Bodhy-āpatti-deśanā.
IOL Tib J 316.3 - Section: 3 gtsug tor gdugs dkar po zhes bya ba'i gzungs/ (Uṣṇīṣa-sitātapatra-nāma-dhāraṇī) The complete title, Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Beckh_1914: XIV. 344-50, 350-7.
IOL Tib J 316.4 - Section: 4 'phags pa 'jam dpal la bsngags/ (Ārya-mañjuśrī-praśaṃsā)
IOL Tib J 317.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa dkyil 'khor brgyad pa zhes bya ba'i theg pa chen po'i mdo/ (Ārya-Aṣṭa-maṇḍalaka-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtra) Ch. XXVII. O, Pothī; 44.5 c. x 9.2 c.: fol. 1, numbered (letter) 2; ll. 6: dbu-can. Incomplete at the beginning. Contains: (a) Vajrapāṇi-hṛdaya: Om ku ru ban ra ha swa hA/ (b) Mañjuśrī-kumāra-bhūta-hṛdaya: Om shri ang rang gA ya swa hA/ (c) Sarva-nīvaraṇa-viṣkambhi-hṛdaya (d) Aṣṭa-mahā-bodhisattva-hṛdaya Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Csoma_1836: XXII. 72-76; Beckh_1914: XXIV. 65-68; Rgyud, Csoma_1836: XI. 87-89; Beckh_1914: XII. 45-46. Two recensions: the above text is the second.
IOL Tib J 317.2 - Section: 2 Mantras referring to Parṇaśabarī. Incomplete.
IOL Tib J 318.1 - Section: 1 pad ma 'kha brgya rtsa brgyad pa la lha bgod pa'i brjed byang/ (Aṣṭa - śata - pattra - padma - devatā - nyāsābhismaraṇa?) Ch. 73. III. 15, Pothī; 33 c. x 9 c.: foll. 3, numbered ka, 'kha, ga; ll. 8: dbu-med. An 'aide-memoire' (abhismaraṇa): how to place the deities on the 108 leaves of the Lotus. Begins: pad ma'i snying po la/yum shes rab kyi phyin pa'i mdun du rnam par snang mdzad/pad ma kar po lce brgyad la/rigs bzhi thabs dang shes rab brgyad/de 'i phyi rim pad ma dmar po 'kha bcu drug pa la/... Ends with Mantras.
IOL Tib J 319.1 - Section: 1 [nam mkha'i snying po'i snying po/?] (Ākāśagarbha-hṛdaya?) Ch. 73. I. 3, Concertina; 14.2 c. x 8.5 c.: fol. 1 complete, and a fragment; ll. 8, verso blank: dbu-can. Mantras. Ākāśagarbha speaks and the Tathāgata Kāśyapa answers: nam mkha'i snying po /snying po 'di ni //..../gang ga'i klung sum cu rtsa gnyis kyi //bye snyed dag gis gsungs pa ste //nam mkha'i snying po /khyod kyis ... See 337, 2.
IOL Tib J 320.1 - Section: 1 dang po mchod pa'i yon tan gzhung las 'byung ba' // yon bdag dad pa bskyed pa' / (Ādi - pūjā - guṇa - prabandhodbhava - yajamāna - śraddhotpāda) Ch. 9. I. 12a and b, Pothī; 45.5 c. x 8.8 c.: foll. 6, numbered ka 1-5, and one unnumbered (Ch. 9. I. 12b), a duplicate of fol. 1 ll. 5: dbu-can. Incomplete at the end. 52 stanzas of 9 and 7 syllables. Begins: /u dum 'bar ba'i me tog ci bzhin du / /sangs rgyas 'byung ba brgya' lam rnyed 'gyur ba' / /myi mchog de ni de ltar 'byung 'gyur gis / /skyob la gus dang bcas pas mchod par gyis /1. /nga rgyal dag dang rgyags dang g.yo spongs la / /'phrag dog ser sna de bzhin sgyu rnams dang / /dgod pa thams cad yongs su spong byos la / /ston la gus dang bcas pas mchod par gyis /2. ............................... /sems can mchog de la ni mchod pa gyis /10. /phyogs bcu sangs rgyas bcom ldan 'das / /byang chub sems dpa' chen po yi / /'khor dang bcas pa thams cad la / /phyag 'tshal lus 'bul srogs phyogs te /11. Ends: /bdug spos dri zhim me tog bzang rnams dang / /bshos gsang zhal zas las bstsogs mchod pa'i rnams / /bdag gis 'byor pa dngos su bkram ba dang / /yid kyis ji nus dmyigs pa'i mchod //52. In this MS. The compound characters sta and spa are written with sa before instead of above ta, pa.
IOL Tib J 321.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa thabs kyi zhags pa zhes bya ba // pad ma 'phreng gi don bsdus pa'i 'grel pA/ (Ārya - Artha - saṃgraha - nāma - upāya - pāśa - padmāvali - vṛtti; Upāya - pāśa - padma - mālā - kalpa - rāja - artha - saṃgraha - nāma - vṛtti) Ch. 73. III. 8, Pothī; 31 c. x 8 c.: foll. 84, numbered ka 1-84; ll. 6 and interlinear commentary: dbu-med. Colophon (on the cover, fol. 84b): 'phags pa thabs kyis zhags pa pad ma 'phreng las rtog pa'i rgyal po 'i don bsdus pa'i 'grel pa / Scribe: Kam-bu-pa-boḥu-ko. Mūla: 'phags pa thabs kyi zhags pa pad mo'i 'phreng Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Beckh_1914: XX. 384-99, no Sanskrit title, wanting in Csoma_1836 and Schmidt. Begins: dpal rdo rje sems dpa' la phyag 'tshal lo //theg pa chen po la yang rnam pa gnyis te /mtshan nyid kyi theg pa dang /rdo rje 'i theg pa 'o //mtshan nyid kyi theg pa ni /mdo sde la stsogs pa'i tshul du /byang chub sems dpa'i spyod pa spyad pas /bskal pa gsum kyis gnon pa ste //yun ring po nas pha rol du phyin pa bcu la stsogs pa /dkA ba sna tshogs spyad pas 'grub ces 'byung //rdo rje'i theg pa ni gsang sngags kyi sgor nas 'jug pa ste //rdo rje lta bu rnam pa gsum gyi mthu rnyed nas /tshe 'di nyid la 'grub ces 'byung ste /de ni theg pa chen po yang theg pa chen po zhes bya 'o //'di 'i mgo mjug du 'jig rten dang 'jig rten las 'das pa'i chos thams cad dkyil 'khor gsum du 'dus shing /.... 'Homage to Śrī-vajrasattva. There are two kinds of Mahāyāna: the Lakṣaṇa-yāna and the Vajrayāna. The first is realized by employing three kalpas in following the practice of a Bodhisattva, according to the Sūtras, &c., by doing many heroic actions, beginning with the ten Pāramitās, during a long time. The second is realized in this very life, beginning by the door of the Mantras, acquiring a threefold strength like the Vajra....' Chap. 1 (ends fol. 10a): 'phags pa thabs kyi zhags pa pad ma 'phreng las /bden pa gnyis bstan pa'i le'u ste dang po 'o /(Āryopāya-pāśa-padma-mālāyāṃ satya-dvaya-nirdeśa-parivartaḥ prathamaḥ) 2 (ends fol. 11b): dam tshig bstan pa'i le 'u(Samaya-nirdeśa°) 3 (ends fol. 12b) : dbang gyi le 'u(Vaś°) 4 (ends fol. 13a): mchod pa'ile 'u(Pūjā°, Arcanā°?) 5 (ends fol. 15a): ting nge 'dzin gyi dkyil 'khor gyi le 'u(Samādhi-maṇḍala°) 6 (ends fol. 19b): gzugs brnyan gyi dkyil 'khor gyi le 'u(Pratimā°) 7 (ends fol. 29a): lha 'i mtshan nyid dang dkyil 'khor bkod pa'i rim pa bstan pa'i le 'u(Devatā - lakṣaṇa - maṇḍala - vyūha - krama - nirdeśa°) 8 (ends fol. 32b): dngos grub bsgrub pa'i le'u(Siddhi sādhana°) 9 (ends fol. 33b): sngags kyi le'u(Mantra°) 10 (ends fol. 37b): phyag rga'i le'u(Mudrā°) 11 (ends fol. 46a): rig sngags gcod pa'i le'u(Vidyā-vidhāna°) (Cordier_1909_1915: i. 206) 12 (ends fol. 53b): khro bo 'i dkyil 'khor gyi le'u(Krodha-maṇḍala°) 13 (ends fol. 58a): rdo rje srin mo'i le'u(Vajra-rākṣasī°) 14 (ends fol. 59a): khro bo bcu dang las kyi sngags ril 'dus pa'i le'u(? Piṇḍīkṛta°) 15 (ends fol. 59b): rdo rje srin mo 'i sngags kyi le'u(Vajra-rākṣasī-mantra°) 16 (ends fol. 61a): phyag rgya 'i le'u(Mudrā°) 17 (ends fol. 61b): las kyi le'u(Karma°) 18 (ends fol. 63a): drag po 'i las kyi le'u(Raudra-karma°) 19 (ends fol. 64a): drag po 'i hom kyi le'u(Raudra-homa°) 20 (ends fol. 64b): drag po 'i phur pa'i le'u(Raudra-kīla°) 21 (ends fol. 65a): drag po 'i gtor ma 'i le'u(Raudra-bali°) 22 (ends fol. 66a): drag por 'byor pa'i le'u(Raudra-sampad, [samṛddhi?]°) 23 (ends fol. 67b): gnas bstabs pa'i le'u(Sthāna-dāna°) 24 (ends fol. 69a): dbang gi las bstan pa['i le'u ](Vaśī-karma-nirdeśa°) 25 (ends fol. 70a): dbang gyi hom gyi le'u(Vaśī-homa°) (Cordier_1909_1915: i. 362) 26 (ends fol. 70b): dbang gi phur pa bstan pa'i le'u(Vaśī-kīla-nirdeśa°) 27 (ends fol. 71a): dbang gi gtor ma'i le'u(Vaśī-bali°) 28 (ends fol. 71b): dbang du 'byor pa'i le'u(Vaśī-sampad, [samṛddhi?]°) 29 (ends fol. 73a): rgyas pa'i las kyi le'u(Puṣṭi-karma°) 30 (ends fol. 73b): rgyas pa'i hom kyi le'u(Puṣṭi-homa°) 31 (ends fol. 74a): rgyas par 'byor ba'i le'u(Puṣṭi-sampad, [samṛddhi?]°) 32 (ends fol. 75a): zhi ba'i las kyi le'u(Śānti-karma°) 33 (ends fol. 75b): zhi ba'i hom gyi le'u(Śānti-homa°) 34 (ends fol. 76a): zhi ba'i phur ba'i le'u(Śānti-kīla°) 35 (ends fol. 76b): zhi ba'i gtor ma'i le'u(Śānti-bali°) 36 (ends fol. 77a): zhi bar 'byor ba'i le'u(Śānti-sampad, [samṛddhi?]°) 37 (ends fol. 77b): las bsdus pa'i le'u(Karma-saṃgraha°) 38 (ends fol. 78b): las bsgrub pa'i phan yon gyi le'u(Karma-siddhy-anuśaṃsā°) There is no mention of a 39th chapter. Fol. 78b, l. 2, has after the colophon of chap. 38: dkyil 'khor 'di 'i mtshan nyid ni / dbang chen bsdus pa'i dkyil 'khor ste / de la dkyil 'khor gzhi zlum por bya ba ni / chos kyi dbyings spros pa myed pa'i don to/... Ends: dngos grub mchog brnyes ya mtshan chen po 'i / /'jig rten ngam gyur pad ma rgyal po yis / /de bzhin gshegs pa'i man ngag gsang chen rnams / /klung nas bkrol mdzad de la phyag 'tshal lo /
IOL Tib J 322.1 - Section: 1 gtsug tor rnam par rgyal bi gzungs/ (Uṣṇīṣa-vijaya-dhāraṇī) Ch. 73. VII, frag. A. 1, Pothī; 48 c. x 10.5 c.: fol. 1, numbered (letter) 4; ll. 7: dbu-can. Incomplete at the beginning. The colophon states that this is a translation into Tibetan: rgyal bi gzungs bod skad du bsgyur ba /rdzogs so/ Does not agree in detail with the text published in Anecdota Oxoniensia, Ancient palm leaves, Müller_1884: p. 22, 31. Ends: kun tu yongsu dag pa' /de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi snying po /byin kyis rlabs kyis /byin kyis byin kyis brlabs pa'i phyag rgya chen po bzhi btsugs so //legs par gsungs so// Samanta-pariśuddhe/ sarva-tathāgata hṛdayādhiṣṭhānādhiṣṭitāś-catasro-mudrāh....
IOL Tib J 323.1 - Section: 1 gtsug tor gdugs dkar po zhes bya ba'i gzungs/ (Uṣṇīṣa-sitātapatra-nāma-dhāraṇī) Ch. XXVII. Ea and b, Pothī; 30 c. x 8.5 c. (Eb, 27 c. x 8.5 c.) foll. 19, numbered ka 32-48, and one unnumbered (Eb); 2 foll. numbered 43; 41 is numbered zhe gnyis cig; ll. 6, 5, and 4: dbu-can. Ea. 1. Begins with namaskāras: Buddhas, bodhisattvas, śrāvaka-saṃgha, arhat, srota-āpanna.... Śākyamuni, Vairocana...tān namaskṛtya: Tathāgatoṣṇīṣāparā-jita. Fol. 36b. Rakṣā against rāja-bhaya, caura°, agni°, salila°, viṣa°, śastra°, paropadrava°, durbhikṣā°. Fol. 39b. Illnesses: .../rims thams cad dang /glad pa na ba dang /gzhogs phyed na ba dang /yi ga 'chus pa dang /myig nad dang /sna nad dang /kha nad dang /mgul nad dang /snying nad dang /myid pa 'gags pa dang /rna ba na ba dang /......na ba myed par mdzod cig /tsi tsam du 'jig rten gi 'khams na srid pa'i nad sna tshogs dang phas .... Ends fol. 42b, l. 2.
IOL Tib J 323.2 - Section: 2 (Avalokiteśvara-mahā-kāruṇikāya-namaḥ) No title. Begins: spyan ras gzigs dbang thugs rje che la phyag 'tshal lo / Mantras: invocations to Siddhayogīśvara, Nīlakaṇṭha, Varāhamukha, Mahāsiṃhamukha, Padmapāṇi,... Mahākāruṇika. Ends, fol. 45b, l. 6: sid d+hyan d+hu me man tra pa d+ha ni swA hA //rdzogsO //
IOL Tib J 323.3 - Section: 3 (Praṇidhāna) No title. Begins abruptly: 'das pa'i na bza' dang //ro mchog brgyad dang ldan pa'i zhal zas kyis /… Colophon: praṇidhānaṃ samāptam. Eb. A Rakṣā against bhūtas, &c. A fragment.
IOL Tib J 324.1 - Section: 1 [gtsug tor gdugs dkar po zhes bya ba'i gzungs/] (Uṣṇīṣa-sitātapatra-nāma-dhāraṇī) Ch. CXLVII. 13, 73. IV, frag. 2, Pothī; 35.5 c. x 9.4 c.: foll. 3, one damaged (numbered 1?), and 2 numbered ka 5 and 8; ll. 5: dbu-can. The same as 323, 1. Fol. 1. contains the beginning of the text, but no title or blank for a title. Fol. 5. Enumeration of the bhayas. Begins: dug gis 'jigs pa dang/mtshon gyis 'jigs pa dang//pha rol gyi dgras 'jigs pa dang/mu ges 'jigs pa dang//.... Fol. 8. Enumeration of illnesses (323, fol. 39).
IOL Tib J 325.1 - Section: 1 gtshug tor gdugs dkar po las bzhi pa'i cho ga/ (Uṣṇīṣa-sitātapatre catur-vidhi) Ch. 73. XIII. 17, Scroll; 27 c. x 29.5 c.: ll. 30: dbu-can, damaged.
IOL Tib J 326.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa gser can zhes bya ba'i gzungs/ (Ārya-Kanakavatī-nāma-dhāraṇī) Fragment 88, Scroll; 48 c. x 30 c.: ll. 43: dbu-can; damaged. End and colophon (title only). See 460, 2.
IOL Tib J 326.2 - Section: 2 'phags pa lha mo chen mo dpal lung bstan pa/ (Ārya-Śrī-mahādevī-vyākaraṇa, Ārya-Śriyadeva-vyākaraṇa) a rya shRI ya ma hA de ba /bya ka ra Na / Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Csoma_1836: XV. 397-403; Beckh_1914: XVII. 331-6; Rgyud, Csoma_1836: XV. 12-19; Beckh_1914: XVII. 106-12 (Beckh has °Śriya°). Title and beginning.
IOL Tib J 327.1 - Section: 1 Fragment 30, Scroll; 30.2 c. x 13 c.: ll. 12: dbu-can. A fragment of the Kanakavatī. Line 4: ..../sman thams cad gcod pa'i rig pa bshad par bya 'o//de nas bcom ldan 'das kyis de'i tshe/rig sngags chen po gser can bka' stsal pa/...
IOL Tib J 328.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa gser can zhes bya ba'i gzungs/ (Ārya-Kanakavatī-nāma-dhāraṇī) Fragment 64, Scroll (divided); 68 c. x 30.4 c.: ll. 51: dbu-can; damaged. Last part and colophon (title only).
IOL Tib J 329.1 - Section: 1 [bum pa'i cho ga/] (Kalaśa-vidhi) Ch. 73. XV, frag. 5, Pothī; 41.5 c. x 7.5 c.: fol. 1, numbered 1; ll. 5: dbu-can: red and black. There is no title and the text is incomplete at the end; but bum-pa is written (red) in the margin. Compare Rgyud-ḥgrel, LXVIII. 228, Vajra-vidāraṇī-kalaśa-vidhi; 183, Kalaśa-sādhana, &c. Begins: bum pa'i cho ga dang po 'dag chal la bstsogs pas bkrus nas//gu gul lam 'kun rhu las bstsogs pa'i phog bsregs nas /.... The mantras are written in red: verso, l. 1: *prad nya ba ya mi ta rhid ya*
IOL Tib J 330.1 - Section: 1 [bum pa'i cho ga/] (Kalaśa-vidhi) Ch. 0026, Pothī; 33.5 c. x 8.2 c.: fol. 1, numbered 3; ll. 6 recto, 7 verso: dbu-can. 1. One line, larger script: @//nub phyogs kyi sgor dpal rta mgrin//byang phyogs kyi sgor bdud rtsi 'khyil ba/ 'At the door of South, Śrī-Aśvagrīva; at the door of North, Amṛtakuṇḍalī.' 2. Two lines, glosses in smaller script on each of these sentences. 3. Ten lines in medium script. Begins: @//bum pa ni yum shes rab kyi pha rol du phyin pa//dngar ni chos kyi dbyings//rin po che ni rigs lnga'i sangs rgyas//sman ni nad thams chad kyi gso ba'i bdud rtsi//'bru ni tshe'i rang bzhin//chu ni byang chub gyi sems kyi rang bzhin/.... 'The Kalaśa is the Prajñā-pāramitā; the "nectar" is the Dharma-dhātu; the Ratna is the Pañca-vidyā-buddha; the medicinal herb is the ambrosia that heals all illnesses....' Ends: bum pa dngos kyi sngags la /OM ka Ta ka Ta spo Ta bam hum trag hum swa ha/.... 'Kalaśa-vastu-mantra/ oṃ kaṭa....'
IOL Tib J 331.1 - Section: 1 Author: S[P?]iṅgalācārya Mañjuśrīmitra (Sin - ga - laḥi - slobs - dpon - Ḥjam - dpal - bśes - gñen) sku gsung thugs kyi bsgrub thabs/ (Kāya-vāk-citta-sādhana) Ch. 73. III. 17-18, Poth_; 30 c. x 9 c.: foll. 19, numbered kha 1-2, cha 1-6, 1-11 ll. 5, interlinear commentary: dbu-med. Complete, foll. kha 1-2. Begins: @//bcom ldan 'das dpal rdo rje sems dpa' la/phyag 'tshal lo/ /sku gsung thugs kyi bsgrub thabs 'di/ /blo ldan gang zhig skal che ba/ /bshes gnyen lha ltar mchod byas te / /thigs pas dbang bskur gsol btab nas / /bzang po mchog gi lung 'di ni/ /the tshom myed par bsgom bar bya / /lus bsrang [sic]sems bde 'i gnas bsgrubs nas / /phyi nang mchod pa kun bkram ste / Ends: /zla tshes nyid kyang thig le la 'o / /thig le dbyings su de bzhin nyid / /lus kyang skru gsung thugs kyis bsrung / /sems la rtag 'du gnas par bya/ /sing ga la 'i slob dpon 'jam dpal bshes gnyen gyis mdzad pa rdzogs s+ho// Fol. kha 2b: @//bsgrub pa la 'jug pa 'i chul dang /gnas dang /lhar bskyed pa dang /byin kyis brlab pa dang /ye shes sems dpas dbang bskur ba dang /mchod pa dang /bsnyen pa 'i cho ga dang /dkyil 'khor bsdu ba dang /lus bsrung ba dang /rgyun kyi ting nge 'dzin bstan pa 'o //_// @//lta/ba 'i khog bstan pa dang /mngon bar byang chub pa lnga bstan pa dang /ye shes lnga bstan pa dang /sku nges pa 'i lung bstan pa 'o//
IOL Tib J 331.2 - Section: 2 A treatise; no title, no colophon. Begins: @//bcom ldan 'das dpal rdo rje sems dpa' la phyag 'tshal lo//_//lung las //lus dang ngag sems rdo rje la//rdo rje sems dpa' rab tu bsgom//lus dang ngag sems rdo rje yis//rdo rje sems dpa' lta bur 'gyur//ji ltar bsgom zhe na dpa' bo dmyig dang ldan pa yis//rdo rje sku mchog thob 'dod na//.... 'Homage to Bhagavat Vajrasattva. It is said in the Āgama that a Vajrassattva meditates on the Vajra of Body-Voice-Thought. How does he meditate?...' Ends: mdor na rdo rje sems dpa'i dngos grub nyid kyang thob bo zhes gsungs so//rdzogs s+ho// 'He becomes like Vajrasattva...he realizes the nature of Vajrasattva.' Complete foll. cha 1-6.
IOL Tib J 331.3 - Section: 3 zhi ba 'i mchog 'pho ba 'i 'phrin las bsdus pa/ (Śānty-agra-saṃcāra-kriyā-saṃgraha) Complete, foll. 1-11. Begins: shin du khro zhing gtum ba la/ /zhi bas phan bar myi 'gyur te / /shes rab_ththabs [note a: For 'thabs [note /su sbyor ba yis/ /khro bor de bzhin gshegs kun mdzad/
IOL Tib J 332.1 - Section: 1 khro bo dkyil 'khor bskyed 'gro ba 'dul ba'i dkyil 'khor/ (Krodha-maṇḍala-vardhana-karmopadeśa) Ch. 73. III. 16, Pothī; 31 c. x 9.2 c.: foll. 22, numbered 1-22; ll. 6 and 7: dbu-med. Begins: da ni 'phrin las 'di man chad/khro bo dkyil 'khor bskyed//'gro ba 'dul ba'i dkyil 'khor gyis/rmad du byung ba'i 'phrin las mdzad do/ /thams cad ngo bo mnyam nyid sku/ /bde chen gar dbang sku gsung thugs/ /myi bzad rgyan kyi 'khor lo 'i/ /he ru ka la phyag 'tshal lo/ sgyu 'phrul dra ba'i rgyud dag las/ lha 'i rnal 'byor bsgom ba zhig/ /sems can ye shes bskyed pa'i phyir/ /legs par brtags te bstan par bya// ................... Fol. 1b, l. 4: /'jig pa'i sems kyis sdug bsngal zhi/ /gdugs pas srid gsum gdul bA dang/ /nga rgyal chen po bskyed pa'i phyir/ /sgyu 'phrul dra ba'i ting 'dzin bsgom// 'Then having finished with the Krodha-maṇḍala (Khro-boḥi-dkyil-ḥkhor), one has to meditate upon the Samatā-samādhi (Mñam-ba-ñid-kyi-tiṅ-ṅe-ḥdzin) and the Karuṇā-mātṛkā (Sñiṅ-rjeḥi-yum).' Ends fol. 22b, l. 3: sgyu mar snang ba dmyig g.yor tshul//__//rdzogs s+ho// Mantras follow (II. 5): oM ba dzra a byi shin[tsa hUM/....
IOL Tib J 333.1 - Section: 1 gsang sngags kyi le'u rig sngags thams cad kyi don bsgrub pa/ (Guhya-mantra-parivartaḥ sarva-vidyārtha-sādhaka) Ch. 0023, Pothī; 44 c. x 7 c.: fol. 1, numbered (letter) 1; ll. 4 :dbu-can. Incomplete at the end. Begins: yang 'dir gsang sngags kyi le'u rig sngags thams cad kyi don bsgrub pa bshad par bya 'o //_//Om sa rwa ta tha gA tA bya //a ba lo ki te /dza ya dza ya swA hA//....
IOL Tib J 334.1 - Section: 1 gza' rnams kyi yum zhes bya ba'i gzungs/ (Graha-mātṛkā-nāma-dhāraṇī) Ch. 83. IX. 6, Roll; 31.5 c. x 21 c.: ll. 19: dbu-can. Scribe: Pag-klu-brtsan, compare Klu-brtsan, 117. Complete. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Csoma_1836: XIV. 150-3, 153-7; Beckh_1914: XV. 288-91, 291-6.
IOL Tib J 335.1 - Section: 1 'khor ba'i tshul bstan pa/ (Cakra-naya-nirdeśa) Ch. 73. XIII. 1, Concertina and Pothī; 30.5 c. x 17 c.: foll. 4; ll. 10: dbu-can and dbu-med. End and colophon. See the Sems-ḥkhor-baḥi-tshul-bstan-pa, 602.
IOL Tib J 335.2 - Section: 2 'phags pa las legs nyes gyi rgyu dang 'bras bu bstan pa zhes bya ba'i mdo'/ Beginning of the Sūtra. See 220.
IOL Tib J 335.3 - Section: 3 Beginning of a second copy of the same Sūtra.
IOL Tib J 335.4 - Section: 4 'phags pa byams pa'i smon lam/ (Ārya-maitrī-praṇidhāna) Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Ḥdul-ba, Beckh_1914: XVI. 296-8; Rgyud, Beckh_1914: XXIV. 335-7; no Sanskrit title. According to Beckh_1914 refers to Maitreya, but see Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, CXXXVI. 25, Cordier_1909_1915: p. 525. A fragment. See 402 and 403. This MS. is written in an ornate script, with thickening of the characters at the top.
IOL Tib J 336.1 - Section: 1 rgyal po ched po bzhi'i spyan 'dren/ (Catur-mahārājopanimantraṇa) Ch. 73. XV, frag. 11, Pothī; 16.4 c. x 11 c.: foll. 5, numbered ka gcig (1), 'dwa (2), gsum (3), bzhi' (4), tso ra (4); ll. 6 dbu-can. Incomplete at the end. Begins: rgyal po chen po bzhi 'i spyan 'dren la //༚༔༚//OM 'tshang rigs 'tshangs chen 'tshangs pa'i mdun na 'don //myi che myi gdung shin du gya noms snang//shin du mthong dang //....
IOL Tib J 337.1 - Section: 1 'phags ma tsan dan gyi sku'i yan lag/ (Ārya-Candana-prati-māṅga) Ch. 80. IV. D, Concertina; 17.8 c. x 4.7 c.: foll. 11, damaged; ll. 3: dbu-can. Colophon and end of the text. It is not the Canda-nāṅga-nāma-dhāraṇī, Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Beckh_1914: XV. 84-86 and XXIII. 105-7. Compare the text Bstan-ḥgyur, Rgyud-ḥgrel, LXXV. 60 (Cordier_1909_1915: p. 246). 'Comment arriva la statue de Santal qui se trouve en Chine.' Ends fol. 6a: dkyil 'khor gyi lci bas nad pa la mnyes na/ring du myi thogs par nad zhi bar 'gyur ro//sangs rgyas kund gyis bsngags pa/don thams cad grub par mdzad ma/
IOL Tib J 337.2 - Section: 2 nam mkha'i snying po'i snying po/ (Ākāśagarbha-hṛdaya) See 319. Begins fol. 7a l. 2: Om swa sti ka ma la:kShi/bi pu la sam b+ha ba /d+har ma:d+ha tu go tsa ra swA hA//'di rgyun tu bzlas na mtshams myed pa la stsogs te sdig thams cad 'byang//chos kyi dbyings mnyam ba nyid dang ldan bar 'gyur /....
IOL Tib J 337.3 - Section: 3 'phags pa bdud rtsi 'khyild pa'i cho ga/ (Ārya-Amṛta-cakra-vidhi) Ends fol. 10b: lo grangs sum brgya yang 'tsho bar 'gyur ro//zla pa gzas zin pa'i mar dang po'i kham la lan bdun bzlas te /gang gis zos pa tshe lo slar chur bar 'gyur ro//
IOL Tib J 337.4 - Section: 4 (Bhagavad-Avalokiteśvara-hṛdaya) No title. After homages to Buddhas, Avalokita, Maitreya, Mañjuśrī..., begins fol. 8b: de rnams la phyag 'tshal nas /bcom ldan 'das 'phags pa kun tu spyan ras gzigs kyi dbang po khyod kyi snying po brjod par bya'o/'dod pa thams cad sgrub byed pa 'byung po kund kyis yong myi tshugs /srid pa'i lam ni 'jig byed pa'o/'di lta ste//he bo d+hi swad dwa /ma hA bo d+hi swad dwa /he hale /....
IOL Tib J 337.5 - Section: 5 Amongst the Namaskāras, fol. 2, verso: yang dag par song ba rnams la phyag 'tshal lo/yang dag par zhugs pa rnaMs la phyag 'tshal lo/blo gros chen po sha ra dwa ti'i bu la phyag 'tshal lo/ 'phags pa byams pa las stsogs pa /byang chub sems dpa' sems dpa' chen po rnams la phyag 'tshal lo/....
IOL Tib J 338.1 - Section: 1 mchod rten gi gleng zhi dang phan yon/ (Caitya-nidāna-anuśaṃsā) Ch. 73. III. 14 Begins: chos kyi dbyings rnam par dag la phyag 'tshal lo/de bzhin gshes[sic] pa'i sku gdung gi mchod rten dang/ce ti las bstsogs pa/'bras dang khri dang stong rtsa bsgyad dang/brgya rtsa brgyad dang/bcu dang lnga dang/ gcig yan chad gdab pa'i rtsis mgo'm gtan tshigs la/gleng zhi rnaM pa gcig dang/don ched gtan tshigs rnam pa lngar stond te/de yang gang zhe na/don ched gtan tshigs rnaM pa lnga ni/bla na myed pa'i mchod rten dang/yid bzhin gi mchod rten dang/rang bzhin kyi mchod rten dang/sprul pa'i mchod[rten]dang/gzugs brnyan kyi mchod rten ste lnga'o/de la gleng zhi rnam pa gcig gang zhe na/gzhung las.... Ends with the merit acquired by the construction of Caityas: ....rgyal po 'das nas rga ldan lha'i gnas su skyes so,/ mchod rten gi gleng zhi dang phan yon//_//rdzogs sho / Compare 340.
IOL Tib J 339.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 0020, Pothī; 34.2 c. x 9 c.: foll. 2; ll. 2 and 3 large dbu-can, interlinear commentary amall dbu-med. Six formulas of Vandanā. dge don legs gyi gzhi /chos tshul rabs gyi dbyings /mchod rten thams cad la gus par phyag 'tshal lo /byams snyoms kun gi mgon /thugs rje bskyad du myed /byang chub sems dpa' la gus par phyag 'tshal lo// Ends with homages to the Samgha. Interlinear commentary on mchod rten thams cad ...mchod rten la yang sku'i mchod rten dang /gsung gi mchod rten dang/thugs gi mchod rten zhes bya'o/de la sku'i mchod rten ni 'dris su bris pa dang lugsu lugs pa dang 'bur du gtod pa dang par du bskom pa las bstsogs pa'o /gsung gi mchod rten ni gsungs rabs yan lag bcu gnyis la bya'o/thugs kyi mchod rten ni rdo rje dang dril bu las bstsogs te /phyag 'tshan thams cad la bya'o /
IOL Tib J 340.1 - Section: 1 'chu gtord gyi gzhung/ (Jala-bali-kalpa) Ch. 73. III. 5, Pothī; 33 c. x 9 c.: foll. 6, numbered 1-6 (letters and Khotanī numerals in transcription), sho, 'dwa, 'dra ya, dzo ra, pag 'dza', thra; ll. 5 and interlinear glosses dbu-med. Begins, after homage to the three jewels: dad pa can gang zhig las su bya ba la/phan yon che la sla ba ni /chu gtor yin la [?] [note a: 341, 1 yin bas [note /'di la brtson bar bya 'o//de la rin po che snod mdzes pa'i nang du chu blugs la /phe [note b: 341, 1 phye [note dang men tog las bstsogs [note c: 341, 1 bsogs [note pa ci 'byor pa dang/gser las bstsogs [note d: 341, 1 bsogs [note pa rin po che sna lnga bdar ba dang/ [note e: 341, 1 brgyad dang/ [note kha zas ma [note f: 341, 1 kyi phud ma nyams [note smras pa sna tshogs dang//sman dang 'bru dang dri sna 'tshogs [note g: 341, 1 tshogs [note las bstsogs [note h: 341, 1 bsogs [note pa sbyar na lhag par yang bzang ngo/ Then follows an enumeration of the Sāmānya-bali, &c. (spyi-ḥi-gtor)... Ends: de ltar chos kyi sbyin ba dang zang zing gyi sbyin ba rnam gnyis gyis//bsgrib pa rnam gnyis ni byang//'tshogs chen po gnyis ni 'tshogs ste//bla na myed pa'i byang chub du grub par bsngo 'o// 'In this way, by the twofold gift, gift of Dharma, material gift, one is purified from the twofold veil (āvaraṇa), one fulfils the twofold task (sambhāra): application (parināmaṇā) to the reaching of the supreme Bodhi.'
IOL Tib J 341.1 - Section: 1 [chu gtor gyi gzhung/] (Jala-bali-kalpa) Ch. 73. III. 24, Pothī; 21 c. x 7 c.: foll. 17; ll. 4, 5, and 6: dbu-med. Foll. 1-9. The same text as 340. Incomplete at the end: sems pa bcu drug rigs kyi rtso //
IOL Tib J 341.2 - Section: 2 Foll. 10-17. A second copy of the same text; incomplete. Many variants. Fol. 10a, l. 3: chu gtor dam pa yin bas //nyi ma re re brtson bar bgyi 'o /
IOL Tib J 342.1 - Section: 1 chu gtor gyi gzhung/ (Jala-bali-kalpa) Ch. 73. III. 33, Pothī; 31.5 c. x 9.5 c.: fol. 1; ll. 4, verso blank: dbu-can. Ends: chu gtor la ni 'di rnams bsre nas gtang//
IOL Tib J 343.1 - Section: 1 chu gtor kyi gleng gzhi dang phan yon/ (Jala-bali-nidāna-anuśaṃsā) Ch. 73. III. 29, Pothī; 17.5 c. x 6.2 c.: foll. 5, numbered ka 7-11; ll. 4: dbu-can. Begins: chu gtor kyi kleng gzhi dang phan yon la//sngon srin po dz+ba la kar ba zhes bya zhig// srin po 'i rigs la sangs rgyas bcom ldan 'das kyi dbang du 'dus//dam pa'i lha chos dkar po la//sangs rgyas kyi bka' nyan//bstan pa'i gzhung srungs pa las//sngon gyi las kyi 'phros gsod gcod mang po byas pas tshe la par chad byung/ba /lags//dam pa'i chos spyod cing sangs rgyas dang chos dang dge' 'dun la phyogs pas ni//rgyal po 'khor lo drug par skyes//'khor lo sgyur ba'i rgyal po la nad 'byung myi srid na//tshe snga ma la gsod gcod mang po byas pa'i rnam par smyin pas//nad tsi ti dz+ba las btab pa las//.... Ends: dus thams cad du yang gtor ma'i dam tshig las myi 'da' bas na//_//_//༔//_//_//phan yon zhes bgyi ba lagl[=lags]//༔//dang po chu gtor ni 'di las byung pa lasg[=lags]//_// The former Rākṣasa Jvalagarbha (?) is born as a Cakravartin Ṣaccakra by name. He falls ill. Nemiṃdhara, his son, questions Bhagavat on the causes of the illness of his father.... See 377 and compare 337.
IOL Tib J 344.1 - Section: 1 chu gtor kyi gleng gzhi dang phan yon/ (Jala-bali-nidāna-anuśaṃsā) Ch. 73. III. 11, frag, Pothī; 17.5 c. x 6.2 c.: foll. 2, numbered ka 8 and 9; ll. 4, fol. 9 verso blank: dbu-can. Nemiṃdhara questions Bhagavat on the causes of the illness of his father. Bhagavat explains the previous birth of his father, and sends him to Mañjuśrī. Ends abruptly. See 343 and 377.
IOL Tib J 345.1 - Section: 1 skye shi'i 'khor lo'i le'u bstan pa/ (Jāti-maraṇa-cakra-parivarta-nirdeśa?) CXLVII. 1, Scroll; 29.5 c.x 26 c.: ll. 19, verso 17 columns Chinese: dbu-can. (Sanskrit title in MS. sang gra dar ma de) A fragment.
IOL Tib J 346.1 - Section: 1 ye shes mkha' 'ding [bsgrub thabs ] (Jñāna-garuḍa-sādhana) Ch. 73. III. 17a, Pothī; 30 c. x 9 c.: fol. 1, numbered, verso, 7; ll. 6: dbu-med, two hands. Complete; title (incomplete) in colophon: sādhana, from the content. Begins with homage to Bhagavat Vāgīśvara.
IOL Tib J 346.2 - Section: 2 Four lines (verso, second hand). Ends: dmyal ba 'i y+yod pa shin du ya re tshe //
IOL Tib J 347.1 - Section: 1 'jam dpal ye shes sems pa'i stod pa/ (Jñāna-sattva-Mañjuśrī-stotra) Fragment 40, Scroll; 46 c. x 34.5 c.: ll. 26: dbu-med. Title in colophon. Fifty pādas. Begins: /༔༔/dpal gyi 'byung nas 'jam dpal kun gyi dpal/ /mtha' dag byams pas khyab pa 'jam ba 'i dang/ 'jam dang dpal du gregs pas don dang ldan/ /'jam dpal yang dag dpal la phyag 'tshal bstod/ Ends: /skyod myed dag pa khyod la phyag 'tshal bstod/ /gzho nu sgra lus 'chang ba po/ /'khams gsum gti mug kun sel ba/ /'jam dpal yang dag dpal la phyag 'tshal bstod/
IOL Tib J 348.1 - Section: 1 bsam rgyad/ (Āśaya-tantra) Ch. 03.38, Pothī; 37.3 c. x 7.5 c.: fol. 1; ll. 4 and 7: dbu-can. Recto. End and colophon. Compare the Śrī-jñānāśaya-tantra-rāja, Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Beckh_1914: IV. 81-82; Schmidt, III. 239; wanting in Csoma_1836
IOL Tib J 348.2 - Section: 2 dam tshigs bsrung ba/ (Samaya-rakṣaṇa) Title and beginning (?). Verso. Part of the Uṣṇīṣa-vijaya-dhāraṇī (?).
IOL Tib J 349.1 - Section: 1 yi dags kha nas [me ]'bar ba la skyabs mdzad pa'i gzungs/ (Jvālāmukhī-preta-dhāraṇī) Ch. 73. III. 27, Pothī; 20.7 c. x 5.8 c.: foll. 6, numbered 1-6; ll. 6: dbu-med. Incomplete at the end. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Beckh_1914: XV. 330; XXIV. 306; Schmidt, XV. 130; wanting in Csoma_1836. No Sanskrit title. Translated by Feer, Annales du Musée Guimet, Feer_1883: v. 446-7.
IOL Tib J 350.1 - Section: 1 de bzhin gshegs pa'i sku [gsum ]la [mngon par ]bstod pa/ (Tathāgata-kāya-trayābhistotra) Ch. 73. VII, frag. A. 2, Pothī; 37.5 c. x 7 c.: fol. 1, numbered, second hand, ka 1; ll. 4: dbu-can. Defective at the end. The title has been rectified from 360, 5, q.v. Compare Nāgārjuna's Kāya-traya-stotra, Bstod-tshogs, no. 15. Begins: yang dag gshegs pa chos kyi sku / /sgrib pa 'i....
IOL Tib J 351.1 - Section: 1 de bzhin gshegs pa'i gtsug tor gdugs dkar po zhes bya ba'i gzungs/ (Tathāgato-ṣṇīsa-sitātapatra-dhāraṇī) Ch. 75. IX. 2, Book form; 13.5 c. x 15 c.: foll. 28; ll. 8 and 9: dbu-can. Foll. 1-23. Incomplete at the beginning. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Csoma_1836: XIII, sub 19; Beckh_1914: XIV. 344-50, &c.
IOL Tib J 351.2 - Section: 2 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs kyi dbang phyug gi mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa bstan pa/ (Ārya-Avalokiteśvara-nāmāṣṭaśataka-nirdeśa?) Avalokiteśvara-nāmāṣṭaśataka, Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Csoma_1836: XIV. 438-40; Beckh_1914: XVII. 56-57; XXIII. 288-91: Avalokiteśvarasya nāmāṣṭaśataka, Beckh_1914: XV. 217-20.
IOL Tib J 352.1 - Section: 1 [de bzhin gshegs pa'i gtsug tor nas byung ba'i gdugs dkar po can gzhan gyis mi thub ma zhes bya ba'i gzungs/] (Tathāgatoṣṇīṣa - sitātapatra - nāma - aparājitā - dhāraṇī) [ta tha ga te mu sh+ni sha si ta ta phrad dra na ma ma pa ra 'ji ta d+ha ra ni ] Ch. XL. 1, Pothī; 22 c. (originally 48 c.?) x 17 c.: fol. 1, damaged; ll. 12: dbu-can. Title (Sanskrit only extant), and beginning of the Dhāraṇī.
IOL Tib J 353.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 9. II. 11, Concertina; 21.6 c. x 6 c.: foll. 3; ll. 4: dbu-can. Two folios, mantras.
IOL Tib J 353.2 - Section: 2 gtsug tor gdugs dkar po zhes bya ba/gzhan gyis myi thub pa'i gzungs/ (Uṣṇīṣa-sitātapatra-nāma-aparājitā-dhāraṇī] Title and beginning of the text.
IOL Tib J 354.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa de bzhin gshegs pa'i gtsug tor gdugs dkar po gzhan gyis myi thub pa'i gzungs/ (Ārya - Tathāgatoṣṇīṣa - sitātapatra - aparājitā - dhāraṇī) Ch. 73. XIV. 1, Roll; 27.7 c. x 19.5 c.: foll. 4; ll. 22, 21, and 20: dbu-can. End of the text and colophon.
IOL Tib J 355.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa de bzhin gshegs pa'i gtsugs nas byung ba gdugs dkar [po can gzhan gyis myi thub ma ]zhes bya ba'i gzungs/ (Ārya - Tathāgatoṣṇīṣa - sitāpatra - nāma - aparājitā - dhāraṇī) ([....]si ta ta phrad dre na ma a par ra ji ta dh+a ra Ni ) Ch. 0071, Roll; 24.5 c. x 31 c.: foll. 3, one damaged; ll. 21: dbu-can.
IOL Tib J 356.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa de bzhin gshegs pa'i gtshug tor gdugs dkar po/ (Ārya-Tathāgatoṣṇīṣa-sitātapatra) Fragment 83, Roll; 20 c. x 30.5 c.: foll. 8, one damaged; ll. 17: dbu-can and dbu-med. End of the text and colophon.
IOL Tib J 357.1 - Section: 1 (Tathāgatoṣṇīṣa-sitātapatra?) Ch. XL. b, Pothī; 29.5 c. x 7.7 c.: foll. 2, numbered ka 76-77; ll. 4: dbu-can. Incomplete. Begins with Vandanā of Bhagavat, Amitābha, Akṣobhya, Bhaiṣajya-guru.... The name of Tathāgatoṣṇīṣa-sitātapatra follows (tān namaskṛtya, see 364) with his qualifications: 'who annihilates the Bhūtas, cuts the magic formulas of enemies, liberates from untimely death,...'
IOL Tib J 358.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. III. 25, Pothī; 20.5 c. x 5.5 c.: foll. 24, one unnumbered, 23 numbered ka 4-16, 16 'og ma, 17-24, 27; some damaged; ll. 4: dbu-med. Seems to be a Tathāgatoṣṇīṣa (see fol. 6b). Incomplete.
IOL Tib J 359.1 - Section: 1 (Tathāgatoṣṇīṣa?) Fragment 86, Roll; 35 c. x 30 c.: foll. 2, damaged, and a fragment; ll. 20: dbu-can.
IOL Tib J 360.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa de bzhin gshegs pa'i gtsug tor gdugs dkar po zhes bya ba gzhan gyis myi thub pa'i gzungs/ (Ārya - Tathāgatoṣṇīṣa - sitātapatra - nāma - aparājitā - dhāraṇī) (a rya ta tha ga to /u sh+ni sha si ta ta phaT tre/ na ma a pa ra dzi d+ha ra Ni/) Ch. 9. II. 2, 73. XV. 19 (foll. ka 70 and 89), 73. XV. 20 (foll. kha 6-11, 18-23, 25-30), Fragment 94 (fol. kha 4), Pothī; 22.8 c. x 5.3 c.: foll. 75, numbered ka 66-93, 95-100, kha 1-4, 6-23, 25-43; ll. 4: dbu-can. A collection of Tāntrik and religious texts. Complete, foll. ka 66-88b.
IOL Tib J 360.2 - Section: 2 'phags pa rdo rje gzhon nu'i gzungs/ (Ārya-vajra-kumārī-dhāraṇī) (a rya ba jra ku ma ra d+ha ra ni/) Foll. ka 89-95. Wanting in Beckh_1914 and Schmidt. Mention of Vajra-kumāra-kula, Vajradhara, Sarvā-kāla-maraṇa-parirakṣaṇa. Mantras, fol. 89b, l. 3: ba dzre ba dzre/sa ra sa ra/a mo g+ha /ba dzre ba dzre/ ka la ka la/a dzi ta ba dzri ni /ra k+sha ra k+sha man/
IOL Tib J 360.3 - Section: 3 'phags pa byang chub sems dpa' 'jam dpal la bstod pa/ (Ārya-Mañjuśrī-bodhisattva-stotra) Foll. ka 96-kha 8 (fol. kha 8b blank, kha 5 wanting). Begins: khod kyi yon tan phun sum mchog gi rgya mtsho ni/ /gzhar yang mtha' dang gting lta sus dpogs 'on kyang go/ Fol. kha 4a, l. 1: /blo yangs rgya mtsho mtha' dang gting yas pa/ /byang chub mchog sems rin chen 'byung ba'i gnas/ /sems can kun gyi re ba rdzogs mdzad pa'i/ /yid bzhin nor bu khyod la phyag 'tshal lo/ 'Ocean of thought, infinite in depth and limits, mine of the jewel of the thought of the excellent Bodhi, who fulfils the hope of all beings, Miraculous gem, Homage to you!' Fol. kha 4b, l. 3: /stong pa nyid bsgoms stong pa'i bdag nyid de/ /stong pa'i chos ldan stong pa nyid ston cing/ /skye bo ma lus stong pa nyid la 'dzud/ /mtshungs[.....] Ends: /dge ba 'di dang gzhan yang ci bstags pa/ /rab du bsdus nas byang chub mchog du bsngo/ /'gro ba 'i don slad khyod nyid [ci ? [note a: ci? inserted below the line. [note ] 'dra bar/ /de ltar bdag kyang myur du grub par shog// Compare 383.
IOL Tib J 360.4 - Section: 4 de bzhin gshegs pa shag kya thub pa la bstod pa/ (Śākyamuni-tathāgata-stotra) Complete in six stanzas. Foll. kha 9-11b. Begins, after homage: ma bgyis mthon thing lcang lo g.yas su 'khyil pa'i dbu/ /rin chen rnam par 'chir ba'i snyan cha rab du ldeg/ /zla zhal bkod legs 'gro ba rnams kyi yid du 'ong/ /spyan gsal ud pal sngon po 'dab 'khyil spug re bkrag/ Compare the Mañjuśrī-stotra, 383.
IOL Tib J 360.5 - Section: 5 de bzhin gshegs pa'i sku gsum la mngon par bstod pa/ (Tathāgata-kāya-trayābhistotra) Foll. kha 12-15a (kha 15b blank). Begins: yang dag gshegs pa chos kyi sku/ /sgrib pa'i chos rnams yongs su bstsal /byang chub mchog brny+nyes kun du khyab/ /lhun gyis grub pa'i ye shes bzhi/ Compare 350.
IOL Tib J 360.6 - Section: 6 'phags pa byang chub sems dpa' chen po brgyad la mngon par bstod pa/ (Ārya-Aṣṭa-mahā-bodhisattvābhistotra) Foll. kha 16-23 (kha 24 wanting). Samantabhadra begins fol. 20a; Vajrapāṇi, 21; Mañjuśrī, 22a.
IOL Tib J 360.7 - Section: 7 sangs rgyas lnga 'i bkra shis/ (Pañca-buddha-maṅgala) Foll. kha 25-26. Five stanzas. Begins: rnam par snang mdzad ye shes dam pa mtsho chen ldan//zla ba ...
IOL Tib J 360.8 - Section: 8 byang chub sems dpa'i smon lam/ (Bodhisattva-praṇidhāna) Foll. kha 27-28a (kha 28b blank). Five stanzas; the last, five pādas. Compare 378, 2. Bodhi-praṇidhāna. Begins: byang chub mchog gi sems ni bskyed par bgyi/ /sems can thams cad bdag gis de la gzung/ /byang chub yid 'ong bdag gis spyad par bgyi/ /'gro la phan phyir sangs rgyas grub par shog/ /sa dang chu dang mye dang rlung/ /dgon pa'i shing dang sman lta bur/ /bdag ni sems can thams cad kyi/ /nad do chog gi gsos su shog/
IOL Tib J 360.9 - Section: 9 Invocation of blessings on donors and patrons. Foll. kha 29-32a (kha 32b blank). Begins: rje blon yon bdag dang /sems can thams cad kyi ched du 'dus byas kyi bsod nams bbyis pa rnams rtag par bla na myed pa'i byang chub du bsngo zhing smon lam du gsol ba//... Ends: yon dam pa'i mchog 'di dag thams cad gsol pas/yul na nyes pa'i mying myi grag cing/khams gsum gyis mchod de/bla na myed pa'i sangs rgyas su grub par smon to//_//rdzogs so//
IOL Tib J 360.10 - Section: 10 sems can 'du' byed myi rtag pa yin bar khong du chud cing/dge ba bsgrub du gzhug pa'i ched du bstan pa/ (Sattvānityatā - saṃjñāvabodha - śubha - siddhi - praveśārthaṃ - nirdeśa?) Foll. kha 33-38. Begins: /dge brtags nyon cig rigs kyi bu/ /mkhyen mgon nges pa'i bka' na re/ /'du byed rtag myin sdug bsngal yin/ /nga myed zhi ba mya ngan 'das/ /skar ma rab rib mar mye dang/ /sgyu ma zil pa chu bur dang/ /rmyi lam glog dang sprin lta bur/ /'dus byas thams cad de ltar blta/ /kye dus dang nyi ma 'das zin gyis/....
IOL Tib J 360.11 - Section: 11 'phags pa nad thams cad rab tu zhi bar byed pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs/ (Ārya-Sarva-roga-praśamanī-nāma-dhāraṇī) Foll. kha 39-42. See 312, 6.
IOL Tib J 360.12 - Section: 12 (Sthavira-hṛdaya?) Fol. kha 43: na mo rad nA trA yA ya/Om b+hUng ba dzra a yu she hum a//tshe brtan ba'i snying po'o/
IOL Tib J 361.1 - Section: 1 de bzhin gshegs pa'i gtsug tor gdugs dkar po/ (Tathāgatoṣṇīṣa-sitātapatra) Ch. 9. II. 18, Concertina; 29.5 c. x 8 c.: foll. 3; ll. 6: dbu-can. End of the text and colophon. Ends: hUm ma ma hA ma ni phaT swA hU /klu'i rgyal po rnams kyang dus dusu char 'pheb ste sangs rgyas kyi rnal 'byor du bya'o /
IOL Tib J 361.2 - Section: 2 The beginning of an unnamed Praṇidhāna: smon lam du gsol ba //phyogs bcu dus gsum gyi de bzhin gshegs pa /dgra bcom ba yang dag par rdzogs pa'i sangs rgyas dang /gsung rab gyi chos mdo sde la stsogs pa /bsgrub pa'i chos 'phags pa'i lam du gtogs pa dang /.....'phags pa nyan thos gyi dge 'dun skyes bu chen po thams cad la //bdag cag rnams lus dang ngag yid dang bas phyag 'tshal lo /....
IOL Tib J 361.3 - Section: 3 The beginning of a Sūtra, with the end of the title (zhes bya ba'i mdo/) Bhagavat, Śrāvastī, Ānanda. A mantra beginning: phi le / phi li me//phi lu mang ke /phi lu ma ti /sA ra ba ti /k+shI ra ba ti /ku ru mA b+ha ti /u ta ba li ni /go 'u ri /gAn d+ha ri /co ri /tsan DA li ....
IOL Tib J 362.1 - Section: 1 bcom ldan 'da's de bzhin gshegs pa'i gtsug tor gdugs dkar po/ (Bhagavat-tathāgatoṣṇīṣa-sitātapatra) Ch. 51. I. 52, Concertina; 24.5 c. x 6.2 c.: foll. 4; ll. 4: dbu-can. Mantras. Fol. 2, recto, l. 2: hA na hA na //d+ha ra d+ha ra //..../pA ta yA pA ta yA//
IOL Tib J 363.1 - Section: 1 Ch. I. 2, Scroll; 35 c. x 13.5 c.: ll. 28: dbu-can. Mantras. Begins: OM ri shi ga na pra sha sta yA //ta tha ga to u sh+Ni sha /si ta tha pad tre /huM druM /....
IOL Tib J 364.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 9. II. 6, Concertina; 25.6 c. x 8.2 c.: foll. 10; ll. 4 and 5: dbu-can. A Rakṣā. A series of namaskāras, beginning with the Saṃgha, the Arhats, the Srotaāpannas,...ending with Akṣobhya (foll. 1-6, recto): A metrical text follows (foll. 7-9, recto): /bar ba'i 'phreng ba gos dkar mo/ /'phags ma sgrol ma khro gnyer can/ /rgyal ba rdo rje 'phreng zhes grags/ /pad ma 'i mngon mtshan rdo rje mtshan/ /gzhan gyis myi thub 'phreng ba can/ /......... Ends: /phyag rgya 'i tshogs de thams cad kyis/ /bdag la bsrung ba mdzad du gsol/
IOL Tib J 364.2 - Section: 2 Mantras, by another hand (fol. 10, recto).
IOL Tib J 364.3 - Section: 3 (Tathāgatoṣṇīṣa - sitātapatra - aparājitā - mahā - pratyaṅgirā - parama - siddhi - nāma - dhāraṇī?) The fragment beginning with a series of namaskāras (tān namaskṛtya, see 357) (foll. 10-7, verso, same hand as recto, 1-9). Ends abruptly, fol. 7 verso: de rnams la phyag 'tshal nas//bcom ldan 'das ma de bzhin gshegs pa'i gtsug tor nas byung ba gdugs dkar po can gzhan gyis myi thub ma zhes bya ba phyir zlog The following folios (6-1, verso) contain:
IOL Tib J 364.4 - Section: 4 A Tāntrik text (Rakṣā), beginning abruptly with a mantra, in which the same Bhagavatī is the chief character.
IOL Tib J 365.1 - Section: 1 de bzhin gshegs pa'i gtsug gtor las 'byung ba'i dam tshigs/ (Tathāgatoṣṇīṣodbhava-samaya) Ch. 84. VIII. 6 End of the text and colophon.
IOL Tib J 366.1 - Section: 1 rgyud gsum pa/ (Tri-tantraka) Ch. 73. XV. 14, Concertina; 28 c. x 8 c.: foll. 8; ll. 4: dbu-can. A collection of Tāntrik and religious texts. Foll. 1-3, recto. The complete title is spyan 'dren rgyud gsum. Imperfect at the beginning and the end. Verses of 9 syllables. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Beckh_1914: XXIII. 5; wanting in Csoma_1836 and Schmidt. Ends: de bas gsung rab dpag bsam rgyas pa yi/ /lha 'i longs spyod tshal du kun gshegs te/ /chos rje nyi ma thams cad mkhyen pa'i bka'/ /bdud sde lha myin g.yu las [note a: = g.yul las [note rgyal byed pa/ /rin chen 'od mchog lha dbang gtsug gi rgyan/ /bag yod dad pa'i spyi bos blang bar mdzad/ These lines in the middle of the text in Rgyud, Cambridge, fol. 26, l. 2, followed by: kye rgyal ba'i sras ....
IOL Tib J 366.2 - Section: 2 mchod pa'i sprin ces bya ba'i gzungs/ (Pūjā-megha-[nāma-dhāraṇī]) (pu dzA me ga/) Four lines, fol. 4, recto. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Csoma_1836: XIII. 300; Beckh_1914: XVIII. 177 dkon mchog gsuM la phyag 'tshal lo//na mo rad na tra yA ya/na mo b+ha ga ba te/ba dzra sa ra/pra mar rti ni/tad tha ga ta ya/a ra had te//sam myag sam b+hud ta ya/tad ya thA Om bdzre bdzre /ma hA bdzre/ma hA te dza bad dzre/ma ha bi rgya bdzre/ma hA bo d+hi man to pa sang kra ma na /sar rba kar ma a ba ra na bdzre swA hA //
IOL Tib J 366.3 - Section: 3 rnam par snang mdzad 'khor dang bcas pa la bstod pa/ (Cakra-sahita-vairocana-stotra) Fol. 5, recto. Begins: rnam par snang mdzad bchom ldan 'das/ /'og myin mnga' bdag chos kyi rje/ /sa bcu brny+hes pa'i dkyil 'khor na/ /myi gsung myi g.yo mnyam bzhag kyang/ /yid bzhin nor bu rin cen ltar/ /bsams pa tsam gyis dngos grub cing/ /bltas pa tsam gyis re skong ba/ /mgon po mchog la phyag 'tshal lo/
IOL Tib J 366.4 - Section: 4 [bzang po spyod pa'i smon lam/] (Bhadracaryā-praṇidhāna) Foll. 6-8, recto. Incomplete at the beginning and end.
IOL Tib J 366.5 - Section: 5 [byams pa'i mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa/] (Maitreya-nāmāṣṭa-śataka) Foll. 8-6, verso. Incomlete. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Csoma_1836: XIV. 61-63; Beckh_1914: XV. 193-6; XXIII. 138-41. Fol. 8, verso, l. 3: .../byang chub sems dpa'i mchog 'phags pa byams pa la mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad kyis mngon bar bstod pa//dpa' bo chen po thabs brny+hes pa/.... '....Having praised the Excellent Bodhisattva Maitreya by his 108 names....'
IOL Tib J 366.6 - Section: 6 'phags pa rgya cher rol pa'i mdo las/shis par brjod pa'i tshigs su bcad pa nyi tse log shig du bkol te phyung ba/ (Ārya-Lalita-vistara-sūtre maṅgala-gāthā) Colophon only. Fol. 5, verso, ll. 1-2. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Ḥdul-ba, Beckh_1914: XVI. 315-17; Rgyud, Beckh_1914: XXIV. 347; Schmidt, gz. II. 275.
IOL Tib J 366.7 - Section: 7 Foll. 5-1, verso. An unnamed poem, complete, pādas of 9, 11, and 7 syllables. Begins: /lum bu'i tshal rab mchog du gang skyes pa/ /mnyam myed gzhar yang nyon mongs dbang myi 'gyur/ /nam mkha' mtshungs mnyam de la phyag 'tshal du/ /ri bo mchog rab 'di la bdag cag lhags/ /byang chub mchog sus byang chub shing rab drung/ /bdud kyi sde stobs bcom nas sangs rgyas pa/ /dri myed gzi ldan de la phyag 'tshal du/ /ri bo .... chos tshul 'di dag sgyu ma smyig rgyu dang/ /chu zla 'dra bar gang gis rtogs gyur pa/ /bsod nams shing rab de la phyag 'tshal du/ /ri bo .... Altogether, 8 stanzas with this refrain, 1 stanza of 11 syllables, and 7 pādas of 7 syllables (parināmanā of the puṇya of this 'dam-chos-ḥdi-brjod'). Ends: /nyes pa'i skyon rnams kun byang nas/ /byang chub sems dang ldan bzhin du/ /zhing mchog der ni skye bar shog/
IOL Tib J 367.1 - Section: 1 dus bcu 'i dar ma/ (Daśa-kāla-dharma) Ch. 75. III. 1, Scroll; 65 c. x 25 c.: ll. 41; verso 38 columns Chinese: dbu-can. End and colophon.
IOL Tib J 367.2 - Section: 2 pad ma mtshan brgya' rtsa brgyad/ (Padma[pāṇi]-nāmāṣṭa-śataka) Complete.
IOL Tib J 368.1 - Section: 1 (Daśa-bhūmi-dhāraṇī?) Ch. XXVII. R, Pothī; 52 c. x 9.5 c.: fol. 1, damaged, numbered ka...; ll. 7: dbu-can. A Kulaputra is taught Dhāraṇīs and Guhya-mantras. The text is divided into chapters: ..../sa drug myi brjed par dran no/... ..../sa bdun myi brjed par dran no/ The Bodhisattva who has obtained the Dhāraṇī in the 7th bhūmi is called Jinadharmacārin...; in the 8th bhūmi, Akṣayakośa...; in the 9th bhūmi, Aparimitamukha...; in the 10th bhūmi, Vajragirimardana (Rdo-rjeḥi-ri-ḥjom?). This text is no the Daśa-bhūmi-dhāraṇī, Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Beckh_1914: XXIII. 299-303; Schmidt, gz. I. 223-6.
IOL Tib J 369.1 - Section: 1 lha klu spyan ba/ (Deva-nāgopani-mantraṇa) Ch. 9. I. 25, Pothī; 28.3 c. x 8.5 c.: foll. 3, 2 unnumbered and the last, which does not follow immediately the 2 first, numbered ka 36; ll. 5: dbu-can. Foll. 1a-2a, l. 1. Complete. Verses of 9 and 11 syllables. Compare 376, 2 (Upanimantraṇa).
IOL Tib J 369.2 - Section: 2 'phags pa mchod pa'i sprin ces bya ba'i gzungs/ (Pūjā-megha-[nāma-dhāraṇī]) (pu dzA me ga/) Foll. 2a-b. Complete. A small collection of mantras.
IOL Tib J 369.3 - Section: 3 byang chub sems dpa' spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug yid bzhin 'khor lo la bstod pa/ (Avalokiteśvara-bodhisattva-cintā-cakra-stotra) Foll. 2b, l. 5-3a, l. 3. Defective in the middle. See 76, 3 and 311, 3, and compare Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Beckh_1914: XVIII. 408-10. Verses of 7 syllables.
IOL Tib J 369.4 - Section: 4 'phags pa 'jam dpal la bsngags pa brtsams pa/ (Ārya-Mañjuśri-praśaṁsā-prabandha) Verses of 11 syllables. Mañjuśri-stotras, Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud-ḥgrel, LXXXII, Cordier_1909_1915: p. 176.
IOL Tib J 370.1 - Section: 1 Fragment 42, Scroll; 366 c. x 27 c.: ll. 224, verso 215 columns Chinese: dbu-can. An unnamed text. Ll. 1-90, damaged.
IOL Tib J 370.2 - Section: 2 'phags pa lha mo 'i mdo/ (Ārya-devatā-sūtra) a ra dA ba tE su tra/ Ll. 91-132. Devatā-sūtra (Lhaḥi-mdo), Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Csoma_1836: XXVI. 409, Beckh_1914: XXVIII. 340.
IOL Tib J 370.3 - Section: 3 lhas gsold pa'i mdo/ (Deva-sūtra) de ba su tra/ Ll. 133-71.
IOL Tib J 370.4 - Section: 4 An unnamed text. Ll. 172-206.
IOL Tib J 370.5 - Section: 5 gnam babs kyi dar ma/ Ll. 206-24. Incomplete: mentions Sroṅ-brtsan and Khri-sroṅ-lde-brtsan.
IOL Tib J 371.1 - Section: 1 chos gyi 'dus pa'i sngags/ (Dharma-saṃgraha-mantra?) Ch. 73. III. 40, Pothī; 19 c. x 7 c.: fol. 1, numbered ka 1; ll. 5: dbu-can. The title is written in the margin, verso, followed by rdzogs. The final, s+hau, follows the text: bkur bar 'gyur ro //s+hau// Begins: ud d+hu re //d+hu d+hu re /...
IOL Tib J 372.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa rgyal mtshan gyi rtse mo 'i dpung rgyan zhes bya ba'i gzungs/ (Ārya-Dhvajāgra-keyūra-nāma-dhāraṇī) Ch. 80. IX, Roll; 29.3 c. x 20 c.: foll. 4, one damaged; ll. 21 and 26: dbu-can. Translators: Indian Paṇḍits Jinamitra and Dānaśīla, Źu. Lo. Ban. Jñānasena (Ye-śes-sde). Scribe: Mṅon-mtsho-legs. End of the text and colophon. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Csoma_1836: XIII. 408-10; Beckh_1914: XV. 105-7 (same translators).
IOL Tib J 372.2 - Section: 2 'phags pa don yod pa'i zhags pa'i snying po/ (Ārya-Amoghapāśa-hṛdaya) The text (2 pages) contains only Namaskāras and Mantras. See 311, 1.
IOL Tib J 373.1 - Section: 1 'phags ma par rna sha ba ri 'i ra g+sa sngags snying po/ (Ārya-Parṇaśabarī-rakṣā-mantra-hṛdaya) Ch. 73. IV. 16b, Concertina; 20 c. x 8 c.: foll. 2; ll. 4 and 6: dbu-can and dbu-med. On this goddess and her literature see Mitra_1882: p. 176; Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Beckh_1914: XXIV. 192. Incomplete.
IOL Tib J 373.2 - Section: 2 'phags pa sangs rgyas thams cad gyi yan lag dang sdan ba zhes bya ba'i gzungs/ (Ārya-Sarva-buddha-aṅgavatī-nāma-dhāraṇī) (A rya /sa rba bud d+ha /ang ga bti/na ma d+ha ra Ni/) Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Csoma_1836: XI. 62-64; Schmidt, XII. 43-44. Incomplete.
IOL Tib J 374.1 - Section: 1 mchod pa bsdus pa'i le'u/dge slong dpal brtsegs gyi mchod pa'i le'u/ (Pūjā-saṃgraha-parivarta Śrīkūṭa-bhikṣu-pūjā-parivarta) Ch. 9. I, frag. 60, Pothī; 40 c. x 7.6 c.: foll. 3, numbered ka 1-3; ll. 5: dbu-can. Begins abruptly: @//dgongs shig //rgyal ba'i 'khor bcas rnams//bdkha [sic]kyi ni bgegs gzhil phyir//gzhal yas khang 'dir gshegs su gsol//ston pa'i thugs rje byin rlabs dang//... Ends: mchod pa bsdus pa'i le'u rdzogs+ho//dge slong dpal brtsegs gyi mchod pa'i le'u glags+ho//
IOL Tib J 375.1 - Section: 1 smon lam/ (Praṇidhāna) Ch. 0008, Pothī; 27.5 c. x 6.5 c.: fol. 1; ll. 5: dbu-can. Defective at the beginning. Title in colophon. Begins: 'phags pa yum shes rab kyi pha rol du phyin pa'i don phyin cu ma log par rtogs pa'i blo dang ldan bas //'chi ba'i dus byed par gyur cig //bdag gyi lus kyi pha ma las bstsogs te//sems can thams cad kyis kyang //'phags pa yum shes rab kyi pha rol du phyin pa'i don rtogs nas //byang chub du sems skye bar gyur cig /... Ends: bdag cag gyi dge ba'i stong grogs bgrid pa la thu mchis par gyur cig //
IOL Tib J 376.1 - Section: 1 smon laM gdab pa/ (Praṇidhi-nidhāna) Ch. 9. I. 11, Pothī; 46 c. x 8 c.: foll. 9, numbered rga 1-9; ll. 5: dbu-can and dbu-med. A collection of ritual and religious texts. The titles are written between red strokes //.....// Three ślokas: phung po lngas ni rab rgyas pa/ /ji snyed mtha' dag sangs rgyas sku/ /sangs rgyas sku'i ni ngo bo nyid / /bdag gyang de dang 'dra bar shog/ .................. /blo ldan gsang ba'i mnga' bdag gi / /kun tu thugs kyi rdo rje nyid/ /rdo rje mnga' ba ji bzhin du/ /bdag kyang de dang 'dra bar shog/
IOL Tib J 376.2 - Section: 2 spyan drang ba/ (Upanimantraṇa) One śloka.
IOL Tib J 376.3 - Section: 3 phyag 'tshal ba/ (Vandanā or Praṇamanā) One śloka.
IOL Tib J 376.4 - Section: 4 a rga gsol ba/ (Argha-dāna)
IOL Tib J 376.5 - Section: 5 byang chub sems dpa' sems dpa' chen po rnams la ar ga gsol ba/ (Bodhisattvebhyo-Mahā-sattvebhyo 'rgha-dāna)
IOL Tib J 376.6 - Section: 6 gnas brtan chen po rnams la a rga gsol ba/ (Mahā-sthavirebhyo 'rgha-dāna)
IOL Tib J 376.7 - Section: 7 sangs rgyas 'khor dang bcas pa la mchod pa dbul ba/ (Buddhānāṃ saparivārāṇām uttama-pūjā)
IOL Tib J 376.8 - Section: 8 dkon mchog gsum la bstod pha/ (Tri-ratna-stotra)
IOL Tib J 376.9 - Section: 9 'phags pa rnams kyi mthus bkra shis gsol ba/
IOL Tib J 376.10 - Section: 10 'jig rten las 'das pa'i 'phags pa rnams la/dge ba'i bshes gnyen du gsol ba gdab pha/ Begins: phyogs bcur dus gsuM gshegs pa'i/ /bde gshegs 'khor bchas ma lus la/
IOL Tib J 376.11 - Section: 11 bden pa'i tshig gis smon lam du gdab pa/ (Satya-vacana-praṇidhi-nidhāna)
IOL Tib J 376.12 - Section: 12 tshangs pa la stsogs pa/'jig rten gyi lha dam tshig can rnams la phyag 'tshal ba/ (Samayavatām Brahmādi-loka-devānāṃ vandanā)
IOL Tib J 376.13 - Section: 13 tshangs pa la stsogs pa la a rga gsol ba'/ (Brahmādi-bhyo 'rgha-dāna)
IOL Tib J 376.14 - Section: 14 phyogs skyong bchu la a rga gsol bA/ (Daśa-dik-pālebhyo 'rgha-dāna)
IOL Tib J 376.15 - Section: 15 rgyal po chen po bzhi la a rga gsol ba/ (Catur-mahārājebhyo 'rgha-dāna)
IOL Tib J 376.16 - Section: 16 gtsug lag khang gi srungs ma la a rga gsol ba'/ (Kūṭāgāra...°)
IOL Tib J 376.17 - Section: 17 lha ma srin sde brgyad la a rga gsol ba'/ (Aṣṭarākṣarī...°)
IOL Tib J 376.18 - Section: 18 tshangs pa las stsogs te 'jig rten gyi lha la mchod pa dbul ba'/ (Brahmādi-loka-devānām uttama-pūjā)
IOL Tib J 376.19 - Section: 19 tshangs pa las stsogs te 'jig rten gyi lha klu la bstod pa'/ (Brahmādi-loka-deva-nāgānāṃ stotra) See 369, 1 (Deva-nāgopanimantraṇa)
IOL Tib J 376.20 - Section: 20 tshangs pa las stsogste 'jig rten gyi lha klu'i mthus bkra shis gsol ba/
IOL Tib J 376.21 - Section: 21 tshangs pa las stsogs te 'jig rten gyi lha klu rnams la dam tshig gis gsol ba gdab pa/
IOL Tib J 376.22 - Section: 22 'phags pa byams pa spyan drang ba/ (Ārya-Maitreyopanimani-traṇa) Then follow without full Tibetan title, Ārya-Maitreya-vandanā, °-argha-dāna, °-uttama-pūjā.
IOL Tib J 377.1 - Section: 1 gtor ma btang ba'i thabs ni/brtag pa rnaM pa bzhi/ (Bali-dānopāya-caturvidha-parīkṣā?) Ch. 73. III. 2, Pothī; 35.2 c. x 9.5 c.: foll. 3, numbered 1-3; ll. 7: dbu-med. Complete, foll. 1-3a. Title in colophon. Begins: ye shes mkhyen ldan 'jam ba'i thugs mnga' zhing / .......................... ..................phyag 'tshal lo /......................... /gsang ba'i slob dpon dag gi blos bshad do / Two stanzas. Follows: the story of King Ṣaccakra (Ḥkhor-lo-drug-pa) of Aṅgamahādhana, very pious, who fell dangerously ill. His son, Nemivat (Mu-khyud-ldan).... The king recovers, fol. 3a. See 343 and 344, Jala-bali-nidāna-anuśaṃsā.
IOL Tib J 377.2 - Section: 2 'phags pa spyan ra[s ]gzigs kyi dbang phyug/gi mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pA/ (Ārya-Avalokiteśvara-nāmāṣṭa-śataka) Title and beginning. See 315, 1; 351. 2; 379, 2.
IOL Tib J 378.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. XV. 1, Roll; 20 c. x 27 c.: foll. 3, one damaged; ll. 15: dbu-can: verso, design of a Tārā, lotus in hand. An unnamed text, ending: /don dam shin tu yangs pa'i chos:rnams:ston mdzad pa' / / lha khyod la ni rtag du bdag kyang skyobs u mchis /
IOL Tib J 378.2 - Section: 2 byang chub gyi smon lam/ (Bodhi-praṇidhāna) Begins: byang chub gyi smon lam lA //'od dpag myed la phyag 'tsalo //tshe dpag myed la phyag 'tsalo //yon tan bsam yas 'byung gnas nyid la phyag 'tsal lo //rgyal ba thub pa dpag myed 'od mnga' khyod la phyag 'tshalo // khyod gyi thugs brtse ba' yis. //bde ba can du mchi bar bgyi //blo dang ldan yon tan grags pa' khyod la gnas bchas nas //bed dang ldan ba rnam pa sna tshogs gser gyi nags 'tsal can //yid du 'ong zhing bde gshegs sras po rnams gyis rab brgyan pa' //yon tan rin chen mang po bstsags pa der ni mchi bar bgyi. //... Ends: shes rab rno zhing rab du rigs mthor skye bar shog//skye zhing skye ba rnamsu bdag lus mdzes gyur te /bde bar gshegsu pa' rnams la rgya cher mchod gyur cig /'gro ba rims nad myed cing mu ge nas thar par shog /rgyal po mya ngan myed cing chos kyis sA yang skyong gyur cig//sems can ma lus thams chad bdud rtsi myur du sten gyur cig / Compare 360, 8 (Bodhisattva-praṇidhāna).
IOL Tib J 379.1 - Section: 1 bkra shis tshigs su bcas For bcad pa/ [Maṅgala-gāthā] Ch. 73. IV. 9 and CXLVII. 16, Concertina; 28.5 c. x 9 c.: foll. 6; ll. 6: dbu-can. ....ma lus par/ /lha la gus bzhin [du ]nyin gcig bzhin du nang par sus brjod pa/ /de dag sems can dmyal ba'i dogs dang bral zhing bde ba dang/ /dpal dang ldan zhing nad kun choms la nor dang ldan bar 'gyur / /bkra shis tshigs su bcas [note b: For bcad [note pa rdzogs so/ Note the same Maṅgala-gāthā as 77, 2 and 432, 2.
IOL Tib J 379.2 - Section: 2 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs kyi dbang phug gi mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad pa/ (Ārya-Avalokiteśvara-nāmāṣṭa-śataka)
IOL Tib J 379.3 - Section: 3 Vandanās.
IOL Tib J 379.4 - Section: 4 (CXLVII. 16) Recto. Beginning of an unnamed text. 'Homage to the Buddhas of the ten regions. At the East...'
IOL Tib J 379.5 - Section: 5 Verso. Fragment of a Kāvaca. Begins: kyang chog myi shes/ /shi ba'i ri mo kun la 'ong / /shi phyir phan cad chi myi shes/ /bsags shing 'dod pa kun dang bral /
IOL Tib J 380.1 - Section: 1 (Mañjuśrī-tantre kevala-gāthā) Ch. 87. XIII, Scroll; 73 c. x 30.5 c.: ll. 47: dbu-can. An extract, 29 ślokas. Story of a king named c (vowel illegible), living in the Himālaya. Colophon: man dzu sh+ri /tan tra las/tshigs bcad nyi tse //bya gag lo la /pho brang zung kar du/zhu cen kyi lo tsa pa ban de dar ma ta shi las bsgyur pa rdzogs sO/ 'Translated, in the Bird-year, in the Zuṅ-Kar Palace, by the translator Dharmatāśīla.'
IOL Tib J 380.2 - Section: 2 mdo kun las btus pa/ (Sūtra-samuccaya) su tra sa mu tsa/ Ll. 19; incomplete. Begins with the rarity of the appearance of a Buddha; to this effect, quotation of the Sad-dharma-puṇḍarīka, Viniścaya-rāja-sūtra (Rnam-par-gtan-la-bab-paḥi-..., Bodhisattva-piṭaka....
IOL Tib J 381.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa 'jam dpal gyi mtshan yang dag par mrjod For brjod pa / (Ārya-Mañjuśrī-nāma-saṃgīti) a rya nam ju shi ri na ma sang 'ga ti Ch. 9. I. 35, Pothī; 43 c. x 8.2 c.: foll. 16, numbered gcig ka, kha-ma; ll. 5: dbu-can. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, I. 1, Mañjuśri-jñāna-sattvasya-paramārtha- nāma-saṃgīti, ed. By Minaev. See 112, 2, 382.
IOL Tib J 382.1 - Section: 1 ['jam dpal gyi mtshan yang dag par brjod pa/] (Mañjuśrī-nāma-saṃgīti) Ch. 03. 11, Pothī; 56.3 c. x 7 c.: foll. 12, numbered, recto left, kha 26-37, and recto right, k+nga-ng+nga, kwa-ngwa, kya-ng+ya; ll. 5: dbu-can. Incomplete beginning and end. The mantra a A i I... (Minaev, p. 139) occurs fol. 26b, l. 5; the mantra bdzra tig Sh+Na... (ibid.) occurs fol. 27a, l. 1. The titles of chapters given in Minaev's edition are wanting. The text in prose (Minaev, p. 151) begins fol. 33a, l. 2.
IOL Tib J 383.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa 'jam dpal la bstod pa/ (Ārya-Mañjuśrī-stotra) Ch. 73. XV, frag. 7, Pothī; 32 c. x 9 c.: fol. 1, numbered, red, kha 1, damaged; ll. 6: dbu-can. Colophon: 'jam dpal la stod pa/ Complete. Bstan-ḥgyur, Rgyud-ḥgrel, LXVIII. 15, 92b, 8-93b, 5 (Cordier_1909_1915: p. 300). Begins: 'jam dpal gzhon nur gyur pa chos kyi rje/ /ma bgyis mthon ting lcang lo g.yas su 'khyil pa'i dbu/ /rin cen sna tshogs rnam par 'tsher ba'i rgyan mchog snyan ca ldeg/ /zla zhal zhi ba bkod legs 'gro ba'i yid du 'ong/ /spyan gsal ud dpal sngon po 'dab 'khyil spu gu bkra/ Compare the first stanza of the Śākyamuni-tathāgata-stotra, 360,4. The second stanza, 360, 4: /shangs kyi dbyibs legs de lta'i yon tan phal la myed/ /sgros 'jam zur phyin kha dog leb rgan bltas shing sdug/ /ljags srab mnyen bteg u dum me tog 'dab bskyod cing/ /chos mchog skyon bral don ldan tshangs pa'i dbyangs gsungs pa/ The second stanza in this MS.: /shangs [......]de ltar yon tan phal las 'phags/ /sgros dmar zur phyin kha dog leb rgan bltas shing bsdug/ /tshems dkar 'od [...]bzhi [....]bsdams pas rmad du mdzes/ /'o bzhe cang tshogs mdzes pas bkra yer yer/ /ljags mchog srab [.......]dum 'dab bskyod cing/ /chos mchog skyon bral don dam tshangs pa'i dbyangs gsung ba/ The following stanzas present the same relations. The ends differ; this MS. ends: ...lha'i lha/ /'jam dpal gzho nur gyur la gus pas phyag 'tshal dang bas skyabs su mchi/ With 360, 4 and this MS. compare Suvarṇa-prabhāsa, 443, fol. 13b, l. 1.
IOL Tib J 384.1 - Section: 1 dkyil 'khor gyi sa gcad pa'i cho ga/ (Maṇḍala-krama-vidhi) Ch. 80. IV, Concertina; 29 c. x 9 c.: foll. 16; ll. 5: dbu-can.
IOL Tib J 384.2 - Section: 2 a mo ga bag sha'i dkyil 'khor/ (Amoghapāśa-maṇḍala)
IOL Tib J 384.3 - Section: 3 dbus gyi gtso bo'i snying po/
IOL Tib J 385.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa lha mo 'od zer can zhes bya ba'i gzungs/ (Ārya-Marīci-devī-nāma-dhāraṇī) Bibliography: ? Fragment 37, Concertina; 12 c. x 5.4 c: foll. 5; ll. 3 and 4: dbu-can. End and colophon. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Csoma_1836: XIII. 143-5; Beckh_1914: XIV. 220-1, XXIV. 185 (Ḥphags-ma...). Feer, Annales du Musée Guimet, Feer_1883: v. 430-2; Śikṣā-samuccaya, 142; Mitra_1882: 174. Compare the Lha-mo-ḥod-zer-can-ḥdiḥi-gzuṅs-kyi-rtog-pa °(dhāraṇī-kalpa), Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Beckh_1914: XIV. 221-3.
IOL Tib J 385.2 - Section: 2 A text beginning: Vairocano bhagavān....
IOL Tib J 385.3 - Section: 3 spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug gi mtshan brgyal For: brgya' rtsa brgyad pA/ (Ārya-Avalokiteśvarasya nāmāṣṭa-śataka) a rya ba lo ki te shwa ra sya na ma a sh+da sha ta ka/ Sanskrit and Tibetan titles only.
IOL Tib J 386.1 - Section: 1 theg chen smon lam/ (Mahāyāna-praṇidhāna) Ch. CXXII. 5, Roll; 26.5 c. x 11.5 c.: foll. 3 complete, and 1 damaged; ll. 7: dbu-can. The text seems to be complete; title in the colophon.
IOL Tib J 386.2 - Section: 2 'phags pa gser can zhes bya ba'i gzungs/ (Ārya-Kanakavatī-nāma-dhāraṇī) End and colophon.
IOL Tib J 386.3 - Section: 3 The damaged folio contains the end of another text. The so of rdzogs-so is visible.
IOL Tib J 387.1 - Section: 1 (Mahākāruṇika-stotra?) Ch. 73. III. 34, Scroll; 48 c. x 29 c.: ll. 18: dbu-can: damaged. Incomplete at the beginning; no colophon. Line 9: thugs rje ldan ba khyod la 'dir mchod do/ /blo mchog khyod la bdag cag bzod par gsol/ Ends: dus gsum bde ba'i 'byung [g]nas zhing du ni/ /rkang gnyis mchog gi dbu la gdugs 'gyur cig/
IOL Tib J 388.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa rig pa'i rgyal mo so sor 'brang ba chen mo/ (Ārya-Mahāpratisarā-vidyā-rājñī) Ch. 51. I. 21, Pothī; 43.8 c. x 7.3 c.: foll. 9, numbered ga 2-7, 11, 15, 17; ll. 4: dbu-can: the same MS. as 394, 397, 399. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Csoma_1836: XIII. 86-117; Beckh_1914: XIV. 169-97 (Beckh has: rig-sṅags-kyi-rgyal-mo).
IOL Tib J 389.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa stobs po chen po zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo/ (Ārya-Mahābala-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtra) Ch. 0012, Pothī; 44.7 c. x 9.2 c.: fol. 1; ll. 5: dbu-can. End of the text and colophon. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Csoma_1836: XVII. 474-89; Beckh_1914: XVIII. 163-77. For Mahābala see also 390-3, 467.
IOL Tib J 390.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa stobs po che zhes bya ba theg pa chen po zhes bya ba'i gzungs/ (Ārya-Mahābala-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtra) a rya ma hA ba la na ma ma hA ya na su tra / Ch. XXVII. M and 9. I. 30, Pothī; 31 c. x 6 c.: foll. 31, 2 unnumbered (damaged, Ch, XXVII. M and Ch. 9. I. 30; fol. 1) 29 numbered ka 2-3 (gnyisum), 4-15, 17-33; ll. 4: dbu-can. Translators and revisers into 'new style' Indian Paṇḍit Śīlendrabodhi, Lo. [....] (skad - gsar - cad - gyis - gyaṅ - bcos - nas - gtan - las - phab - pa). According to the Sanskrit title, Ch. XXVII. M, Ārya-Mahābala-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtra (Tibetan title damaged at the end); źes-bya-baḥi-gzuṅs in colophon, Ch. 9. I. 30, by mistake.
IOL Tib J 391.1 - Section: 1 [stobs po che zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo/] (Mahābala-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtra] Ch. XXVII. F, Pothī; 55 c. x 9 c.: foll. 11, numbered 7-17; ll. 5: dbu-can. Incomplete. Title from the context; fol. 12b, l. 3: rig-sṅags-gyi-rgyal-po-stobṣ-po-che-ḥi-mdo-sde-ḥdi-ni...; fol. 12b, l. 5: rig-pa'i-rgyal-po-stobs-po-che'i-snying-po.... Bhagavat and Guhyakādhipati Vajrapāṇi; cult of Vajrapāṇi to obtain rain (fol. 11); Subhūti sent to Vajrapāṇi (fol 13a). Begins: .../de nas bcom ldan 'das gyis/gsang ba pa 'i bdag po lag na rdo rje la 'di skad ces bka' stsal to//gsang ba pa'i bdag po lag na rdo rje legs so legs so//stong pa nyid do//don dam [pa ]stong pa nyid do/phyi ma'i mtha 'i stong pa nyid do//stong pa nyid stong pa nyid do//chen po stong pa nyid do//de bzhin nyid stong pa nyid do//de nas bcom ldan 'da's la gsang ba pa 'i bdag po lag na rdo rjes/'di skad ces gsol to/gang dag mdo sde 'di rab du ston pa de mchod par bgyi ba dang/....
IOL Tib J 392.1 - Section: 1 gal mdo btus/ Ch. 0031, Pothī; 37.3 c. x 7.3 c.: fol. 1, numbered ka 19; ll. 3, verso blank: dbu-can. End of the text: @/:/slob pa yod dam myed//yod na rims ci ltar gdags/༔༔//gal mdo btus rdzogs so/
IOL Tib J 392.2 - Section: 2 stobs po che 'i snying po/ (Mahābala-hṛdaya] Some mantras and colophon.
IOL Tib J 393.1 - Section: 1 rigs sngags gyi rgyal po stobs po ce 'i/snying po/ (Mahābala-hṛdaya-vidyā-rājñī) Ch. 9. I, frag. 67, Pothī; 17.7 c. x 6.3 c.: fol. 1, numbered 35 (in second hand); ll. 5 dbu-can. A fragment.
IOL Tib J 394.1 - Section: 1 [gsang sngags chen po rjes su 'dzin pa'i mdo/] (Mahā-mantrānudhāri-sūtra) Ch. 51. I. 22, Pothī; 43.7 c. x 7.2 c.: foll. 3, numbered ga 20 (damaged), 21, 32; ll. 4: dbu-can: part of the same MS. as 388, 397, 399. Fragments. Title from the context. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Csoma_1836: XIII. 134-43: Beckh_1914: XIV. 212-20. Bhagavat accepts by his silence an invitation of Brahmā; gives instructions to Ānanda concerning the Mahā-mantrānudhāri-vidyā-rājñī (rig-sṅags-kyi-rgyal-po?); teaches Mantras, fol. 21b, l. 5. A bud d+he /ni bud d+he /ba hu bud d+he /sa ma bud d+he /bi shi sh+ta bud d+he /i ha bud d+he /....
IOL Tib J 395.1 - Section: 1 rig sngags kyi rgyal mo rma bya chen mo/ (Mahāmāyūrī-vidyā-rājñī) Fragment 72, Pothī; 51.2 c. x 7.6 c.: foll. 3, numbered, verso, in red, ka 67, 77 and one damaged; ll. 5: dbu-can. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Csoma_1836: XIII. 36-86; Beckh_1914: XIV. 125-69. A fragment. Bhagavat teaches Ānanda the Dhāraṇī of this name.
IOL Tib J 396.1 - Section: 1 rig sngags rgyal mo chen mo rgyal ba can/ (Jayavatī-mahā-vidyā-rājñī) Vol. 1, fol. 1, Pothī; 54 c. x 8 c.: fol. 1; ll. 5: dbu-can. A fragment. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Beckh_1914: xiv. 276-284. Begins: @/:/myi mdza' ba dgag pa dang/dus ma lags par 'gum ba dgag pa dang/... Ends: ...zhugs pa yang legs so//rig sngags rgyal mo chen mo rgyal ba can 'dis/gang yongs su bskyab pa dang/yongs su gzung ba dang/yongs su
IOL Tib J 397.1 - Section: 1 bsil ba'i tshal chen po 'i mdo/ (Mahāśītavanika-sūtra) ma hA shI ta ba ni ka su tra/ Ch. 51. I. 20 and 9. II. 8a, Pothī; 44 c. x 7.2 c.: foll. 47, numbered kha 33, 37-38, 40-41, 43-46, 50-51, 53, 55-58, and (another hand) 62-67, 69-84, 86-88, 91-94, 98-99, some damaged; and 2 fragments (9. II. 8a); ll. 4 and 5: dbu-can: part of the same MS. as 388, 394, 399. Foll. 33-58. Incomplete at the end. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Csoma_1836: XIII. 117-34; Beckh_1914: XIV. 197-212. The Vidyā and the Sādhana, Rgyud-ḥgrel, Cordier_1909_1915: pp. 297, 391.
IOL Tib J 397.2 - Section: 2 [rig sngags kyi rgyal mo so sor 'brang ba chen mo] (Mahāpratisarā-vidyā-rājñī) Foll. 62-99. Incomplete at the beginning and end. The Vidyā is named frequently, fol. 70b, l. 3; 81b, l. 4;... Fol. 92b. l. 2, Aparājitā-hṛdaya: .../Om a mri tE /a mri ta ba re /ba ra ba ra /pra ba ra bi shud d+he /hu 'uM hum phaT phaT swA hA //Om a mri ta bi lo ki ni /ga rw+ha sang ra k+sha ni /a ka ra sha ni hum hum phaT phaT swA hA /
IOL Tib J 397.3 - Section: 3 bsil ba'i tshal gyi mdo chen po/ (Ch. 9. II. 8a. Fragments. Title from the text. One of the fragments contains the following: bsil ba'i tshal gyi mdo chen po 'di ni /rgyal po chen po bzhis .... The second fragment (by another hand) contains ślokas, prose, and mantras: ma tu mi /ba tu mi /ma b+he /i ri ti /pi ri ti swA hA / The name of the king, Ḥphags-skyes-po (one of the four kings), Virūḍhaka.
IOL Tib J 398.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 9. II. 8, Pothī; 41.8 c. (originally 43.8 c.) x 7.3 c.: fol. 1, numbered ? (margin cut); ll. 4: dbu-can. This folio belongs to 397 or 388. Begins: /bud med dag la bu 'dod na/ /'gi'u 'wang gis ni legs par bri/ /dbus su khye'u zhig bris nas ni/ /rgyan rnams kun kyis rnam par brgyan / /de bzhin rin cen gang ba'i snod / /lag pa g.yon na thogs par bya / /pad ma rab tu rgyas gyur cing/ /brgyan pa la ni de 'dug bya / ....................... /gal te bde bar 'tsho 'dod na/ /rab tu bsgrims te de ltar bri/ /bye brag tu na skyes pa rnams / /gur kum gyi sni bri bar bya /
IOL Tib J 399.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa stong chen po rab tu 'jom[s] ba zhes bya ba'i mdo/ [Mahā-sahasra-pramardana-nāma-sūtra] Ch. XXVII. P, 03.34 and 51. I. 19, Pothī; 43.9 c. x 7.2 c.: foll. 25, numbered ka 10-11, 29, 37-39, [40], 41-44, 46-59; ll. 4: dbu-can: part of the same MS. as 388, 394, 397. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Csoma_1836: XIII. 1-39; Beckh_1914: XIV. 91-125. See the description of Csoma_1836. Commentary, Rgyud-ḥgrel. Cordier_1909_1915: p. 297. Defective at the beginning. Bam-po II ends on a page of which the number is torn off, and which comes next to fol. 39, but does not continue the sense. Fol. 10b, l. 1: /mtshon cha shin tu rnon po yis / /de 'i sna dang rna ba gcod / /'khor lo spu gri so 'dra bas / /glad pa rab tu gshegs par byed / Fol. 10b, l. 3: /shar phyogs na ni yul 'khor srung / /lho phyogs na ni 'phags skyes po / /nub phyogs na ni myig myi bzang / / byang phyogs na ni lus ngan po / /dpal dang gzi brjid 'bar ba yi/ /rgyal po dag ni phyin pa dang / /de tshe ston pa thams cad mkhyen / /bar snang gnas la rab tu 'phags / /tshangs pas sprul pa'i gzhal myed khang / /de na rdo rje'i gdan [note a: Vajrāsana. [note la bzhugs/ /de na tshangs dang tshangs chen rnams/ /thal mo sbyar 'khod phyag 'tshal lo / /dpal ldan gser gyi ri bo 'dra/ /gser gyi mchod sdong [note b: Suvarṇayasṭi. [note dang yang mtshungs/ /me tog pad ma bzhin du rgyas / /sa la 'i rgyal po bzhin du rgyas / /nyi ma dang 'dra zla nya la / /skar ma rnams kyis yongs bskor bzhin / /thub sku gser gyi kha dog la / /mtshan rnams kyis ni yongs su bskor / /'jig rten myes po tshangs pa yis/ /'jig rten mgon po 'i spyan sngar ni/ /'jig rten skyong la 'di skad smras /
IOL Tib J 400.1 - Section: 1 stong chen po ra[b tu 'joms ba zhes bya ba'i mdo/] (Mahā-sahasra-pramardana-sūtra) Ch. 73. XV. 21, 0067 (fol.9), 0065 (fol. 16?), XXIII. 008-9, frag. 75, (fol. 2 and 3 others), XL. 005-6, XXXIII. 008-9, XIX. 008-9, XX. 009, Pothī; 47 c. (originally?) x 8.5 c.: foll. 31, numbered, verso, but margins missing or illegible except 3-9, 11, 16; ll. 5: dbu-can: badly damaged by fire. The last folio contains the end of the text (see 399); a second hand has added the colophon, of which only a part remains: stoṅ-chen-po-ra[b... Mantras are introduced by the clause: syād-ya-the-dan. Fol. marked Ch. 0067, recto, l. 1: syAd ya the dan /kha kha kha me /... Last fol., verso. l. 2: syAd ya the dan /kal le /kal le /kal le /kha lu me /ag ni /sang kra ma ni swA hA / 399, Fol. 47b, l. 1: syAd a the dan /a mri te /a gra pu sh+pe / Fol. marked Ch. 0065, verso: Vaiśravaṇa and Lokanātha: .../de nas rgyal po rnam thos bu / /'jig rten mgon [pa]la 'di gsol / /bdag gi phyogs cha byang phyogs su / /rgyal po'i gnas su sprul pa ni / /lcang lo ldan ba yid du [cha... L. 5: /grong khyer de'i nang dag na/ /skyed mo tshal gyi men tog rgyas/ /de'i nang na gzhal myed khang/ /rin cen bdun rgyu sna tshogs mchis/ Fol. marked Ch. 0067: the king Virūpākṣa (Myig-myi-bźan, see 399, fol. 10) and others of similar names. Bhagavat and his Siṃhanāda. Prose and verses. Verso, l. 5: bdud kyang gcig gis rab du btul / /sems can thams cad bsrung ba'i phyir / Māra-damana, 'taming of one Māra in order to protect all begins'. Fol. marked XL. 006, l. 3: .../bdag gi lus rnams thams cad 'bras bur bcas gyur cig / /de nas tshangs pa tshangs chen gyis / /langs te thal mo sbyar bdud nas / /stong chen rab tu 'ja[..../ /...]bar gsungs ba'i rig sngags 'di / /byis pa rnams la phan bgyid pa / /rig sngags bdag gis brjod par bgyi / /gang gis dang po 'dzam gling du / /rig sngags rab du ston mdzad pa / /chos kyi rgyal po [......../ /sangs rgyas dpa' la phyag 'tshal lo /
IOL Tib J 401.1 - [Mahonmattonmādana-vidhi-kriyopāya?] Ch. 73. I. 2, Book form; 18.8 c. x 8 c.: foll. 29; ll. 6, 7, 9, 10: dbu-can and dbu-med. Contains a number of texts. Begins: smyon ba chen po smyo ba la/cho gar bya ba'i thabs la/lcags phye dang gser phye dang khar ba'i phye las bstsogs pas/phye tha mal pa dang bsres la/smyon ba myi [note a: ?bgyi [note bzhis rka lag bzhi nas bzung ste/mye bo che bus te/mye 'i steng du g.yeng/'og gi mye la phyes btab la/snying po/Om_badzra kar ma 'dza/bdza yag sha 'dzA/...
IOL Tib J 401.2 - [Kīla-mantra-siddhi?] Begins: /'bur kur gi sngags bsgrub par 'dod na/dkyil 'khor gru bzhi ci tsam yang rung ste/gcig byas la/men tog ...
IOL Tib J 401.3 - Many small texts. On the cover in large letters: i ti prad nya pra dig kru prad nya pra ba'i no pyi ka
IOL Tib J 402.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa byams pa'i smon lam/ (Ārya-Maitrī-praṇidhāna) Ch. 0064, Pothī; 48 c. x 7.2 c.: fol. 1; ll. 6: dbu-can. Begins: sangs rgyas kun la phyag 'tshal lo//drang srong lha myig ldan ba'i byang cub sems pa dang yang/nyan thos rnams la phyag 'tshal lo / /ngan 'gro thams cad zlog bgyid cing / mtho ris lam ni rab ston la/ rga shi myed par 'dren bgyid pa/ byang cub sems dpa rnams la phyag 'tshal lo/ sems kyi dbang du gyur pas na/ sdig pa bdag gis ci bgyis pa/ sangs rgyas spyan sngar mchis nas ni/ de dag bdagis bshags par bgyi/ /bdag las rnam pa gsum gang gis bsod nams tshogs ni bskyed pa de/kun mkhyen sa bon te/bdag gi byang cub myi zad shog/ /phyogs bcu dag gi zhing rnams su / sangs rgyas mchod pa gang byung ba / sangs rgyas mkhyen pa'i yi rang bas/de la bdag ni yi rang ngo/ See 335, 4 and 403.
IOL Tib J 403.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa byams dpa'i smon lam/ (Ārya-Maitrī-praṇidhāna) Fragment 13, Pothī; 60 c. x 8 c.: fol. 1; l. 1: dbu-can. Title and beginning. Same homage as 402, then: /bdag kyis sdig pa ci bgyis pa / sangs rgyas spyan sngar mchis nas ni / bdag kyis de dag bshags par bgyi' / bdag la rnam pa gsum gang kyis bsod nams 'tshogs ni bskyed pa de/bdag kyi kun mkhyen sa ba
IOL Tib J 404.1 - Section: 1 lha'i myig dang ldan pa'i mchog 'phags pa ma 'gags pa la bstod pa/ [Divya-cakṣuṣkāṇām agrārya-Aniruddha-stotra?] Fragment 48, Roll; 20 c. x 17.8 c.: foll. 3 Tibetan, and 2 Chinese intercalated; ll. 9: large cursive dbu-can. Begins: legs so 'gag myed ...
IOL Tib J 404.2 - Section: 2 rdzu 'phrul chen po'i mchog 'phags pa me'u dgal kyi bu chen po la bstod pa/ (Maharddhimatām agrārya-mahā-Maudgalyāyana-stotra?] Begins: legs so me'u dgal ...
IOL Tib J 404.3 - Section: 3 sbyangs pa'i yon tan gyi mchog 'phags pa 'od srung chen po la bstod pa/ [Dhūta-guṇāṇām agrārya-mahā-Kāśyapa-stotra?] begins: legs so sbal rigs ...
IOL Tib J 405.1 - Section: 1 rnal 'byor gyi mdo/ (Yoga-sūtra) Ch. 03. 46, Pothī; 40.8 c. x 7.1 c.: fol. 1, numbered 2; ll. 5: dbu-can. Defective at the beginning. Begins: mnyam du 'jug//byol song dang mnyam du 'jug/ces bshad de/de bas na chos thams cad ni /rang bzhin myed pas na/myi mnyam ba myed de//de bas na myi gnas pa'i rtse mo la chos thams cad gnas te//de bas na chos thams cad ni 'dus byas dang/'dus ma byas dang/bul bas na myi gnas pa zhes bya'o//de la tshigsu bcad pas bshad de/ myi gnas dgyil dag theg cen tshul/ /skye 'gog myed pa'i nam ka bzhin/ /brjod pas dpe 'ga' bsam las 'das/ /cung zad tsam du rtog yod na/ /yang dag chos sku sgyu ma bzhin/.... Ends: sangs rgyas gyi chos ni gang zag gis/rigs par gdags gang yin gtol myed pas/gcig tu bshad du myed do//de bas na skur pa myi gdab par bya'o/ rnal 'byor gyi mdo rdzogs so//
IOL Tib J 406.1 - Section: 1 Ch. XXVII. A, Concertina; 18 c. x 5.6 c: foll. 16; ll. 4: dbu-can. Mantras. Vajrapāṇi, Vajragarbha, Vajrasattva.
IOL Tib J 406.2 - [dkon/mchog gsum la skyabs su 'gro/] (Ratna-traya-śaraṇa-gamana) Begins, fol. 11, verso: bla ma 'i bla ma bla myed dkon gchog [note a: sic, for mchog [note gsum / / che ba 'i che mchog dbang mchog dam pa la/ /gus pas phyag 'tshal dang bas skyabs su mchi/ /gnam sa 'i mnga' bdag skye dgu 'i long spyod gzhi/
IOL Tib J 407.1 - Section: 1 rin po che sna brgyad kyi mchod pa/ (Ratnāṣṭaka-pūjā) Ch. 73. III. 6, Pothī; 33 c. x 9 c.: foll. 2; ll. 8: dbu-med. Title in the colophon. Begins: oM sngar 'das rigs kyi mgon po bder gshegs dang/ /ma byon rgyal ba rgya mtsho sras bskyed yab/ /rin cen sna brgyad mngon du gyur [...]'dis/ sku gsung thugs la mnyes par thim 'gyur cig/ The last line as a refrain in 9 stanzas. Then, after a blank, fol. 1b, l. 8: 'phyogs bcu dus sum rgyal ba mchod pa dang/ /rnal 'byor dbang phyug thugs dam skong pa dang/ 'gro ba mtha' dag thugs rjes bzung ba'i phyir/ bdag nyid klu dbang rin cen brgyad las spyod/ /byang chub sems dpa' brgyad kyi thugs dam dang/ /rnaM shes brgyad kyi yul dang/... Ends with a stanza beginning: /rin cen sna brgyad mchod pa sbyar ba 'dis/ nam mkhA las ni char bzhin 'bab 'gyur nas/...
IOL Tib J 408.1 - Section: 1 rdo rje 'i mchu zhes bya ba/klu 'i dam tshig go/ (Vajratuṇḍa-nāma-nāga-samaya) badzra tu na Tan ma na ga sa ma yA/ Ch. 83. VI. 6, Pothī; 29 c. x 5 c.: fol. 1; ll. 3, verso blank: dbu-can. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Csoma_1836: XVII. 426-66; Beckh_1914: XVIII. 127-55, XXIV. 78-107.
IOL Tib J 409.1 - Section: 1 [rdo rje'i snying po'i gzungs shes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo/] (Vajramaṇḍa-dhāraṇī-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtra) Ch. 9. I, frag. 22, Pothī; 42.5 c. x 6.5 c.: foll. 2; ll. 5: dbu-can. A fragment. Contains (fol. 1a, l. 3) Bhagavat's explanation to Mañjuśrī concerning the doctrines of the Vajramaṇḍa-dhāraṇī (radical nihilism). Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Csoma_1836: X. 455-74; Beckh_1914: XII. 374-88.
IOL Tib J 410.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa rdo rje rnam par 'joms pa/ (Ārya-Vajra-vidāraṇā) Ch. 0013, Pothī; 44.5 c. x 9 c.: fol. 1; ll. 5: dbu-can. End of the text and colophon. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Csoma_1836: XVII. 368-70; Beckh_1914: XVIII. 81-83, XIV. 58-59.
IOL Tib J 411.1 - Section: 1 rdo rje rnam par 'jom ba zhes bya ba'i gzungs/ (Vajra-vidāraṇā-nāma-dhāraṇī) Ch. 73. XV, frag. 6, Pothī; 28.5 c. x 8.5 c.: fol. 1, numbered ka 33; ll. 5: dbu-can. End of the text and colophon.
IOL Tib J 412.1 - Section: 1 rdo rjes rnam par 'jom ba zhes bya ba'i gzungs/ (Vajra-vidāraṇā-nāma-dhāraṇī) badzra bi d+ha ra na ma da ra Ni/ Ch. 9. II. 3 and 73. XV. 20 (fol. 37), Pothī; 23.2 c. x 5.2 c.: foll. 6, numbered, verso, kha 34-39; ll. 4: dbu-can. Complete.
IOL Tib J 413.1 - Section: 1 rdo rje rnam par 'jom ba zhes bya ba'i gzungs/ (Vajra-vidāraṇā-nāma-dhāraṇī) ba dzra bi da ra na ma d+ha ra ni / Ch. XXVII. C, Pothī; 30 c. x 8.4 c.: foll. 5; ll. 5: dbu-can. Complete.
IOL Tib J 414.1 - Section: 1 rdo rje rnam par 'jom ba zhes bya ba'i gzungs/ (Vajra-vidāraṇā-nāma-dhāraṇī) badzra b+hi d+ha ra na ma d+ha ra ni/ Ch. 9. I. 46, Pothī; 19.4 c. x 8.5 c.: foll. 6, numbered ka 29-32, 34-35; ll. 5: dbu-can. Incomplete at the end.
IOL Tib J 415.1 - Section: 1 rdo rje rnams par 'jom ba//zhes bya ba'i gzungs/ (Vajra-vidāraṇā-nāma-dhāraṇī) badzra b+hi d+ha ra na ma da ra ni/ Ch. 73. XV. 3, Concertina; 25 c. x 8 c.: foll. 14; ll. 4 and 6: dbu-can. Complete. Additional folios stuck on to the MS. contain mantras. Fol. 14, recto, contains the titles and beginning of a second copy.
IOL Tib J 416.1 - Section: 1 rig sngags kyi mdo bam po gcig / (Vidyā-sūtra-prathama-khaṇḍa) Ch. 73. XIV. 6, Concertina; 27 c. x 6.5 c.: foll. 13; ll. 4: dbu-can. Fol. 1a. Colophon. Only.
IOL Tib J 416.2 - Section: 2 'phags pa rdo rje rnam par 'jom ba zhes bya ba'i gzungs/ (Ārya-Vajra-vidāraṇā-nāma-dhāraṇī) a rya ba dzra bi d+ha ra ni/ Foll. 2a-13a. Incomplete at the end.
IOL Tib J 417.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. VI. 6, Pothī: 42 c. x 6 c.: foll. 6; ll. 5: dbu-can, fol. 10a second hand. Mantras.
IOL Tib J 417.2 - Section: 2 rdo rje dpal hung zhes pa'i bsgrub pa bsdus pa/ (Vajra-srī-hūṃkāra-sādhana-saṃgraha) foll. 2-9. Title in colophon.
IOL Tib J 417.3 - Section: 3 Ārya-tattva-saṃgraha-sādhanopāyika A rya tad dwa sang gra ha sA d+ha no'u pa yi ka/ Fol. 10. Defective at the beginning. Sanskrit title only in colophon.
IOL Tib J 418.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 0029, Scroll; 27.5 c. x 30.8 c.: ll. 13: dbu-med. A Varṣa-vidhi. Begins: //char pa dbab pa'i dkyil 'khor gi rkyen la //mchod pa'i rten sangs rgyas shag kya thub pa'i sku gzugs gcig //pan bdun 'phreng gcig /kye an kye kyin dang chas pa gcig //bum pa lnga /nor bu phreng lnga //dar sna lnga /mda' lnga /rma bya'i mdongs //dar mthing ka kha tshon gang //ral gi bzhi //mye long bzhi //'bru sna lnga bre gang /men tog sna tshogs/.... 'The requisites of the Pūjā are (1) one statue of the Buddha Śākyamuni, (2) seven Pan (= panasa, jack fruit?) (3) one garland, (4) one..., (5) five ghaṭas..., (6) five rosaries, (7) five muslins, (8) five arrows,...' Ends: a ga ru /rtsab mo /bab la /zangs phye /mtshal cog la pa/
IOL Tib J 419.1 - Section: 1 spyi gtor gtsang ma sna tshogs bshams snye/ (Sāmānya-bali...) Ch. 73. XIV. 9, Concertina; 25 c. x 6.5 c.: foll. 49; ll. 3, 4, and 5: dbu-can, some interlinear glosses dbu-med. A collection of Tāntrik and ritual texts.
IOL Tib J 419.2 - Section: 2 glud gtor/ Begins fol. 3. Scape-goat offering.
IOL Tib J 419.3 - Section: 3 tshogs kyi dkyil 'khor du mchod pa dbul ba/ (Gaṇa-maṇḍala-pūjā? Saṃnipāta-maṇḍala-pūjā?) Begins fol. 8, ends foll. 23-24: ...dkon bgegs cis kyang myi tshugs par bsam mo/rdzogs //
IOL Tib J 419.4 - Section: 4 Begins fol. 25: @/:/sngon nas 'das pa'i dus gyur nas/ /rtag pa'i bdag nyid che ba ste / de bzhin gshegs pa'i gsung rabs kyis / /sngon nas 'gro ba 'i tshul yin te /
IOL Tib J 419.5 - Section: 5 Begins fol. 35: @//dkon mchog gsum la phyag 'tshal lo //dris pa //lha bsnyen pa bgyi ba'i dus su//bsnyen bsgrub kyi gzungs ma mchis su rung ngam myi rung//lan btab pa//ma mchis par bgyir yang rung//dris pa/nang gi skabs su ma mchisu myi rung bar gzhung las 'byung ba dang myi 'gal lam/...
IOL Tib J 419.6 - Section: 6 Begins fol. 47b: @//'gA ni 'i phyag rgya bchu drug la dang por thabs dang /shes rab /so so lha 'i ti nge 'dzin zhugs par byas nas //gzungs las gang yin bar byin kyis brlabs ste /... See below, no. 16.
IOL Tib J 419.7 - Section: 7 Begins fol. 42b. @//rdo rje rdo rje 'dzin rgyal po/ /rdo rje rdo rje rdo rje 'dzin/ /rdo rje sku ltar sku che ba / /phyag na rdo rje phyag 'tshal bstod/ /rdo rje sems pa sems pa che/ /sngon myed phyi ni rab tu zhi/ /rang zhi ye shes pha rol phyin/ /'gro ba'i mgon la phyag 'tshal lo/
IOL Tib J 419.8 - Section: 8 Begins fol. 40b: @//phyi nang gi chos thams cad ci yang ma yin ba'i ngang du rig par bya ste //mnyam ba nyid kyi phyag rgya bcas la myi rtog pa'i ti nge 'dzin yun ci rung du bsgom//sku phyag rgya ...
IOL Tib J 419.9 - Section: 9 Begins fol. 36b: @//OM badzra hung/bang ho/shri he ru ka /...
IOL Tib J 419.10 - Section: 10 Begins fol. 35b: @//rnal 'byor pa gsang ba'i dbang thob pas//spyad cing bsgrub pa ni//lta bas phang gcad pa dang/spyod pas la dor bar 'byung ste//de la lta bas phang gcad ces bya ba ni//ci snyed du srid pa'i chos mying mtshan mar btags pa 'di dag thams cad chos kyi dbyings su ma 'dus pa myed pas//thams cad ro gcig ...
IOL Tib J 419.11 - Section: 11 'phags pa thams cad spyan drangs ba ni/dpal shi ri he ru ka/ (Sarvāryopanimantraṇa) Begins fol. 15b.
IOL Tib J 419.12 - Section: 12 las bcu zhes bya ba/ (Daśa-karmaka) Begins fol. 13b.
IOL Tib J 419.13 - Section: 13 Begins fol. 12b: rnal 'byor gyi dbang phyug chen po brgyad la /rdo rje srin po/rdo rje sha za /rdo rje gnod sbyin rdo rje nyi ma /rdo rje spyang ku /rdo rje gsod skyen/sgrub pa nyi ma/rdo rje khrag 'thung//༔༔//hung chen po lnga la/bo ro hung ka ra/...//༔༔//khro bo chen po brgyad dang/khro mo brgyad la /... Names of the 8 Mahāyogīśvaras, the 5 Mahāhuṃkāras, &c.
IOL Tib J 419.14 - Section: 14 Begins fol. 9b: @//sems can thams cad //bla na myed pa'i byang chub du gdon pa'i phyir chos kyi sku bya ba myed pa'i sa las dpal rdo rje sems pa /longs spyod rdzogs pa'i sku bstan nas// byin rlabs 'khor lo las //gsang ba'i rdo rje de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi thugs kyi snying po //...
IOL Tib J 419.15 - Section: 15 Begins fol. 6b: @//khams gsuM gyi sems can thams cad rtog pa'i bag chags mang po sems la rtas ste //rang gi las kyis bsgrubs nas//...
IOL Tib J 419.16 - Section: 16 Begins fol. 3b: @//dkyil 'khor du 'jug cing /'gA na 'i las ma nor par bya ba ni//...phyag rgya rnam bzhi...
IOL Tib J 420.1 - Section: 1 dug gsum 'dul ba/ (Viṣa-traya Viṣa-ghāta = dug-sel-bar-byed; jaṅguli = dug-sel. -ḍāmara?) Ch. 73. XIV. 13, Book form, leaves joined at the top; 13.5 c. wide x 14.5 c.: foll. 13; ll. 9: dbu-can. Complete, foll. 1-9b. Compare 421.
IOL Tib J 420.2 - Section: 2 (Vighna-bali?) A metrival text. Incomplete. Begins, fol. 9b, l. 7: de nas bgeg gtor gi tshig bshad 'di skad du brjod do / /dge bsnyan chos pa skyabs su dad pa dang/ /rig pa'i rjes 'ya bden pa'i tshig snyan pa / /lha klu gnod sbyin 'byung po 'dre la bstsogs / /bsod nams dpa' sde dge ba kun gson cig / /tshe rabs snga phyi mtha' rgyun bltas na/ /sangs rgyas 'dzig rten 'byung ba shin du dkon /....
IOL Tib J 421.1 - Section: 1 dug gsum 'dul ba/ (Viṣa-traya-ḍāmara?) Ch. 73. XIV. 14, Book form; 14 c. wide x 13 c.: foll. 13 ll. 6, 7, and 8: dbu-can. Defective in the middle. Begins as in 420: dug gsum 'dul ba ni spyangs dang sbyar zhin bya 'o [note a: 420 bzhin bya ba [note / /mtho ris myi 'i 'jig rten na [note b: 420 'jigs brten na [note / /lus kyi pad ma gzhon 'khungs ste [note c: 420 lus kyis dpad ma gzhong 'khrung ste [note / /gzha gsang yun kyi chos snyam du/ /dag rgyus drags pa'i rloms sems gyis [note d: 420 dag pa'i rloms sems skyes [note / /lo dang zla ba 'das pa'i phyir / /gzhon nu 'i lus ni men tog sdug/ [note e: 420 phyir bzhin gzhon ni lus men tog sdugs pa skyes/ [note /dgus mtses....
IOL Tib J 422.1 - Section: 1 zhi ba'i sbyin sreg lag len man ngag 'khol bur phyung ba'/ (Śānti-homa-prakriyopadeśa-khaṇḍa) Ch. 73. III. 4, Pothī; 34 c. x 6.4 c.: foll. 8, numbered (letters) 1-8; ll. 8: dbu-med. Begins: dang po sa 'i cho ga phyi rgyud dang mthun bar byas la/hoM thab zluM po rin po che zur brgyad kyi sbyibs su mdzes pa'/'phang du sngags mkhan gyi khru re//rim pa gsum 'og dang phang 'dzub re bar bgyi/de 'i phyi .... Ends: yi dam kyi lha gang yin ba gzhung bzhin du spyan drangs la/mchod pa tshar re bgyi'//
IOL Tib J 423.1 - Section: 1 dkyil 'khor dang cho ga'i go rims/zhi ba'i srin bsreg chen po 'di 'i lag len/man ngag khol bur phyung ba 'o/ (Maṇḍala - sahita - vidhi - krama - mahā - śānti - homa - prakriyopadeṣa - khaṇḍa?) Ch. 73. III. 12, Pothī; 33 c. x 9 c.: foll. 9, numbered 11-19 (shur 'bes , 'dwer 'bes, 'trer°, tshor°, sber°, ther°, hob be re°, har pe re°, nor°); ll. 10: dbu-med. Begins: dang po sa gzhi 'i cho ga/phyi rgyud gi gzhung gzhan dang mthun bar byas la/hoM thab zlum po rin po che zur brgyad gi dbyibs ltar mdzes pa'/'og dang dpangs su sngags mkhan gi khru re/rim pa gsum/lags pa dang/dpangs su 'dzub re bar bgyi'/.... Ends: /dkyil khor lha tshogs sku la mchod pa dbul/ yon bdag sdig byang bsod nams phel ba dang/ sngags mkhan cho ga nyams chag rdzogs par smon/ des sems can gi don bya bar dam bcas/ chos nyid du bsgoM/lus bsrung mchod pa bsdu'//༔// rdzogs s+ho//༔//༔//
IOL Tib J 424.1 - Section: 1 zhi ba'i sbyin bsreg/ (Śānti-homa) Ch. 73. III. 11, Pothī; 33 c. x 9 c.: foll. 12, numbered 1-12 (sho,'dwa, 'dra ya, tso ra, pan 'dza, thra, ho da, has sta , no, 'da so, shu 'das, 'dwos); ll. 7: dbu-med. Begins: zhi ba'i sbyin bsreg la//don bdun kyis bstan te/dang po spyan drang ba dang//gdan phul nas brtan bar bzhugs su gsol pa dang/bsreg rjes [note a: 425, rdzas [note zhal du bstim ba dang/mchod pa dang bstod pa dang bskul pa dang/me sbyang ba dang/slar gshegs su gsol ba' o/ [note b: 425, ba dang/ [note de la dang por me [lha [note c: lha partly erased; me lha wanting in 425. [note ]spyan drang ba ni//drang srong kyi rgyal po chen po .... Ends: oM a mo ka pa sha ba kri na ba dzra dan da ba tsi na swa h+hA//___//rdzogs s+ho//___// Compare 422, 423, 425.
IOL Tib J 425.1 - Section: 1 zhi ba'i sbyin bsreg/ (Śānti-homa) Ch. 73. III. 13, Pothī; 33 c. x 9 c.: foll. 8, numbered 3-10 ('dres, tso las, pan 'dzas, thras, ho dus, har drus, nos, 'bes); ll. 8: dbu-med. Begins: zhi ba'i sbyin bsreg la yang/don rnam pa bdun gis bstan te/de yang me spar la/dang por me lha spyan drang ba dang/gdan phul nas brtan par bzhugs su gsol ba dang/bsreg rdzas zhal du bstim ba dang/....../slar gshegs su gsol ba dang/de la dang por spyan drang ba ni/dad pa dang ni dam tshig gis/tshur gshegs tshur gshegs 'byung ba che/lha'i drang srong bram ze mchog/.... Ends: yon bdag rnams ni dpal che zhing bkra shis par gyur cig//__//__//rdzogs s+ho//
IOL Tib J 426.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa sgo drug pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs/ (Ārya-Ṣaṇmukhī-nāma-dhāraṇī) a rya shan mu khi na ma dA ra Ni/ Ch. 73. XV. 13, Pothī (fol. 1) and concertina; 28 c. x 8 c.: foll. 15; ll. 4: dbu-can. foll. 1a-6a, 1. 2. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Beckh_1914: XII. 400-1; Rgyud, Beckh_1914: XV. 124-5, XXIII. 345-6; Csoma_1836: XIII. 429-30.
IOL Tib J 426.2 - Section: 2 'phags pa bzang po spyod pa'i smon lam gyi rgyal po/ (Ārya-Bhadracaryā-praṇidhāna-rāja) a rya bad dra tsa rya pra ni d+ha na rA dzA/ Foll. 6a, l. 3-15a. Defective at the end.
IOL Tib J 426.3 - 'phags pa byams pa'i mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad gzungs sngags dang bcas pa/ (Mantra - sahitā - Ārya - Maitreya - nāmāṣṭa - śataka - dhāraṇī) Foll. 15b-7b. Defective at the beginning. Title from the colophon.
IOL Tib J 426.4 - Section: 4 'phags pa 'jam dpal gyi mtshan brgya rtsa brgyad gzungs sngags dang bcas pa/ (Mantra - sahitā - Ārya - Mañjusrī - nāmāṣṭa - śataka - dhāraṇī) Foll. 6b-1b. Incomplete.
IOL Tib J 427.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa sgo drug pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs/ (Ārya-Ṣaṇmukhī-nāma-dhāraṇī) Ch. XXVII. j, Pothī; 42 c. x 7.7 c.: fol. 1, numbered ka 24; ll. 4, verso blank: dbu-can. End of the text and colophon.
IOL Tib J 428.1 - Section: 1 Author: Vasubandhu 'phags pa sgo drug pa'i gzungs kyi rnam par bshad pa/ (Ārya-Ṣaṇmukhī-dhāraṇī-vyākhyāna) Ch. 73. VII. 10, Pothī; 45 c. x 9.5 c.: foll. 2, numbered ka, kha; ll. 6: dbu-can. Translators: Indian Paṇḍits Dharmapāla, Prajñāvarman; Źu. Lo. Ban. Ye-śes-sde. (Jñānasena.) Bstan-ḥgyur, Rgyud-ḥgrel. LXVIII. 1 (1-3b) by Vasubandhu, translators not mentioned (Cordier_1909_1915: p. 297); Mdo-ḥgrel, XXXIV. 9 (81-83) by the same (Cordier_1909_1915: p. 363).
IOL Tib J 429.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa sgo drug pa'i gzungs kyi rnam par b[shad pa/] (Ārya-Ṣaṇmukhī-dhāraṇī-vyākhyāna) Ch. 77. X. 9, Pothī; 15 c. (originally?) x 7.5 c.: fol. 1, numbered ga 67; ll. 4: dbu-can: damaged. Part of the title, verso.
IOL Tib J 430.1 - Section: 1 Author: Jñānadatta (Ye-śes-byin) 'phags pa sgo drug pa'i gzu[ng]s kyi rnam par bshad pa rgya cher 'grel pa/ (Ārya-Ṣaṇmukhī-dhāraṇī-vyākhyāna-ṭīkā) Ch. 73. VII. 8a, Pothī; 47 c. x 7 c.: foll. 14, numbered ka 91-100, kha 1-4; ll. 4: dbu-can: red and black. Translators: Paṇḍits Dharmapāla (Dar-ma-pa-la) and Prajñāvarman (Prad-ña-bar-ma); Źu. Lo. Ban. Ye-śes (= Ye-śes-sde, Jñānasena). Wanting in Bstan-ḥgyur. In the title gzuṅs (dhāraṇī) is written gzugs, in the colophon ban-de is written ban-ḥde.
IOL Tib J 431.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa sgo drug pa'i gzhung gi don/ (Ārya-Ṣaṇmukhī-dhāraṇ-yartha) Ch. 83. Misc. A. 2, Pothī; 24.3 c. x 5.7 c.: fol. 1, numbered nga 67; ll. 6: dbu-can. Complete. Gźuṅ, in the title and colophon, = gzuṅs?
IOL Tib J 432.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa sgo drug pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs/ (Ārya-Ṣaṇmukhī-nāma-dhāraṇī) Ch. 73. VIII. 9, Pothī; 35 c. x 8 c.: foll. 2; ll. 5: dbu-can. End and colophon.
IOL Tib J 432.2 - Section: 2 bkra shis tshigs su bcad pa/ (Maṅgala-gāthā) mang ga la gA thA/ Compare 77, 2.
IOL Tib J 433.1 - Section: 1 de bzhin gshegs pa bdun gyi smon lam/ (Sapta-tathāgata-praṇidhāna) Ch. 9. II. 12, 13a, 13b, 14, Pothī; 24.5 c. x 6.1 c.: foll. 92, numbered (9. 11. 12) 3, 22-26, 28-30, 33-36, 39-41, 43, 46-48, 51-53, 55, 57, 60, 62, 64-65, 69-74, 76-83, 85-89, 91; (9. 11. 13a) 1-4, 37, 41-44, 46-50, 57-64, 93-100, and one blank; (foll. 2-4, 37, 57-64, 93-100 by a different hand); (9. 11. 13b) 52, 52, 60, 62, 67, by the same hand as 9. 11. 12; (9. 11. 14) 5, 6, 59, 90, and 3 unnumbered; ll. 4: dbu-can. Ch. 9. II. 12. On the cover (fol. 91): de bzhin gshegs pa bdun gyi smon lam/ Praṇidhānas and mantras, without visible reference to the Seven Tathāgatas, but see 9. II. 14.
IOL Tib J 433.2 - Section: 2 Ch. 9. II. 13a. The same matter.
IOL Tib J 433.3 - Section: 3 Ch. 9. II. 13b. The same matter.
IOL Tib J 433.4 - Section: 4 Ch. 9. II. 14. Pūjā of the Seven Tathāgatas. Fol. 6a: de bzhin gshegs pa bdun po de dag gi sku gzugs byas te/me tog la stsogs pas mchod pa byed cing 'chang ngam klog gam//mchod dam nyi ma bdun du gso sbyong gi yan lag brgyad la gnas te//gzungs gyi tshig lan stong brgya rtsa brgyad du bton na/.... 'Having made images of the Seven Tathāgatas; adoring with flowers, &c. meditating, reading, adoring; practising for seven days the eight-ruled fasting; pronouncing 1,108 times the dhāraṇī....'
IOL Tib J 434.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 03. 47, Pothī; 24.6 c. x 6.2 c.: fol. 1, numbered 75; ll. 4: dbu-can. Ritual. A fragment. Reference to the Sapta-tathāgata-[pūrva]-praṇidhāna-viśeṣa-vistara. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Csoma_1836: X. 433-70; Beckh_1914: XI. 333-66. Begins: bskang bar bgyi'o zhes:bgyi:ba la stsogs pa /'phags pa'i bka' myi 'bab pa /tshad mar gyur pas zhal gyis bzhes pa bzhin du/deng 'dir yang mchod pa'i tshogs sbyar pa'i pho brang [note a: pho brang = prāsāda. [note gi dkyil 'khor 'dir bzhugs te/......//lhag par yang de bzhin gshegs pa bdun gyi smon lam khyad par rgyas pa la stsogs pa'i gsung rab dam pa'i chos yun ring du rgyas par bgyi ba dang /....
IOL Tib J 435.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 9. II. 10, Pothī; 24.4 c. x 6.1 c.: foll. 16, numbered 65-67, 69-80, 82; ll. 4: dbu-can. Tāntrik matters. Tāntrik matters. On Caityas: ...mchod rten ni de bzhin gshegs pa'i sku'i gzugs brnyan... 'A Caitya is the reflection of the body of the Tathāgata' (fol. 65). Fol. 66a, l. 4, quotation of the Ārya-Samanta-mukha-praveśa-raśmi- vimaloṣṇīṣa-prabhā-sarva-tathāgata- ḥrdaya-samaya-vilokita-nāma-dhāraṇī, Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Csoma_1836: XIII. 240-54; Beckh_1914: XIV. 357-69. The Praṇidhānas (fol. 79) are worth mentioning: de bzhin gshegs pa'i myi 'jigs pa bzhi las chos thams chad mngon par byang cub pa la myi 'jigs pa dang zag pa zad par mkhyen pa la myi 'jigs pa thob ste/rang gi don phun sum tshogs par gyur chig//bar du gchod pa'i chos nges par bstan pa dang/nges par 'byung ba'i lam bstan pa thob ste/gzhan gyi don phun sum tshogs par gyur chig/.... 'May I, having obtained, amongst the four 'absences of fear' (Abhaya) of a Tathāgata, the absence of fear concerning the Sarva-dharmābhisambodhi and the absence of fear concerning the Āsrava-kṣaya; having obtained the teaching concerning the āntarāyika dharmas and the nairyāṇika mārga (or naiṣkramya°), realize my own salvation (svārtha-sampad).'
IOL Tib J 436.1 - Section: 1 dam tshigs nyams pa bskang ba'i 'thol bshags/ 84. XIV. 3, Book form; 27 c. x 10.5 c.: foll. 8, damaged; ll. 4, 7, 10: dbu-can. Incomplete at the beginning. Title in colophon. Begins: bsgom pa'o//de la ma ha yo ga'i lta rigs la tshul gcig tu lta [ba ]gnang zhe na//'byung ba chen po la gcig gi nang na //kun rdzogs par yod pa ni//yum yin la/de las gzugs su red pa ni/yab ste rnam par snang mdzad//ces bya//de nyid gzhan gyis myi 'phrogs pa ni myi bskyod pa zhes bya//de thams cad re ba yid [bzhin ]du skong pa ni//rin [po ]cen 'byung ldan zhes bya /.... Fol. 1b: enumeration of 28 samayas: lta ba'i dam tsig dang/spyod pa'i ..../bsgrub pa'i .... and definitions.
IOL Tib J 437.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. VIII. 19 and 73. III. 37, Book form; 16 c. x 12.4 c.: foll. 15; ll. 7, 8, 9 (foll. 7b, 8a 9b blank): dbu-med. Fol. 1a. End of a text on the excellent Rasāyana-amṛta.
IOL Tib J 437.2 - Section: 2 Fol. 1b. A text on the entrance into Samādhi [Samādhyavatāra]. Begins: da ni ting nge 'dzin la 'jug par bgyi ste/yul sems rnam gnyis gtan la phab bar bgyi ste//phyi' i yul chos bya ba mo kun du bzang mo mkha' lding dbus mtha' myed pa la bya//nang gyi yul rtogs pas tshus [note a: For tshul [note bcad pa ni/yid yid[sic]byed kun du bzang po la bya sde yab/yab yuM rnam gnyis dgongs pa byang chub kyi sems/dkyil 'khor ston te/gleng gzhi 'di skad ces bya bar smos s+ho///oM oM oM ba dzra tsid ta hUM//a a .... Incomplete.
IOL Tib J 437.3 - Section: 3 Fol. 5a, l. 9. Begins: don kun mnyam ba nyid du gsal de skad rjes 'byung ste /de ltar de bzhin nyid gi ting nge 'dzin dang drgyu 'i ting nge 'dzin 'byung ste/....
IOL Tib J 437.4 - Section: 4 Fol. 13b, l. 3. Begins: da ni a mri ta byin kyis bslab ste/
IOL Tib J 437.5 - Section: 5 Fol. 15a (Ch. 73. III. 37) contains the following, l. 6: gzung 'dzin kyi spyod yul las 'das shing//rtag chad kyi ngo bor sems/ci la yang myi gnas/ci la yang myi chags//.... 'Having passed beyond the domain of object and subject...he does not abide anywhere; he does not cling anywhere....' In some folios the text runs across an openning, e.g. from fol. 1b, l. 1, to fol. 2a l. 1. then fol. 1b, l. 2 and so on.
IOL Tib J 438.1 - Section: 1 de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi sku dang/gsung dang/thugs gsang zhing rab tu gsang ba zhes bya ba'i rtog pa chen po'i rgyal po/ (Sarva - tathāgata - kāya - vāk - citta - rahasya - guhya - samāja - nāma - mahā - kalpa - rāja) Ch. 80. XI, Pothī; 45.3c. x 8.9 c.: foll. 86, numbered 3-5, 8-55, 55 'og ma 56-74, 76-89, and the last folio damaged (90?); ll. 5: dbu-can, interlinear glosses small dbu-med. Title from the final colophon; the chapter colophons have: ...thugs kyi gsang ba gsang ba 'dus pa or bsdus pa Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Beckh_1914: V. 108-76 (with the reading...gsaṅ-chen-gsaṅ-ba...). There are 17 chapters: 1. Ends fol. 8a: de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi ting nge 'dzin gyi dkyil 'khor byin kyis rlob ...pa'i le'u[Sarva - tathāgata - samādhi - maṇḍalādhiṣṭhāna - parivarta] 2. Ends fol. 9a: byang chub kyi sems kyi le'u ...[Bodhi-citta] 3. Ends fol. 11a: rdo rje bkod pa zhes bya ba['i ]ting nge 'dzin gyi le'u ...[Vajra-vyūha-nāma-samādhi] 4. Ends fol. 12b: de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi thugs gyi dkyil 'khor gyi le'u ...[Sarva-tathāgata-citta-maṇḍala] 5. Ends fol. 14a: sngags thams cad kyi mchog gi le'u kyis brlab pa'i le'u ...[Sarva-mantrāgra?] 6. Ends fol. 16b: lus dang/ngag dang/sems byin kyis brlab pa'i le'u ...[Kāya-vāk-cittādhiṣṭhāna] 7. Ends fol. 20a: sngags spyad pa'i le'u...[Mantra-caryā] 8. Ends fol. 22a: bshang gci'i dam gyi le'u ...[Puriṣa-mūtra] 9. Ends fol. 25a: don dam pa'i de kho na nyid kyi dam tshig gi le'u ...[Paramārtha-tattva-samaya] 10. Ends fol. 27b: de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi snying po skul ba zhes bya ba'i le'u ...[Sarva-tathāgata-hṛdayādhyeṣaṇa?] 11. Ends fol. 31a: de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi sngags dam tshig de kho na nyid /rig pa'i skyes bu mchog gi le'u ...[Sarva - tathāgata - mantra - samaya - tattva - vidyā - puruṣottama] 12. Ends fol. 36b: rdo rje sbyor ba dam tshig sgrub pa'i mchog bstan pa'i le'u ...[Vajra-yoga-samaya-siddhy-uttama-nirdeśa] 13. Ends fol. 48a: rdo rje dam tshig bkod pa de kho na nyid kyi don bsgom ba /byang chub pa zhes bya ba'i le'u ...[Vajra - samaya - vyūha - tattvārtha - bhāvanā - bodhi] 14. Ends fol. 55 bis, a: sku dang/gsung dang/thugs rmad du byung ba'i sngags kyis 'gugs pa'i rnam par sprul pa'i rgyal po zhes bya ba'i le'u ...[Kāya-vāk-cittōdbhuta-mantra ... vikurvaṇa-rāja] 15. Ends fol. 66b: sems kyi dam tshig gsang ba'i rdo rje 'byung ba zhes bya ba'i le'u ...[Citta-samaya-guhya-vajra-sambhava] 16. Missing. 17. Ends fol. [90a]: de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi dam tshig sdom ba rdo rje'i[....]zhes bya ba'i le'u ...[Sarva-tathāgata-saṃvara...]
IOL Tib J 439.1 - Section: 1 [Sarva-durgati-pariśodhana-tejo-rājasya maṇḍala-vidhi] Ch. XXVII. G, Pothī; 43.7 c. x 10 c.: fol. 1, numbered 1; ll. 7: dbu-can. No title or colophon. See the °kalpa-ekadeśa, Bkaḥ-ḥgyur. Rgyud, Csoma_1836: IX. 1-61, Beckh_1914: IX. 118-86. Begins: dkyil 'khor 'di 'i mtshan ni/'phags pa ngan song thams cad rnam par sbyong ba' gzi brjid kyi rgyal po zhes bgyi ba lags//dang po lha dang myi 'i 'jig rten du ci ltar byung ba'i gleng zhi mdo tsham zhig bshad na/bcom ldan 'das dpal shag kya thub pa/mngon par rdzogs par sangs rgyas nas/theg pa rnam gsum gis/sems can so so 'i rgyu dang 'dul skal ci lta ba bzhin du chos bstan te/sum cu rtsa gsum gi lha'i gnas na/'khor byang cub sems pa brgya phrag mang po dang ....
IOL Tib J 440.1 - Section: 1 [Sarva-durgati-pariśodhana-maṇḍala-vidhi?] Ch. 73. XIV. 3, Scroll; 64 c. x 25.8 c.: ll. 40: dbu-can. No title or colophon. Begins: yon gyi bdag po mying 'di bzhis bgyi ba'i //sangs rgyas la phyag 'tshal lo /.... /ngan btsong rnam par sbyang ba'i dkyil 'khor bsgo bzhi bstan par bya ba ni /.... 'phags pa ngan bsong rnam par sbyong ba'i.... gtsugs tor chen po brgyad las bstsogs sde /...
IOL Tib J 441.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa sangs rgyas thams cad kyi yan lag dang ldan ba zhes bya ba'i gzungs/ (Ārya-Sarva-buddha-aṅgavatī-nāma-dhāraṇī) a rya sa rba bud d+ha ang ga ba ti nA ma d+ha ra ni/ Ch. 80. IV. C, Pothī; 21 c. x 6.2 c.; fol. 1; ll. 5: dbu-can. Sanskrit and Tibetan title, and beginning of the text.
IOL Tib J 442.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa nad thams cad rab tu zhi bar byed pa zhes bya ba'i gzungs/ (Ārya-Sarva-roga-praśamanī-nāma-dhāraṇī) Ch. 03. 21, Pothī; 46.3 c. x 10.2 c.: foll. 3, numbered kha 52-54; ll. 7: dbu-can. Fol. 52a. End of the text and colophon. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Csoma_1836: XIII. 254-5; Beckh_1914: XIV. 369-70, XXIV. 231-2. Ends: .../'dod chags dang bral ba ni chos thams cad kyi mchog go //dge 'dun ni tshogs thams cad kyi mchog go//bden ba'i tshig dang bden ba'i ngag 'dis /bdag gis zos pa dang 'thungs pa dang /'chos pa dang myangs pa rnams legs par bde bar gyur cig //swA hA/bcom ldan 'das kyis de skad ces bka' stsal nas /dge slong de dag yid rangs te /bcom ldan 'das kyis gsungs pa la mngon par bstod do// See 499-500.
IOL Tib J 442.2 - Section: 2 lha mo nam grub ma'i gzungs/ (Revatī-devī-dhāraṇī?) Foll. 52b-54. The text, complete, and colophon. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur. Rgyud, Beckh_1914: XXIV. 322-3; Schmidt, gz. II. 255-7 (Lha-mo-chen-mo-re-ma-tiḥi-gzuṅs). Begins, without title homage: @//de nas dga' ba'i mtshal chen po nyams dga' ba na/shing chen po yongs su 'dul gnas pa'i srin mo nam gru zhes bya ba /stobs chen mo /... Ends: de nas dpal phyag na rdo rjes de skad smras ma thag tu /srin mo nam grus skad chen po phyung nas /zhabs drung lhags te dam bcas pa bzhin du ci bcol pi las grub par mdzad du gsol lo /
IOL Tib J 443.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa gser 'od dam pa mdo sde'i dbang po rgyal po zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo/ (Ārya - Suvarṇa - prabhāsottama - sūtrendrarāja - nāma - mahāyāna - sūtra) Ch. 9. I. 4, Pothī; 55. c. x 8.5 c.: foll. 79, numbered, verso, ka 1-79; ll. 5: dbu-can. A blank space has been left for the Sanskrit title. Translators: Indian paṇḍits Jinamitra and Dānaśīla; Źu. Lo. Ban. Ye-śes-sde (Jñānasena). Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Csoma_1836: XII. 208-385 (22 parivartas); Beckh_1914: XIII. 194-341 (29 parivartas), XIV. 1-91 (21 parivartas). Sanskrit text, Mitra_1882: p. 241 (21 parivartas); Camb. Add. 875 (Bendall_1883: p. 12) (20 parivartas). The MS. contains 21 parivartas; it differs from the Nepalese MSS. in omitting their tenth chapter; from the Camb. MS. in adding the Bodhisattva-stava-parivarta (19) and a last chapter, the first part of which exists in the Calcutta MS. Mitra_1882: 'XXI. This chapter opens with an address by a Kula-devatā, but the concluding part is wanting.' This concluding part, as seen from our MSS., contained only a mention of the Gandharvas, &c. joining the deities in approbation of Buddha's speech. The title of this Chapter XXI is Parindanā-parivarta (Bsdus-paḥi-leḥu) Chapter 1. Ends fol. 2a: gleng gzhi 'i le'u[Nidāna-parivarta] (Wanting, 444.) 2. Ends fol. 6b: de bzhin gshegs pa'i sku tshe'i tshad bstan pa'i le'u 444. ...sku' tshe'i tsha bstand ...[Tathāgatāyuḥ-pramāṇa-nirdeśa°] (444, fol. 8b) 3. Ends fol. 7a rmyi lam mthong ba'i le'u[Svapna°] (444, fol. 17b) 4. Ends fol. 13a: bshags pa'i le'u[Deśanā°] (444, fol. 17b) 5. Ends fol. 15b: me tog pad ma'i 'byung gnas zhes bya ba'i le'u[Kamalākara°, Kamalākaro-nāma-sarva-tathāgata-stava°]; (444, fol. 21a) 6. Ends fol. 17b: stong pa nyid kyi le'u[Śūnyatā°] (444, fol. 23b) 7. Ends fol.34b: rgyal po chen po bzhi'i le'u[Catur-mahārāja°] (444, fol. 47a) 8. Ends fol. 37b: dbyangs can gyi le'u [Sarasvatī°, Camb. MS. Sarasvatī-devī°] (444, fol. 51b) 9. Ends fol. 39b: dpal gyi le'u [Śrī°, Camb. MS. Śrī-mahādevī°] (444, fol. 54b) 10. Ends fol. 43b: sa 'i lha mo 'i le'u [Pṛthivī-devī°, Camb. MS. XI, Dṛḍhā-pṛthivī°] (444, fol. 60a) 11. Ends, without title, fol. 45b (title from 444): yang dag shes gyi le'u [Camb. MS. XII, Sañjaya°] (444, fol. 62b) 12. Ends fol. 49b: rgyal po'i bstan bcos lha 'i dbang po'i dam tshig ces bya ba'i le'u 444, rgyal po gtsug lag lha 'i dbang po'i dam tshig ches bya ba'i le'u [Comb. MS. XIII, Devendra-samaya-nāma-rāja-śāstra°] (444, fol. 68a) 13. Ends fol. 51b: legs par byung gi le'u byung ba'i le'u 444, ...byung ba'i le'u[Susambhava°] (444, fol. 70b) 14. Ends fol. 55b: gnod sbyin gyi gnas shes bya ba kun tu bsrung ba'i le'u [Yajñāśrayo-nāma-rakṣa°, Camb. MS. XV, Yajñāśrayo°] (444, fol. 76a) 15. Ends fol. 58b: lha 'i bu stong phrag bcu lung bstan pa zhes bya ba'i le'u (Daśa-devaputra-sahasrāṇāṃ vyākaraṇa°, Camb. MS. XVI, ...sahasrāṇi...] 16. Ends fol. 61a: nad rab tu zhi bar byed pa'i le'u (Vyādhi-praśamana°) (444, fol. 84a) 17. Ends fol. 67a: chu 'bebs kyis nya btul pa'i sngon byung ba'i le'u [Jalavāhanasya matsya-vaineya°, Camb. MS. XVI, ...°vaineya°] (444, fol. 91b) 18. Ends fol. 76b: stag mo la lus yongs su btang ba'i le'u [Vyāghryai śarīra-parityāga°, Camb. MS. XIX, Vyāghrī] (444, fol. 105a) 19. Ends fol. 77a: byang chub sems dpa' thams cad kyis bstod pa'i le'u[Sarva-bodhisattva-stava°] (444, 106b) 20. Ends fol. 78a: de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad la bstod pa'i le'u[Sarva-tathāgata-stava°] (444, fol. 107b) 21. Ends fol. 79a: bsdus pa'i le'u[Parindanā°] Wanting in Camb. MS.; incomplete in Calcutta MS. and 444. The Kula-devatā is named Bodhisamuccayā (Byan-chub-yaṅ-dag-par-bsdus-pa) and Bodhisattvasamuccayā in Calcutta MS.
IOL Tib J 443.2 - Section: 2 gser sngags/ (Suvarṇa-mantra) Fol. 79b.
IOL Tib J 444.1 - Section: 1 gser 'od dam pa mdo sde'i dbang po'i rgyal po/ (Suvarṇa-prabhāsottama-sūtrendrarāja) Ch. 9. I. 38 and 9. I, frag. 69, Pothī; 44.2 c. x 8.6 c.: foll. 99, numbered, verso, nga 4-41, 44-57, 59-60, 62-74, 76-107 (101= brgya rtsa gchig; 102= rtsa-gnyis....), and one damaged; ll. 5: dbu-can. Incomplete. The damaged folio is part of the last chapter. Bhagavat and the Kula-devatā Bodhisamuccayā (Byan-cub-yaṅ-dag-par-bsdus-pa). Verso, l. 2: .../'dren pa khyod ni bdag la thugs rje mdzad du gsol/ /zhi ba'i gzugs mthong ba ni bdag la stsal du gsol/ /khyod ni lha dang bcas pa yi 'gro ba'i skyob pa ste/ /'di ltar nyan thos rnams kyi lus ni stong pa lags/ /sems can thams chad dag ni rmyi lam rang bzhin the/ /nam mkha' 'dra zhing nam mkha'i ngo bo nyid kyang lags/ /sgyu ma'i smyig rgyu dang ni chu'i zla ba 'dra/ For the capters see 443.
IOL Tib J 445.1 -
IOL Tib J 446.1 - Section: 1 [gser 'od dam pa mdo sde'i dbang po'i rgyal po/] (Suvarṇa-prabhāsottama-sūtrendrarāja) Fragment 5, Pothī; 33.4 c. (originally?) x 13.3 c.: fol. 1, damaged; ll. 8: dbu-can. Confession of sins; vow of a Bodhisattva: = Śikṣā-samuccaya, p. 161; Camb. Add. 1342, fol. 8b. (Compare Bodhicaryāvatāra, ii.) Recto, l. 6: /gang yang bdag gi sdig gi las /shin du myi bzad sngon bgyis pa/ /de dag thams cad bshags pa ni ...... /pha dang mar ni ma 'tshal dang / /sangs rgyas rnamsu ma 'tshal cing / /dge ba ru yang ma 'tshal nas / /sdig pa bdag gis[..... Verso, l. 1: /ngan pa yi ni las bgyis pa/ /nongs pa dag ni ma mthong bas / /sdig pa bdag gis gang bgyis pa/ /byis ba blo ni rab [..... Ends: /sangs rgyas rnams dang//chos rnams la / /nyan thos rnams kyang de bzhin te/ /sti stang du ni ma bgyis pa/ /de dag thams [.....
IOL Tib J 447.1 - Section: 1 gser 'od dam pa'i sngags/ (Suvarṇa-prabhāsottama-mantra) Ch. 84. XIV. 1-2 and 6-7, Concertina; 28 c. x 9 c.: foll. 47 and two halves; ll. 6 (recto), 9 and 10 (verso): dbu-can and dbu-med. Recto.
IOL Tib J 447.2 - Verso. A collection of ritual texts. Ch. 84. XIV. 7, mudrās: .../rdo rje lcags stog gi phyag rgya ste/sngags la om badzra spo ta bam/'di yan cad ni bgegs bstsal ba dang lasu bya ba'i rnamso/de nas stan la 'dug ste/phyogs bcu'i sangs rgyas dang/byang chub sems dpa'i rnams la phyag 'tshal zhing mchod pa dang sdig bgags pa dang skyabsu gsol ba dang/byang cub du sems bskyed pa dang/bsod nams sems can thams cad la bsngo ba dang 'phags pa'i bsod nams kyi rjesu yi rang bar bya'o/de nas rigs gsum gyi snyoms pa'i phyag rgya bya'o/lag pa gnyis bkan te/...
IOL Tib J 448.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. XIV. 5, Concertina; 27.5 c. x 9 c.: foll. 6; ll. 9 and 10: dbu-can and dbu-med. Maṇḍalas and mantras. Probably part of the same MS. as 447. Fol. 6. Description of the Mahā-mudrā: .../phyag rgya chen po nang du /sku gsum ye shes lnga 'dug ste/sku gsum ni 'dod chags zhes sdang [gti mug go/]gsum de la / 'dod chags ni sprul pa'i sku ste/pad mo'i rigs //zhe sdang ni rdzogs long spyod pa'i sku ste/rdo rje'i rigs //gti mug ni chos kyi sku ste/de bzhin gshegs pa'i rigs /pad mo'i rigsu ni las gyi rigsu bsdu /rdo rje'i rigs su rin po che'i rigs bsdu /dam tshig kyang lnga ste /... 'There are, in the Mahā-mudrā, three Kāyas and five Jñānas. The three Kāyas are love, hate [and error]. Amongst these three, love is the Nirmita-kāya, Lotus class (Padma-kula); hate is the Saṃbhoga-kāya, Diamond class (Vajra-kula); error is the Dharma-kāya, Tathāgata class (Tathāgata-kula). The Karman class is contained in the Lotus class and the Jewel class is containedin the Diamond class. There are also five Samayas....'
IOL Tib J 449.1 - Section: 1 [gser 'od dam pa'i smon lam/] (Suvarṇa - prabhāsottama - prabhāsottama - praṇidhāna) Ch. 73. XV. 7, Scroll; 70 c. x 31 c.: ll. 43: dbu-can. Incomplete at the beginning.
IOL Tib J 450.1 - Section: 1 [gser 'od 'gyod tsangs] (Suvarṇa-prabhāsa-anuśaya) Ch. 9. I, frag. 38, Pothī; 42.5 c. x 8.5 c.: fol. 1; ll. 5: dbu-can. Incomplete, beginning and end. Title from the context. Verses of 9 syllables. Begins: bsngags brjod nas/ /gzhan yang rang sems smon lam cher btab pa/ /bdag ni ma 'ongs pa'i dus gyi tshe/ /tshe rabs bskal pa tshad myed grangs snyed/ /rmyi lam rtag par gser rnga che mthong nas/ / 'gyod tshangs bstan pa'i sgra ni thos par shog/ /sangs rgyas yon tan pad ma'i dpes bsngags pas/ /skye myed rtogs nas yang dag sangs rgyas shog/ Verso, l. 1: /bdag gi bu ni gser klu gser kyi 'od/ /'das pa'i dus tshe dge bshes bgyis pas na/ /tshe rabs kun du bdag gi khyim skyes te/ /lhan gcig bla myed byang chub lung nod shog/ /sems can gang zhig mgon dang skyabs ma mchis/ /yun ring 'khor bar sdug bsngal mang myong ba/ /bdag gis ma 'ongs mgon dang bskyabs bgyis nas/ /de dag rtag du bde ba 'thob par shog/ .......... gser 'od 'gyod cangs bgyis pa'i bsod nams 'dis/ /sdug bsngal .... 'This son of mine, who has made Suvarṇanāga Suvarṇaprabhāsa his Kalyāṇamitra in time past, may be born in all his births in my house and obtain with [me] the prediction (luṅ) of supreme Enlightenment. All creatures who, being without refuge and protector, are suffering many sufferings a long time, may they, in the future, find in me refuge and protector and always enjoy happiness. Owing to the merit of this Suvarṇa-prabhāsa prayer....'
IOL Tib J 451.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. IV. 12 and 73. VIII, frag. 5, Concertina; 25 c. x 7.5 c.: foll. 6; ll. 4 and 5: dbu-can. A fragment of a Tantra. Begins: .../'chi ba las thar ba gcig kyang myed //__//de ltar skya ba'i lam gcig nas gcig [du ]'gro ba'i//__//skye shi 'i lam ngan pa nyam nga bA 'di yid la dran bar byos shig//__//'jam bu gling 'di nas//dpag tshad khri'i 'og na'//__//na rag ched po'i gnas lcags kyi sa gzhi 'bar ba'i steng na'//__//... '...Remember the bad way of birth and death. There is, 10,000 yojanas below the Jambu-dvīpa, a great hell....'
IOL Tib J 451.2 - Section: 2 A metrical text, verses of 7 syllables, with the refrain: //zhing mchog der ni skye bar 'gyur// 'He will be born in this excellent field.' Mention of the Suvarṇa-prabhāsottama, and fragment of a Stotra: //sems shan mang po khyod gyis drangs// //snying rje phan ba kun la byas// //de phyir khyod mying 'jig rten mgon// Definition of the Dharma-dhātu: //dmyigs dang myi dmyigs mnyam ba ste// //de ni chos dbyings nyid [yin no]//
IOL Tib J 452.1 - Section: 1 gser 'od dam pa skrags pa'i yig ge/ (Suvarṇa-prabhāsottama-kīrti-varṇana) su ba rna pra myi ta 'ga' Ch. 80. IVa, Concertina; 30.5 c. x 9 c.: foll. 22; ll. 5: dbu-can. Foll. 1-14 recto. Complete.
IOL Tib J 452.2 - Section: 2 dgyod sangs For 'gyod tshangs ... gyi smon lam/ (Anuśaya-praṇidhāna?) Foll. 15-22 recto, 22-19 verso. Complete. Same text as 208. Begins: dkon mchog sum la phyag 'tshal lo//gyod sangs kyi smon lam du gsol ba//sangs rgyas bcom ldan 'das//zhi ba chos gyi sku thams cad khyen pa'i ye shes can//stobs bchus myi 'cig pa//ma 'dres pa'i chos gyis rgyan pa//ci snyed po thams cad la gus pas phyag 'tshal lo//dam pa'i chos ngo bo nyid gyis dag pa//rang bzhin gyis rnam par krol ba//nyes pa'i skyon thams shad dang bral ba //.... Ends: 'phags pa 'jam dpal lta bu'i shes rab dang//kun du bzang po lta bu'i smon lam dang//sbyan ra[s] gzigs dbang phyug lta bu'i thugs rje dang//phyag nang rtor rje lta bu'i mthu stobs dang//dri ma myed par grags pa la bu'i thabs mkhas pa la mying 'jugs par gyu[r] te//nyon mongs pa'i sgrub pa ni zad//shes bya'i sgrib ni byang nas//byang cub gyi sa bcu ni zil gyis non te//myi gnas pa'i myi ngan las 'da' bar smon no//dgyod sangs gyi smon lam rdzogs so
IOL Tib J 452.3 - Section: 3 snang ba mtha yas gyi yon tan rnal 'byor pa la stan pA/ (Amitābha-guṇa-yogāsana) Foll. 18-4 verso. Complete. Named in the colophon: sung snang pa tha yas/
IOL Tib J 453.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. VI. 9, Concertina; 17.9 c. x 8.2 c.: foll. 15; ll. 4: dbu-can. A collection of Dhāraṇīs and Mantras, including (fol. 10 recto). byang chub sems dpA gnyi 'od kyi gzungs/(Sūryaprabha-bodhisattva-dhāraṇī) and byang cub sems dpA zla 'od kyi gzungs/(Candraprabha-bodhisattva-dhāraṇī)
IOL Tib J 454.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 82. II. 1, Scroll; 430 c. x 30.5 c.: ll. 221: dbu-can. A collection of texts on Yoga. No general title. Incomplete. Begins with (1) rang bzhin gyi rnal 'byor/ (Svabhāva-yoga) and (2) grub pa'i rnal 'byor/ (Siddha-yoga) Begins: rang bzhin gyi rnal 'byor ni //sems dang sems snang ba'i chos thams cad dam//kun nas nyon mongs pa dang/rnam par byang ba'i chos thams cad rtogs kyang rung ma rtogs kyang rung /'phrul la lam gyis ma bsgrub gnyen po ma bcos te/ye nas ng[?]sangs rgyas pa sku gsung thugs lhun kyis grub par gnas pa la bya/ /grub pa'i rnal 'byor ni/rang bzhin de ji lta bzhin ma nor par rtogs nas /....
IOL Tib J 455.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 75. XII. 5, Concertina; 19 c. x 7.1 c.: fol. 1; ll. 6 and 7: dbu-med. Recto: the beginning of a Heruka-stotra. @/:/yo ga tan tra 'i gzhung las /ma bdun gyi khro bo chen po brgyad /dpal he ru ka la bstod pa/ dbang phyug chen po kun kyi gtso / /bdag myed zhi ba mchog brnyes pa / khro tshul zhe sdang myi mnga' yang / bden rtog nga rgyal rlom sems dang / phrag dog za zhing bgegs byed pa / /ma dungs de dag gzhil phyir du / /sku ni khro tshul rmad bstan kyang / /thugs ni tshad myed zhi bdag ste/ /blo myed rmongs pa bdag zhan la / /pyas rmod gnod sems de dag kun / /de 'i rnam smyin bzod pa dka' / /de la snying brtse yid gdungs nas / /ma dung rgyu 'bras de bzlog phyir/ Compare 468. Verso: part a Tāntrik text. Ends: /khrag 'jibs chen po 'i bkra shis la rnam par bstan bas ra mdzad du gsol //ho //bde bar gshegs so dam tshigs thugs kyi dkyil 'khor dam pa nas //thams cad bdag la rnaM pa+r
IOL Tib J 456.1 - Section: 1 kun tu chad pa' sa/ [Avakrama? Vichinna-pāśa?] Ch. 73. VII, frag. A. 11, Pothī; 44.5 c. x 9.7 c.: fol. 1; ll. 5: dbu-can. No title; colophon, title only, without rdzogs-so; paḥ-sa more likely than paḥs, although there is no dot before s. Contains the end of a metrical text on the Ṣaḍ-aṅga-vidyā (oṃ mani padme hūm), mother of the Buddhas, Pratyeka-buddhas, Śrāvakas, devas, and brāhmaṇas. Begins: rten skyong gi 'khord rnams kyis/ /rjes su bstan pa ma thobs ste/ /gang phyird 'di la sangs rgyas dang/ /rang sangs rgyas dag 'byung 'gyurd zhing/ /'di las nyan thos rnams kyang skye/ /lha rnams dag kyang skye bar 'gyur/ /rig byed yan lag drug mthar phyind/ /bram ze rnams kyang skye bar 'gyur/ Ends: 'di la sngags gyi dam pa' ni/ /pha rol gnod pa ston pa'r byed/ /rigs sngags lam ni 'da' ba'i 'khor/ kun tu chad pa'_s/
IOL Tib J 457.1 - Section: 1 sbyin ba phangs myed pa/ [Avinaṣṭa-dāna?] Ch. 73. III. 31, Scroll; 149 c. x 4.4 c.: ll. 135 recto, 121 verso: dbu-can and dbu-med. Incomplete at the beginning. Begins with prayers to Maitreya (Byams-mgon-thugs-rje-can). Ends, l. 105: bdag nyid chos nyid dbu ma'i lam dang sbyor / /rnam sbyor phyi nang rtag chad mthar spas pas / /ngan pI las la bden bI tshogs myi 'jug / /byol tshongs gnas su 'di nas khrid par zad // /sbyin ba phangs myed ta//rdzogs s+ho / 'But I follow the Dharmatā, the middle path, having abandoned the extreme views of permanence and destruction concerning external and internal things. Happiness does not abide in bad acts. They lead to rebirth in animal (byol-soṅ) forms.'
IOL Tib J 457.2 - Section: 2 A metrical text (9 syllables), incomplete. Another hand, dbu-med. Begins: lus dang ngag dang yid gi dus gsum du / /dge ba bgyid dang bgyid du gsol pa dang /
IOL Tib J 458.1 - Section: 1 snang bgyad For brgyad. ces bya ba 'i rig sngags kyi mdo/ [Aṣṭa-darśana-nāma-vidyā-sūtra] Ch. CXLVII. 4, 73. IV. 11 (foll. 5, 12, 17, 19), 73. VIII. 10 (foll. 7, 11, 15, 16), Pothī; 27 c. x 7.7 c.: foll. 14, numbered ka [1], 2-3, 5-7, 10-11, 12 (right half missing), 15-19 and 3 damaged folios (left half missing); ll. 5 dbu-can. The Bodhisattva Asaṅga (Thogs-pa-myed-pa) questions Bhagavat, fol. 1b: bcom ldan 'das 'jam 'bu gling gyi sems can 'di dag ni //gcig gis gcig bskyed de //thog ma ma mchis pa nas rgyun ma chad do//de la shes rab dang ldan ba ni nyung //myi shes pa ni mang /.... drang po ni nyung //yon po ni mang //chos bzhin byed pa ni nyung /chos bzhin myi byed pa ni mang bam skye bo thams cad chos khrims bzhin du myi byed de//.....bcom ldan 'das kyis log par lta ba 'i sems can la /yang dag par lta ba 'i chos bstan te //sdug bsngal dang nyon mongs pa //las grol zhing thar par mdzad du gsol / Bhagavat answers, fol. 2b: shin du legs so/....thogs pa myed pa khyod snying rje chen po dang ldan bas //sems can log par lta ba rnams [....]phyir //de bzhin gshegs pa la yang dag par lta ba'i chos zhus pa .... Fol. 5, Bhagavat explains to Aparyantakāya (Lus-mtha'-myed-pa) that sound is voidness and voidness sound. Fol. 19, the same fragment as 459, fol. 8.
IOL Tib J 459.1 - Section: 1 snang brgyad zhes bya ba'i mdo/ [Aṣṭa-darśana-nāma-sūtra] Ch. 0018, Concertina; 12.4 c. x 7 c.: foll. 15; ll. 5 and 7: dbu-can. Incomplete at the beginning and the end. A treatise in sūtra form. Bhagavat and the Bodhisattva Aparyantakāya (Lus-mtha'-yas-pa) on the 8 Vijñāna-kāyas of the Vijñānavādin school. Fol. 5, verso, explains the title of the Sūtra: de nas byang cub sems dpA lus mthA yas pas/bcoM ldan 'das la 'di skad ces gsol to//bcom ldan 'das ci 'i slad du snang brgyad kyi mdo sde zhes bgyi/...../legso legso//khyod brtan bar nyon cig/khyod la snang brgyad kyi mdo bshad par bya 'o//brgyad ces bya ba ni rnam grangso/snang zhes bya ba ni gsal bar rig pa'o//theg pa chen po 'dus ma byas kyi chos gsal bar rig cing/rnaM par shes pa brgyad kyi rgyu dang/snang zhing gsal ba'i spyan gis mdo sder gyur pas/snang brgyad kyi mdo zhes bya 'o//rnam par shes pa brgyad ces bya ba ni/sgo lnga 'i rnaM par shes pa dang/yid kyi rnam par shes pa dang/nyon mongs pa can gi yid kyi rnaM par shes pa dang/ kun zhi rnam par shes pa'o//de la dmyig ni gzugs kyi rnaM par shes pa/rna ba ni ....sna ni ....lce ni ....lus ni ....yid ni bye brag 'byed pa'i rnam par shes pa ste/kun zhi rnam par shes pa dang/nyon mongs pa can gi yid kyi rnaM par shes pa dang brgyado/.... The translation, snaṅ = darśana, justified by Bstan-ḥgyur, Rgyud-ḥgrel, LIX. 86 and 88, is further confirmed by the commentary: gsal-bar-rig-pa....
IOL Tib J 460.1 - Section: 1 snang brgyad zhes bya ba'i mdo/ (Aṣṭa-darśana-nāma-sūtra) Ch. 80 IV. f and CXLVII. 8, Concertina; 25.5 c. x 8.5 c.: foll. 13; ll. 5: dbu-can. Incomplete.
IOL Tib J 460.2 - Section: 2 'phags pa gser can zhes bya ba'i gzungs/ (Ārya-Kanakavatī-nāma-dhāraṇī) a rya kan tsa na ba ti na mA dA ra NI / Titles and beginning of the text. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Csoma_1836: XIII. 432-5; Beckh_1914: XV. 126-30. Characters, Bhagavat, Vajrapāni, Sarvadharmāprapañca-tathāgata.
IOL Tib J 461.1 - Section: 1 snang brgyad zhes bya ba'i mdo/ [Aṣṭa-darśana-nāma-sūtra] Ch. 73. VI. 10, Concertina; 16 c. x 7.5 c.: foll. 3; ll. 5: dbu-can. End and colophon (Tibetan title only).
IOL Tib J 462.1 - Section: 1 [snang brgyad zhes bya ba'i mdo/] (Aṣṭa-darśana-nāma-sūtra) Ch. 73. XIV. 7, Concertina; 27.2 c. x 7 c.: foll. 11; ll. 4 and 3: dbu-can. Incomplete at the beginning. Colophon: rdzogs-sho, only, but see foll. 1 and 2.
IOL Tib J 463.1 - Section: 1 'phags pA snang brgyad zhes bya ba'i theg pa chen po/ [Aṣṭa-darśana-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtra] Ch. 80. IVb, Concertina; 28.5 c. x 9 c.: foll. 28 (fol. 1, blank); ll. 5: dbu-can. Foll. 2-11 recto. Title from the colophon.
IOL Tib J 463.2 - Section: 2 'tshe 'pag du myed pa zhes bya ba theg pa 'chen po'i mo/ (Aparimitāyur-nāma-mahāyāna-sūtra) a pa ra myi ta/a yur na ma ma ha ya na su tra/ fol. 11 recto, l. 3.
IOL Tib J 464.1 - Section: 1 skal bskyed ces bya ba bsgrub pa'i thabs/ [Kalpa-vardhana-nāma-sādhana?] Ch. 73. III. 23, Pothī; 27 c. x 8.5 c.: foll. 5, numbered 1-5; ll. 5: dbu-med. Complete. Begins: dpA bo dmyig dang ldan ba'i/ /sgu mchog rdo rje 'thob 'dod na/ /dbang dang dam tshig phun su tshogs / /dad pa dang po gtang bar 'os /
IOL Tib J 465.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa dge' bya'i smon lam/ [Ārya-śubha-praṇidhāna] Fragment 57, Scroll; 102 c. x 27 c.: recto, 74 columns Chinese; verso, ll. 77 Tibetan: dbu-can: badly damaged at the beginning. Last part and colophon (...smon-lam-zind-toḥ). Ends: de : bdag : gyis : kun tshang ba : dang/ma : lus : par byas : te//'jig : rten : yod kyi : bar du : sems : chan : la : phan : bar : bya'o//rgyal : ba : de'i : 'khor : bzang : zhin : dga' : bar/pad ma : dam : pa :/'bar : ba : las : skyes : te/der bdagis :/lung bsgo' ba : thob : pa'ng/rgyal : ba : a : myi : ta ba'i : spyan sngar ro //lung bsgo ba 'ang der thob : ste//'phrul : bye : ba' :/phrag : brgya yang /du mas : sems : can la : phan ba : mang po : bdag : byed pa : ni/phyogs : bcur : 'phrul : gyi : stobs : kyis : so//dge : bya'i : smon lam : thob : pha : ni//yon don ngo mtshar du bzang ste : /dphag : du myed pha : //des : 'gro : ba : mya : ngan : gyi : 'od par nub : pha//a : myi : ta b+ha'i : gna's : rab : du deng shig//__//dge : bya'i : smon lam : phlags : shing//de'i : legs : pha : bdag : gyis : cung zad du ://bstsags : pha skad cig tu : thams : shad greg : ching : //grub : par : de ni : /'jig : rten la : bzang bar : smond to/
IOL Tib J 466.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 79. XIII. 4, Roll; 31.2 c. x 23 c.: foll. 16 (2 damaged, one 31.2 c. x 12 c.); ll. 24 and 25: dbu-can. Mantras. Ends fol. 2.
IOL Tib J 466.2 - Section: 2 rgyud chags dang po ste//dbyangs ting mya sbyar bar klag pa/ Foll. 3-10.
IOL Tib J 466.3 - Section: 3 rgyud chags tha ma ste//dbyangs ting mya sbyar bar klag pa/ Foll. 11-16. Ends: /sngon gyi sangs rgyas mang po la/ /ston pa'i gsung rab srung ba dang/ /de'i 'khor rnams 'dul ba'i phyir/ /sngon gyi thugs dam dran mdzod de/ /nyon mongs ra mdar gshegs su gsol/ /rdzogs s+ho/
IOL Tib J 466.4 - Section: 4 Homage to Avalokiteśvara and Mantras. Fol. 16. Incomplete.
IOL Tib J 467.1 - Section: 1 [rgyud chags tha ma ste//dbyangs ting mya sbyar bar klag pa/] Ch. 73. IV. 5b; 73. VIII. 7b (fol. 16); CXLVII. 19 (unnumbered damaged folio), Pothī; 47 c. x 9 c.: foll. 4, numbered pa 12, [pha] 13, [tsa] 16 (these letters in ordinary reckoning make 13, 14, 17); ll. 4: dbu-can. Incomplete. Begins: spyir 'bul gyis/ /srin dmag lha myin g.yul las rgyal ba dang/ /lha'i rgyal srid dbu rmog brtsan bar bsngo/ /gzi byin g.yog 'khor long spyod 'phel ba dang/ /mthu rtsal go 'phang khyad bar brny+hes par bsngo'/ .......................... /dus rig rgyud mkhyen kun la bzod par gsol/ /lha tshogs chos kyi sbyin ba'i bkra shis kyis/ /phun sum tshogs 'dzin dam chos rgyas par smon/༔༔/ Stanzas of 7 syllables which follow are a series of formulas of Refuge, beginning with the Dharma-kāya and the Puṇya-kāya (= Saṃbhoga-kāya), ending (see 466) with the Dharma. As a refrain: nyon mongs ra mdar gshegs su gsol Two stanzas on the Dharma-kāya, fol. 12b, l. 1: /skye ba myed ching 'gag pa myed/ /'gro dang 'ong las rnam par grold/ /chos kyi sku zhes brjod pa de/ /nyon mongs .... /dbang po'i yul las rnam 'das shing/ /mying dang mtshan mar brjod du myed/ /chos kyi sku zhes brjod pa de/ /nyon mongs .... On the Saṃbhoga-kāya (Vairocana-puṇya-kāya), fol. 12b, l. 2: /bskal pa grangs myed snga ma nas/ /bsod nams ye shes tshogs ldan ba/ /rnam par snang mdzad bsod nams sku/ /nyon mongs .... On the Bodhisattvas (= Saṃgha?), CXLVII. 19, recto, l. 3: /thams chad mkhyen pa'i sar grub pa/ /byang chub sems dpa' chen po rnams/ /nyon mongs .... ................... /bdud dang lha 'dre gtum po rnams/ /'jigs pa'i tshul gyis kun btul ba/ /byang chub sems dpa' chen po rnams/ /nyon mongs .... Refuge with Tāntrik deities, fol. 16a, l. 1: /'gong gi smad yogs can bas/ /bgegs kyi dbang po 'dul ba'i phyir/ /khros pa'i tshul du kun ston ching/ /mye 'di dkyil 'khor 'bar ba na/ /'tshing gnon thabs su bzhugs pa de/ /mthong ba tsam gyis skrag gyurd pa/ /rdo rje hung zhes grags pa de/ /nyon mongs ra mdar gshegs su gsol/ /kha dog dmar po khro gnyer can/ /spyan gsum mche ba gnyis pa ste/ /dbu sgra dmar la gyen du 'khyil/ /khro bo'i dbu ni sbrul gyis brgyan/ .................. /stobs po che [note a: Mahābala. [note zhes grags pa de/ /nyon mongs ra mdar gshegs su gsol/ Ends with a god of the South, Kumbhāṇḍa-rāja Virūḍhaka: /lho'i phyogs na gnas pa ni/ /grul bum rgyal po 'phags sgyes po/ /lag na dbyig pa mi mgo chan/ /grul bum mang po [...../]
IOL Tib J 468.1 - Section: 1 mkhan po ma ha yan gi bsam gtan cig car 'jug pa'i sgo/ (Mahāpaṇḍitāgra-dhyānāśvāvatāra-mukha?] Ch. XXVII. H, Pothī; 26 c. x 8.7 c.: foll. 2, numbered 1-2; ll. 5: dbu-can. Belongs to the class of the Yoga-tantras. Begins: 'jig rten skye shi 'khor ba'i rtsa ba ni//rnam par rtog pa'i sems yin no//ci ltar yin zhe na/ thog ma myed pa'i bag chags kyi rgyu las /rnam par rtog pa'i sems g.yos [note a: ? to cook, ripen. [note nas /ji ltar g.yos pa de bzhin du mthong zhing /ci ltar mthong ba [de ]bzhin du spyad /ci ltar spyad pa bzhin du 'bras bur 'grub pas /de bas na yar te sangs rgyas man cad/mar te sems can dmyal ba yan cad kyang/rang gi rnam par rtog pa las sprul cing mthong bar zad de/sems myi g.yo na chos rdul tsam yang thob par rung ba myed do//....//bsam gtan nyid du 'jug pa'i tshe /.... 'The root of the circle of birth and death of this world is the Vikalpa-citta. How? will one say. Having for cause the eternal (anādi) Vāsanās, the Vikalpa-citta moves; as it moves, it sees; as it sees, it acts; as it acts, fruits are produced. Therefore all begings, from the Buddhas above to the inhabitants of hell below, are created by their own Vikalpa-citta. When the Citta does not move.... At the moment of entering into dhyāna.... See Heruka-stotra, 455.
IOL Tib J 469.1 - Section: 1 ce ti brgya [rtsa brgyad b]tab pa'i cho ga/ Ch. 9. I, frag. 68, Pothī; 21.4 c. x 7.7 c.: fol. 1, damaged; ll. 6: dbu-can. Incomplete at the end. Begins: ste'u lho byang shar nub gru bzhi pa gchig bgyis pa'i steng du man dal gyi dpe' shig shog la mchis pa bzhin du/man dal bcu phreng bcu bri/ste'u ngos bzhi'i dbus su /ste'u [gnyi]s gnyis brtsigs te/steng 'u [note a: For ste' 'u, partly corrected from steng du. [note chung ngu 'i steng du man dal re re bri/man dal rnams ni tsan dan dkar po'i [....]gus byug/man dal bgyis lags nas/ce ti btab ste ....
IOL Tib J 470.1 - Section: 1 rnal 'byor chen po mchog gi lugs/ [Mahā-yoga agranaya] Ch. 82. XII. 4a, Scroll; 399 c. x 30.5 c.: ll. 179: dbu-can, interlinear commentary dbu-med. Scribe: Phra-śi-Meṅ-hveḥi-ḥgyog. Begins: rig pas shes pa 'dod pa'i phyir/ /blo la snang ba'i tha tsam dag/ /slob mas dge ba'i bshes la dris/ /nges pa'i lung dang myi 'gal zhing/ /chos nyid rig pa'i rjes su 'gro/ /rang rig 'brel bcas tshigs su bcad/ /ci ltar gnas pa bzhin du bstan/ /rdo rje sems pa dpa' ['i don ]ci lta bu/lags//skye ba myed pa ye shes rang gyi dbyings //myi 'gyur myi shigs pa'i rdo rje'i don no//sems ye shes rdo rje ste//'gro ba'i/don byed pas rdo rje sems par bshad do/rdo rje sems dpa' ni dus gsum gyi de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi yang thugs rdo rje //lags la/ /sku gsung thugs kyi bdag po lags so zhes bya ba'i don ci lta bu lags/....
IOL Tib J 471.1 - Section: 1 yum zhes bya ba'i gzungs/ Fragment 89, Scroll; 43 c. x 30.7 c.: ll. 19: dbu-can. Complete. Title from the colophon. Some Chinese characters at the top. Begins: na ma sa rwa ta tha ga ta ya/na mo rad na tra yA yA/na mo a myi d+ha ba ya/ta tha ga ta ya/a ra ha te/....na mo a rya pa lo ke ti shwa ra .... Ends with mantras.
IOL Tib J 472.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 03. 30, Pothī; 24 c. x 7 c.: fol. 1; ll. 4: dbu-can; hole well on the left side. Fragment of a Tantra. Bhagavat and a Kula-putra, on the Tathāgata-dharmākṣara-kośa, Samyag-gata-dharmākṣara-kośa? @/:/yang dag:par gshegs pa'i chos kyi yi ge'i mdzod ni //sems shes shing /ngo bo nyid mthong ba 'ba' shig:gis//shes par nus kyi //nyan thos dang /phal gyis shes shing nus pa ma yino//rigs kyi bu yi ge 'di klog:cing kha ton byed pa ni /yang dag:pa'i gzhung zab du shes pas//lus:dang sems:sangs:rgyas kyi chos kyi snod yin par shes so//la la:ra:ro zhing bslade [verso]ma:sangs:pas bdagi sems sangs:rgyas kyi phyi mo rtsa ba yin bar bye brag phyed par myi nus te //chu bab:pa:bzhin du lam ngan pa:la phyogs shing lhung nas//yun tu sdug:bsngal gyi mtsho 'i nang du bying ste /sangs rgyas kyi chos kyi mying yang myi nus so//de'i tshe/lha'i bu lnga brgya mang po'i nang na//'khor:pa:las//sangs:rgyas kyis bshad pa:thos:te//chos kyi 'The Yaṅ-dag-par-gśegs-paḥi-chos-kyi-yi-ge-ḥi-mdzod can be understood by one who sees the reality...., but not by a Śrāvaka....'
IOL Tib J 473.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 82. II. 5, Pothī; 45.5 c. x 8.5 c.: fol. 1; ll. 10 recto, 6 verso: dbu-can. Fragment of a Tāntrik text. Mantras and Bījas. Begins with Prajñā aphorisms: @//thog mar:chos:thams cad /stong pa bdag myed pa'i/ngo bo nyid yin par rang gis shes rab kyis .... Ends: dam tshigs 'di las 'gal bar byas na //'phags pa'i bden tshigs kyis gzir bar ba 'di ste//om ta ki ra tsa ha na ha na hum /sar rwa byi khri na na /huM huM ho ho bang//rdzogsso//zhus lag/chad lhag ma mchisso//
IOL Tib J 474.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 83. VI. 3, Pothī; 57 c. (originally 60 c.) x 20 c.: fol. 1, damaged: ll. 13: dbu-can: black and red. Divination. A series of paragraphs dealing with each 'limb' of the Pratītya-samutpāda. Titles in red: Na-ma-ru-pa-ḥi-ñi-ma-la/... U-pa-da-na-ḥi-ñi-ma-la/... Bha-ba-ḥi-ñi-ma-la/... 'Concerning the Nāma-rūpa-sūrya... the Upādāna-sūrya... the Bhava sūrya....' Recto, l. 9: *tri sna 'i nyi ma la//*nad kyi btab na /zhag dgu na ma sos na/zhag bcu na 'chi 'o/༔/gdon nad ma yin na /zhag dgu na sos so/.... *bha ba 'i [nyi ]ma la/༔/*gdon nad gyis btab na /myur du 'chi 'o/༔/gdon nad ma yin na /zhag bcu na sos so/
IOL Tib J 475.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 2a. E, Pothī; 41.5 c. x 8 c.: foll. 3, numbered (letters) 23-25; ll. 8, ruled with 5 red lines: dbu-med. Begins with the vow of a Bodhisattva: yongs su rdzogs par gyur cig /yang bcom ldan 'das thugs rje chen po dang /ldan ba rnams bdag la dgongs su gsol //bdag mying 'di zhes bgyi ba /'khor ba na 'khor zhing /bcing ba chen pos bcings par gyur pa' //brtson ra na gnas pa /yang dag pa'i las dang bral ba /nyon mongs pa 'i dgra'i dbang du gyur pa /mgon myed pa /... 'May I, of such and such name, for the persons who are going along the Saṃsāra, tied by great ties, residing in gaol, devoid of good acts,...' Foll. 24-25, offering of ratna, vṛkṣa, &c., and pariṇāmanā. Ends: dus gsum gyi de bzhin gshegs pa dang /byang chub sems dpa' thams cad kyis //sdig pa dang myi dge ba'i las kyi sgrib pa thams cad bshags pa de bzhin du / bdag gis kyang yongs su bshags shing sbyang ngo //de bzhin du mchod pa dang bshags pa las stsogs pa byas nas //sangs rgyas dang byang chub sems dpa' thams cad mngon du dmyigs pa'i spyan sngar /gsang sngags 'di lan brgya bzla so //__//Om sam b+ha ra bsam b+ha ra /bi ma na sa ra ma ha 'dzA bh+a hung //__//gsang sngags de bzlas pas /ci dang ci 'dod pa de thams cad 'grub cing /lha'i mchod pa'i sprin chen po dang /de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyang mngon du 'gyur ro //rigs kyi bu 'am /rigs kyi bu mo gang la la zhig gis de / See Karmāvaraṇa, Śikṣā-samuccaya, p. 170 and Bodhicaryāvatāra, chap. II, Comm.
IOL Tib J 476.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 03. 27, Pothī; 24.3 c. x 6 c.: foll. 2, numbered 39-40; ll. 4: dbu-can. A fragment of a Dhāraṇī. Mañjuśrī is taught the advantages obtained by the use of this Dhāraṇī. On the Tathāgata Mya-ṅan-myed-paḥi-mchog-dpal, and the advantages of pronouncing his name, &c. On the Tathāgata Gser-bzaṅs-dri-myed-rin-chen-snaṅ-brtul- źugs-grub-pa.
IOL Tib J 477.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 79. XIV, 2 irregular fragments; (a) 19 c. x 13 c., (b) 10 c. x 12 c.; parts of ll.13 and 9: dbu-can. Dhāraṇī.
IOL Tib J 478.1 - Section: 1 Ch. XV (?, Vol. 15, fol. 2), Pothī; 23 c. x 6 c. (originally?), ll. 4: dbu-can, red. Dhāraṇī.
IOL Tib J 479.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 85. IX. 8, Pothī; 39.3 c. x 10.2 c.: fol. 1; ll. 7: dbu-can. Fragment of a Tāntrik text. Mention of the Vajra-jñāna.
IOL Tib J 480.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 51. I. 59, Concertina; 30.5 c. x 8.5 c.: fol. 1; ll. 6: recto dbu-can, verso dbu-med. 1. Recto. Fragment of a Tāntrik text, left hand. Begins: .../nyal dang sna sa la 'jugs/mje yang 'byin yang 'byin te /ltag pa ked ked byed/khong smyos bror 'dug /.... 2. Verso, ends: sems chan don mdzad [de]phyir ni //bk+a' stsal smon//
IOL Tib J 481.1 - Section: 1 Fragment 36, Pothī; 38 c. (originally?) x 8.6 c.: fol. 1, damaged; ll. 5: dbu-can, interlinear glosses dbu-med. Fragment of a Tāntrik text, left hand. Verso, l. 2: .../de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi:btsun mo'i bha ga la //dam tsig chen mo'i dkyil 'khor gru bzhir byin gyis brlabs pa ni /....
IOL Tib J 482.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 87. IV. 2, Concertina; 27.7 c. x 6.7 c.: fol. 1; ll. 3: dbu-can. Fragment of a Dhāraṇī.
IOL Tib J 483.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 51. I. 55, Pothī; 34.5 c. x 8 c.: fol. 1, numbered 6; ll. 5: dbu-can. Formulas of adoration (pūjā). Verso, l. 2: .../sgron ma'i shing dang/rgyal mtshan gyi shing dang /ba dan gi shing dang /rin po che 'i shing las stsogs pa de dag/thams cad ma bzung ba/yongs su ma bzung ba de dag kun kyang/sangs rgyas dang /byang cub sems dpal [sic]thams chad la dbul lo//ci tsham du de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi spyan gyis gzigs pa'i sangs rgyas kyi zhing dag na mchod pa'i sprin chen po me tog gi sprin dang / spos kyi sprin dang /.... ...dīpa-vṛkṣa-dhvaja-vṛkṣa-patāka-vṛkṣa- ratna-vṛkṣādīns tān sarvān agṛhītān aparigṛhītān api tān sarvān sarva-buddha-bodhisattvebhyo niryācayāmi ... pūjā-mahā-megha-puṣpa-megha-gandha-megha.... Compare Bodhicaryāvatāra, II: ...sarvāṇy apīmāny aparigrahāṇi ādāya buddhyā muni-puṅgavebhyo niryā-cayāmy eṣa [sa-putrakebhyaḥ] The Pariṇāma-cakra (Mdo, XXI) is different from, but skin to our text. Compare Ratna-megha quoted Śikṣā-samuccaya, p. 290. 11: ...sa yathīme dhūpa-vṛkṣā vā gandha-vṛkṣā vā ratna-vṛkṣā vā kalpa-vṛkṣā vā amamā aparigrahās tān api triṣ-kṛtvā rātrau triṣ-kṛtvā divase buddha-bodhisattvebhyo niryātayati.
IOL Tib J 484.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. XV. 18, Pothī; 28 c. x 6.4 c.: foll. 2, damaged; ll. 5: dbu-med, with some dbu-can forms. An Anuttara-pūjā. Defective at the begining and the end. Begins: ..... /skar mda' chen po ched pa lta [note a: ? for sta. [note //'phags ma sgrol ma 'i yum bcas la/ /bla myed mchod pa 'di 'bul gyis/ /sngon kyi daM tshig rjes dgongs la/ /rdzu 'phrul shugs kyis 'dir gshegs te/ /bdag gi bsam ba bsgrub du gsol/ The four last lines recur as a refrain.
IOL Tib J 485.1 - Section: 1 (Maitreya-pūjā) Ch. 03. 50, Pothī; 42.3 c. x 8.2 c.: fol. 1, numbered ka 2; ll. 5: dbu-can. Reference is made to made to the Kāya-karman, vāk-karman, manas-karman of Maitreya. Begins: .../yang dag par rdzogs pa'i sangs rgyas kyi bka' stsal pa'i mos pas lhag par mos so //tshul khrims la ci lta ba de bzhin du /ting nge 'dzin dang /shes rab dang /rnam par grol ba dang /rnam par grol ba'i ye shes mthong ba dang /de bzhin du byams pa chen po dang /snying rje chen po dang /dga' ba chen po dang /btang snyom chen po dang /de bzhin du / stobs/dang myi 'jigs pa dang /de bzhin du sangs rgyas kyi chos thams cad yang dag par 'byung ba'i bar dag la lhag par mos so /mos nas kyang sangs rgyas bcom ldan 'das de dag la phyag 'tshal lo /bstod do/bkur ro/bsngags so /rab du bsngags so /'dud do/rab tu 'dud do / phyag bgyi 'o gzhol lo /blta 'o/brtag go /byams pa'i lus kyi las dang /byams pa'i ngag gyi las dang /byams pa'i yid kyi las ye shes sngon du 'gro ba dang /kun du bzang ba dang /sangs rgyas kyi rgyan kyi lus kyi las dang /ngag gyi las dang /yid kyi las kyis/sangs rgyas bcom ldan 'das de dag la phyag 'tshal lo /bstod do/bkur ro/ bsngags so /....
IOL Tib J 486.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 77. XV. 7, Pothī; 27.8 c. x 6.2 c.: fol. 1, numbered ka 2; ll. 4: dbu-can. A metrical text. The line endings are not always indicated by a stroke. Begins: @// byang phyogs rnam dag zhing khams nas / bde ba gshegs las kyi rigs kyi gtso/ ston pa rang byung don yod grub rgyal sras 'khor bcas gshegs su gsol / /myi mjed 'jig rten chos kyi rje / shag kya seng ge srid sum mgon / myi 'dul kha lo sgyur ba'i gtso/ /rang byung dpa' bo gshegs su gsol / /rnam par snang mdzad de bzhin gshegs/ ye shes mchog gis gang che mtsho zla rgyas 'dra ba'i thugs kha nas / phrul pa rdo rje dbyin kyi tshul / /rdo rje sems dpa' las stsogs pa sems dpa' bcu drug rigs kyi yum / /lha mo brgyad dang sgo ba bzhi / bskal ba bzang po pa'i rgyal sras rnams/ de bzhin khro bo 'khor dang bcas / byin gi brlab cing gshegs su gsol / ........
IOL Tib J 487.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 77. XV. 2, Pothī; 29 c. x 7.5 c.: fol. 1, numbered ka 67 (drug cu ro bdun ); ll. 5: dbu-can. Directions for the different Karma, śāntika, raudra, &c. Ritual. Begins: @/:/drag shul las la 'jug par bya'//de skad du dkar po 'i gos [note a: For dgos. [note ni zhi ba la//rgyas pa la yang ser po nyid khrag gis gsher ba'i gos rnams dang //dmar po dag ni drag shul la zhes gsungso//yam bsgreg shing rnams kyang khyad par du phye ste/༔/ zhi ba la yam shing rtse mo ste/ /dbus rnams kyang ni rgyas pa la/ /drag shul kun la rtsa ba ste/ /yam shing rnaM pa gsum du bshad/....
IOL Tib J 488.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. XIV. 16. 2, Scroll (?); 30 c. x 15 c.: ll. 7: dbu-med. A fragment. Offering of the element earth to Śrī-Vajrasattva, of the element fire to Ratnasambhava,... //myi brtag 'khor ba'i 'phung po 'di / sbyin pa chen po sa 'i khams / bdag gis bgas cag byang zhin dag / sa 'i khams ni bsra [note a: bsra = sa [note bzhing brtan / dpal rdo rje sems phyag du 'bul / myi brtag 'khor ba'i phung po 'di / sbyin pa chen po mye mya'i [note b: mya cancelled in MS. [note khams /bdag gis bags cag byang bzhin dag /mye [note c: mye= me [note 'i khams ni dro bzhin mtsha / rin cen dbyung ldan phyag du 'bul / /myi brtag 'khor ba'i phung po 'di / sbyin pa chen po chu 'i khams /bdag gis bags cag byang zhin dag / chu 'i khams ni gsher bzhin ldan /snang ba tha yas phyag du 'bul / /myi brtag 'khor ba'i phung po 'di / sbyin ba chin Ends abruptly.
IOL Tib J 489.1 - Section: 1 Ch. CXLVII. 24, Concertina; 26 c. x 7.4 c.: fol. 1; ll. 4: dbu-can. Recto. (Pūjānuśaṃsā) Advantages of offering flowers, music, & c. .../yon men tog gsol pas ni //gar skyes gar skyes kyang //gzugs legs shing mtshan kyis brgyan te//skyon dpyas myed pa'i lus thob par shog shig//..../mar mye gsol bas ni //ma rig pa 'i mun pa bstsal cing shes rab kyi sgron ma thob par shog shig /.... Compare Phal-chen, § 30, Cambridge II, fol. 378: ma rig pa'i mun pa rnam par bsal ba'i phyir/bdag sems can thams cad kyi sgron mar gyur cig/
IOL Tib J 489.2 - Section: 2 Verso. An unidentified fragment.
IOL Tib J 490.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. VII, frag. B. 7, Scroll; 37.5 c. x 30.5 c.: ll. 13: dbu-med. Injunction to practise the Pāramitās. Two stanzas concerning Dāna, one stanza for each of the five other virtues. Neither title, nor colophon. Begins: /bdag 'dzin bdag gis 'dzin pa ni/ /drngos po kun la myi gnas shing/ /sems can kun gi bde slad du / /ser sna ma mchis sbyin gtong shog/ /drngos po drngos po ma mchis par / /bdag gi long spyod lhun grub shog/ /dngos po thams cad rnam 'jigs pas / /dsbyin ba'i pha rol phyin rdzogs shog/ Ends: rnam par mthar pa'i sgo gsuM dang / dus gsum mnyam 'tha nyid dang yang/ rigs gsum mngon gsum ma bgyis pa /shes rab pha rol phyin rdzogs shog//
IOL Tib J 491.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. IV. 13 and CXLVII. 18, Concertina; 21.5 c. x 7 c.: foll. 4; ll. 4: dbu-can, verso a differrent hand. Vandanā, Praṇidhāna. Fol. 1a: gdung la phyag 'tshal lo //rdo rje 'i gdung la phyag 'tshal lo//nor bu 'i gdung la ..../glang po 'i gdung la ..../gzhonu 'i gdung la ..../klu'i gdung la phyag 'tshal lo// bcom ldan 'das .......sangs rgyas dpa' brtan ba 'i sde mtshon ca 'i rgyal po la phyag 'tshal lo//bcom ldan 'das Fol. 1b: zas su lo tog za ba dang /zas su sbyin bsreg za ba de dag thams chad dang/gdon thams chad kyi rig sngags gcad do/phur bus gdab bo //kun tu rgyas byas pa 'i rigs sngags gcad do /phur bus gdab bo//mkha' 'gro dang mkha' 'gro mas byas pa'i rigs sngags gcad do/phur bus gdab bo//phyugs bdag chen pos byas pa'i rigs sngags gcad do /phur bus gdab bo//sred med kyi Fol. 2a: ba der / /pad mo dam pa shin tu mdzes las skyes/ /snang ba mtha' yas rgya las mngon sum du/ /lung bstand pa yang bdag gis der thob shog / /der ni bdag gis lung bstan rab thob nas/ /spruld pa mang po bye ba phrag brgya yis/ /blo 'i stobs kyis phyogs bcu rnams su yang/ /sems can rnams la phan ba mang po bgyi // Fol. 2b: la dgongs su gsol//bdag gi skye ba 'di dang skye ba thog ma dang /tha ma ma mchis pa'i 'khor [note a: r written below kho. [note ba nas 'khor ba.'i skye ba gzhan dag du sdig pa'i las bgyis pa dang /bgyid du stsal pa dang /bgyid pa la rjes su yi rang ba 'am /mchod rten gyi dkor ram /dge 'dun gyi dkor ram/phyogs bzhi'i dge 'dun Compare 555.
IOL Tib J 492.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 51. I. 30b, Pothī; 41.8 c. x 8.1 c.: foll. 5, numbered ka 37 bis ('og ma ) 38-41; ll. 5: dbu-can. Fragment of a Praṇidhāna, or rather, vows. Rain of the Dharma-megha of different names. Begins: ...ba'i sde la gus pas phyag 'tshal mchod / /rtogs pa brjod pa'i sde la gus pas phyag 'tshal mchod / /gtan la phab pa'i sde la gus pas phyag 'tshal mchod par bgyi/ /skyes bu chos la gus pa gang dang gang zhig gis / /blo dang lce la dam chos sgron ma 'bar ba dang / /mdo sde tshig 'bru bdud rtsi thigs pa 'ga tsam yang / /su'i blo dang snying la gsal bar byed pa yi / /blo gsal ngag bzangs skye bo ci snyed bzhugs kun la / /smon pa'i sems gis rjes su yi rang phyag 'tshal nas / /chos mdzod seng ge sgra sgrogs chos kyi sbyin ba 'di / /'phags pa 'tshogs la mnga' mdzad tshig la dbang sgyur ba / /khyu mchog dge slong rgya mtsho 'i rgyal tshab ci bzhin du / /tshig gcig yan lag rgya mtsho sgra skad thaMs cad kyis / /'jig rten so so 'i yid dang mthun ba'i chos kyi char 'bebs shog //༔//'di ltar snying po byang chub mchog du phyin ba'i byang chub sems dpa' la //chos kyi dbyings kyi gzhi yi bye brag mngon sum du shes pa'i chos kyi sprin gyi char mngon bar 'bab par gyur cig //....../byang chub sems dpa' phyir myi ldog pa rnams la /snying rje chen po'i tshogs shin tu brtan ba zhes bya ba'i chos kyi sprin gi char mngon bar 'bab par gyur cig //....
IOL Tib J 493.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. VIII. 3, Scroll; 42.5 c. x 30 c.: ll. 22: dbu-can. Invocations. Line 12: .../yi d+gags bkres skom gi sems shan ni skyabs byed nus par shog shig/..../myi 'jigs pa thams shad las myi'i skyabs byed nus par shog shig//....
IOL Tib J 494.1 - Section: 1 Fragment 95, Pothī; 42.7 c. (originally?) x 8 c.: fol. 1, damaged; ll. 3: dbu-can. Fragment of a Praṇidhāna. Begins: .../de ste ma yin na' dka' ba na las sar par ro//sa la'o//mye'i gnasu na' bud pa bya'//snum 'thob pa' yang ngo/.... Ends: .../dge 'dun gyi gnas brtan gyis rind bya' //rand par ro/de'i phyir de la myi bstabs //chad par byas te slar 'phel bar myi 'gyur na dbul//
IOL Tib J 495.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 80. II, Concertina?; 20 c. x 10 c.: fol. 1; ll. 7: dbu-can. Ritual. Begins: dkar mo// 'dzub mo la [note a: Added below line. [note rdo rje chos dang rdo rje dbyangs lan ma'//srin lag ..rdo rje rnon po dang//rdo rje mye sgron ma'//mthe cung la rdo rje 'khor lo dang//rdo rje lcag sgrog ma'//mthe bong la rdo rje smra ba dang//....
IOL Tib J 496.1 - Section: 1 Vol. 71, fol. 22, Pothī; 19 c. (originally?) x 6 c.: fol. 1, badly damaged; ll. 4: dbu-can. Prayers.
IOL Tib J 497.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 9. I, frag. 42, Concertina; 14 c. x 6 c.: fol. 1; ll. 5, verso blank: dbu-can. Charms. Begins: zhag bzhi pa la /sangs rgyas bcom ldan 'das kyi spyan sngar /sna ma'i men tog gi 'phreng ba la lan stong rtsa brgyad bsngags te /myi'i mgo la //bcings na /zhag bzhi pa'i rims sos par 'gyur ro //mtshan btab pa'i rna bar bzlas brjod byas na /brjed byed las thard par 'gyur ro //.... '...In the presence of Buddha Bhagavat, having blessed the garland of flowers 1,008 times, having bound it on the head of the man, he will live (i.e. be cured) on the fourth day (?)'
IOL Tib J 498.1 - Section: 1 (Mantra-karman?) Ch. XXVII. N, Pothī; 43 c. x 9.5 c.: fol. 1; ll. 8: dbu-can. End of a colophon of mantras against illnesses. 'bras dang phol myid [note a: myig? [note thams cad tshar gcod pa'i sngags la / so na ba'i sngags la/ so dang 'gram pa dang rkog ma na ba'i sngags la/ 'brum nad kyis btab pa'i sngags na/ Colophon: sngags 'di rnams kyi las rdzogs so/
IOL Tib J 499.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 0019, Pothī; 17.5 c. x 5.7 c.: fol. 1; ll. 4: dbu-can. Enumeration of illnesses. Begins: gzhog pyed na ba dang/yi ga 'chus pa dang/myig nad dang/sna nad dang/kha nad dang/.... Verso: ...myed par mdzod chig//b+hu ta dang/ro langs pa dang/.... The first part (illnesses) agrees with Tathāgatoṣṇīṣa-dhāraṇī, with a few variants.
IOL Tib J 500.1 - Section: 1 Ch. VII, frag. 11, Pothī; 30 c. (originally?) x 10.3 c.: fol. 1, damaged; (made of two sheets stuck together); ll. 6: dbu-can. Against illnesses. Recto, l. 3: .../so na ba dang /snying na ba dang /rtsib logs na ba dang /rgyab na ba dang /lto na ba dang /mkhur ba na ba dang /[....]na ba dang /yan lag na ba dang nying lag na ba bcom mo://gdon thams chad dang /dug thams chad dang /nad thams chad bcom [.... Compare 323, fol. 39b, l. 4: .../yan lag na ba dang /nying lag na ba myed par mdzod cig /tsi cam du 'jig rten ....
IOL Tib J 501.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. III. 32, Pothī; 30.5 c. x 9.5 c.: fol. 1; ll. 5, verso blank: dbu-can. Mantras. Line 3: .../bud med bu skyed ma 'dod pa la/spyi bor btab na shin du bu btsa' sla bar 'gyur ro/...
IOL Tib J 502.1 - Section: 1 Ch. XL. h, Pothī, block print, 16.5 c. (originally?) x 5 c.: fol. 1, damaged, numbered in Chinese 10+?; ll. 4: dbu-can. Recto, l. 1: ...[de]ringX//ci 'dod sgrub pa 'khor gyi g.yang//de ringX//yid 'ong nyer_2_...g.yang//de ringX//mthu nying skad bzang khyi yi g.yang//de ringX//stobs_3_...gas khal ma'i g.yang//de ringX//bkra shis phun tshogs g.yang .gas_4_[ring]X//g.yang chags mi 'gyur bkra shis shog//kyai... Verso, l. 1: ...byin brlabs dngos grub bkra shis shog/yi dam lha cha..._2_...dngos grub rtsol pa'i bkra shis shog/chos skyongs bsrungs ma'_3_...ga/bar chad zhi ba'i bkra shis shog/yul lha gzhi bdag bkra shis _4_...rkyen bsgrub pa'i bkra shis shog/_//srid zhi'i dpal 'byor ma lus
IOL Tib J 503.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 75. XII. 4, Concertina; 20 c. x 5.7 c.: foll. 2; ll. 4: dbu-can. A metrical text (seven syllables). Fol. 2a, l. 3: /tshul khrims nyams pa sdug bsngal yin/ /mya ngan 'das la sgrib par 'gyur/ /lha dag mthong zhing de'i sgra/ /thos par gyur dang kun smra dang / Fol. 2b, l. 1, another hand: /phyag na pad ma [note a: Padmapāni. [note bzang:po bsnams/ /ril ba spyi lugs phyag na bsnams/ /kri snas ra'i pags pa bsnams/ /dbyug pa dang ni bgrang 'phreng 'dzin/ /bkra shis dag gis gtsang mar gyurd/ / snga nas bsu zhing gsong por:gsung / /bdud rtsi'i char ni rab tu 'bebs/ /yid bzhin nor bu rin chen 'dra/ /sems can [note b: Final na subscribed at the end of a line in the MS. [note thams cad dga' bar mdzad / /bzang por snang ba'i ljon shing ltar/ /sems can kun gyi gsosu gyurd/ /sangs rgyas kyi ni sprul pa lags/ /bde bar gshegs pa'i cha lugs mnga'/ /bde bar gshegs pa'i ring bsreld 'dzin / /ba spu nyag ma re re pa/ /sems can rnams kyi gtso bor gyurd/ /bsod nams mdzad ci[.....
IOL Tib J 504.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 03. 17, Concertina; 26.3 c. x 7 c.: foll. 3; ll. 4: dbu-can: red and black. 1. Maṅgalas. Begins: gnyen 'khor slad ma rnams la yang /rjes bzang zhing //tsa rab tu bkra' shis par gyur cig //*skyibs lug bsngo ba //*myi nag po'i gzhung /shid nag po'i lugs //bon dpags 'dod kyi /smra nga //'dre gsur 'dod kyi rabs las //myi bas sug 'zangs //ste //skyibs lug gi mar ba khyod la //bzang dgu se la bzar pa dang /...../deng phan cad bug lam myed la yang lug khyod kyis lam drongs shig /.... 2. Verso. An address to a Mahārāja on the four bhayas. Ends: mun pa chen por ni 'jug //g.yang sa chen por ni ltung //gdon chen pos ni zin//las kyi rlung gis ni bdas/sa chu myed pa'i phyogs su 'gro ba na' //pha ma dang //sring mo dang /gnyen bshes kyis bskor te // kyi hud kyi hud ces mya
IOL Tib J 505.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. VII, frag. B. 13, Concertina; 20 c. (originally?) x 5.7 c.: foll. 2, damaged; ll. 5 and 4: dbu-can and dbu-med. 1. Fragment of a Maṅgala. 2. Verso. On the Deva-mudrā.
IOL Tib J 506.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. XIV. 16 (7), Scroll; 55 c. x 24.5 c.: ll. 30, verso Chinese 27 columns: dbu-can. Lucky days. Contains three paragraphs. The third begins, l. 15: khang khyim spor myi rung pa'i nyi ma ngan pa la /zla ba bcu gnyis tshungs te/tshes zhag bzhi dang/tshes drug dang/tshes bcu gsum dang/nyi ma 'di rnams la spos na//mthar phung bar 'ong ngo//khrus byed pa 'i nyi ma dang tshes grangs bzang po/ .... Ends: /bkrus na bzang//tshes 'di bzhin ma nor bar bkrus na/tshe ding bkra shis//sdig pa thams cad byang/sems gsal dbang po rno/yid gzhungs/myi 'o mchog gi yid 'ong ste bzang/// Complete at the end.
IOL Tib J 507.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 010, Pothī; 19 c. x 6.5 c.: foll. 9, numbered, left hand 3-11, right hand ka 3-11; ll. 7: dbu-can with some dbu-med forms. Tāntrik treatise. Begins with the description of the Jñāna-sattva-kāya. Apparently complete at the end. Begins: ye shes sems pa'i sku de yang dmyigs su myed de//sems can thams cad kyis ci ltar 'dod cing bsams pa'i skur 'gyur ro / /ye shes sems pa de'i skus kyang //spyan lngas phyogs bcur gzigs nas brda' chen po mdzad de //myi snang bar gyur to / /de ltar sku de myi snang bar gyur ma thag du //skad cig yud tsam gyis stong sum gyi stong chen po'i /nam ka'i 'khams thams cad sa gzhi bzhin brtan bar gyur te //rin po che sna 'bum gyis brgyan nas /... Fol. 5a, l. 7: ye shes sems ma skyes bu chen po bud myed kyi gzugs 'dzin cing //rdo rje rtse brgya pa'i g.yon phyogsu 'dug nas //'di skad ces smras so //kye bdag ni sangs rgyas thams cad kyi mnyes 'dzin myi gtong dam pa ste //skul byed chen mo nga las byung /dkyil 'khor bdag mo ngas byin te //mnyes par byed pa nga las myed ces zer zhing tshul bzhin bzhugs so /... Ends: yi ge'i mtshon pa 'di yang shes par gyis shig //dga' byed dbyings rab kyi dkyil 'khor 'di sngar smos pa ni //gzhal myed khang dang dkyil 'khor gyi gnas bshams nas //'phags pa rigs sngags kyi rgyal po thams cad dang/khro bo thams cad dkyil 'khor du gshegs pa'i phyir sngar smos pa yin no //
IOL Tib J 508.1 - Section: 1 Ch. CXLVII. 5, Scroll; 71 c. x 25.5 c.: recto ll. 55 Tibetan, verso 39 columns Chinese: dbu-can with some dbu-med forms: damaged. Incomplete. The second paragraph deals with the Maṇḍala of a Mantra-samaya (sṅags-kyi-dam-tshigs). Writing inaccurate, with many interlinear corrections. The last paragraph begins, l. 35: @/༔/rnal sbyor chen po nang pa thabs kyi rgyud kyi tan tra las kun kyi nang nas bsdus pa'i lus tshad /dpal rdo rje sems dpa' pa la phyag 'tshal lo/slobs pon ma du san dus mdzad de /de yang rnal sbyor rnam bzhi las //rang bzhin gi rnal 'byor dang //grub pa'i rnal sbyor gi dbang du mdzad do//ting nge 'dzin rnam bzhi las kyang bla ma 'i ting nge 'zin [sic]te//de la rnal 'byor zhes bya ba ni chos kyi dbyings /....
IOL Tib J 509.1 - Section: 1 Fragment 30, Concertina (flattened and inaccurately written over the joints in the folios); 8.1 c. x 9.4 c.: foll. 3; ll. 5 (8 akṣaras to the line): verso blank: dbu-can. Begins: rin po che padma'i steng du sems pa'i skyil mo krung du bzhugs pa'i gnas gsuM du gong gi yig 'bru rnams bgod de/dam tshig phyag rgya ... Ends: sku gsung thugs rdo rje lta bu 'i dpal spyan ras gzigs kyi dbang phyug bdag kho na yin no
IOL Tib J 510.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. III. 17, Book form; 13.8 c. x 5.8 c.: pp. 18; ll. 4: dbu-can. A collection of Mantras. On the cover, design of a Maṇḍala, with bījas and monograms.
IOL Tib J 511.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 87. XVI. 5, Scroll; 192 c. x 29.5 c.: ll. 152: dbu-can. A text dealing with Maṇḍalas, left hand. Incomplete.
IOL Tib J 512.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. VII, frag. B. 9, Pothī; 26 c. (originally?) x 7.6 c.: fol. 1, damaged; ll. 3: dbu-can. Maṇḍalas.
IOL Tib J 513.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. VII. 20, Concertina; 17.9 c. x 8.2 c.: foll. 5; ll. 4 and 5: dbu-can. Mantras. Begins: na mo rad na tra ya ya/na mo a rya ba lo ki te shwa ra ya/bo d+he sad twa ya/ ma ha sad twa ya/ma ha ka ru ni ka ya/tad ya tha/Om sa rwa b+han d+ha na tshe da na ka ra ya/.... Amongst the Bījas: ma ha ka li ye phaT/..../ko 'u ma ri ye phaT/
IOL Tib J 514.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 79. XVI. 9-10, Pothī; Two fragments: dbu-can. Mantras. gA gA na/sa mud ga te Om sa rwa sang ska ra ....
IOL Tib J 515.1 - Section: 1 CXLVII. 11, Concertina; 27 c. x 11 c.: foll. 2; ll. 5: dbu-can. 1. Recto. Namaskāras. 2. Verso. Mantras. ...sarba na ge ye bye phad//sarba ya ka she bye phad//...
IOL Tib J 516.1 - Section: 1 Ch. XL. j, Pothī; 17 c. (originally?) x 7.7 c.: fol. 1, damaged; ll. 6 and 7: dbu-can. Mantras. Recto, l. 1: om d+ha rma ra te swa' ha'/ l. 2: om su pra ti Sh+thi te ba dzre swA hA/ l. 3: om bra h+ma ta na ye swa' ha'/ Svā-hā is also written: swa' hA/
IOL Tib J 517.1 - Section: 1 Ch. CXLVII. 9, Concertina; 9 c. x 8.2 c.: foll. 5; ll. 4: dbu-can. 1. Recto. Begins: ka dzwa la yA swa ha//na mo rad na tra ya yA na ma sh+can da/ba dzra pa na ye ma ha ya k+sha se na pa ta ye/_/Om/ha ra ha ra ... 2. Verso. Begins: gsang sngags kyi mthu chen po 'di //sangs rgyas kyi mthus//lag na rdo rjes rab tu smras so//na mo rad na tra ya yA/na ma sh+can dA/ba dzra pa na ye ....
IOL Tib J 518.1 - Section: 1 85. IX. 11 and 77. XII, Pothī; 23.5 c. (originally?) x 11 c.: foll. 2, damaged (left halves missing); ll. 6: dbu-can. Tāntrik matters. On seven Mahā-piśācīs. Fol. 2b, l. 2: sha za chen mo bdun po 'di dag ni rdzu 'phrul dang ldan ba /... Amongst the mantras, fol. 1a, l. 6: yi ge drug ma la swA hA /
IOL Tib J 519.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. VI, frag. 3, Pothī; 21.5 c. (originally?) x 6 c.: fol. 1, damaged; ll. 5: dbu-can. Mantras, Vajra-samaya. Recto, l. 2: .../Om ba:dzra sa ma:ya:/A na ya:/sa rba:'du sh+ta:/dzwa ra:/a de:na sha:ya://che ge mo:zhig gi:hung phaT /..../om ba dzra kar rma bi:sho:d+ha ya:/...
IOL Tib J 520.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. III. 30, Scroll; 28 c. x 14 c.: ll. 21 recto, 20 verso: dbu-can and dbu-med, several hands. Contains several texts, among them, 1. A text, complete, beginning: he ru ka 'i sgra nges par sbyar na//he ha ba na//'thung ba rngub pa rlob pA//'dren pA.... Ends: dpal chen pos kyang//sems can thams chad la bya dang sbran btang nas 'khor ba 'i skyon bstan nas ni de las bzlog//__// 2. A Mantra. OM shi ri ba dzra ra sa ya na...
IOL Tib J 521.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. XIV. 16. 3, Scroll; 50 c. x 28 c.: ll. 10: dbu-can. Mantras: Śrī-vajra-huṅkāra, Śrī-vajra-sattva.
IOL Tib J 522.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. XV. 17, Pothī; 21.5 c. x 7.8 c.: fol. 1, numbered ja; ll. 6 and 7: dbu-can. A metrical Tāntrik text. Ends: /'di lta bu 'i tshul du ni/ /thams chad lus la rab bsgoms na/ /rdo rje btsun che myur thob pas/ /hung zhes pa ni bslas par bya'//__//rdzogs:so//
IOL Tib J 523.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. XIII. 5, Scroll; 19 c. X 30.5 c.: ll. 7: dbu-can. Mantras. Line 3: 'dza ga ti/ma hi le/ma na sha ta ne/..../sin d+hu le/na mo bud te b+hya /....
IOL Tib J 524.1 - Section: 1 Vol. 70, fol. 1, Concertina?; 28 c. x 8 c.: fol. 1; ll. 4: dbu-can. Mantras.
IOL Tib J 525.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. IV. 15, Concertina; 26 c. x 7 c.: foll. 33, some damaged; ll. 3: dbu-can. Two incomplete Tāntrik texts (the folios in this MS. are not consecutive). The first text, which occupies the whole of one side and a large part of the other, contains a long list of namaskāras to many Tathāgatas in diverse universes; to the Kāya-rūpa; to the different parts of the Scripture; to the Bodhisattvas of the East, the South, the West, the North, and the intermediary directions; to Avalokiteśvara, Maitreya, Ākāśagarbha, Samantabhadra, Mañjuśrī, Sarvanīvaraṇa, and others. The list concludes with the name of Mañjuśrī (again) and is followed by bījas and mantras: om da nyA ni [sic]la ke ti rad na bang she//san d+ha ra ni//b+ha ga ba ti//... Also worth mentioning: ka la ra tri ye phaT/ya ma dan d+hi ye phaT/.../a ti mug ta sh+ma sha na ba si ne ye phaT/... Formulas of execration follow.
IOL Tib J 526.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 77. X. 8, Pothī; 15 c. (originally?) x 7.3 c.: fol. 1 (right half missing); ll. 4: dbu-can. Namaskāras and mantras. .../drang srong chen po thams cad la swA hA/...
IOL Tib J 527.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. XIII. 8 (2), Pothī; 33.5 c. x 6.5 c.: foll. 2; ll. 4 (foll. 1, verso blank, fol. 2 missing below l. 1): dbu-can. Mantras: invocations to some Bodhisattvas. fol. 1a, l. 4: ...byang chub sems dpa' dmyigs pa rtog pa myed pa zag pa zad pa hwa/
IOL Tib J 528.1 -
IOL Tib J 529.1 - Section: 1 87. XI. 2, Fragment of a roll; 21 c. x 10.7 c.: ll. 7: dbu-can. Mantras.
IOL Tib J 530.1 - Section: 1 84. VI. 1, Book form; 15.8 c. x 11.5 c.: pp. 25 Chinese, 7 columns; pp. 4 Tibetan; ll. 6: dbu-can. Mantras.
IOL Tib J 531.1 - Section: 1 9. I, frag. 62, Pothī; 28 c. x 7.7 c.: foll. 2; ll. 4: dbu-can. Mantras.
IOL Tib J 532.1 - Section: 1 Fragment 50, Scroll; 44 c. x 27.5 c.: ll. 33: dbu-can: damaged. Mantras.
IOL Tib J 533.1 - Section: 1 87. IV. A. 1, Roll; 24 c. x 24 c.: foll. 2, badly damaged; ll. 16: dbu-can. Mantras.
IOL Tib J 534.1 - Section: 1 XXVII. T (2), Pothī; 29 c. x 8.5 c.: fol. 1, numbered on blank verso ga; ll. 6: dbu-can. Mantras.
IOL Tib J 535.1 - Section: 1 Ch. CXXII. 2, Fragment of a scroll; 32 c. x 29.5 c.: ll. 15: dbu-can. Mantras.
IOL Tib J 536.1 - Section: 1 73. VIII. 12, Fragment of a scroll; 29.5 c. x 13 c.: ll. 5: dbu-can. Mantras.
IOL Tib J 537.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. VIII. 13, Fragment of a scroll; 35 c. x 25.7 c.: ll. 7, with Chinese interlinear commentary: dbu-can. Mantras.
IOL Tib J 538.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. VIII. 14, Scroll; 21.7 c. x 30 c.: ll. 7: dbu-can. Mantras.
IOL Tib J 539.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. VIII. 15, Scroll; 26 c. x 29.8 c.: ll. 11: dbu-can. Mantras.
IOL Tib J 540.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. VII, frag. B. 8, Scroll; 67 c. x 13 c.: ll. 29 with interlinear glosses dbu-med. Mantras.
IOL Tib J 541.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 75. II, Fragment of a pothī; 10 c. (originally?) x 15 c.: ll. 5: dbu-can. Mantras.
IOL Tib J 542.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 77. X. 3, Scroll; 70 c. x 27 c.: damaged; ll. 37 dbu-can. Mantras.
IOL Tib J 543.1 - Section: 1 Fragment 68, Scroll; 43 c. x 30.5 c.: ll. 19: dbu-can. Mantras.
IOL Tib J 544.1 - Section: 1 Fragment 70, Concertina; 22.5 c. x 7 c.: foll. 20; ll. 3 and 4: dbu-can. Mantras.
IOL Tib J 545.1 - Section: 1 Fragment 77, Concertina; 18 c. x 8 c.: fol. 1; ll. 5: dbu-can. Mantras.
IOL Tib J 546.1 - Section: 1 Fragment 91, Concertina; 21.8 c. x 8 c.: fol. 1; ll. 4: dbu-can. Mantras.
IOL Tib J 547.1 - Section: 1 Fragment 96, Pothī; 31 c. (originally?) x 10 c.: fol. 1; ll. 5: dbu-can. Mantras.
IOL Tib J 548.1 - Section: 1 Ch. CXLVII. 23, Pothī; 31.5 c. (originally?) x 9 c. fol. 1; ll. 5: dbu-can. Mantras. Huṃ written hu'um Verso, part of a colophon. Uṣṇīṣa-sitātapatra.
IOL Tib J 549.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. VI. 3, Roll; 22 c. x 2.5 c.: foll. 5, 2 damaged; ll. 9 and 6: dbu-can. Mantras.
IOL Tib J 550.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 0033, Pothī; 30.2 c. x 8 c.: fol. 1; ll. 2, verso blank: dbu-can. A fragment: @//bstan to//de 'i tshe na srin po 'i bdag po/nga gang na bar 'ongs te//spyi bos phyag byas nas/gzungs kyi yum gi phyag rgya bstan te/bco brgyad do// rkang pa gnyis gshibs te 'greng la/snying kar thal mo sbyar te/ 'The Rākṣasādhipati taught me the Dhāraṇī-mātṛkā-mudrā.'
IOL Tib J 551.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 51. I. 57, Pothī; 43.3 c. x 7.2 c.: fol. 1, numbered verso zva = 'wa; ll. 7: dbu-can. Mundrās. Recto, l. 2: .../'di ni : ang ku : sha'i : phyag : rgya'o ://phyag : rgya : de nyid : las : mdzub : mo : gnyis : bskums : te :/phan tsun kha : sprod du : zhags : myig : ltar : gyi : shig ://phyag : rgya de : nyid : las : mdzub : mo : gnyis : bskums : te : phan tsun nas : kyo : ba : thang : lta : bur : zung shig :/'di : ni : ba : dzra : spo : ta'i : phyag : rgya'o ://ba : dzra : spo : Ta'i : phyag : rgya : de : nyid las : lag : pa : gnyis : kyi : rgyab : sdoms : la : zhog : shig ://'di : ni : ba : dzra : be : sha'i : phyag : rgya'o ://de ltar : ma : ha mu : tra : bsgrub : par : byas : te/.... There follow the Vajra-muṣṭi-mudrā, the Karma-mudrā, etc.
IOL Tib J 552.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. III. 9, Pothi; 31.5 c. x 9.2 c.: foll. 6, numbered ka, 'kha, ga, nga, ca, cha; (compare 318); ll. 7: dbu-med. Mudrās. Begins: bsgom ba mtha' dag gi lugs kyis /ting nge 'dzin rnam pa lnga 'byung ba lags na/bdud rtsi mchog kyi lung kyi bsgom pa'i lugs kyis ni/ting nge 'dzin rnam pa gsum kyis ston cing bsgom ba 'byung ba lags/de la dang por bsgom pa'i lugs kyis phyag rgya chen po bzhi bca bar 'byung ste//dmyig lta yangs myed pa'i phyag rgya dang/lce smra brjod myed pa'i phyag rgya dang/lag pa bcings bgrol myed pa'i phyag rgya dang/drkang pa 'gro 'ong myed pa'i phyag rgya dang/lus 'gyur log myed pa'i phyag rgya dang/lnga 'o/de la yang bzhag pa'i thabs lnga zhes 'byung ste/lce drgan dang rnyil kyi tshams su bzhag pa dang/.... Ends: dmyal ba'i las rnams ni myi spyad to/dge ba'i bshes nyen la ni lha ltar bkur/chung ma dang bu tsha ni nor dbyig yin/rab du gces pa'i yid dad dbul/de ltar gang zhig su byed pa'/bsgrub pa'i mchog du 'gyur pa yin//__//shin du gsang ba 'o//i ti//__// Compare 553 and 554.
IOL Tib J 553.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. III. 10. a, Pothī; 31 c. x 9.2 c.: foll. 4, numbered ka 1-4 (sho, 'dwa, 'tra yA, dzo-ra): ll. 6: dbu-med. Mudrās. Begins: no pyi ka mtha dag kyi sgom pa'i lugs kyis//lus gi bcom thabs rnam pa lnga la//dmyig lta yengs pa myed pa'i phyag rgya dang/lce smra brjod myed pa'i phyag rgya dang/..../lus 'gyur ldog myed pa'i phyag rgya dang/rkang pa 'gro 'ong myed pa'i phyag rgya dang/de ltar lus gi bcom thabs rnam pa lngas lus bcom nas/ti[ng] nge 'dzin rnam gsum rims bzhin bskyed /..../dang por de bzhin nyid gi ti[ng] nge 'dzin ni/phyi 'i 'byung 'ba chen po lngas bsdus pa'i//gzugs sra snang pa'i dngos po thams chad mi snang cir snang na yang/.... Ends: snying kAr hUM sngon po/de ltar lus bsrungs nas//bdud dang mu stegs las stsogs pAs myi tshugs/....chos kyi dbyings las myi g.yengs par bya 'o//__//i ti//
IOL Tib J 554.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. III. 10. b, Pothī; 31.3 c. x 9.5 c.: foll. 3, numbered kA, kha, ga; ll. 7: dbu-med. Mudrās. Begins: de la no pyi kA mthA dag bsgom ba'i lugs kyis//ting nge 'dzin rnam lnga bskyed pA lags na//gsang bA mnyam 'dus 'di ting nge 'dzin rnam gsum gyis bskyed pa lags ste/de yang gang zhe na//de bzhin nyid kyi ting nge 'dzin dang/kun du snang gi ting nge 'dzin dang/rgyu 'i ting nge 'dzin no//de la de bzhin [nyid] kyi ting nge 'dzin ni/..... Ends: de ltar ma byas na bkA bzhin ma byas nas dam tshig ma byas na/bstir myed pa'i sems can dmyal ba chen por skye bar 'gyur ro/'dre dang srin po rnams kyis kyang srog gcod par 'gyur ro/lha dang srungs ma rnams kyis dam tshig nyams pa la chad pa gcod par 'gyur ro/de bas ting nge 'dzin myi g.yel bar bsgom bar bya 'o//__//__//__//I ti//
IOL Tib J 555.1 - Section: 1 Ch. XL. i, Concertina; 16 c. x 5.8 c.: foll. 4; ll. 4, ruled in red: dbu-can. Recto. Formulas of anumodanā, of pāpa-deśanā (Bodhisattva). par rdzogs pa'i sangs rgyas dang /dam pa'i chos dang /byang chub sems dpa' chen po 'i dge 'dun dang bcas pa thams cad la phyag 'tsha+l lo/sangs rgyas dang byang chub sems dpa' thams cad bdag la dgongs su gsol //bdag mying 'di zhes bgyi ba/thog pa ma mchis pa pa [sic]nas 'khor ba na 'khor ba'i tshe //lus dang ngag yid kyis/sangs rgyas dang chos dang dge 'dun dang pha ma dang/sems chan gzhan dag la sdig pa myi dge ba'i las bgyis pa dang bgyid du stsal pa dang bgyid pa la rjes su yi rang bar [note a: ra added below ba. [note dgyur pa de dag thams chad gchig du bsdoms shing bsdus ste//sangs rgyas dang byang chub sems dpA thams cad kyi spyan sngar bla na myed ba'i so sor bshags pas 'chags so /myi 'chab bo/slan chad 'di lta bu myi bgyid do/ /de skad lan gnyis lan gsum du bzlas sdig bshags pa 'o / /sangs rgyas dang byang chub sems dpa' thams chad bdag la dgongs su gsol //ji ltar sangs rgyas bcom ldan 'das rnams kyis bsod nams kyi rjes su yi rang ba bla na myed pa thugs su chud pa de bzhin du bdag 'di zhes bgyi bas kyang/sangs rgyas dang byang chub sems dpa' dang sangs rgyas dang/'phags Compare Śikṣā-samuccaya, p. 170, and elsewhere.
IOL Tib J 555.2 - Section: 2 Verso, Mudrās. Begins: .../de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi gsung gi phyag rgya yongs su 'dzin pa ni chos thams chad thob par 'gyur ro //de bzhin gshegs pa thams chad kyi thugs kyi phyag rgya yongs su 'dzin pa ni ting nge 'dzin thams chad thob par 'gyur ro /....
IOL Tib J 556.1 - Section: 1 Ch. CXLVII. 14, Concertina; 13 c. x 5.7 c.: foll. 2; ll. 4: dbu-can. Recto. .../'phags pa thams chad kyi sku gsu[m] thugs kyi rgyud la phog pas//thugs dam gyi rgyud bskul //bdag dang sems can thams cad kyi lus ngag yid sum gi rgyud la phog pas //bag chags dang bsgrib pa bspyangs nas //....ti sta ba dzra zhes brjod pas//.... The formula: bdag-daṅ-sems-can-thams-cad, is frequent in the Tathāgatoṣṇīṣa, 324.
IOL Tib J 556.2 - Section: 2 (Vajra-kavaca) Verso. Ends: rdo rje rgya gram gi phyag rgya snying kar bcings nas//OM ba dzra tsa kra hung zhes brjod pas//rdo rje go chas lus bsrungs ste//gdon Rdo-rje-rgya-gram = a cross made of two Vajras.
IOL Tib J 557.1 - Section: 1 Fragment 69, Scroll; 40 c. x 30.5 c.: ll. 34, recto, 16, verso: dbu-can. Recto. The first paragraph on the 'armour of diamond' (vajra-kavaca, rdo-rjeḥi-go-cha). Begins: @/༔/thog mar/phyogs bcu'i sang[s] rgyas tang [sic]/byang cub sems pa dang /rang rgyal rnams la phyag 'tshal nas//gna's bde bar 'dug ste//nam ka'i dkyil na//yi ge hung sngon po gcig//gnas par bsam//de las 'od gzer du phyogs bcur [spros te ]/slar bdagi thugs kar bsdu ste/....
IOL Tib J 557.2 - Section: 2 Verso. Mantras.
IOL Tib J 558.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 83. V. 3, Concertina; 15 c. x 6.5 c.: foll. 2; ll. 4: dbu-can. Mantras. Fol. 1a, l. 1: Om Sh+Tom b+han d+ha b+han d+ha /ra k+sha ra k+sha swa hA /.... Fol. 2b, l. 2: .../sdang ba dang/rmyi lam ngan pa thams cad zlog pa/gdon brgyad khri bzhi stong 'jig par byed pa /rgyu skar nyi shu rtsa brgyad dga' bar byed pa /....
IOL Tib J 559.1 - Section: 1 Fragment 44, Pothī; 15.7 c. x 6.2 c.: fol. 1; ll. 4: inaccurate dbu-can. Rakṣā. A fragment.
IOL Tib J 560.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 77. XV. 9, Pothī; 18 c. (originally?) x 7.6 c.: fol. 1, damaged; ll. 5: dbu-can. Rakṣā. Begins: ...dge ba'i lha dang klu rnams kyis bsrungs par 'dod na/lcags .......mchod do /....
IOL Tib J 561.1 - Section: 1 Ch. CXLVII. 21, Pothī; 16.5 c. (originally?) x 9.2 c.: fol. 1, badly damaged; ll. 5: dbu-can. Mantras.
IOL Tib J 562.1 - Section: 1 Fragment 8, Concertin; 23 c. (originally?) x 7.5 c.: fol. 1, damaged; ll. 4: dbu-can: black and red. Recto, l. 2: ...]du bsad pa'i yang myi rigs / *thugs 'bebs pa'i rabs las ni //* glud [note a: glud = a thing given as ransom, scapegoat. [note mang po bkye [......]nyi ma'i srab mda' la bcibs ste /thugs gral du byon nas //thugs spur 'tshom mo zhes [......]myi gum zhes bgyi ba ni /sems dang lus gnyis bral ba la bgyi bar bas te/bon [....
IOL Tib J 563.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 74. VI. 3, Concertina; 13.2 c. x 16.2 c.: foll. 7; ll. 6: dbu-can. Charms.
IOL Tib J 564.1 - Section: 1 Ch. XXVII. T (1), Pothī; 19 c. x 17.6 c.: fol. 1, numbered kha; ll. 5: dbu-can. Ritual. Recto, l. 5: bdag gi gdon khrag gis dmar por byas la/...
IOL Tib J 565.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. XIV. 12, Pothī; 23 c. x 6 c.: foll. 7; numbered ka 1, 6-8; ga 1-2; one unnumbered (l. 1, verso blank): dbu-med. Foll. ka and unnumbered folio. Tāntrik. Master and pupil. Begins with homage to Bhagavat Śrī-vajrajñānasattva. @/:/bcom ldan 'das dpal rdo rje ye shes sems dpa' 'khor phun sum tshogs pa rgya mtsho dang bcas pa la phyag 'tshal nas//gsang ba bsus [...]ra ba'i slobs pon dam pa las dbang mnod pa //bla ma mnyes par bya ba la brtson ba//sems can thams cad kyi khams ma lus pa /mtha' dag la phan ma pa 'dogs pa/mngon bar dga' ba /snying rje cen po'i rgyun gyi dbang du gyur pa/.... Ends, unnumbered folio: .../de nas om ba dzra a mre te /i dan a mri tan ku ru hum phad ces brjod //
IOL Tib J 565.2 - Section: 2 Foll. ga. Beginning of a treatise on the four karmas (Śānti, etc.). Begins: @/:/myi [...]mchod pa la//las rnam bzhi ste/zhi rgyas dang dbang dang mngon spyod do//zhi ba la hom khung gru phyed pa snum po/dkar pos byugs nas/nang du mye'i snying po bri/de nas yi dam lha 'khor dang/khro bo dang/rgyal chen bzhi dang phyogs skyong bcu las stsogs pa yid kyis spyan drangs nas .... Incomplete at the end.
IOL Tib J 566.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 51. I. 18. b, Pothī; 44.5 c. x 7 c.: foll. 3, numbered (second hand) ka 3-5; ll. 4: dbu-can. Instructions for a disciple. Vandanā of the three Jewels. Caitya, &c. Visit to the master. Begins: @//sa pa sems can phra mo yod pa'i gnas su ma bab par bgyi //de nas dkon mchog gsum la phyag bgyi //phyag 'tshal ba'i tshe yang /bdag gi lus myi gtsang mod kyi /khams gsum gyi mgon po la mchod pa'i phyir drung du mchi'o snyam du bsam//dkyil 'khor gyis la mchod de 'gror myi bde na //tshig bzhi le'u gcig pags [note a: lha added below pa [note la mchongs ste 'gro'//mchod rten dang gdugs dang /btsun ba'i grib ma la yang de bzhin bya'o //mkhan po'i gan[sic]du 'go ba'i tshe //sgo bcad na lags pa [note b: pa added below sa [note dal gyis sgo'i zhabs su thos pa tsam brdungs ste //nang du shog shig ches byung na 'gro'o //myi gsungs na myi 'gro. //.... Śiṣyādhivāsanā-vidhi? Bendall_1883: p. 179.
IOL Tib J 567.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. III. 38, Pothī; 21 c. x 7 c.: foll. 2, numbered ka 1, the second unnumbered; ll. 5: dbu-med. Fragment of a treatise on offerings. Begins: de la gtsang gtor chag gsum bdzad pa'i /slobs dpon ni //shag gya thub pa dang/bspyan ra [sic] gzigs gyi dbang phyug /dang /phyag na rdo rje dang /gsuM gyis /chu 'i....
IOL Tib J 568.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 07, Scroll; 139 c. x 35 c.: ll. 80 recto, 30 verso: dbu-med: damaged. A ritual of offering (bali), with diagrams, bījas, charms, and orthodox Mahāyānist formulas of homage and of pariṇāmanā (application of merit) to the Enlightenment and to the universal happiness. Ends in ślokas: '...May devas, nāgas, yakṣas, gandharvas, all bhūtas, realize intention of good.Ye dharmā hetu-prabhavā...Pāpasya akaraṇam...etad buddhānuśāsanam.'
IOL Tib J 569.1 - Section: 1 [gtor sbyin phun tshogs ] (Bali-vidhi) Ch. 0022, Pothī; 53.5 c. x 6.2 c.: fol. 1; ll. 5: dbu-can. Begins: gtor ma 'di dkon mchog gsum gi byin kyi rlabs dang/dpal phyag na rdo rje'i mthu dang/mgon po dam tshigs can mchod pa'i bden bas/gtor ma 'di yid bzhin gi kha zas su gyur cig /.... Compare 570.
IOL Tib J 570.1 - Section: 1 [gtor sbyin phun sum tshogs] (Bali-vidhi) Ch. 0025 and 0030, Pothī; different sizes, 29.9 c. x 9.1 c., 27 c. x 9.1 c., 25.6 c. x 9 c., 26.3 c. x 9.1 c.: foll. 5, numbered ka 4-7, 9; ll. 6: dbu-can and dbu-med. Contains several paragraphs. The first ends, fol. 4b, l. 5: mdor na dkon mchog gsum kyi bka' drin gyis / sems can thams cad mgron tu g.yar 'dren na / tshong pa rin cen gling du phyin pa ltar / bsod nams rin cen gling du myur du spyon / rigs 'dzin dpag bsam mtshal du rgyu ba ltar / mchod sbyin dpag bsam mtshal du myur du spyon / lha rnams 'dres pa'i mtshal du rgyu ba ltar / longs spyod 'dres pa'i mtshal du myur du spyon //༔:!༔:// The second begins, fol. 5a, l. 2: /dkon mchog gsum la phyag 'tshal lo /dkon mchog gsum gyi bka' bden ba'i byin gi rlabs dang /chos nyid kyi bden ba dang /rgyu sbyor yon gyi bdag po bsam ba rnam par dag pa la brten te /gtor sbyin phun sum 'tshogs pa 'di /gang dag bza' ba'i ni zas /skom ba'i ni btung ba /'jigs pa'i ni skyabs /snang ba'i ni sgron mar gyur te /kha dog phun sum 'tshogs pa /dri ...../chos kyi bdud rtsi'i mchog sbyin dam par gyur pa 'di /.... Ends, fol. 7a, l. 2: tshe ring bar 'gyur pa'i rgyu yang gtor sbyin 'di la brten nas thob par gyur cig //smon lam btab nas sngags lan bdun bzla // The third begins, fol. 7a, l. 3: /bsod nams byas pa'i mthu yis ni / sems can thams cad bder gyur cig/ Ends, fol. 7b, l. 1: lha klu gnod sbyin dri za dang / 'byung po mang po gang khod pa / phyag na rdo rje bka' yis ni / dge ba'i bsam ba grub 'gyur cig / and the two stanzas: Ye dharmā hetuprabhavā... Sarvapāpasyākaraṇam...
IOL Tib J 571.1 - Section: 1 [gtor sbyin phun sum tshogs] (Bali-vidhi) Fragment 79, Concertina; 21.5 c. x 6.5 c.: fol. 1; ll. 4: dbu-can. A fragment.
IOL Tib J 572.1 - Section: 1 [gtor sbyin phun sum tshogs] (Bali-vidhi) Ch. 73. XIV. 16b, Scroll; 50 c. x 25.5 c.: ll. 18, verso Chinese 30 columns: dbu-can. A fragment.
IOL Tib J 573.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 03. 52, Pothī; 49.6 c. x 8.4 c.: fol. 1, unnumbered; ll. 11 and 9; dbu-can. Deals with the Sāmānya-bali-pariṇāmanā (spyo [sic]gtor bsngo ba ) and the Daiva-bali-pariṇāmanā (lan chags gtor ma bsngo ba).
IOL Tib J 574.1 - Section: 1 Ch. CXLVII. 27, Concertina; 13.7 c. x 5.3 c.: fol. 1; ll. 3: dbu-can. Ritual.
IOL Tib J 575.1 - Section: 1 Ch. CXLVII. 31, Scroll; 26 c. x 30 c.: ll. 15: dbu-can: badly damaged. Ritual (Homa?)
IOL Tib J 576.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. XIV. 8, Concertina 24.6 c. x 9.2 c.: foll. 24; ll. 4, 5, and 6 with interlinear glosses: dbu-can. Samayas. Mantras with interlinear glosses. One of the texts begins, fol. 9a, l. 1: kye ma'o sangs rgyas thams cad kyi/ /byang cub sems ni rab byung ba/ /de bzhin gshegs pa kun kyi gsang/ /rab tu myi rtog gnas myed do/ /kye ma['o] sangs rgyas thams cad kyi/ /chos kyi dbyings ni yi ge myed/
IOL Tib J 577.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. XIV. 10, Concertina; 24.6 c. x 8 c.: foll. 2; ll. 5: dbu-can: damaged. Begins: byang cub sems ni myi gtong ngo/ /bsgrub pa'i dam mchog sdom ba'i rnams/ /rang gi srog bzhin rtag tu srung/ /lus dang ngag yid rdo rjes bsgrub/ /dam tsig chen po 'di dag go/ /dkon mchog gsum yang myi spang zhing/ /....
IOL Tib J 578.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 9. II. 9, Pothī; 41.7 c. x 8.2 c.: fol. 1, marked zhus (paripṛcchā) and numbered 3 (in red); ll. 5: dbu-can: red and black. Fragment of a manual of Bhāvanās (Sādhana): Lakṣaṇa-mudrā, yi-dam, karma-devas, &c. Begins: *..... mtshan ma'i phyag rgya rnam gsum gsal bar bsgom / /g.yeng ba myed par brtson zhing myi gtong la / /cho ga kun ldan ye shes lha dang nye /* /ye shes kyi lha'i bsnyen ba byed pa'i tshe / /las phra mo rtsom [note a: bsgub(?) partly erased, and rtsom substituted in red. [note pa sgrib bam myi bsgrib / /*sku gsung thugs su goms pa ma gtogs par / /bsgrub par bar bya ba'i dngos grub gzhan myi tshol / /gnas dang gnas myin 'gal bar ma brtsams na / /goms myed gud na myed pas 'gal ba myed /* /yi dam kyi lha ni long spyod rdzogs pa'i sku //zhi ba'i cha lugs su bsgom //las kyi lha ni khro bo la stsogs par bsgom zhes 'chad pa dag mchis na 'di ltar nges sam ma nges/ /*gtso dang sprul pa ....*
IOL Tib J 579.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 2a. C, Pothī; 30 c. x 6.7 c.: foll. 18, numbered 1-18 (18 by another hand, dbu-can); ll. 8, 9, and 10: dbu-med. Tāntrik matters. Begins abruptly: @//de 'i rjes la myi rtog pa bdag myed par bsgom /de nas kun tu snang chos thams cad nam kA lta bur bsgom/de nas rgyu 'i ting nge 'dzin .... Ends with Mantras: OM badzra da ra n+ya a bi shin tsa huM /..../OM badzra 'gu yA a bi shin tsa huM /..../OM kar ma 'gu yA a bi shin tsa A //
IOL Tib J 580.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 77. XV. 5, Pothī; 27 c. x 5.5 c.: fol. 1, numbered ya; ll. 5: dbu-can. Fragment of a Tāntrik text, a Ḍāka-vidyā or Khaḍga-siddhi. Begins: ...... /lag pa g.yas pa'is ni thogs nas [note a: thogs nas = holding. [note su/ /zla ba spyan kis zin tse 'grub 'gyur na / /ral gyi de nyid 'gul [note b: 'gul = to move. [note zhing g.yo' bar 'gyur/ /de ltar kun tu g.yos na rigs 'dzind te/ /mdzem ba myed par nam ka la 'ang spyod/ /rigs 'dzin kun gyi mdun du yang ni 'gro/ /ral gyi grub pas de ni mthu chen 'gyur/
IOL Tib J 581.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. III. 28, Pothī; 17.5 c. x 6 c.: foll. 3, numbered 1-3 (letters); ll. 4: dbu-can. Stotra to sundry deities, with reference to the four Jñānas: ādarśa°, samatā°, pratyavekṣaṇā°, kṛtyānusthāna-jñāna. (MVyut. 5.) Begins: /dung tog sgeg mo rdo rje 'i spyan/ /sems dpa' sngon po ye shes 'bebs/ /mye long lta 'i ye shes la/ /rdo rje dgyis mchog mchod pas rol/ /yid bzhin rin cen gtsug 'bar ma/ /'dzam [sic]dpal gzho nu 'i drngos sgrub 'dzin/ /mnyam ba nyid gi ye shes la/ /rin cen mdzes pa'i mchod pas rol/ /pad ma'i sbyangs mkhan rma bya [note a: rma bya, peacock [note 'dzin/ /spyan ra gzigs gyi drngos sgrub 'dzin/ /so sor rtogs pa'i ye shes la/ /sbyangs snyan mdzes pI mchod pas rol/ /gar mkhan sgyings pa'i gzi ldan ma/ /las gi 'khor lo rnam par 'joms/ /bya ba nan tan ye shes la/ /gar cen brjid pa'i mchod pas rol/ Ends: /rol cig sprul cig lha mo 'i tshogs/ /dam tshig rmad [note b: rmad = mchog [note gi lu gu rgyud [note c: rope for lambs [note / /myi 'da [note d: ? for dra [note rtag du sku la khril [note e: khril = 'khril, to coil round, embrace. [note / /gnyis myed gsang pa'i mchod pas rol/ /rdzogs sO/
IOL Tib J 581.2 - Section: 2 Fol. 3b. Another hand. Mantras: OM ba dzra sa twa sa ma yA /....
IOL Tib J 582.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. IV. 4, Pothī; 44.5 c. x 10.5 c.: fol. 1, numbered ka 15; ll. 6: dbu-can. Stotra. A Tāntrik deity, probably Mahābala; angry and benevolent aspects, like a lion, a tiger, a horse; ten necks, a thousand eyes, &c. Begins: khrag gis rab tu bkang ba'i/ /myi 'i pags pa thogs su [?]/ /myi bzad dug gis kun bskus te/ /phyogs phyogs dag du rnam par rgyug/ /grong khyer rnams kyi sgo dag dang/ /khyim nas khyim du rnam par 'thor/ ................... /phyag 'tshal skyes bu dpa' khyod la/ /phyag 'tshal skyes bu mchog khyod la/ /thal mo sbyar nas phyag 'tshal lo/ .................. /snying rje myed cing khrag 'thung ba/ /lus cen 'jigs pa chen po ste/ /stobs po che la sgra yang che/ /mgrin bcu po la dmyig stong po/
IOL Tib J 583.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. IV. 18, Concertina; 13 c. x 6 c.: foll. 19; ll. 4 and 5: dbu-med, several hands. Fragment of a Stotra (to Vajrasattva?) rdo rje dag pas gdon myi za/ bsam pa thams shad yongs rdzogs pas/ /sangs rgyas ngo bo nyid las 'byung/ /rdo rje sems la phyag 'tshal lo/ /sangs rgyas kun gyi bskul pa'i/ /bstod tshig zhi ba 'di rnams kyis/ /rdo rje long spyod spyad nas ni/ /de yang sangs rgyas 'dra bar 'gyur/
IOL Tib J 583.2 - Section: 2 A Sādhana. Begins, after homage to the Three Jewels: de la 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs gyi dbang phyug/tshe 'di nyid la dngos su grub par 'dod pas//gnas dben zhin yid dang mthun bar 'dug la ....
IOL Tib J 583.3 - Section: 3 A text beginning: myi bskyod [note a: Akṣobhya [note pa ni ye shes che/ /rdo rje dbyins ni tshan po che/ /rdo rje gsung mchog dkyil 'khor gsum/ /gsang ba'i sbyangs la phyag 'tshal lo/ /rnam par snang mdzad [note b: Vairocana. [note rab tu dag Compare Pañca-tathāgata-maṅgala-gātha, Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Beckh_1914: XVIII. 420?
IOL Tib J 583.4 - Section: 4 A text (Yoginaḥ śiṣyopadeśa-dāna-sūtra ?) beginning: rnal 'byor pas slob ma dag la man ngag du byin pa'i mdo ni chos gyi la gcad/khams gsum brtag/gtso bo lnga brten/bdud rtsi lnga dang tu blang/dam tshig lnga bsrung/dge ba bcu spyad/khrims brgyad bca' 'o//de la chos gyi la gcad pa gang zhes na/....
IOL Tib J 584.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. III. 7, Scroll; 23.5 c. x 31.3 c.: ll. 14 recto, 9 verso: dbu-can. A Stotra. Begins: kun bzangs ye nas bdal pa la/ /snang srid rnam 'dag lha dang lha mo 'i tshogs/ cir yang sprul pa gter cen g.yung 'drung lha/ mnyes bzhed dam tsig ldan ma chos rnams dang/ dbang bsgyur rgya mtsho thams cad dgOngs su gsol/ Ends: /thugs rje che mnga' khyed la mthol zhing bshags//!//i+h ti//༔//
IOL Tib J 585.1 - Section: 1 Ch. XVII. 1, Pothī; 25.4 c. X 9 c.: fol. 1, numbered 3; ll. 8 and 9: dbu-med. Fragment of a stotra. A Tāntrik god. Verso, l. 2: sprin myed mkha la gnyi zla'i gzugs brnyan bzhin/ /thabs kyi rdo rjes can da dkrug cing gsol/ /ye shes 'od stong 'khrug byed ksam ri 'o/ /'dod chags myi spong 'khor ba'i rgyun gcod cing/ /dmar chen khrag gi rgya mtsho 'khyil pa la/ /rgyud drug ma lus sems can sgrol mdzad pa'i/ /dug sum sgrol mdzad thugs rje sma sha ni/
IOL Tib J 586.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. III. 36, Pothī; 17.4 c. x 6 c.: fol. 1, numbered ka 44; ll. 4: dbu-can. Last part of a metrical text (verses of seven and nine syllables). Begins: dad pa dang ni dam tshig gis/ /tshur gshegs tshur gshegs bcom ldan 'das/ /mchod yon bshes nas 'di nyid du/ /mchod pa bdag la dgyes par mdzod/ /ye shes 'phung po mkhA 'dra ba/ /sku gsung thugs gi bdag nyid che/ /sprul pa kun gyi 'byung nas gtso/ /rdo rje sems dpA gshegs su gsol/ Ends: /thugs rje chen po thabs mkhas pa/ /gdug pa rdul phyir gshegs nas kyang/ /ye shes rtogs pa'i 'khyad bar la/ /sprul pa mang po tshogs dang gshegs//rdzogs s+hO//
IOL Tib J 587.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 77. II. 7, Concertina; 13.7 c. x 6.2 c.: foll. 6; ll. 5: dbu-can. A Tāntrik text. Begins: sangs rgyas byang chib [sic]mcog la/ /lha mo 'khor kyis sku bstod pa'/ ........ /'chi dus bder gshegs zhal yang ston/ /lung bstan dga' ba thob par 'gyur/ Ends: /rgyal ba 'khor bchas rnams kyis byin gyis rlobs
IOL Tib J 588.1 - Section: 1 Author: Ācārya Āryadeva (Ḥphags-paḥi-lha) yi ge brgya pa zhes bya ba'i rab tu byed pa tshig le'ur byas pa/ (Akṣara-śataka-nāma-prakaraṇa-kārikā) Ch. 9. I. 24 (foll. 9-12, 29), 9. I. 36 (foll. 13-28, 30), 9. I. 39 (foll. 31-32), 03. 5 (foll. 33-36), 51. I. 17, 73. XV. frag. 1 (fol. 48), Pothī; 43 c. x 8.6 c.: foll. 44, numbered nga 9-46, 48-53 (= 409-46, 448-53?); ll. 6: dbu-can, with a few interlinear glosses dbu-med, and (fol. 53b) dbu-med: black and red. Begins and ends fol. 9a: colophon. fol. 9b. Translator: Źu. Lo. Bande Chos-grub (Dharmasiddha), from a Chinese original. Nanjio_1883: 1254 (tr. by Bodhiruci, A.D. 508-35). The text, after homage to Maṇjuśrī kumāra-bhūta, runs as follows: chos kun gcig ma yin ///de bzhin tha dad myin ///ci ltar mtshan nyid yod ///rgyu chos ngo bo myed ///bltos nas yod pa myin ///rang chos myi rung bas ///khyod kyi chos myi 'grub ///de 'dra rgyu myi dgos ///ngo bo khyod bstan pa ///gcig pu skyon dang ldan ///de 'dra ngo bo myed ///shes lnga yul myi 'dzin ///kha dog mying yod pas ///mthong ba ngo bo myed ///yod na bya myi dgos ///chos de skye ba myed ///'dus byas ngo bo myed ///de 'dra phyogs kyang yod ///rmyi lam mtshungs pas na ///mtshan nyid ngo bo myed ///
IOL Tib J 588.2 - Section: 2 yi ge pa [sic]brgya pa'i rab tu byed pa rnam par bshad pa/ (Akṣara-śataka-prakaraṇa-vyākhyāna) Foll. 10a-29b. The same translator: author not named.
IOL Tib J 588.3 - Section: 3 Author: Ācārya Urlaṅka rten cing 'brel par 'byung ba tshig le'ur byas pa sum cu pa/ [Pratītya-samutpāda-triṃśaka-kārikā] Foll. 30a-32b. Translator: Źu. Lo. Bande Chos-grub (Dharmasiddha) from a Chinese original. See Nanjio_1883: 1227 and 1314, Nidāna-śāstra, Mahāyāna-nidāna-śāstra by Ullaṅgha, whose name is transliterated Yü-kya or Yü-lan-kiê. This treatise has not been found in the Bstan-ḥgyur, nor has its commentary.
IOL Tib J 588.4 - Section: 4 rten cing 'brel par 'byung ba tshig le'ur byas pa sum cu pa'i rnam par bshad pa/ [Pratītya - samutpāda - triṃśaka - kārikā - vyākhyāna] Foll. 33a-53a. Mūla in red, commentary in black; interlinear glosses agreeing with 619 (q.v.). The same author, same translator. The stanza fol. 37b, l. 2 = Nāgārjuna's Pratītya-samutpāda-hṛdaya-kārikā, 2 (śloka). (See La_Vallée_Poussin_1913: p. 122.) The stanza fol. 49b, l. 5 = Madhyamaka-vṛtti, p. 428, 11; p. 551, 14—svādhyāya-dīpa-mudrā-darpaṇa- ghośārka-kānta-bījāmlaiḥ attributed by Candrakīrti to Nāgārjuna. The treatise of Ullaṅgha (?) seems to be a collection of ślokas.
IOL Tib J 588.5 - Section: 5 Fol. 53b. Another hand, dbu-med. Some lines (ślokas) on Adhimukti-caryā, a bhūmi of the Bodhisattvas (see Hastings_1908-1926: II. 743b-748b) and vipaśyanā.
IOL Tib J 589.1 - Section: 1 bstan bcos yi ge brgya pa bshad pa'i mgo nan brjed byang tu byas pa/ (Akṣara - śataka - prakaraṇa - vyākhyāna - prathamābhismaraṇa) Ch. 9. I, frag. 66, Pothī; 44 c. x 8 c.: fol. 1; ll. 6: dbu-med. A note on the Akṣara-śataka-prakaraṇa. Begins: bstan bcos 'di ni slobs dpon 'phags pa'i lhas mu stegs can bdag du lta ba la stsogs pa dang/theg pa chung ngu pa dag phung po la stsogs pa'i chos thams cad la rang gi mtshan nyid yod par 'dzin pa'i lta ba ngan pa rnam par gzhig pa'i phyir mdzad pa yin te/'di yang 'di lta ste/.... 'This treatise has been written by the Ācārya Āryadeva in order to refute the doctrine of Ātman and other doctrines of the Tīrthikas, and the wrong doctrine of the Little Vehicle, namely, holding that there is an essence (antara-lakṣaṇa?, sva-lakṣaṇa, raṅ-gi-mtshan-ñid) in the Dharmas beginning with the Skandhas'. For the translation 'abhismaraṇa' see Cordier_1909_1915: p. 492. Compare 588, 2. Probably a Tibetan work.
IOL Tib J 590.1 - Section: 1 [chos mngon pa'i mdzod kyi bshad pa/] (Abhidharma-kośa-bhāṣya) Ch. 9. I, frag. 2, Pothī; 44.5 c. x 9 c.: fol. 1, numbered (letter) 9; ll. 6: dbu-med: red and black. Begins with the first stanza of the preface: */gang gi[s] mun pa thams chad gtan bcom zhing/ /'khor ba'i 'dam rdzab las ni 'gro ba drangs/ /ji bzhin don ston de la phyag 'tshal nas/ /bstan bcos chos mngon mdzod rab bshad par bya'/* bstan bcos mdzad par bzhed pas/rang gi ston pa'i che ba'i bdag nyid shes par bya ba'i phyir yon tan thog mar smos te//*gang gis* shes bya ba ni sangs rgyas bcom ldan 'das kyi dbang du mdzad nas smras pa'o/... These lines are quoted in the Vyākhyā, Cambridge Add. 1041, fol. 1, l. 5 and fol. 2a, l. 4, and in 193, 10.
IOL Tib J 591.1 - Section: 1 chos : mngon : ba'i : mdzod : kyi : 'greld : pa//mdo : dang : 'thun : ba/ (Abhidharma-kośa-vṛtti sūtrānurūpā (nāma)) Ch. 9. I, frag. 3, Pothī; 45.5 c. x 9.5 c.: foll. 2 numbered kha 41-42; ll. 6: dbu-can, with interlinear glosses dbu-med: red (mūla) and black. Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, LXIV. 2 (foll. 109-304) Abhidharma-kośa-śāstra-kārikā-bhāṣya, called in the sub-title and in the Index: ...ḥgrel-pa-mdo-daṅ-mthun-pa. (Cordier_1909_1915: p. 394: Author: Saṃghabhadra.) Fol. 41 begins with the colophon of the fourth Kośa-sthāna, Las-bstand-pa (Karma-nirdeśa). The fifth chapter begins: [note a: [note las : las : 'jig : rten : sna : tshogs : skyes : [note a: karmajaṃ loka-vaicitryam. [note //shes : bshad : pa ://las : de : dag : kyang phra : rgyas : kyi : dbang : gis : bstsags : bar : 'gyur : gyi :/phra : rgyas : myed : par ni : srid : pa : mngon : bar : myi 'grub : pas :/de'i : phyir/ [note b: [note *srid pa'i rtsa ba phra rgyas : [note b: mūlaṃ bhavasyānuśayāh. [note /*yin bar : rig : par : bya'o ://de : dag : kyang mdor : bsdu : na /*drug : //*drug gang : zhe : na ://*'dod chags de bzhin : khong : khro dang/...*
IOL Tib J 592.1 - Section: 1 Author: Ārya-Asaṅga (Ḥphags-pa-Thog-med) chos mngon pa kun las bthus pa'/ (Abhidharma-samuccaya) a byi d+ha rma sa mud dza yA/ Ch. 51. I. 18a (fol. 1), XXVII. k (fol. 2), 73. VII. 11 and 73. XII. 3 (fol. 152), Pothī; 44 c. x 7 c.: foll. 154, numbered kha 1-11, 12-31 kha, 32-152, and 1 unnumbered folio inserted after 41 (verso of 41 and recto of the inserted folio cancelled) and 1 folio inserted between 142 and 143 (brgya bzhi bchu gnyis dang gsuM gi bar ma lagso); 1-66 numbered recto, 67-152 verso; ll. 4 and 3: dbu-can, with some interlinear glosses dbu-med, several hands. Translators: Indian paṇḍits Jinamitra (Ḥdzi-na-myi-tra) and Śīlendra [bodhi] (Śi-lin-ḥdra), and Źu. Lo. Bande Ye-śes-sde (Jñānasena) of Sna-nam (a place in Źan, a district of the province of Gtsaṅ, according to Laufer_1914: p. 1136, not Samarcand, as Sarad Candra Das states]. Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, LVI. 2 (foll. 51-141); Cordier_1909_1915: p. 383. Chapter I. Abhidharma-samuccaye lakṣaṇa-samuccayo nāma samuccayaḥ (? lakṣaṇa-viniścaya) ends fol. 62a, l. 2. Chapter II: ...satya-viniścayo nāma... (rnam par nges) ends fol. 116b. Chapter III: [...dharma-viniścayo nāma...]; no title is given. Begins: Dharma-viniścayaḥ katamah? Answer is given by the definition of the twelve aṅgas, sūtra, &c. Fol. 128b, definition of the Mahāyāna: .../myi gnas pa'i mya ngan las 'das pa'i bsam ba can dang /... Fol. 2a, l. 3: /༔/ci'i phyir nye bar len pa'i phung po rnams shes bya zhe na /nye bar len pa dang ldan bas/de'i phyir nye bar len pa'i phung po rnams shes bya'o//nye bar len pa gang zhe na /'dir 'dun pa dang/'dod chags gang yin ba'o//ci'i phyir 'dun pa dang 'dod chags nyid /nye bar len pa shes bya zhe na'/ Fol. 4, on the different vijñānas. Fol. 66, Anityatā-lakṣaṇa. Fol. 93a, Prātimokṣa-saṃvara.
IOL Tib J 593.1 - Section: 1 Author: Ācārya Asaṅga chos mngon ba kun las btus pa/ (Abhidharma-samuccaya) Ch. 0014, Pothī; 49 c. x 8 c.: fol. numbered ka...7; ll. 5: dbu-can. Translators: Paṇḍits Jinamitra and Śīlendrabodhi (Śe-len-dra-bo-de), Źu. Lo. Bande Jñānasena. End of the text and colophon.
IOL Tib J 594.1 - Section: 1 lung dang man ngagi lde myig man ngag bla na myed pa sbas pa'i rgyas chung / (Āgamo-padeśodghāta anuttara-guhyopadeśa-laghu-vistara?) Ch. 73. III. 21, Pothī; 30 c. x 8 c.: foll. 2, numbered (red) 1-2; ll. 9 and 4 or 5: dbu-med: red and black. according to the colophon. According to the commentary: byang chub kyi sems/ (Bodhi-citta) (a) Fol. 1a, 9 lines. A commentary, or preface, black, small hand. Begins: byang chub kyi sems 'di slobs dpon ni mkhyen rab kyi mchog sangs rgyas sbas pas mdzad do//phyogs ni ati yo gar gtogs so//khungs ni byang chub kyi sems kyi lung thams chad nas phyung ngo/... 'This Bodhi-citta has been made by the most learned (vidvadvara?) Ācārya Buddhaguhya. The topic is Atiyoga. The documents from all the Āgamas on Bodhi-citta.' (b) Foll. 1b and 2a, ll. 4 and 5. Six ślokas and a half, red, large hand, black interlinear glosses. After homage to Bhagavat Samantabhadra: *ji tsham rtog myed zab mo zhig/ /blo 'i yul du snang ['gyur? ]na/ /myi rtog zab mo nyams myong na/ /myong ba yin phyir de nyid myen/* 'As long as the profound avikalpa appears in the field of the mind, one apprehends the profound avikalpa; therefore, as there is apprehension (anu-bhava), that is not the reality (tattva).' *ji bzhin ba'i chos brtsad de/ /chos la chos ni myi 'jug pas/ /ji tsham zab mo 'i tshig brjod kyang/ /don dang 'tsham bar ga la 'gyur*/...................* '...As long as one even pronounces profound words, how can there be artha-mātra (?).' (c) The colophon follows, as above: ....chung//rdzogs s+ho//
IOL Tib J 595.1 - Section: 1 Author: Nāgārjuna tshigs su bcad pa gcig pa zhes bya ba'i rab tu byed pa/ (Eka-gāthā-nāma-prakaraṇa) Ch. 9. I. 52, Pothī; 43.8 c. x 9 c.: fol. 1, numbered (letter) 20; ll. 3: dbu-can. Wanting in Bstan-ḥgyur, but see Nanjio_1883: 1212, the work called Eka-śloka-śāstra. rang gi ngo bo nyid myi rtag/ /de bzhin ngo bo ngo bo myed/ /rang bzhin ngo bo nyid myed pas/ /de phyir stong dang myi rtag gsungs/
IOL Tib J 596.1 - Section: 1 las brgya' rtsa gcig po/ [Ekottara-karma-śataka] Ch. 51. I. 2, Pothī; 52.2 c. x 8.6 c.: foll. 29, numbered ka 19-22, 24-26, 28, 30-34, 47-51, 58, 62, 64-72; ll. 6 (up to fol. 30) and 7 (fol. 31 et seq.): dbu-can. Incomplete. Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, LXXXII. 2 (foll. 109-298), Cordier_1909_1915: p. 406. Fol. 31a. End of the second khaṇda.
IOL Tib J 597.1 - Section: 1 li yul gi dgra bcom bas lung bstan pa'/ (Kaṃsadeśīyārhad-vyākaraṇa) Ch. 08, Pothī; 45.5 c. x 7.5 c.: foll. 5, numbered (letters) 1-5; ll. 6: dbu-med. The legendary religious history of Khotan. Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, XCIV. 45; Cordier_1909_1915: p. 433: Thomas_1935: I, pp. 73-87.
IOL Tib J 598.1 - Section: 1 li yul gyi dgra bcom pas lung bstan pA/ (Kaṃsadeśīyārhad-vyākaraṇa) Ch. 9. I. 3, Pothī; 55.5 c. x 8.9 c.: foll. 6, numbered 1-6; ll. 5: dbu-can. Identical with 597 but for orthographical variants. See also 601. 2.
IOL Tib J 599.1 - Section: 1 Author: [Nāgamitra (Kluḥi-bśes-gñen)] [sku gsum la 'jug pa'i sgo/] (Kāya-trayāvatāra-mukha) Ch. 03. 43, Pothī; 43.1 c. x 8.3 c.: fol. 1, numbered ga 11; ll. 5: dbu-can. A fragment. Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo, XXIX. 1 (fol. 8a, l. 6, Narthang ed.). Begins: shes bya ye shes rtag 'jug phyir / /bla na myed phyir rnam kun du / /lus can kun dang dang [sic]myi mtshungs phyir / /sems can kun dang bdag du ni / /mnyam nyid ldan ba' grub pa'i phyir / /dpag du myed phyir de gzhan du / /nyis dngos myed phyir gyur pa'i phyir / /log pa'i phyir dang de'i gzhi / /kun nas nyon mongs myi 'jug phyir / /rang gi 'od kyis/skye gnas gsum/ /sgo nga la skye stsogs pa dang / /rdzus te skye ba'i skye gnas su / /gtogs pa ma yin dngos po'i phyir / ..................... /rab tu dbye ba'i mtshan nyid ni / /don du de ltar shes par bya / /sangs rgyas kun gyi sku kun ni / /'jig rten kun tu rnam 'phrul phyir /
IOL Tib J 600.1 - Section: 1 Author: [Nāgamitra] [sku gsum gyi 'grel pa/] (Kāya-traya-vṛtti) Ch. 51. I. 37, Pothī; 59.5 c. x 7 c.: fol. 1; ll. 5: dbu-can: red and black. A fragment. Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo, XXIX. 2. Varies slightly from the Narthang ed. Mūla in red; commentary in black. Begins: khams thams cad na bzhugs pa'i phyir dang /sprul pa'i rten pa'i phyir dang /rnam pa gcig gi ngo bo yin ba'i phyir dang tshogs la stsogs pa tha dad pa'i phyir *chos sku dang /longs spyod rdzogs pa 'brel par 'dod *de /de la rten ces bya ba'i tha tshig go //sprul pa'i sku ni de las bzlog pa'i chos dang ldan ba'i phyir /chos kyi sku dang 'brel pa ma yin no //yang na *dbang gi 'bras bu'i //rnam pa kun dang ldan phyir ro /*zhes bya ba ste /de ni 'di skad du sprul pa'i sku la yang de'i dbang gis de ltar snang ba yod pa'i phyir dbang gi 'bras bu dang ldan ba yod mod kyi /'on kyang dbang gi 'bras bu rnam par thams chad ni de la myed do //theg pa chen po'i chos bla na myed pa la longs spyod pa'i phyir dang /sangs rgyas kyi chos rnam thams chad kyi mchog dang ldan ba thob pa'i phyir dang /sangs rgyas kyi zhing yongs su dag pa skye ba'i phyir longs spyod rdzogs pa'i sku la ni dbang gi 'bras bu'i rnam pa thams cad dang ldan ba yod do /mdo las de bzhin gshegs pa rnams ni rtag pa'i sgu/ther zug gi sku'o zhes gsungs pa de ci thaMs cad rtag par gyur pa yin nam/'on te 'ga' zhig rtag pa zhes bya ba'i don ni ji lta bu yin zhe na de'i phyir /*de lta de ltar de dang der /....*
IOL Tib J 601.1 - Section: 1 sangs rgyas shag kya thub pa'//byang cub sems dpa' sems dpa' chen po zla ba'i snying pos zhus pa las lung bstan pa/ (Candragarbha - bodhisattva - mahāsattva - paripṛcchāyāṃ śākyamuni - buddha - vyākaraṇa) Ch. 73. VII. 3, Pothī; 51.5 c. x 9.4 c.: foll. 6, nubered verso ka 1-6; ll. 7 and 9: dbu-can. Complete. Title in the colophon. Fol. 3b, l. 8. Compare the [Ārya - candragarbha - paripṛcchā - sūtre buddha - nirdiṣṭa - sthiti - vināśa - naya - vyākaraṇa], ḥphags - pa - zla - baḥi - snying - pos - zhus - paḥi - mdo - las/ sangs - rgyas - kyis - bstan - pa - gnas - pa - daṅ - ḥjig - paḥi - tshul - luṅ - bstan - pa, Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Beckh_1914: XXXII. 260-3; Schmidt, XXXII 217-20; wanting in Csoma_1836. There is a Candragarbha-prajñā-pāramitā, Śer-phyin, Schmidt, I. 176-7; also a Candragarbha part of the Mahā-saṃnipāta, Hoernle_1916: p. 103. The Vyākaraṇa begins, fol. 1b, l. 2: mya ngan las 'das 'pa'i 'og du lo lnga brgya 'i bar du/nga'i bstan pa spyod pa'i sems can rnams grol thar pa mang du 'gyur ro//de nas yang lo lnga brgya'i bar du/ting nge 'dzin spyod pa mang du 'gyur/rgyal po dang sems can dam pa'i chos la dad cing spyod pa yang phyir zhing nyung bar 'gyur ro/de nas lo lnga brgya'i bar du /dam pa'i chos ston cing sems can 'dren cing thar par byed pa'i 'slobs ... Fol. 2a, l. 6. The King of Kauśāmbhī, Mhen-tra-sen (Mahendrasena), and his son Drus-sprha-lha-hra (Dusprasaha) (see Tāranātha, p. 310).
IOL Tib J 601.2 - Section: 2 dgra bcom ba'i lung bstan/ (Arhad-vyākaraṇa) No colophon. Another version of 597 and 598. Begins, fol. 3b, l. 9: @//dgra bcom ba'i lung bstan//li yul du byung nas//li'i rgyal po rabs drug ni 'das//rabs bdun gyi rgyal po byi tsa yig rta zhes bya ba'i tshe /na/sad ka ya pr+ha ha na ya'i gtsug lag khang dang//nye ba'i lung pa dang/sa ka ya ki ra zhes bgyi ba na/sang ga ba rda na zhes bgyi ba'i dgra bcom ba zhig bzhug ste//de'i slob ma ban de zhig 'dul ba slob pa lase//ban de des tsan da gar ba dang /'dul ba'i mar mad//sangs rgyas gyi lung bstan mthong nas//dgra bcom ba la zhus pa/... Ends: lo bye ba phrag lnga bcu rtsa bdun dang/sa ya phrag bdun na//sangs rgyas byams pa 'jig rten myi mdzed gyi yul du sems can gyi don la gshegs so//
IOL Tib J 602.1 - Section: 1 sems 'khor ba'i tshul mdo tsam du bstand pa/ (Citta-cakra-naya-saṃkṣepa) Ch. 9. I. 9b, Pothī; 49 c. x 7 c.: foll. 6, numbered verso ga 42-47; ll. 5: dbu-can. Ends fol. 47b, l. 3, without colophon. Begins with eight stanzas: ma rig 'khruld pa'i semp can rnams / /rang gis myi dge'i las bsgrubs nas:/ /'khor ba'i btson ra khams gsum du:/ /bdag nyid 'chen pa kye re mtshar:/ / yan lag bcu gnyis 'khor lo yis:/ .................... The last stanza may be translated: 'In order to teach the real nature of Saṃsāra and Nirvāṇa, we explain in short the character of the circle of thought.' A discussion follows on cause (hetu, pratyaya), on the identity of the Kāraka, &c. Compare 335.
IOL Tib J 602.2 - Section: 2 rnal 'byor bsgom bar dang por sems bskyed pa la bstod pa/ (Bhāvanā-yoge prathama-cittotpāda-stotra For the translation Bhāvanā-yoge see p. 353.) Incomplete at the end. Begins: 'chings las myur 'byung 'chings las myur du byung:/ /longs spyod phyug skyid dag ni skad cig ste:/ /khams gsum bde myed 'bar mye'i khang pa 'dra:/ /rgyud drug rtag du yi 'brel dal myi myong:/
IOL Tib J 603.1 - Section: 1 Author: Ācārya Vasubandhu tshig le'ur byas pa sum cu pa / (Triṃśaka-kārikā) tring shi ka ka ri ka / Ch. 2a. G, Pothī; 38.6 c. x 9 c.: foll. 4, numbered (letters) 1-4; ll. 4: dbu-can, interlinear glosses, black and red, dbu-med. Colophon: sum cu pa'i rtsa ba slobs dpon ba su ba 'dus mdzad pa /Triṃśaka-mūlam Ācārya Vasubandhu-kṛtam. Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, LVIII. 1 (foll. 1-3), Cordier_1909_1915: p. 384. (Triṅśika; the complete title is Sarva-vijñāpti-mātra-deśaka-triṃśaka.) The first kārikā runs as follows: bdag dang chos su nyer 'dogs pa / sna tshogs dag ni gang 'byung ba / /de ni rnam par shes pa gyur /༚ /gyur pa de yang rnam gsum ste /
IOL Tib J 604.1 - Section: 1 [sum cu pa'i bshad pa/] (Triṃśaka-bhāṣya) Ch. 80. VIII. B, Pothī; 47 c. x 11.7 c.: fol. 1; ll. 7: recto, dbu-can with some dbu-med forms, verso, another hand, dbu-can: black and red. Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, LVIII. 10 (foll. 170-201). The Mūla quoted = fol. 4a, l. 1, Narthang ed. Begins: .../'dir ni phyi rol gyi dmyigs pa ma spangs na/nang gi dmyigs pa yang ma spangs par bstan to//de'i phyir de 'di snyam du bdag ni dmyigs pa las stsogs pas gzugs las stsogs pa 'dzin to snyam du sems so/༔/da ni 'di brjod par bya ste /don dang bral ba'i sems tsam dmyigs pas ji sems kyi chos nyid la gnas pa yin nam//smras pa ma yin te/ /*'di dag rnam rig tsam nyid ches/ /de snyam du dmyigs nas su/ /ji yang rung ste 'du 'jig na/ /de ni tsam la myi gnas so/* Other fragments of the Mūla are, verso, l. 1: *nam zhig shes pas dmyigs pa rnams/ /myi dmyigs de'i tshe na ni/ /rnaM par rig pa tsam la gnas/ /gzung ba myed pas de 'dzin myed/* Verso, ll. 5-6: */de ni sems myed myi dmyigs pa/ /'jig rten pa'i ye shes de / /gna's kyang gzhan du gyur pa ste / /gnas ngan len gnyis spangs pas so/ /de nyid zag pa myed dang dbyungs/ /bsam myi khyab dang dge dang brtan / /de ni bde ba rnam grol sku / /thub pa chen po'i chos shes bya' [note a: The last Kārikā. [note /
IOL Tib J 605.1 - Section: 1 mthong sgom/ (Darśana-bhāvanā) Ch. 9. I. 47, Pothī; 29.6 c. x 6.7 c. and (fol. 3) 28.9 c. x 7.1 c.: foll. 3, numbered (letters) 1-3; ll. 4 (fol. 1a) and 8: dbu-can and dbu-med: red and black. Complete. Title in the colophon. A small treatise on the darśana° and the bhāvanā-mārga. Begins: *nyan thos las dang po 'khor ba'i 'bras sdug bsngal la ye shes bzhis shes par byed de /de yang gang zhe na myi rtag pa dang /*sdug bsngal ba dang /... 'The beginning (ādikarmika) Śrāvaka knows suffering...through four knowledges (jñāna). Which are these four?...'
IOL Tib J 606.1 - Section: 1 dge ba bcu bshad pa'/ (Daśa-kuśala-bhāṣya) Ch. 73. VI, frag. 2(a), Scroll; 85 c. x 27 c.: ll. 66: dbu-can and dbu-med: damaged. Compare the Daśa-kuśala-karma-patha-nirdeśa, Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, XXXIII. 40, Cordier_1909_1915: p. 345: not the same text. Begins: legs pa byas na dge ba bcu//nyes par spyad na myi dge ba bcu [...]/de la myi dge ba bcu gang zhe na /lus la gsuM /ngag la bzhi/yid la gsum ste bcu 'o/... Ends: ...myi gnas pa'i ting 'dzin 'di /ting nge 'dzin thams chad gyi rgyal po ched po yin te/....
IOL Tib J 607.1 - Section: 1 lta ba'i rim pa / or lta ba'i sa chod/ (Dṛṣṭi-krama) Ch. 9. I. 9a and 9. I, frag. 32, Pothī; 48.6 c. x 7 c.: foll. 2, numbered verso ga 56-57; ll. 5: dbu-can. The first title is given in the colophon (fol. 57a, l. 5), which states that the ' Lta-baḥi-rim-pa, work of the Ācārya Sūryaprabha (Ñi-maḥi-ḥod)' is ended. The second title (fol. 57b, cover): 'that is the Lta-baḥi-chod-pa; it has been made by the Ācārya Asaṅga (Thogs-med).' There is a Dṛṣṭi-krama-nirdeśa by Dpal-brtsegs (Śrīkūṭa) of Ka-ba or Dkaḥ-ba, Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel. CXXIV. 12 (foll. 139-42), Cordier_1909_1915: p. 490. Incomplete at the beginning. Fol. 56. How things, which do not exist, can appear (substances: hare's horn, keśoṇḍuka, &c.). .../yang gal te gzugs la stsogs pa de dag ri bong gi rba bzhin du thog ma'i mtha' myed pa nas/myed pa nyid yin na 'khrul ba'i rgyu[d ]myed pas de 'i dbang gis rnam par shes pa nyid de ltar snang zhes byar yang myi rung ste/... Ends: 'The Pratītya-samutpāda, being by nature like an illusion, is devoid of birth and of destruction. Such is its absolute (pariniṣpanna) nature...theory of the Yogācāra-Mādhyamikas....' This mixed school (Yogācāra-Mādhyamika) is known only from Tibetan treatises, and the mention of it points to the Tibetan origin of the Lta-baḥi-rim-pa.
IOL Tib J 608.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. XIII. 7, Scroll; 13 c. x 30.3 c.: ll. 6: dbu-med. Enumeration of the deadly sins (ānantarya) and the similar sins, ending with stūpa-bhedana (compare Abhidharma-kośa, chap. iv).
IOL Tib J 608.2 - Section: 2 chos kyi rnam grangs kyi brjed byang/ (Dharma-paryāyābhismaraṇa) Title and beginning. Compare the treatise of this name by Śrīkūṭarakṣita, Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, CXXVI. 5 (foll. 274-345), Cordier_1909_1915: p. 492. Also the Dharma-paryāya or (according to the Indexes) Dharma-paryāyābhismaraṇa-mūla, ibid. 6 (foll. 345-52).
IOL Tib J 609.1 - Section: 1 chos kyi rnam grangs mdor bstan pa/ (Dharma-paryāyoddeśa) Ch. 9. I, frag. 25, Pothī; 28.5 c. x 7.7 c.: foll. 4, numbered (letters) 1-4; ll. 6 (fol. 1a) and 10; dbu-can (fol. 1a. ll. 1-5) and dbu-med. Defective at the end. Begins: de dkon mchog gsum gang zhe na /.... Fol. 1b, l. 2: From the absolute point of view everything has the same savour (rasa). The Buddha-jewel is the Dharma-kāya; the essence of the Sad-dharma is Truth exempt from action (? de-ñid-bya-ba-myed-pa-ni/dam-paḥi-chos-kyi-ṅo-bo-ñid); the Saṃgha is the a-samskṛta. In the Akaniṣṭha-heaven the Buddha-jewel is the Saṃbhoga-kāya, Vairocana; the Sad-dharma is the threefold mystery, no thought, no movement, no voice (myi-rtog, myi-g-yo, myi-gsuṅ); the Saṃgha is the Bodhisattvas. In Jambu-dvīpa the Buddha-jewel is the Nirmita-kāya, Śākyamuni; the Sad-dharma is the 37 Bodhi-pakṣika-dharmas; the Saṃgha is the Ārya-Arhats. Fol. 3b, l. 1: .../yid ki rnam par shes pa bkag nas mye ngan las 'das par lta //byang chub sems dpa' rnams kyis ni //kun gzhi rgya mtsho bskams par mye ngan las 'das par lta /de la kun bzhi[sic] 'i las ni rnam par shes pa thams cad dang /las dang nyon mongs pa thams cad kyis /gzhi'am /snod dam /mdzod lta bu 'o /nyon mongs pa'i yid ni /kun gzhi la yang bdag du lta zhing //bags chags stsogs par byed la /phyi rol du rnam par shes pa'i grogs su yang gyur pas //sbrul kha gnyis lta bu ste /....
IOL Tib J 610.1 - Section: 1 Nyāya [Nyāya-bindu ?] Ch. 83. IX. 7, Pothī; 10 c. (origially?) x 9.5 c.: fragment of 1 fol.; ll. 7: dbu-can. Contains Dignāga's definition of pratyakṣa: ...artha-kriyā-samartha.... See 637, 638, 1, Akuto-bhaya.
IOL Tib J 611.1 - Section: 1 [phung po lnga'i rab tu byed pa/] (Pañca-skandha-prakaraṇa) pan ca skan d+ha ka pra ka ra.... Ch. 73. XIV. 2, Scroll; in 3 pieces, 100 c. x 27 c.: damaged; ll. 68: dbu-can. Title (Sanskrit only, Tibetan on missing right side of the manuscript) and beginning. Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, LVIII. 5, Cordier_1909_1915: p. 385.
IOL Tib J 612.1 - Section: 1 lnga'i phung po/ (Pañca-skandha) pha' tsha skan 'da' Ch. 75. XI. 1, Scroll; 740 c. x 28.5 c.: ll. 375, verso, parts blank, interlinear Chinese glosses at the beginning: dbu-can. Title only: correct reading: Phuṅ-po-lṅa.
IOL Tib J 612.2 - Section: 2 The practice of a Bodhisattva; 1250 bhikṣus = mahā-bhikṣu-saṃgha; the saṃgha of the Bodhisattvas.... Incomplete at the beginning and end.
IOL Tib J 613.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 51. I. 32, Pothī; 41.7 c. x 6.8 c.: fol. 1; ll. 7 and 9: dbu-med. A note on the authors of the Pañca-skandha-prakaraṇa, Asaṅga and Vasubandhu. Begins: phung po lnga pa'i rab du byed pa'idi[sic] mdzad pa'i slobs dpod[sic] ni rgya gar skad du/a rya a sang 'ga' dang/ba su ban du zhes bya/slob dpon de yang sku yan[sic] tan ni/sngon theg pa chen po mngon pa'i mdo 'i [note a: ? 'i added below the line [note nub/mu stags[sic] kyi bstan pa dar nas mngon ba'i mdo myes btang chu bskur/slobs dpon sku bgrongs pa dang/bo mo zhig gis smon lam btab pa/nam zhig bdag la bu zhig yod na/mngon pa'i mdo 'byin nus par gyur cig/ces smon lam btab bo/de la bu gnyis yod par gyur ro/bu de gnyis blo rno bar bya ba'i ched du/zas dkar gsum ni byin/.... Ends: so so skye bo la sa dgu/nyan thos la sa brgyad/rang sangs rgyas la sa gnyis/byang chub sems dpa' la sa bcu/sangs rgyas la sa gsum de dang myi 'gal bar byang chub sems dpa'i sa mang po mdzad do/gzhung ngam bka' las byang chub sems dpa'i spyod pa rlabs po che dang pha rol du phyin pa stobs dang myi 'jigs pa dang/gzungs dang ting nge 'dzin mtshan dang dpe byad de dang myi 'gal bar mdo sde rgyan brtsams s+ho// Compare 589 on the author of the Akṣara-śataka.
IOL Tib J 614.1 - Section: 1 Author: Ācārya Guṇaprabha (Yon-tan-ḥod) phung po lnga rnam par 'greld pa/ (Pañca-skandha-vivaraṇa) Ch. 9. I. 6 and 41 (6 foll.), Pothī; 53 c. x 8.2 c.: foll. 26, numbered (partly letters, partly numerals, partly both letters and numerals) 2-3, 5, 7-10, 13, 15-17, 20-27, 29-34. Translators: Indian Paṇḍits Jinamitra and Dānaśīla; Źu. Lo. Bande Ye-śes-sde (Jñānasena). Defective. Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, LIX. 2 (foll. 67-101), Cordier_1909_1915: p. 387.
IOL Tib J 615.1 - Section: 1 phung po lnga pa rnam par 'grel pa/ (Pañca-skandha-vivaraṇa) pan tsa skan 'da' bi ba ra na/ Ch. 9. I. 33, Pothī; 53 c. x 8.1 c.: foll. 29, numbered (letters) ga 27-29; nga 1-11, 13-27, 29 (no gap between ga 29, ha and nga 1, ka); ll. 5: dbu-can: red and black. Another copy of the same translation as 614. Defective in the middle. Begins: 'jam dpal gzhon nur gyurd pa la phyag 'tshal lo:/ /phung po lnga zhes bya ba 'di ni:/chos mngon ba'i bstan bcos so://bstan bcos 'di la:/thog mar 'brel pa dang:/dgos pa dang /rang gi ston pa la mchod pa brjod pa dang:/gsum bsnyad par bya ba'o://mchod pa brjod pa ni/mdzod kyi bstan bcos la stsogs pa las smos pa de nyid 'dir blta bar bya ste:/bsam ba 'dis na l+lobs dpon gyis 'dir mchod pa brjod pa ma byas so://'di'i 'brel pa ni bcom ldan 'das kyis chos mngon ba ltong phrag brgya' pa gsungs pa de://srog chags rnams kyis rtogs par myi nus pas:/de'i phyir ci ltar na bcos nyung dus srog chags rnams kyis chos mngon ba khong du chud par 'gyur snyam ba ni 'brel pa'o:/.... Mūla (red) begins fol. ga 27b, l. 4: *de la phung po lnga ni gzugs kyi phung po dang chor ba'i phung po dang/...../rnam par shes pa'i phung po'o:/* Fol. ga 29a, l. 2: *gzugs gang zhe na://gzugs gang yin ba ci yang rung ste://de thams cad 'byung ba chen po bzhi dag dang:/'byung ba chen po bzhi dag rgyur byas pa'o:/* Fol. nga 26a, l. 4. After the definition of the prati-saṃkhyā-nirodha; Mūla: *de bzhin nyid gang zhe na:/chos rnams kyi chos nyid dang /chos bdag myed pa nyid do:/* Commentary: gzhan ma yin ba'i phyir:/de bzhin nyid do://chos rnams ces bya ba ni:/gzugs la stsogs pa'o://chos nyid ces bya ba ni gang de dag gi ngo bo nyid do://chos bdag myed pa ci ltar ngo bo nyid du 'gyur zhe na:/'di ltar snam bu zhes bya ba la stsogs pa':/gzugs la stsogs pa'i chos rnams rnam par dpyad na:/ngo bo nyid du myi dmyigs so:/....
IOL Tib J 616.1 - Section: 1 Author: Ācārya Prajñāsena 'jig rten pha rol sgrub pha/ (Para-loka-siddhi) Ch. 03. 4, Pothī; 42.6 c. x 7.1 c.: foll. 14, numbered nga 92-100, ca 1-5; ll. 4, interlinear commentary: dbu-med. Foll. nga 92-98a. The interlinear commentary begins: bstan bcos 'di ni slob dpon prad nya se nas mdzad de/de yang ji 'i phyir mdzad che na/mu stegs .... The text begins: sangs rgyas pa rnams las dang nyon mongs pa'i dbang gis 'jig rten pha rol yod phar bstan pa dang//mu stegs cad dag dbang phyug las stsogs pa'i byed pha'i bye brag gis 'jig rten pha rol yod phar smra ba de dag gi grub pa'i mtha' 'dir bshad do/.... 'The Buddhas teach that the world beyond exists owing to acts and the passions: the heretics say that it is due to the agency of different causes, beginning with God....' There is in Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, CXII. 15, a Para-loka-siddhi by the Ācārya Dharmottara (Chos-mchog); Cordier_1909_1915: p. 452.
IOL Tib J 616.2 - Section: 2 (Bodhisattva-nāmāni ?) Fol. nga 98b. Begins: byang cub sems dpa'i mying dbyer myed pa 'di lta bu dag ni yon tan las btags par rig par bya ste/'di lta ste/.... Synonyms (sādhāraṇa-nāmāni) of the word bodhisattva, giving account of their qualities: dhīman, jinaurasa, &c. Ends: 'As concerns the special names (sva-nāmāni) of the Bodhisattvas who exist in all the Universes...one must know that they are innumerable.'
IOL Tib J 616.3 - Section: 3 rnal 'byor spyod pa'i sa dngos gzhi'i sa bcu bdun las byang chub sems dpa'i sa 'i rtsis mgo sa gcad brjed byang du byas pha/ (Yoga-caryā-bhūmau vastu(-saṃgrahe) sapta-daśama-bhūmau bodhisattva-bhūmi-gaṇanādi-kramābhisma-raṇa) Colophon: byang cub sems dpa'i sa 'i sa gchad brjed byung du byas pha/ Foll. nga 99a-ca 5b. Begins: de la byang cub sems dpa'i sa 'i bsdus pa'i don ni rnam pha bcu ste /de yang gang zhe na/gzhi dang/rtags dang/phyogs dang/lhag pha'i bsam dang/.... Compare Yogacaryā-bhūmau vastu-saṃgraha, Bstan-ḥgyur. Mdo-ḥgrel, LIII. 2, Cordier_1909_1915: p. 379; vastu = gźi; but in this text and in Mdo-ḥgrel, XLIX, vastu = dṅos-gźi: sa-gcad, sa-gchad = sa-bcad = krama: mgo = mgo-nan = prathama.
IOL Tib J 616.4 - Section: 4 Fol. ca 5b. A text dealing with the enumeration of seven Dharmas. 627 and 653 are on the same paper, and may be part of this MS.
IOL Tib J 617.1 - Section: 1 [rdo rje gcod pa/] (Vajracchedikā) Ch. 82. II. 3, Concertina; 25 c. x 9 c.: foll. 7; ll. 6: dbu-can. Recto Incomplete. Contains the stanza: Ye māṃ rūpeṇādrakṣur... (Müller_1881: p. 43).
IOL Tib J 617.2 - Section: 2 Author: [Nāgārjuna] [shes rab brgya pa zhes bya ba'i rab tu byed pa/] (Prajñā-śataka-prakaraṇa) Verso. Stanzas of seven syllables. Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, XXXIII. 37, Cordier_1909_1915: p. 344. Begins śloka 27, ends śloka 53. lus kyi bstan ngag yongs myi spang/ /ru shing [bzang po ]'i gzhu mchog kyang/ /rgyud myed g.yul ngong ci zhig bya'/ 27 /g.yon can rnams kyi gron can tshig/ /'dzangs pas legs par ma brtags na'/ /kho glu 'i don rnams ma dpyad pa 'i / /ri dags gzhan gyis brlag pa snang'a/ 28 ..................... /gang na rgyal po 'i 'bangs rnams kyi/ /legs nyes sems par byed pa 'i/ /yul de rgyal po yod ces bya'/ /de ltar de dag gtsor brtag go/ 35 /gang na rgyal po 'bangs rnams kyi/ /legs nyes sems par myi byed pa/ /rgyal po de dag gtsug lag la/ /mkhas pa rnams kyis bsten myi bya'/ 36 /yon tan ldan ba chung yang ni/ /'jig rten thabs chen thob [note a: 618 'thob [note par 'gyur/ /zla ba shas tsam lus pa yang/ /drag po 'i ni spyi la thogs/ 37 /mkhas pa gang zhig bag myed pa 'i/ /gnas nas byol te bros pa dpa'/ /ri dags rgyal po myi gtsang ba 'i/ /gnas nas bzur ba ga la sngar/ 38 /legs nyes don chen myi sems par/ /mun spul brtul pa dpa' ma yin/ /don ni [note b: 618 myed instead of ni [note dpag tshad brgya pa 'i [note c: 618, yi instead of 'i. [note / /g.yang sar mchong ba ci cha yod / 39 /yon tan ldan yang thams cad du/ /grags chen thob [note d: 618, 'thob [note par 'gyur ma yin/ /zla ba 'i 'od zer bsil ba 'i [note e: 618, 'i omitted. [note rnams/ /pad ma 'i rdzing dang phrad [note f: 618, phrod o na-ro by a second hand. [note myi 'gyur'a/ 40 /mjug du dkyong [note g: 618, dkyor [note 'byin byed ba [note h: 618, pa [note 'i[/] [/]snying tshigs [note i: 618, snyang tshig [note mkhas pa sus myi bsngags/ /gang gis 'khams 'khrugs 'gyur ba 'i [note j: 618, yi [note / /kha zas zhim po de su za/ 41 /khams rnams rnam par [note k: 618, mkhas rnams rna bar [note myi snyan yang/ /phan tshig sman bzhin sten par byed/ /re shig cig na de dag kyang/ /yang dag bdud rtsi lta bur 'gyur'a/ 42 /rigs pa 'i don dang myi ldan ba 'i/ /gzhung lugs gang zhig rtsom byed pa [note l: 618 ends here. [note / /de yis dgongs pa grub myi 'gyur'a/ /sngags dang bral ba 'i sbyin bsreg bzhin/ 43 This Ms. has interesting features as concerns orthography. 1. The use of 'a in snang'a, 'gyur'a 2. The dot regularly before the affix 'i, pad ma 'i &c. This 'i is often the prosodic value of a syllable: 618 in such cases prefers yi. 3. The ta is quite distinct from da; a rare and happy feature: ba is also distinct from pa.
IOL Tib J 618.1 - Section: 1 [shes rab brgya pa zhes bya ba'i rab tu byed pa/] (Prajñā-śataka-prakaraṇa) Ch. 79. VIII. 3, Pothī; 42 c. x 7.2 c.: fol. 1, numbered nga 64; ll. 5: dbu-can, interlinear glosses dbu-med. The same text as 617, 2, with a few variants. Begins with śloka 32: @/:/btsugs nas/ /yan lag rnams ni rgum bag du / /bya ste .... The variants are marked in 617 (bya for bya', pa for pa', &c., not marked). The end of each śloka is marked by an additional red stroke. Amongst the interlinear glosses: 1. Referring to ślokas 35—(gang na rgyal po...); @/:/'di man cad ni bcu pa rgyal po'i yon tan dang skyon bstan pa'i sgo ston to/ 2. Referring to ślokas 39—(legs nyes don...); @/:/'di man cad ni bcu gcig pa nyes pa spang pa'i sgo ston to/ 3. Referring to ślokas 43—(rigs pa'i don...); @/:/'di man cad ni bcu gnyis pa phan gnod shes par bya ba'i sgo ston to/
IOL Tib J 619.1 - Section: 1 rten cing 'brel par 'byung ba tshig le'ur byas pa sum cu pa 'i rnam par bshad pa/ (Pratītya - samutpāda - triṃśaka - kārikā - vyākhyāna) Ch. 9. 1, frag. 17 (fol. 94) and 51. I. 10 (foll. 99-101), Pothī; 47.6 c. x 8.1 c.: foll. 4, numbered (red) ka 94, 99-100, kha 1; ll. 6: dbu-can, a few interlinear glosses dbu-med: red and black. Incomplete. Mūla in red. See 588, 4. Begins, after homage to Mañjuśrī-kumāra-bhūta: rten cing 'brel par 'byung ba tshig le'ur byas pa sum cu pa gang yin [note a: Interlinear gloss: de'i don [note ba/deng bdag gis [note b: Interlinear gloss: slob dpon ur lang kas [note go rims bzhin du rnam par bshad par bya'o / */gcig po de las gsum 'byung ste / /gsum po dag las drug kyang skye / /drug las gnyis gnyis las drug 'byung / /drug po dag las yang drug skye /* 'The meaning is that from ajñāna (or avidyā) are born three kinds of saṃskāras; from these three are born the six vijñānas....' Fol. 100. The stanzas commented upon: *de ni rnam par bcu gnyis yod / /mnyam stobs rkyen gyis rang skye 'i / /sems chan dang ni srog kyang myed / /g.yo myed blo yis rig par 'gyur / /bdag myed bdag gi ba 'ang myed / / bdag myed bdag gi rgyu yang myed / /stong par myi shes rnam pa bzhi / /yan lag lhag ma de bzhin no / /rtag chad mtha' gnyis gang spangs pa / /de ni dbu ma'i lam yin te / /gal te rdzogs sangs rgyas grub gyur na / /ngo bo nyid rtogs sangs rgyas yin / /mngon sangs 'khor ni mang po'i nang / /drang srong 'phags pas bdag myed gsungs / /grong khyer dpe'i mdo las [note c: Nagaropama-sūtra. [note kyang / /'dren pas don 'di gsungs pa yin /* Fol. 101 = (588, 4, fol. 45a): */ka ta ya na'i mdo las kyang / /yang dag lta dang stong lta gsungs / /gre la skyes kyi mdo las kyang / /khyad bar 'phags pa'i stong pa gsungs /* zhes bya ba ni mdo sde gsum po 'di dag dang /gzhan nas kyang 'di lta bu'i mtshan nyid bcom ldan 'das kyis de skad gsungs so zhes bya ba'i don to / 'In the Kātyāyana-sūtra the correct view (samyag-dṛṣti) and the view of voidness heve been proclaimed; in the Prāk-phālgunī-bhava-sūtra, [note d: Sarat Chandra Das is responsible for this translation. [note the viśiṣṭa-śūnyatā.' */gal te rten 'byung yang dag shes / /de yis stong pa mtshungs ldan shes / /gal te rten 'byung myi shes na / /stong pa de ni rig myi 'gyur /* 'If he knows correctly the pratītya-samutpāda, he knows the voidness; if he does not know the pratītya-samutpāda, he will not understand the voidness.'
IOL Tib J 620.1 - Section: 1 [rten cing 'brel par 'byung ba tshig le'ur byas pa sum cu pa'i rnam par bshad pa/] [Pratītya - samutpāda - triṃśaka - kārikā - vyākhyāna] Ch. 51. I. 31, Pothī; 50.8 c. x 7.5 c.: fol. 1, numbered ga; ll. 5: dbu-can: red and black. A fragment. The stanza commented upon, verso, occurs 588, 4, fol. 49b, l. 5.
IOL Tib J 621.1 - Section: 1 Author: Ācārya Nāgārjuna (Klu-sgrub) rten cing 'brel par 'byung ba'i snying po rnam par bshad pa/ (Pratītya-samutpāda-hṛdaya-vyākhyāna) Ch. 51. I. 8 (foll. 3, 7-8, 13, 17) and Ch. 73. VII. 9, Pothī; 48 c. x 8 c.: foll. 11, numbered (letters) 3-8, 13-17; ll. 4: dbu-can: red and black. Foll. 3-6a. Defective at the beginning. Title from the colophon. Author's commentary on the Pratītya-samutpāda-hṛdaya, Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, XVII. 13 (fol. 163b), Cordier_1909_1915: p. 294, ed. by La Vallée Poussin, La_Vallée_Poussin_1913: p. 122. Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, XVII. 15 (foll. 166-8), Cordier_1909_1915: p. 294. Begins with the commentary on stanza 2 (dang po brgyad dang...)
IOL Tib J 621.2 - Section: 2 rten cing 'brel par 'byung ba'i snying po bshad pa'i brjed byang/ (Pratītya - samutpāda - hṛdaya - vyākhyānābhismaraṇa) Begins fol. 7a (without title); ends fol. 17a: colophon, title only. This sub-commentary has not been found in the Bstan-ḥgyur.
IOL Tib J 622.1 - Section: 1 rten cing 'brel par 'byung ba'i snying po bshad pa'i brjed byang/ [Pratītya - samutpāda - hṛdaya - vyākhyānābhismaraṇa] Ch. 51. I. 23, Pothī; 43.3 c. x 7.7 c.: foll. 4, the first unnumbered (=1), the others numbered 2-4; ll. 5: dbu-can: red and black. Complete. Begins without title as 621, 2; colophon, title only.
IOL Tib J 623.1 - Section: 1 rten cing 'brel par 'byung ba'i snying po rnam par bshad pa/ (Pratītya-samutpāda-hṛdaya-vyākhyāna) pra tI tya sa mud pA da hri da ya bya khya na / Ch. 51. I. 11, Pothī; 50.4 c. x 7.4 c.: fol. 1, numbered (letter) 1; ll. 3: dbu-can, interlinear glosses dbu-med: red and black. Sanskrit and Tibetan titles, and beginning of the treatise.
IOL Tib J 624.1 - Section: 1 Author: Ācārya Nāgārjuna (Klu-sgrub) rten cing 'brel par 'byung ba'i snying po rnam par bshad pa/ (Pratītya-samutpāda-hṛdaya-vyākhyāna) Ch. 73. XV, frag. 10a, Pothī; 39 c. (originally 50 c.?) x 7 c.: fol. 1, damaged, numbered (letter and numeral) 4; ll. 5: dbu-can: red and black. End of the text and colophon.
IOL Tib J 625.1 - Section: 1 'jug pa'i sgra brgyad bstan pa tshig le'ur byas pa/ (Pravartana-vyākaraṇāṣṭaka-nirdeśa-kārikā) Ch. 0003, Pothī; 43.5 c. x 9 c.: fol. 1; ll. 5: dbu-can, interlinear glosses dbu-med. Translator: Chos-grub (Dharmasiddha), from a Chinese original. A grammatical treatise on the Vibhaktis (rnam-dbye). There is in Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, CXVI. 13 (foll. 229a, l. 4—230a, l. 3), a Sarva-bhāṣā-pravartana-vyākaraṇa-śāstra by Subhāṣakīrti; translator not mentioned. Four kārikās: /me tog rgyas tshal ljon shing yod / /ljon pa'i shing la rlung gis bskyod/ /ljon shing gis ni glang po bskyeld/ /ljon shing phyir ni chu drongs shig/ /ljon shing las ni me tog 'khrungs/ /shing gi yal ga rab tu ldem/ /ljon pa'i shing la bya tshang bcas/ /kye kye ljon shing ngo mtshar mdzes/ /dang po dngos po bstan pa yin/ /gnyis pa las su shes par bya / /gsum pa byed pa'i byed po yin/ /bzhi pa gang phyir sbyin ba yin / /lnga pa gang las 'ongs pa yin/ /drug pa lhag pa'i dbang du byas/ /bdun pa gnas gzhi bstan pa ste/ /brgyad pa 'bod pa'i tshig yin no/
IOL Tib J 626.1 - Section: 1 byang chub sems dpa' rab tu byang ba dang/khyim pa byang chub sems pa 'i sdom pa yang dag par blangs pa rnams kyis zla ba phyed phyed cing byang chub sems dpa' 'i gso sbyong mdzad pa'i cho ga gzhung du bris pa/ (Pravrajita - bodhisattva - samādatta - saṃvara - gṛhastha - bodhisattvānām ardhārdhamāse bodhisattvo - posatha - vidhi) Ch. 83. VI. 1, Pothī; 56.5 c. x 8.2 c.: fol. 1; ll. 6: dbu-can, interlinear glosses dbu-med. Incomplete at the end.
IOL Tib J 627.1 - Section: 1 'phags pa sangs rgyas kyi sa rgya cher 'greld pa'/ (Ārya-buddha-bhūmi-ṭīkā) Ch. 0032, Pothī; 42.6 c. x 7 c.: fol. 1, numbered ga 100; ll. 2, verso blank: dbu-can. Contains the last line of the text and colophon (title only). .../sgra ci bzhin shes pa ni de bzhin gshegs pa'i rnam pa thams cad mkhyen pa nyid kyi ye shes sO// Compare the Ārya-buddha-bhūmi-vyākhyāna (Saṅs-rgyas-kyi-saḥi-rnam-par-bśad-pa) by Śīlabhadra, Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, XXXVI. 3 (foll. 283-333), Cordier_1909_1915: p. 365. The same paper as 616, a different hand.
IOL Tib J 628.1 - Section: 1 byang cub sems dpa'i spyod pa la 'jug pa/ (Bodhisattva-caryāvatāra) bO d+hi sad twa tsa rya ma ba tA ra/ Ch. 73. VII. 6, 03. 7 (fol. 22), XXVII. S (damaged folio), Pothī; 48.3 c. x 11.5 c. and 43 c. x 11.5 c (foll. 17 and 22): foll. 22, numbered ka 1-22 and one badly damaged (left half missing) = 23; ll. 8: dbu-can. Incomplete at the end. The same text as 629. Begins with the preliminary stanzas of the Mūla-madhyamaka (see Madhyamaka-vṛtti, p. 11). Next follows: sangs rgyas rnams dang byang cub sems dpa' dag/ /sems can ma lus gnod pa sel mdzad cing/ /bde ba rnam mang sna tshogs sgrub mdzad pa/ /de dag spyod dang bcas la gus phyag 'tshal/ 'Homage to the Buddhas and to the Bodhisattvas who remove the trouble of all beings and promote every kind of happiness; homage to them and to their practice.' Chap. 1 ends fol. 2a, l. 8. Fol. 4b ends the chap. 2 of Minaev's edition, not numbered as a chapter in this recension. Chap. 2. Ends fol. 5b (Minaev 2 and 3), Bodhi-citta-parigraha. 3. Ends fol. 7b (Minaev 4), Nairātmya-nirdeśa, (bdag myed pa bstand pa), whereas Minaev has Bodhi-cittāpramāda. 4. Ends fol. 10b (Minaev 5), Samprajanya-rakṣaṇa . 5. Ends fol. 14b (Minaev 6), Kṣānti. 6. Ends fol 17b (Minaev 7), Vīrya. 7. Ends fol. 19b (Minaev 8), Dhyāna: 60 stanzas, Minaev 183; stanza 1 in this recension = Minaev 4. 8. Ends fol. 22a (Minaev 9), Prajñā. 9. Incomplete. Begins as Minaev, with variants. Stanza 3 differs considerably: /de dag sangs rgyas bde thob kyi/ /bar du bde ba nyams ma 'gyurd/ /'gro ba bla na myed pa yi/ /bde ba rgyud myi 'chad 'thob shog/ The work has khaṇḍa divisions; the second ends fol. 13a.
IOL Tib J 629.1 - Section: 1 Author: Ācārya Akṣayamati (Blo-gros-myi-zad-pa) byang chub sems dpa'i spyod pa la 'jug pa/ (Bodhisattva-caryāvatāra) Ch. 51. I. 25, Pothī; 41.5 c. x 9 c.: foll. 24, numbered, verso, ka 2, 4, 7, 14, 16-28, 32-34, 37-40; ll. 6: dbu-can. Translators: Indian Paṇḍit Sarvajñadeva (Sa-ra-bad-ña-de-ba) and Źu. Lo. Bande Dpal-brtsegs (Śrīkūṭarakṣita). Wanting in Bstan-ḥgyur. Incomplete: title from the colophon. Fol. 2a, l. 1 = Minaev, 1. 17: fol. 4a, l. 1 = Minaev, 2, 15: fol. 7a, l. 1 = Minaev, 3, 8: fol. 14a, l. 1 = Minaev, 5, 48: fol. 23a, l. 4 ends chap. 5, Kṣānti-nirdeśa (bzod-pa-bstan-pa) = Minaev, 6, Kṣānti-pāramitā: fol. 40, Pariṇāmanā (bsṅo)-nāma-parivarto navamaḥ = Minaev, 10. This last chapter differs widely from Minaev's (= Śāntideva?) recension. Exact coincidence only in the last six pādas. Fol. 40a, l. 1: /sbyin dang tshul khrims bzod brtson 'grus/ /bsam gtan shes rab brgyan par shog/ /bdag kyang yon tan de kun dang/ /ldan zhing brgyan pa rgyas par shog/ /nyes pa kun las rnam grol zhing/ /sems can kun la byams mchog gyur/ /sems can kun yid bder [note a: bder partly cancelled in MS. [note ba yi/ /bde ba thams cad rdzogs byed shog/ /rtag du lus can thams cad kyi/ /sdug bsngal thams cad sel par gyur/ /'jig rten kun na skye bo dag/ /'jigs pas yid byung ji snyed pa'/ /de kun bdag mying thos pas kyang/ /gtan du 'jigs pa myed par shog/ .................... Ends: /rtag du srog chags thams chad kyis/ /sa dang chu dang mye dang rlung/ /sman dang dgon pa'i shing bzhin du/ /rang dga' 'dod dgur spyod par shog/ /sems can la bdag srog bzhin sdug/ /bdag la 'ang de dag chos sdug shog/ /de 'i sdig bdag la smyin gyur la/ /bdag dge ma lus de la smyin/ /chos gos tsam zhig gyon ba la 'ang/ /ston pa bzhin du mchod byed shog/ ....................
IOL Tib J 630.1 - Section: 1 byang chub sems dpa'i spyod pa la 'jug pa/ (Bodhisattva-caryāvatāra) Ch. 0004 (fol. 6), 0006 (fol. 1) and 9. I. 19 (foll. 2-5); Pothī; 31 c. x 7.2 c.: foll. 6, numbered (letters) 1-6; ll. 4 and 5: dbu-med and dbu-can. Foll. 1-6a. The ninth chapter. Colophon: Bodhisattva-caryāvatāre pariṇāmanā nāma... (yongs su bsngo ba...). The beginning agrees with 628, the end with 629. Fol. 2a begins with Minaev, 10, 11: rab tu dga' ba'i shugs gis sdig dang bral nas de dang lhag 'gro bar shog /me tog char pa spos chu dang 'dres be 'babs pa yis /ma/dmyal ba'i mye dag chil chil gsod pa mthong 'gyur nas/glo bur bde bas tshim ba 'di ci bsams ba pa dang/sems dmyal rnams gis /phyag nas pad mo mthong bar shog /...dṛṣṭvā prāmodya-vegād vyapa-gata-duritāyāṃ tu tenaiva sārdham/ patati kamala-vṛṣṭir gandha-pānīya-miśrā.... Fol. 5b ends: 'jig rten kun na skye bo dag / sdig 'pa 'dod pa gang dag yin / de kun rtag du gnod myed par / cig car bzlog pa byed gyurd cig / The nearest equivalent is Minaev, 10, 31: anena mama puṇyena sarva-sattvāviśeṣataḥ viramya sarva-pāpebhyaḥ kurvantu kuśalaṃ sadā
IOL Tib J 630.2 - Section: 2 Fol. 6b, dbu-can, a larger hand than the dbu-can of 1. yang ci skad du / pha dang ma ni bsad byas shing / rgyal po gtsang sbra can gnyis dang / yul 'khor 'khor dang bcas bcom na / myi ni dag par 'gyur zhes bya' zhes gsungs pa lta bu 'o //yang ci skad du / yid myi ches dang /byas myi gzo / myi gang khyim 'bigs byed pa dang / go skabs bcom dang skyugs pa za / de ni skyes bu mchog yin no / /snying po myed la snying por shes / phyin ci log la shin du gnas / nyon mongs kun nas rab snyon smongs / /byang chub dam pa thob par 'gyur zhes gsungs pa lta bu'o // The first stanza = Dhamma-pada 294 (mātaraṃ pitaraṃ hatvā) (see in Max Müller's translation the reference to Laṅkāvatāra). The second stanza = Dhamma-pada 97: 'The unbeliever, the ungrateful, the man who breaks into houses (saṃdhi-cheda) and breaks occasions, who eats vomit (vāntāśa), is the best of men.' The last has not so far been traced: '[The man] who recognizes as substantial the unsubstantial (asāre sāra-matinaḥ?), who is established in the wrong, who is soiled by passions, obtains the supreme Enlightenment.'
IOL Tib J 631.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 9. I, frag. 55, Pothī; 44.7 c. x 9.2 c.: foll. 3; ll. 7, 4, 8: dbu-med: red and black. Table of chapters of the Bodhisattva-bhūmi. Three copies of the list: gotra-pariccheda, cittot-pāda°, sva-parārtha°. See Bendall, p. 192. A brief Chinese translation is given as an interlinear gloss on one folio, and again, verso, of another folio.
IOL Tib J 632.1 - Section: 1 Author: Ācārya Guṇaprabha (Yon-tan-ḥod) bung chub sems dpa'i tshul khrims kyi le'u bshad pa'/ (Bodhisattva-śīla-parivarta-bhāṣya) Ch. 73. VII. 7, Pothī; 49 c. x 8.5 c.: foll. 18, numbered ka 56-73; ll. 4: dbu-can, a few interlinear glosses dbu-med: red and black. Translators: Indian Paṇḍit Prajñāvarman (Phrad-ña-bar-ma) and Źu. Lo. Bande Ye-śes-sde (Jñānasena). Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, LIV. 6 (foll. 229-40), Cordier_1909_1915: p. 381. According to the index: Bodhisattva-bhūmi-śīla-parivarta-bhāṣya. Begins: sangs rgyas dang bung chub sems dpa' thams chad la phyag 'tshal lo //_//*tshul khrims kyi rang bzhin yon tan bzhi dang ldan ba de ni /dge bar rig par bya'o /*zhes bya ba ji lta bu zhe na /de las brtsams te/*bdag la phan ba /*zhes bya ba las stsogs pa smos so //de la *phan ba *zhes bya ba ni /dge ba spyod pa'o /*bde ba *ni gnod pa myed pa'o /*snying brtse ba *ni 'di ltar la la spyod pa dge ba dang /gnod pa myed pas /pha rol rnams la snying brtse bar byed pa lta bu'o /*don *ces bya ba ni /don du gnyer ba dang /don dang ldan ba ste/'dod pa dang /kha na ma tho ba myed pa gang yin ba'o //*phan ba dang bde ba'i phyir/*zhes bya ba ni /spyod pa dge ba dang /gnod pa myed pa la gnas pa'o /*myi *zhes bya ba ni rgyal rigs las stsogs pa ste /de dag phal cher la /sangs rgyas 'byung ba dang /chos legs par gsungs pa dang /dge 'dun legs par bsgrub pa rnams kyis /shas cher phan ba dang /bde bar 'gyur la /de dag kyang bdag nyid la phan ba dang /bde bar byas nas /.... Fol. 67a, l. 2: .../*'di lta ste pham ba'i chos rnams byas pas dge slong gis so sor pa'i sdom ba btang ba bzhin du /byang chub sems dpa'i tshul khrims kyi sdom ba yang dag par blangs pa btang bar myi 'gyur *ro //.... Ends with classification of the moralities (śīla), fol. 70b, l. 4: *ldog pa'i tshul khrims dang /'jug pa'i tshul khrims dang /*gzhi ga *rjes su srung ba'i tshul khrims *...[Fol. 71b, l. 2]*rnam par dag pa'i tshul khrims rnam pa bcu*....
IOL Tib J 633.1 - Section: 1 Author: Ācārya Candragomin byang cub sems dpa'i sdom ba nyi shu pa'o/ (Bodhisattva-saṃvara-viṃśaka) Ch. 73. IV. 17, Concertina; 13.5 c. x 8 c.: foll. 20 (first fragment foll. 7, second fragment foll. 13); ll. 5: dbu-can: red and black. Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥrel, LXI. 12 (fol. 192), Cordier_1909_1915: p. 391; Tārānātha, p. 156. There are two commentaries, a Vṛtti by Śāntirakṣita, and a Pañjikā by Bodhibhadra, Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, LXI. 13 and 14 (foll. 192-213, 213-51). Mūla (red), with a Commentary and a Preface. Incomplete. The Mūla begins, first fragment, p. 5a. The Preface, first fragment, p. 1, explains that 'this Treatise in twenty stanzas on the obligations or discipline of the Bodhisattva has been written by the Ācārya Candragomin to provide for other future beings an easy entrance [into this discipline]. It is not a self-made work (sva-racita). On the contrary, the Ācārya Asaṅga having put together in his Yogacaryā-bhūmi, from the immense mass of the Vinaya and the Sūtras of the Great Vehicle, the disciplinary Sūtras (Śikṣā-sūtra), Candragomin has made a summary.' The division of the work follows: (1) śīla-samādānopāya, (2) samādāna-guṇa, (3) śikṣā-sūtra, (4) āpatti-vastu, (5) āpatti-vyutthānopāya.... The Commentary begins, fol. 5a: byang cub sems dpa' [zhes ]bya ba ni nyan thos dag las dgar ba'i phyir smos so/de la byang cub sems dpa' yang gnyis yod de/bsam ba yongs su dag pa ste/sa dang po yan cad la gnas pa dang bsam ba ma dag pa ste/mos pa'i sa spyod pa'i sa la gnas pa man cad do/.... 'He says "Bodhisattva", in order to distinguish from the Śrāvakas. There are again two sorts of Bodhisattvas: the Bodhisattva of pure resolution (śuddhā-dhyāśaya), above the first Bhūmi; the Bodhisattva of impure resolution, in the Adhimukti-bhūmi...' (see article 'Bodhisattva', Hastings_1908-1926: II. 739a-753b).
IOL Tib J 633.2 -
IOL Tib J 634.1 - Section: 1 byang cub ki ltung bshasg (sic) / (Bodhy-āpatti-deśanā) Ch. 73. IV. 1, Scroll; 84 c. x 30.5 c.: ll. 63: dbu-can: damaged. Defective at the begining; title from the colophon. Compare Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, XXXVII. 8 (foll. 215-27), Bodhy-āpatti-deśanā-vṛtti, by Nāgārjuna; 9 (foll. 227-36), Bodhy-āpatti-deśanā-vṛtti Bodhisattva-śikṣā-nāma, by Jetāri; XXXII. 11, Āpatti-deśanā-vidhis, by Devaśānti and Dīpaṃkaraśrījñāna. Ends: bdag cag ye shes bla na ma mchis pa'i mchog du gyur cig/ /myi mchog rgyal ba gang dag da ltar bzhugs pa dang/ /gang dag 'das pa dag dang de bzhin gang ma byon/ /yon tan bsngags pa mtha' yas rgya mtsho 'dra kun la/ /thal mo sgyar de nye bar skyabs su mchi 'o/ The text varies from 635-6.
IOL Tib J 635.1 - Section: 1 skyabs su nye bar mchi ltung ba bshag pa/ (Śaraṇa-gamana-āpatti-deśanā; Bodhy-āpatti-deśanā) Ch. 73. VIII. 4, Scroll; 73 c. x 25.5 c.: ll. 41, verso, 43 columns Chinese: dbu-can: damaged. Last part of the text and colophon (title only). Ends: sangs rgyas tham[s] cad ni gsol ba 'debs so /bdag gi ye shes bla na myed pa'i mchog du gyur cig/myi mchog rgyal ba gang bdag da ltar bzhug[s] pa dang gang dag 'das pa dag dang de bzhin gang ma byon/yon tan bsngags pa mtha' yas rgya mtsho 'dra kun la bdag gis thal mo sbyar bar bgyis te/ The same text as 636.
IOL Tib J 636.1 - Section: 1 byang chub kyi ltung ba bshags pa/ (Bodhy-āpatti-deśanā) Ch. 87. XII, Scroll; 142.5 c. x 25.4 c.: ll. 71: dbu-can. Complete. The colophon gives the alternative title, as in 635. Compare 316, 2.
IOL Tib J 637.1 - Section: 1 Author: Ācārya Ārya Nāgārjuna (Klu-sgrub) dbu ma'i rtsa ba'i 'grel pa ga las 'jigs myed / (Mūla-madhyamaka-vṛtti Akuto-bhayā) mu la mad d+hya /ma ka brid ti a ku to ba yA / Ch. 012, Pothī; 49.1 c. x 10.7 c.: foll. 68, numbered ka 1-67 (2 foll. numbered 45); ll. 7: dbu-can. Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, XVII. 6 (foll. 34-114), Cordier_1909_1915: p. 292. The colophon, which is missing in Walleser's translation (Die mittlere Lehre des Nāgārjuna, Heidelberg, 1911 Walleser_1911), runs as follows: dbu ma'i rtsa ba'i 'grel pa ga las 'jigs myed ces bya ba //tshig le'ur byas ba shes rab ces bya ba'i don mdor bstan pa //bstan bcos dang rab tu byed pa /ngag dang tshig rigs pa dang /lung gyis grub pa //rang dang gzhan gyi grub pa'i mtha smra ba'i phyogs ga las kyang 'jigs pa myed pa /rjes su dpag pa dang //sun dbyung ba'i gsal ba dang //de kho na dag bstan pa /lta ba ngan ba'i dra ba zhi bar byed ba dang ldan ba //shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i tshul ston pa //slobs dpon bdag nyid chen po 'phags pa klus sgrub myi 'phrogs pa'i mkhyen rab dang /thugs rjer ldan ba /de bzhin gshegs pa'i theg pa bla na myed pa'i tshul rab tu 'byed pa //rab tu dga' ba'i sa bsgrubs nas //bde ba can gyi zhing du gshegs pa //'jig rten gyi khams dad pa'i 'od ces bya bar de bzhin gshegs pa ye shes 'byung gnas 'od ces bya bar 'gyur bas mdzad pa rdzogs s+ho // Commentary on the Mūla-madhyamaka (original treatise of the Middle Doctrine) called Akuto-bhayā ('No fear from anywhere'), which explains in short the meaning of the Kārikās (memorial verses) called Prajñā. The Mūla-madhyamaka is a collection of Kārikās and bears the title of Prajñā or Prajñā-pradīpa, see Nanjio_1883: 1185 and Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, XVII. 1 (foll. 1-22), Cordier_1909_1915: p. 290. Fol. 67: dbang phyug dam pa'i mnga' bdag rgyal po chen po dpal lha btsan po 'i bka' lung gyis//__//rgya gar gi mkhan po theg pa chen po dbu ma pa gnya' na gar ba dang //bod kyi zhu chen gyi lo tsa pa dge slong cog ro klu 'i rgyal mtshan gyis bsgyur cing zhu chen bgyis te //__gtan la phab pa // //'di la rab tu byed pa nyi shu rtsa bdun //__//shi log nyis stong gcig brgya yid //__//bam po bdun du byas so// 'On the order of Parameśvara adhipati mahārāja Lha-btsan-po, translated and revised by the Indian paṇḍit Mahāyānamādhyamika Jñānagarbha and the Tibetan Źu. Lo. Bhikṣu Klu-ḥi-rgyal-mtshan (Nāgadhvaja) of Cog-ro. There are 27 prakaraṇas, 2100 ślokas, 7 khaṇḍas.' Lha-btsan-po, King of Tibet, Cordier_1909_1915: p. 317; Laufer_1914a: p. 102. Compare the colophon of Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, XVII. 6, Cordier_1909_1915: p. 292.
IOL Tib J 638.1 - Section: 1 dbu ma'i rtsa ba'i 'grel pa /ga las 'jigs myed/ (Mūla-madhyamaka-vṛtti Akuto-bhayā) Ch. 03. 6, 51. I. 12 (fol. ka 64), 9. I, frag. 1 (fol. ka 73), 51. I. 3 (foll. nga 9, 40), 9. I, frag. 15 (fol. nga 37), 9. I, frag. 36 (fol. ca 48); Pothī; 51.4 c. x 8.2 c.: foll. 32, numbered ka 53-64, 69, 73, 78-80, 97-98, kha 64-67, 70, nga 9, 37, 40-44, ca 48; ll. 6: dbu-can, interlinear glosses dbu-med: red and black: foll. nga and ca by another hand, lines right and left and circles of the holes are 'strawberry', not red; the six lines are black, not yellow: nga 37 and ca 48 damaged: ka 63 numbered in red. Foll. ka. Incomplete. Title from the chapter colophon. Fol. 53a. End of the 7th chapter (Saṃskṛta-parīkṣā). Fol. 98. The last stanza commented upon is XXIII. 17.
IOL Tib J 638.2 - Section: 2 Author: Dul-baḥi-lha (Vinītadeva) rigs pa'i thigs pa'i rgya cher 'greld pa /slob ma la phan ba zhes bya ba/ (Nyāya-bindu-ṭīkā śiṣya-hitā nāma) Foll. kha. Part of the text and colophon. Translators: Indian Paṇḍit Jinamitra, Źu. Lo. Bande Ye-śes-sde (Jñānasena). Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, CXI. 1 (foll. 1-43), Cordier_1909_1915: p. 447; edited in Bibl. Indica, 171.
IOL Tib J 638.3 - Section: 3 Fol. nga 9. Part of a treatise on the Saṃvaras, Avijñapti; Compare Abhidharma-kośa, IV. Begins: gtogs pa' dang:/gzugs su gtogs pa dang:/zag pa myed pa'o://de la 'dod pa na spyod pa'i rnam par rig byed ma yin ba ni:/dge ba dang:/myi dge ba'i rnam par rig byed las byung ba ste:/de yang so sor thar pa'i sdom ba dang:/byang chub sems dpa'i sdom ba dang:/sdom ba ma yin ba dang:/de dag ma gtogs pa'o:/de la so sor thar pa'i sdom ba ni:/dge slong dang:/dge tshul dang:/dge bsnyen dang:/bsnyen gnas la gnas pa'i bye brag gis rdzas su ni rnam pa bzhi'o://dge slong dang:/dge slong ma las stsogs pa'i bye brag gis mying du ni rnam pa brgyad do://de la so sor thar pa'i sdom ba ni:/gzhan la gnod par byed pa las:/gzhi dang bcas par thams cad du ldog pa'o:/....
IOL Tib J 638.4 - Section: 4 Foll. nga 37, 40-44. Part of a Śāstra (Vijñānavādin: Ālaya-vijñāna and ālambana-pratyaya; ādāna-vijñāna). Commentary on Kārikās (in red). Fol. 37 deals with the Ālaya-vijñāna, the existence of which is proved by both scripture and reasoning (verso, l. 3). Mūla (in red), lines of nine syllables: *'di ltar 'gog pa'i snyoms par 'jug pa dang:/ 'du shes myed pa'i snyoms par 'jug pa dang:/ 'du shes myed pa pa [sic]rnams las langs nas:/ .........................* The scripture quoted is the text in Muséon: 1905, p. 181. Foll. 40-44, Mūla: *dmyigs pa'i rkyen la bltos nas:/rnam pa gzhan du 'jug pa nyid:/....phyir ro /....chad nas yang 'byung ....'khor bar 'jug pa dang /ldog pa'i phyir ro//....'jug pa ni ....kun gzhi rnam par shes pa ni:/sa bon thams cad kyi gzhi nyid ....lus kyi kun gzhi dang/rgyu nyid ....lus la gnas pa nyid kyi yang phyir ro://....len pa'i rnam par shes pa yang de yin te:/....lus len pa'i phyir ro:/....dngos su na yid kun gzhi rnam par shes pa la dmyigs:/....bdag du rmongs pa dang:/bdag du lta ba dang:/bdag du nga rgyal dang:/bdag la chags pa':/....mtshungs par ldan te:/....stsogs ....rnam par shes pa ste/....rigs gcig pa /....rgyun chags par 'jug pa ste:/dgra bcom ba dang/'phags pa'i lam dang:/'gog pa'i snyoms par 'jug pa'i dus ma gtogs so:/....ci'i phyir phung po zhes bya zhe na:/spungs pa'i phyir te:/....dus dang rgyud dang:/rnam pa dang/'gro ba dang/yul tha dad pa'i gzugs la stsogs pa mdor bsdus pa'i phyir:/.... skye mched bcu gnyis ni:/....myig gi skye mched dang:/gzugs kyi skye mched dang:/....* Fol. 44b contains the end of a chapter on the Skandhas and the meaning of the word Skandha (phuṅ - po - lṅa - po - rnams - daṅ - phung - poḥi - don - bśad - zin - to), and the beginning of a chapter on the Āyatanas: //'du byed thams cad ni phung po lngar 'dus la:/'dus byas dang /'dus ma byas kyi chos thams cad ni skye mched dang khams su 'dus par bstan pa de la:/phung po bshad pa'i 'og du skye mched rnams brjod dgos pas:/du zhig/gang gang:/skye mched kyi don ni ci zhe na:/de'i phyir:/*skye mched bcu gnyis ni:/*zhes bya ba smos so://de dag kyang gang zhe na:/*myig gi skye mched dang:/gzugs kyi skye mched dang:/*zhes bya ba la stsogs pa nas:/*yid kyi skye mched dang /chos kyi skye mched do:/*zhes bya ba'i bar du'o //*myig la stsogs pa ni snga ma bzhin du bshad do://* zhes bya ba ni:/....
IOL Tib J 638.5 - Section: 5 Fol. ca 48. Fragment of a treatise. The gift (dāna) from the absolute point of view. Begins: bslang ba'i tshul khrims kyi yan lag las stsogs pa bzhin no://don dam par ni sbyin bar bya ba las stsogs pa'i dngos po 'ga' yang myed pa'i phyir:/der dmyigs pa ni phyin ci log kho na yin te:/smyig rgyu la chur dmyigs pa bzhin no:// Quotations from the Prajñā-pāramitā and the Ratna-kūṭa, verso.
IOL Tib J 639.1 - Section: 1 Author: [Nātha Maitreya] dbus dang mtha' rnam par 'byed pa'i tshig le'ur byas pa/ (Madhyānta-vibhaṅga-kārikā) ma d+hyAn ta bi b+hA ga kA ri ka/ Ch. 9. I. 53, Pothī; 45.7 c. x 7.7 c.: foll. 7, numbered ka 1-7 (fol. 1, right half missing, the others slightly damaged); ll. 5: dbu-can. Complete in five chapters. Translators: Indian Paṇḍits Jinamitra, Śīlendrabodhi, Źu. Lo. Bande Ye-śes-sde (Jñānasena) Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, XLIV. 2 (foll. 43-48), Cordier_1909_1915: p. 373. Chap. 1 ends fol. 2a: mtshan nyid kyi le'ur bcad pa[Lakṣaṇa-paricchedaḥ prathamaḥ] Chap. 2 ends fol. 3a: sgrib pa'i ...[Āvaraṇa°] Chap. 3 ends fol. 4b: de kho na 'i ...[Tattva°] Chap. 4 ends fol. 5b: gnyen po bsgom ba'i ...[Pratipakṣa-bhāvanā°] Chap. 5 ends fol. 7a: theg pa bla na myed pa'i ...[Anuttara-yāna°]
IOL Tib J 640.1 - Section: 1 stong sum gyi stong chen po'i 'jig rten gyi khams bshad pa / [Mahā-sahasra-trisahasra-loka-dhātu-varṇana, °bhāṣya] Ch. 73. XV. 6, Scroll; 95 c. x 31 c.: ll. 81: dbu-can. Incomplete at the beginning: title from the colophon. Bśad may be for bśad-sbyar, nibandha, nibandhana.
IOL Tib J 641.1 - Section: 1 sbyor ba spyod pa'i nang nas byung ba'/ (Yoga-caryā) yo ga tsa ra / Ch. 0002, Pothī; 45.5 c. x 7.5 c.: foll. 3, numbered (letters) 11-13 and kh+nga, ng+ma, kh+ma; ll. 6: dbu-can. Colophon: sbyor ba spyod pha Begins: ji ltar chung ngu 'dod pa yin zhe na:/ji snyed gyi:yon tan dang ldan zhing /nyung ngu 'dod pa las stsogs:te dad [note a: dad ? added below the line. [note pa rol:pho:las shes par 'dod pa:ma yin no /ji lta[sic] zhe na bdag la pa:rold pos nyung ngu 'dod pa'o:zhes sam /yon tan dang:ldan ba'o:zhes:par te /de ltar na nyung ngu 'dod pa yin no /ji ltar chog shes:pa yin zhe:na /chos:gos dang:bsod snyoms:dang:.../ji ltar na bde bar rgyas pa yin zhe na .... 'katham alpecchuḥ?...kathaṃ mātrajñaḥ?...'
IOL Tib J 642.1 - Section: 1 [rnal 'byor spyod pa'i sa las nyan thos kyi sa/] (Yoga-caryā-bhūmau Śrāvaka-bhūmi) Ch. 9. I, frag. 4, Pothī; 44.5 c. x 9 c.: fol. 1, numbered nga 53; ll. 6: dbu-can. A fragment. End of the Gotra-bhūmi and beginning of the Praveśa-bhūmi. Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, L, Cordier_1909_1915: p. 378. Recto, l. 3: /bar gyi sdom ni/ /rang bzhin dang ni de rnam gzhag/ /rtags rnams dang ni gang zag dag/ /de dag thams cad mdor bsdu ste/ /rigs kyi sar ni shes par bya'/ /nyan thos kyi sa las rigs kyi sa rdzogs so/ /de la 'jug pa'i sa gang zhe na/smras pa/'jug pa'i rang bzhin gang yin ba dang/rnam par gzhag pa gang yin ba dang/zhugs pa'i gang zag gi rtags dang dag yin ba dang/zhugs pa'i gang zag gang dag yin ba de dag thams cad gcig du bsdus pa ni 'jug pa'i sa zhes bya'o//de la 'jug pa'i rang bzhin gang zhe na/....
IOL Tib J 643.1 - Section: 1 [stong pa nyid bdun cu pa'i 'grel pa/] (Śūnyatā-saptati-vṛtti) Ch. 9. I, frag. 14, Pothī; 53.5 c. x 8.5 c: fol. 1, numbered verso kha 27; ll. 6: dbu-can, interlinear glosses dbu-med: red and black. Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, XVII. 9 (foll. 126-38), Cordier_1909_1915: p. 293. A fragment. The Kārikās commented upon are the following: */dngos dang dngos myed cig car myed / /dngos myed myed [note a: Inserted below the line, in black. [note par dngos po myed / /rtag du dngos po'i dngos myed de / /dngos myed myed na dngos myed myed / /dngos po myed par dngos myed myed / /bdag las ma yin gzhan las myin / /de lta bas na dngos po myed / /de myed na ni dngos myed myed / /dngos po yod pa nyid na rtag / /myed na nges par chad pa yin/ /[dngos po yo]d na de gnyis yin / /de phyir dngos po khas blangs myin / /rgyun gyi phyir na de myed de / /rgyu byin nas ni dngos po 'gag/ /snga ma bzhin du 'di ma grub/ /rgyu chad pa'i nyes pa 'ang yod / /skye 'jig gzigs pas mya ngan 'das/ /lam bstan stong nyid phyir ma yin / /'di dag phan tsun bzlog phyir dang / /log pa'i phyir na mthong ba yin /* After the last: re shig bshad pa 'di ni gang ma skyes pa shes pa de 'i ma yin gyi/gang skye ba dang 'jig pa mthong zhing /skye ba yang 'jig pa las bzlog par mthong //'jig pa yang skye ba las bzlog pa de 'i skye ba dang /'jig pa 'di gnyis ni phan tshun bzlog pa yin pa'i phyir dang /shes pa yang log pa yin pa'i phyir dang /skye ba dang 'jig par mthong ba'i yin no/.... Interlinear gloss: kye ma 'du byed rnams myi rtag ces bya ba las stsogs pa 'di ni pa 'i rnal 'byor 'di'i dbang du byas nas gsungs pa ma yin gyi... Narthang ed., Mdo-ḥgrel, XVII, fol. 24b: dngos dang dngos med cig car min/ /dngos med med na dngos po med/ /rtag tu dngos po 'ang dngos med 'gyur/ /dngos med med par dngos mi srid/ /dngos po med par dngos med min/ /rang las min zhing gzhan las min/....................
IOL Tib J 644.1 - Section: 1 nyan thos kyi theg pa/ (Śrāvaka-yāna) Ch. 73. XIII. 10, Pothī; 32.5 c. x 7.7 c.: foll. 3, numbered 1-3; ll. 8: dbu-med and dbu-can. A treatise on the Phalas (compare Abhidharma-kośa, VI, Madhyamaka-vṛtti, XXIV). Colophon (fol. 3b, l. 2): ñan-thos-kyi-theg-pa-lags-rdzogs-so/ Begins: de la nyan thos kyi lta rgyud ni shag gya thub pa [...]sangs rgyas su lta//rnam par snang mdzad ma ha u pa sig tsam du lta dge bsnyen chen por lta//phyogs skyong rnams mos pa spyod pa tsam du lta//khyad bar ni sangs rgyas dang sems can du lta//grub tshad nye ring ni//nyan thos kyis/khams gsuM na /nyon mongs pa bsgom pas spang bar bya ba phra mo dgu yod pa la/'dod khams [..] spang bar bya brgyad cu rtsa brgyad yod pa las/brgyad tsu[sic] rtsa bdun spongs na /thar pa la 'jug pa thob bo/....
IOL Tib J 644.2 - Section: 2 A text, incomplete, beginning: nyan thos ni ger pa shing la myin 'tshe ba lags/....
IOL Tib J 645.1 - Section: 1 pha rol tu phyin pa drug bshad pa/ (Ṣaṭ-pāramitā-bhāṣya) Ch. 9. I. 7, Pothī; 52 c. x 7 c.: foll. 2, numbered ka and ki; ll. 5: dbu-can. Title from the colophon. A small prose treatise on the Pāramitās. Begins: pha rol tu phyin pa drug la//sbyin ba'i pha rol tu phyin pa dang/.... 'Dāna-pāramitā, Śīla-pāramitā,... There are three Dāna-pāramitās: dharma-dāna, āmisa-dāna, śaraṇa-dāna. There are three dharma-dānas....'
IOL Tib J 646.1 - Section: 1 Author: Ācārya Ārya Nāgājuna bshes pa'i phrin yig/ (Suhṛl-lekha) Ch. 51. I. 6, Pothī; 49 c. x 7 c.: foll. 3, numbered 53, 56-57; ll. 5: dbu-can, interlinear glosses dbu-med. Translators: Paṇḍit Sarvajñadeva (Sar-ba-ña-de-ba); Źu. Lo. Bande Dpal-brtsegs-ra-kśa (Śrīkūṭarakṣita). Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, XXXIII. 32 (foll. 74-81) and XCIV. 27 (foll. 282-90), Cordier_1909_1915: pp. 343 and 427. Translated by J. Wenzel, Wenzel_1886. Incomplete: begins with stanza 38; ends with the last stanza.
IOL Tib J 647.1 - Section: 1 kun du bzang po gsung/ [Samantabhadra-vāk?] Ch. 73. III. 20, Pothī; 28.5 c. x 9.1 c.: foll. 5, numbered 1-5; ll. 6: dbu-med, fol. 1 verso by a second hand. Begins: @//swa sti dpal gyi dpal//bcom ldan 'das//kun du bzang po//sku gsung thugs rdo rje bde ba chen po la phyag 'tshal lo/ /sna tshogs rang bzhin myi gnyis kyang/ /cha shas nyid du spros dang bral/ /ji bzhin ba zhes myi rtog kyang/ /rnam par snang mdzad kun du bzang/ /zin pas rtsol ba'i nad spangs te/ /lhun kyis gnas pas gzhag pa yin//_/_// @//de la rnal 'byor kun kyi gtso bo ni/ /dpal rdo rje sems dpa' 'o zhes//rgyud mtha' dag las grags na//'dir kun du bzang po gtsor smos pa / /don kyi dbang gang las dgongs she na//de ni bsgrub pa'i mtha' dang/grub pa'i khyad bar dag kyang gsung bar [note a: r erased in MS.? [note bzhed la//'di ni de lta bu gang yang myi sgrub pas//don kyi dbang 'di brtsan bar byas na//.... Fol. 2a, l. 1 begins the commentary on dpal-gyi-dpal, bcom-ldan-ḥdas, kun-tu-bzaṅ-po, sku-gsuṅ...lhun-kyis.... Fol. 4b, l. 6 begins a new paragraph: //rig pa'i khu byug ni dpe//rig byed snang ba'i rgyan ni don//rdo rje tshig drug ni grangs//_//rnal 'byor gyi lta spyod rdzogs pa chen po'i tshul//rig pa'i khu byug gi don yid la brnag par bya 'o//de la gang zag gi blo'i rim pa ni//bsam gyis myi khyab pas/chos kyi sgo yang//de dang mthun bar drang ba'i don du mang du gsungs kyis kyang/.... Ends: da lta bas na ye nas zin pa'i chos la//myi brtsal bar gzhag pa ni dngos grub//gang yang ma spangs pa ni dam tshig//yongs su gzung ba myed pa ni/mchod sbyin yin te//don 'di gsum la gnas na//rnal 'byor yin no zhes//kun du bzang po gsung// I Ti /rdzogs s+ho // [note b: I Ti /....s+ho, second hand, dbu-can. [note
IOL Tib J 648.1 - Section: 1 [mdo sde rjes su 'brang ba'i bsgom pa'i go rims pa/] (Sūtrānuyāyi-bhāvanā-krama) Ch. 51. I. 24, Pothī; 42.3 c. x 9 c.: foll. 13; ll. 6, 7, and 8: dbu-can. Neither title, nor colophon. Title from the prefatory and final stanzas. There are many Bhāvanā-kramas (Sgom-paḥi-rim) in Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, XXX. Begins: mdo:tsam:theg pa ched pho'i:/ /mdo:sde:dag gi:tshul:spyod pa'/ /thog ma'i:las nas:kund:brtsams te/ /bsgom ba'i:go rims bshad phar:bya'// /thams chad mkhyend:pa myur du:thob phar:'dod pas/snying rje dang byang chub gyi sems dang / bsgrub pha'i:gnas:gsum la:brtson bar bya'o//de:la sangs rgyas kyi chos ma lus pha'i:rgyu'i rtsa ba:snying rje:yin bar:shes phar byas ste:de nyid la thog mar:bsgom mo//de skad:'phags pa chos kun bshad pha las kyang 'byung ste//de nas bchom ldan 'das la 'phags:pa spyan ras gzigs gyi dbang phos:'di skad gsold to/.... A dialogue follows on the duties and studies of a Bodhisattva: Bhagavat, Avalokiteśvara, Mañjuśrī, Sūradatta. Ends: nam nus pa:de na de'i:yan lag rdzogs pas:sa bchur:bzhag:go//de na spruld:pa las stsogs pas:/sems chan smyind par:/bya ba'i:ye shes gyi khyad bar:dang ldan bas//byang chub sems dpa' ye shes gyi pha rol du phyind pa shind du lhag par 'gyur ro//chos stond pa'i sprin gyis 'jig rten gyi khams mtha' yas par:chos gyi:char 'bebs:phas na/chos gyi sprin ces bya'o//gzhan:kyang:pung po:yongs su dag pha las/stsogs pas rim par:gzhag pa yod de/yi ge mangs gyis dogs nas ma:bris so//.... ..../'di:lta ste 'phags pa sdong pos:brgyand pa:las bka' stsald pa/ phyogs gchig yon tan tha mar:gyang/ /rang byung ba'i:myi:phyind:te/ /sangs rgyas dag gis brtags na 'ang/ /sangs rgyas chos rnams bsam du myed// /mdor:'di tsham:zhig/bshad du rung ste/bdag dang pa rol:gyi don ma lus par rdzogs pa'i:rab gyi:mtha' nyes pa:ma lus par bsald pa'i mthar pyin nas:/sangs rgyas bchom ldan 'da's:chos gyi sku la gnas te/rdzogs spyod:longs pa dang:/spruld pa'i skus:'gro ba ma lus pa'i don:/lhun gyis grub pa'i tshul gyis:/mdzad ching/tshi tsham du:'khor ba yod pa'i:bar du bzhugs so//de lta bas na:yang dag par gshegs pa:yon tan:thams cad gyi:'byung gnas la/phyogs te de'i:yon tan:chub par bsgrub pa'i phyir:rtog pa dang ldan ba:rnams gyis:rab du brtson bar bya'o[sic]//sku las stsogs pa rnam par dbye ba ni/yi ge mangs gyis dogs te:ma bris so// @://mdo sde dag gi rjes su 'brang ba':'di/ /yang dag:rgyal ba'i sras gyi lam bshad pA/ /bdag gis:myi chung bsod nams gang thob pas:/ 'gro ba shes zhan blo:rab:myur du:thob//
IOL Tib J 649.1 - Section: 1 Author: Āryadeva rab tu 'byed pa lag tshad gyi tshig gi le'ur byas pa / (Hasta-vāla-prakaraṇa-kārikā) Ch. 9. I. 17, Pothī; 44.7 c. x 8 c.: foll. 4, numbered ga 61-64; ll. 5: dbu-can: black and red. Fol. 61a. Complete. Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, XVIII. 3 (fol. 24), Cordier_1909_1915: p. 297. Compare XVII. 22 (fol. 319) Hasta-vāla-prakaraṇa (same text, but some variants).
IOL Tib J 649.2 - Section: 2 Author: Āryadeva rab tu 'byed pa lag tshad gyi 'grel pa/ (Hasta-vāla-prakaraṇa-vṛtti) Foll. 61a-64a (fol. 64b blank). Complete. Commentary on the preceding. Bstan-ḥgyur, ibid. (foll. 24-26). MSS. 649-51 ed. by F. W. Thomas and H. Ui, Thomas_1918: pp. 267-310.
IOL Tib J 650.1 - Section: 1 rab tu byed pa lag tshad kyi tshig le'ur byas pa'/ (Hasta-vāla-prakaraṇa-kārikā) Ch. 51. I. 29, Pothī; 42 c. x 8.5 c.: fol. 1; ll. 5: dbu-can: black and red.
IOL Tib J 650.2 - Section: 2 rab tu byed pa lag tshad kyi 'greld pa/ (Hasta-vāla-prakaraṇa-vṛtti) Incomplete.
IOL Tib J 651.1 - Section: 1 rab tu byed pa lag tshad kyi 'grel pa/ (Hasta-vāla-prakaraṇa-vṛtti) Ch. 03. 3, Pothī; 44.6 c. x 8.9 c.: foll. 2, numbered (letters) 24-25 and Chinese 2-3 (the Chinese numbers refer to the work); ll. 6: dbu-can, some interlinear glosses dbu-med: black and red. Defective at the beginning: fol. 24 begins with the quotation of the last part of the 2nd kārikā: *pa na //gzhan du ....*
IOL Tib J 652.1 - Section: 1 rab tu byed pa lag pa'i tshad gyi tshig le'ur byas pa'/ (Hasta-vāla-prakaraṇa-kārikā) Vol. 12, fol. 1, Pothī; 30 c. x 8.5 c.: fol. 1, damaged; ll. 3, with interlinear glosses: dbu-can. Title and beginning.
IOL Tib J 653.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 9. I, frag. 37 and Ch. 83, Misc. A. 4, Pothī; 42 c. x 7.5 c.: foll. 3, numbered nga 58-60; ll. 12, 13, 14: dbu-med. Fragment of a treatise. Begins: mdo sde byang cub sems dpa'i sde snod las 'byung ba//de la byang cub sems dpa'i so sor rton pa la mkhas pa gang zhe na /de ni rnam pha bzhi ste/don la rton gyi.... 'From the Bodhisattva-piṭaka-sūtra. Now, what is the Bodhisattva's skilfulness as concerns the pratiśaraṇa? To rely on meaning, not on syllables....' Fol. 59a, l. 7 ends a chapter and begins another: chos thams chad de lta bu'i ngo bo nyid yin no//zhes gsungs so/༔༔/@//de la byang cub sems dpa'i tshogs la mkhas pha gang zhe na//... 'Such is the nature of all dharmas. Thus it is said. What is the saṃbhāra-skilfulness of a Bodhisattva?...' Ends: thams cad mkhyend pha'i ye shes su 'jog go zhes gsungs so//
IOL Tib J 654.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. VII. 21, Concertina; 20 c. x 9 c.: foll. 5; ll. 5, verso blank: dbu-can. Fragment of a treatise or Catechism. 'What is the Rūpa-dhātu?... Sixteen abodes.... There are three bad states (durgati), and three good ones, men, gods and Asuras. When one says that there are five states (pañca-gati-saṃkhyāyām), one includes the Asuras amongst the Pretas (compare 656).... There are four kinds of generation (yoni)....' Compare Abhidharma-kośa-vyākhyā, III, the Abhidharma-samuccaya.
IOL Tib J 655.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 51. I. 39, Pothī; 43.6 c. x 7 c.: fol. 1, numbered kha 5; ll. 6: dbu-can. On the universes (loka-dhātus) and the oceans; on the 18 Āvenika-dharmas; etymology of the word Sugata. Verso, l. 4: .../sangs rgyas gyi chos ma 'dres pa bco brgyad la stsogs so pa 'o//bde bar gshegs pa zhes bya ba ni mdzes par gshegs pas legs par gshegs pa ste/dper na gzugs bzang [note a: gzugs bzang = surūpa. [note ba la gzugs legs shes bya ba bzhin no//rnam pa gcig du na las dang nyon mongs pa'i dbang gyis 'khor bar slar myi ldog par /gshegs pas legs par gshegs pa ste/dper na rims nad legs par byang ba bzhin no/....
IOL Tib J 656.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 03. 22, 03. 31, 03. 44, 51. I. 34, Pothī; 27.2 c. x 7.5 c.: foll. 9; ll. 4: dbu-can. A sort of Catechism (compare 698-9), Vijñāna-vādin: incomplete and defective. A number of paragraphs, some introduced by questions, dealing inter alia with Pratītya-samutpāda, the four Māras, the four Truths, the ten good acts, the ten evil acts, the saṃskṛtas, the four asaṃskṛtas, the five states (gati) and the acts leading thereto. Ch. 03. 22: .../bdud rnam bzhi la//phung po'i bdud dang/nyon mongs pa'i bdud dang//'chi ba'i bdud dang lha'i bdud do//de la phung po skyes pas/'chi bar gyurd pa dang/nyon mongs pas gtses shing/bshig pa dang/'chi bdag gi tshe zad pa/rnam par shes pa byung nas/drod yal ba'o//lha'i bdud ni//'dod pa'i khams kyi lha//tshangs pa spyod pa la 'phrag dog byed pas/'di bzhi ni bdud ces bya'o// bden ba bzhi la/... Ch. 03. 31: .../lam rgyud lnga zhes kyang bya ste/lngar 'grang na/lha ma yin ni yi dvags kyi nang du bsdu'o//sems can dmyal ba ni/dper na tshang bang blta bu ste/brdeg pa dang/.../gtub pa brdung ba dmyal ba ste//mdor na sems can sdig pa byas pa'i lan gyis/myi bde zhing/sdug bsngald sna tshogs myong ba'o//yi dags ni sems can ser sna...
IOL Tib J 657.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. VI, frag. 2b, Pothī; 26.7 c. x 10.3 c.: fol. 1, numbered (letter) 6; ll. 6: dbu-can. A fragment of the same text as 656 (fol. Ch. 03. 44), with orthographic variants. On the ten good and bad acts, the saṃskṛtas and the asaṃskṛtas. .../byung rgyal dang khyal ba'i tshig myi smra'/yid la gsum gang zhe na'//ji la yang 'dod chags myi bskyed pa dang/ngan sems myi byed pa dang chos log pa dang yon por//myi lta ba ste//dge ba bcu'o//'di las stsogs pa ni//myi dge ba bcu'o//'dus byas tang[sic] 'dus ma byas ba la/'dus byas gang zhe na/khams gsum gyi chos thams cad/...
IOL Tib J 658.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 9. I, frag. 61, Pothī; 47.2 c. x 8.1 c.: fol. 1, numbered kha 81; ll. 6: dbu-can. Abhidharma topics: classification of the acts. Begins: [rnam ]par rig byed dang /rnam par rig byed ma yin pa dang /sems dang lhan cig skyes shing tha myi dad pa dang /rang gi rang gis skad cig tu rgyu 'jig cing 'phel bas 'bras bu chud myi za bar mtshams sbyor ba dang /rnam par smyin pa dang bcas pa dang rnam par smyin pa myed pa dang /nag po dang dkar po dang /myi gnag myi dkar ba phyogs cig gi las yang dag par len pa rnam par thar pa dang /....
IOL Tib J 659.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 9. I, frag. 52, Pothī; 44.5 c. x 8.5 c.: fol. 1; ll. 7: dbu-can. On the acts and retribution. Begins: las shind du:sbyang ba:byas na:myong ba des [note a: for nges [note par 'gyur zhes:bya:ba:myed do://kha:chig:'di:skad zer te/sdig:pa'i:las:chu ngu:dang:bar mar 'gyur ba tsaM ni:bshags pa:la stsogs pa'i stobs gyis shindu phyind par yang 'gyur [ni?]sdig:lci:ba:las m[tshams ]myed:pa:la stsogs:pa'i rnams ni:thams chad yongsu:phyind par:myi:'gyur ro:zhes pa de'i:land ni:/.... 'It is not true that some experience (anubhava, i.e.vipāka) necessarily follows a very pure act. Some people think that sins, small and medium, can pass away owing to the strength of confession and other means of purification, but that that is not the case for the heavy ones....' Verso, l. 5: lus dang:sems gyi rgyud snyon smongs pa ni nyon mongs:pa'o//de:'dod chags la stsogs:pa'i stobs gyis:log pa'i rgyud du zhug ste /....
IOL Tib J 660.1 - Section: 1 Ch. XVII, frag. 2, Pothī; 27 c. x 8.2 c.: fol. 1, numbered (second hand) ja; ll. 5: dbu-can. On the 'vocal sins' (mṛṣā-vāda, &c.) and their ripening (in bad and human births). Begins: brdzun du smra ba 'o//de la myi dgos pa 'i brdzun zhes bya ba ni don myed pa 'i tshig khyal bar smra zhing brdzun du smra ba 'o//de ltar brdzun du smra pa 'i lan kyis ngan song gsum_du lhung ngo//de las brgya la thar te/myir skyes na yang//bdag gis ci smras pa gzhan kyis yid myi ches shing .... Compare Daśa-bhūmaka quoted Madhyamakāvatāra, II. 7; Aṅguttara, IV. 247, &c.; Abhidharma-kośa, IV; Bendall, p. 130 Dasākuśalajaṃ phalam. The Daśākuśala-karma-patha-nirdeśa (Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, XXXIII. 39, Cordier_1909_1915: p. 345) is different.
IOL Tib J 661.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. XIII. 2, Scroll; 47.3 c. x 33 c.: ll. 38 recto, 5 verso: dbu-can (three hands) Miscellaneous matter. Miscellaneous matter. Recto, ll. 1-11. A fragment, incomplete at the beginning, as appears from the context. 'The practice of any one of these bad practices prevents the acquisition of the "roots of merit" belonging to the Kāma-dhātu and destroys the roots previously acquired.' A part of the Abhidharmika theory of the Kuśala-mūla-samuccheda. See Abhidharma-kośa, IV. Begins: @//spyod pa ngan pa 'di las 'ga' tsam gi rjes su zhugs na yang /'dod pa'i khams gi dge ba'i rtsa ba tsam yang yongs su myi 'grub bo /ji ste sngar 'grub na yang /de ma thag du phyir stord cing nyams par gyur na /gzugs dang gzugs myed pa'i ting nge 'dzin nas /theg pa gsum dang theg pa gcig gi bar du thob par 'gyur ba lta ci smos /bcu gang zhe na ....
IOL Tib J 661.2 - Section: 2 Recto, ll. 12-38. A fragment on Bodhicitta and the Bodhisattvas. Quotation from the Abhidharma-sūtra (l. 36).
IOL Tib J 661.3 - Section: 3 Verso. Pranidhāna of the Bodhisattva: 'I have to practise the Pāramitās....'
IOL Tib J 662.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 9. I, frag. 35, Pothī; 39.5 c. (originally 52.5 c.?) x 8.5 c.: fol. 1, damaged; ll. 5: dbu-can, interlinear glosses dbu-med: black and red. Part of a treatise on the Pañca-skandha. Contains the end of a commentary on māna (ṅa-rgyal) and the beginning of a commentary on kaukṛtya (ḥgyod-pa). Recto, l. 1: .../*'gyod pa*ni yid la_ [note a: The dot between syllables is frequently missing in this MS. [note gchags pa ste/yon tan dang ldan ba rnams dang/phan 'dogs pa rnams[....]/mya ngan gyi zug rngu de kho nas yun ring por sems myi bde zhing/yid 'khrugs pa_ [note a: [note la/lus bsgyel cing ro bzhin du 'dug pa_ [note a: [note la bsod nams bya ba btangs ste/sa la nyal nas/rang gi lus gyi bya ba la yang [.... The Abhidharma-samuccaya which deals with the same topics is quite different.
IOL Tib J 663.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 9. II. 16, Pothī; 25.5 c. (originally?) x 8.5 c.: fol. 1, damaged; ll. 6: dbu-can. Reference to the Buddha-saṃgīti-sūtra ( 'bu d+ha sang gi ti'i mdo), recto, l. 3. Definition of the Ārya-pudgalas.
IOL Tib J 664.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 80. II. 3, Pothī; 47 c. (originally?) x 8.6 c.: fol. 1, damaged, numbered kha 92; ll. 5: dbu-can, interlinear glosses dbu-med: black and red. Abhidharma topics. Mūla in prose. Begins: 'The Sakṛd-āgāmin has abandoned the first six kinds of kāmāvacara-kleśa....' (See Madhyamaka-vṛtti, XXIV, init.)
IOL Tib J 665.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 9. I, frag. 46, Pothī; 18 c. (originally?) x 9 c.: fol. 1, badly damaged; ll. 5: dbu-can. Fragment of a treatise (Abhidharma), on the Anityatā-lakṣaṇa. Begins: m[nya]n ba'i mtshan nyid dam/'on te tha dad pa'i mtshan nyid du 'dod/gal te tha dad pa .... Verso, l. 5: .../rang bzhin 'dres pa'i skyon yod pa'i phyir myi rung ngo//ma 'ong [.... Compare Abhidharma-kośa-vyākhyā, IV (Confusion of times).
IOL Tib J 666.1 - Section: 1 Fragment 89, Concertina; 19.8 c. x 9.7 c.: foll. 4; ll. 4, 5, and 6, verso blank: dbu-can. A fragment. Contains (1) the definition of the four classes of Śrāvakas; (2) the definition of the two Nirvāṇas. Begins: ltung ba'i nyan thos dang/sprul pa'i nyan thos dang/zhi ba'i nyan thos dang/'gyur ba'i nyan thos so//ltung ba'i nyan thos ni khams gsum gi 'du byed gyis skrag nas//mya ngan las 'da's par mo ste[sic] sgoms pa dang/.... Ends: bdagi don gi don grub kyang/gzhan gi don la myi lta ste//dgra bcom ba'i 'bras bu thob cing/phung po ma spangs pa ni lhag ma bchas pa 'i mya ngan las 'da's pa zhes bya//nam phung po dang bral bar 'dod pa'i dus na//rang gi mye'i khams gyis phung po bsregs te//ma lus par gyur pa ni//lhag ma ma lus par gyur ba'i mya ngan las 'da's pa zhes bya/༔/ 'having obtained the fruit of an Arhat, not having abandoned the skandhas: sopadhi-śeṣa-nirvāṇa. At the time when he desires to get rid of the skandhas, burning the skandhas by his own tejo-dhātu, he becomes without residues: nirupadhi-śeṣa-nirvāṇa'
IOL Tib J 667.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 0017, Pothī; 26 c. x 8.2 c.: fol. 1: dbu-can and dbu-med. Recto, four lines dbu-can, one dbu-med. @//nyan thos dang rang sangs rgyas kyi 'gog pa'i ting nge 'dzin gyis //sems che long rings chos su pkag kyang//bag chags phra mo bsam gyis myi khyab pa rgyu pzhin pas na//skye shi ma zad pa yin no//nyan thos sems la dngos po yod par 'dod pa yang //rdul phra mo brgya cha gcig kyang rung ste//gang dmyigs pa des mtshan ma gzhan thams cad chod par nus pa'i phyir ro//de ni sems la gzugs yod pas /'jig rten [dbu-med begins]gi rigs byed kyi gzug lag dang/gtam dang /sgrung las stsogs pa dang/de las gong du na /nyan thos dang /rang sangs rgyas man cad kyi rtog pa dang/dpyod pa'i bsam ba can du myi bya 'o//༔//
IOL Tib J 667.2 - Section: 2 Verso. Disconnected lines, dbu-can, different hand from recto. @//rgya skad du khi sim 'dwa'i je'i / @༔//rgya skad du a rya pa lo ki ti shwa ra sya na ma a sh+Ta sha ta kan //bod skad du 'phags @//rgya skad du khi sim 'dwa'i je'u /@༔//mkhan po ma ha yan rgyud dang b+hyi sh+Ni shid
IOL Tib J 668.1 - Section: 1 Fragment 4, Pothī; 43.3 c. x 9.6 c.: foll. 1, numbered kha... (margin damaged) ll. 6: dbu-can: verso blank. Fragment of a treatise (?). That things are neither born nor destroyed, that two Tathāgatas do not appear at the same time in the same universe. (See Abhidharma-kośa, chap. III.) Begins: smra ba 'di dang /mu stegs byed gyi smra ba'//bye brag ma mchis par 'gyur ro//rdul pra mo dang/gtso bo dang dbang phyug dang/skye dgu'i bdag po la_stsogs_pa'/rdzas dgu dang bchas_pa_rnams//ma_skyes_ma_'gag+s_pa_ste//bcom ldan 'da's khyod kyi yang /dngos po thams chad yod pa [note: Sarvāsti-vādin.] dang myed pa'/myi dmyigs pas na'/ma_skyes/ma_'gags pa'o/'byung ba' myi 'jigs pas na'/nang gi mtshan_nyid myi/skye myi 'gag go//... Ends: ....]s/kyang/sangs rgyas_su 'gyur bar/mchi'_'o//bcom ldan 'da's gyis 'jig rten gyi khams/gchig du de bzhin gshegs pha'/mang po 'byung ba_ni/gnas myed de/skabs ma yin no_zhes/gsungs na'/ See 591.
IOL Tib J 669.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 9. I, frag. 51, Pothī; 45 c. x 9 c.: fol. 1, numbered (letter) 13; ll. 6: dbu-can: black and red. A poem on Pratītya-samutpāda, with sub-titles in red (cintanā-parīkṣā, strī-viśeṣa-parīkṣā,...). Incomplete. Begins: *bsam ba brtag pa' ni/*/bdag gi bsam ba ma rig dang//'du byed rang gi khyim la smra//rnam shes pha dang ma la lta//mying dang gzugs ni gnyen rnams la//drug ni skye mched mdza' bo la//reg pas dgra'i rnam par ston//bud med phrad pa tshor ba ste//sred pas srog gi don rnams so//nye bar len gyis chos dang don//sred pas las dang 'jig pa ste//skye bas nor rnams shes par bya//rga shi yis ni 'khrugs pa'o/*/mo'i bye brag brtag pa'/*/ma rig pa la de reg na/de'i thams chad don 'grub 'gyur //nor dang 'bru dang ba lang dang//mdza' bo byams pa phrad pa a'ng / 'The ignorance is one's own thought; the Saṃskāras are the house: the Vijñāna is father and mother; the Nāma-rūpa is the family; the Ṣaḍ-āyatana are the friends;...'
IOL Tib J 670.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. XV. 15, Pothī; 29 c. x 6 c.: foll. 4, numbered (letter) 1-4; ll. 7, 8, and 9: dbu-med. A small treatise, probably Tibetan (neither title nor colophon). On the Durlabha (things difficult to obtain). Stanzas with a commentary. The first stanza can be read: sangs rgyas shes bya ba'i sgra 'di yang / /'jig rten dag na rab du dkon / /myi rnyed rnyed par shin du dkon / /rab du byung ba shin [du]rkon / Compare Śikṣā-samuccaya, p. 2. Begins: sangs rgyas shes bya ba'i sgra 'di yang //'jig rten dag na rab du dkon //zhes bya ba ni gzhan gyi 'byor pa dkon bar bstan te /gzhan gi 'byor pa gang zhe na' /de ni rnam pa lnga ste /sangs rgyas 'byung ba dang /dam pa'i chos bstan pa dang /chos bstan pa rnams gnas pa dang /chos bstan pa rnams rjes su 'jug pa dang /gzhan gyi phyir rjes su snying brtse bar bya 'o //des ni tha na sangs rgyas shes bya ba 'i sgra yang 'jig rten dag na rab du rkon na /sangs rgyas rnams 'byung ba lta smos kyang ci dgos/sangs rgyas rnams 'byu'[sic] ba dkon na dam pi chos bstan pa la bstsogs pa lta yang smos ci dgos shes bstan to/ myi rnyed rnyed par shin du dka'/zhes bya ba ni bdag gyi 'byor pa dkon bar bstan te/bdag gyi 'byor pa gang zhe na/de yang rnam pa lnga ste/myi gyur pa dang yul gyi dbus su skyes pa dang/dbang pon tshang ba dang /gnas la dad pa dang /las kyi mtha' ma log pa 'o/.... rab du byung ba shin [du ]rkon zhes bya ba ni/dge bi chos la 'dun pa dkon bar bstan te/dge bi chos la 'dun pa gang zhe na/.... Ends: .../des ni dge bi bshes yang shin tu rnyed par rka na dam pi chos nyan cing sems pa las bsogs pa lta smos kyang ci drgyos [note a: for dgos [note shes bstan to/....
IOL Tib J 671.1 - Section: 1 Fragment 78, Pothī; 17 c. (originally?) x 7.7 c.: fol. 1, numbered ka 11; ll. 5; dbu-can. A fragment on Bodhicitta.
IOL Tib J 672.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 77. X. 6, Scroll; 44 c. x 25.5 c.: ll. 6: dbu-med, with Chinese recto and verso. A fragment on Tattvābhismaraṇa.
IOL Tib J 673.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 87. XI. 2A, Pothī; 23 c. x 7.4 c.: fol. 1, numbered ta 3; ll. 5: dbu-can. A metrical text. How one abandons the Great Vehicle. Begins: sems can don la bya ba chung / /gang la rtag tu dge ba myed / /'tsho ba log pa dang /du len / /phyir zhing rab dkon la stogs/ /'khor ba gcig tu bgrod pa 'i yid / .... Ends: /rang gi tshul yod de la' chags/ /myi lcogs myi rol gtsug lag rnams/ /lcog su zind kyang de la' chags/ /theg pa chen po spong bar byed / /bdag la stod cing gzhan la
IOL Tib J 674.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 79. VIII. 4, Pothī; 42 c. x 8.9 c.: fol. 1, numbered 8; ll. 6: dbu-can: red and black. A commentary on 673; a treatise on the Bodhisattva's faults. Kārikās (red) and commentary. Kārikās quoted: *dris pa dag la lan myi 'debs/ /mgron gnyer bdag gir byed myi btub/ /gser la stsogs pa len myi byed/ /chos 'dod pa la sbyin myi phod/ /tshul khrims ngan pa yal bar 'dor/ /pha rol dad phyir slob myi byed/* Verso, l. 3: *sems can don la bya ba chung/* /nyan thos kyi bcas pa'i kha na ma tho ba[sic] la 'dzem zhing/sems can gyi don chen por bya bar 'os pa snang bzhin myi byed na nyes byas so/ */gang la rtag du dge ba myed/* /sems can gang dag .... */'tsho ba log pa dang du len/....*
IOL Tib J 675.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. VII. 5b, Pothī; 49.9 c. x 9.1 c.: foll. 3, numbered (letters) 1-3; ll. 7 and 8: dbu-med, same hand as 193. Fragment of a treatise on the morality (śīla) and the 'discipline' (saṃvara) of the Bodhisattvas. No title, no colophon. Begins: de la tshul khrims ni mngon par mthong ba'i them skas /nges par legs pa'i rgyu yin pa'i phyir /gang dag mngon bar mthong ba lha dang myi'i bde ba dang /nges par legs pa byang chub rnam gsum mngon bar 'grub par 'dod pa rnams kyis sdom ba yang dag par blang bar bya'o //ci lta zhe na tshul khrims ni sa gzhi dang 'dra ste 'jig rten dang 'jig rten las 'das pa'i dge ba'i lo tog sna tshogs bskyed pa'i gzhi yin ba'i phyir ro / /tshul khrims ni gru gzings dang 'dra ste /theg pa rnam gsum gi rten byed cing 'gro ba rnams 'khor ba'i rgya mtsho chen po nas sgrol zhing mya ngan las 'das pa'i grong khyer du phyin par byed pa'i phyir ro / /tshul khrims ni mar mye lta bu ste /....yid bzhin gi nor bu rin po che lta bu yin te /........byug pa dang 'dra ste /....rgyan dang 'dra ste .... 'Morality is the ladder to reach insight because it is the cause of supreme happiness (naiḥśreyasa). The men who desire to realize insight, divine and human happiness, supreme happiness, threefold Bodhi [Śrāvaka°, Pratyeka-buddha°, Buddha-bodhi?] must take the discipline (saṃvara samādāna). What is [morality]? Morality is like the Earth, because it is the soil which produces the harvest of mundane and supramundane happiness. Morality is like a ship because, being the support of the threefold Vehicle, liberating the creatures from the ocean of Saṃsāra, it leads to the city of Nirvāṇa. Morality is like a lamp,...like a miraculous jewel (cintā-maṇi)...like an ointment,...like an ornament....' Fol. 2a, l. 1 begins a chapter entitled: āśaya-viśeṣa-nirdeśa, bsam pa'i khyad par bstan pa/ Fol. 3b, l. 3: ci phyir dus drug gi tshe /lhag par bslab par gzung bar gsungs zhe na /dus drug po 'di la myi ma yin ba rnams myi'i 'jig rten na rgyu zhing 'gro ste /gang dag sdom ba myed pa dge ba myi spyod pa rnams la 'tshe bar byed /.... 'One must "seize" (that is, repeat) the Abhiśikṣās six times [three times during the day, and three times during the night]: because at these six times the "non-human" beings (amānuṣa) go wandering in the world of men and hurt those who are "undisciplined"....' Ends, without colophon or rdzogs-so, with the description of the protection against the 'non-human' beings.
IOL Tib J 676.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 9. I. 8, Pothī; 48.1 c. x 10.2 c.: foll. 3; ll. 8 and 10: dbu-med. Fol. 1. Deals with anumodanā. Begins: @//bcom ldan 'das kyis bslab pa dag la tshul khrims yongs su dag par gnas pas ni/tshe 'di nyid la ma thob pa thob par bya ba dang /ma rtogs pa rtogs par bya ba dang /mngon sum du ma byas pa mngon sum du byas pa'i skal ba yod cing/mthu dang ldan ba yin no zhes gnas des kyang yid rab du dga' bar gyis shig /gal te khyod kyis /.... da ltar gyi ni yid dga' ba zhes bya 'o /....
IOL Tib J 676.2 - Section: 2 Fol. 2. Deals with saṃcodana (skul-bar-byed-pa), smāraṇa (dran-bar-byed-pa), dharma-smāraṇa (chos-dran-bar-byed-pa), artha-smāraṇa (don-dran-bar-byed-pa), saṃvara(?) (ḥdoms-par-byed-pa), dharma-deśanā (chos-ston-par-byed-pa).... Saṃcodana begins: de la ji ltar na skul bar byed pa yin zhe na /'di lta ste /....
IOL Tib J 676.3 - Section: 3 Fol. 3a (verso blank). Deals with avavāda (gdams), fourfold: aviparīta°, krama°, āgama°, abhisamaya°. Begins: de la gdams ngag gang zhe na/gdams ngag ni rnam pa bzhi ste/.... Compare, for the topics, Bodhisattva-bhūmi, Avavādānuśāsanī, and 675.
IOL Tib J 677.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. IV, frag. 1, Pothī; 44.5 c. x 9.2 c.: fol. 1; ll. 6: dbu-can. Fragment of a commentary. The text commented upon: dge 'dun legs par bya ba'i phyir ....dge 'dun bde bar gnas par bya ba'i phyir/ Saṃghasukha-vihārāya.... Verso, l. 5; quotation from the Yoga-caryā-bhūmau vivaraṇa-saṃgraha (Rnal-ḥbyor-spyod-paḥi-sa-la[s]-rnam-par-bśad-pa-bsdu-ba) and from the Vinaya-samuccaya (?) Ḥdul-ba-bsdus-pa).
IOL Tib J 678.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. VII, frag. A. 4, Pothī; 53.5 c. x 9 c.: fol. 1, numbered ga 93; ll. 6: dbu-can. Fragment of a Vijñāna-vādin treatise. Deals with the causes of Mana-udvega. Begins: pa myed pa la sems rnam par gzhag par 'dod cing mos par 'dod pa de ni dge sbyong gi 'bras bu thob pa myed pa'i dbang du byas nas/bdag nyid kun nas nyon mongs pa dang /ldan ba'i phyir yang sems skyo ba skye zhing /rnam par byang ba dang /bral ba'i phyir yang sems skyo ba skye la/kun nas nyon mongs pa dang ldan ba'i nyes dmyigs dang /rnam par byang ba dang bral ba'i nyes dmyigs dang /rnam par byang ba bsgrub dka' bar mthong ba'i phyir yang skye[skye] ba skye bar 'gyur ro / /de la kun nas nyon mongs dang ldan ba ni/mdor bsdu na/rnam pa gsum ste/...../de la rnam pa byang ba dang bral ba ni/rnam pa gsum kho nar rig par bya ste /.....kun nas nyon mongs pa dang ldan ba'i nyes dmyigs kyang rnam pa gsum du rig par bya ste /....
IOL Tib J 679.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 03. 42, Pothī; 43.8 c. x 8 c.: fol. 1; ll. 5: dbu-can. Fragment of a Vijñāna-vādin treatise. Begins: .../theg pa' chen po'i tshigs su bcad pa':rtsa 'wa:bzhi':pa' gcig:/chud na'://sangs:rgyas:grangs myed pa':'di':/snyed cig mchod:pa':yin no':zhes:bya':ba':dang /de:dang:'dra:ba':gzhan gyang:ngo':/: [note a: On kāla. [note /dus:la:dgongs:pa' /ni /shag kya':thub:pa'i:btsan[sic] thos:pa':tsam:gyis /nges:par bla na myed pa':g.yung 'drung //rdzogs:pa'i:/byang cub:du':mngon bar:[...]tsang rgya'o:zhes:bya':ba':dang //de:dang:'dra:pa':gzhan dag gyango/ [note b: On pudgala. [note /gang zag:gi sems la dgongs:pa:ni':/sbyin ba':gcig:gi:/yon tan bshad:pa':/gang zag //la la'i:drung du yon tan:bsam gyis:myi:khyab:par:bshad la la'i:drung du':sbyin ba' /de:snyed yon tan myi che bar bshad pa:dang //de 'dra' ba:gzhan dag:gyango //.... [note c: On lakṣaṇa. [note /mtshan nyid la dgongs:pa:ni:mtshan nyid gsum:ste':/kun du brtags:pa' dang /gzhan gyi dbang las dang:/yongsu:rdzogs:pa'i:mtshan nyid dung[sic] /bshad:pa'o://gnyen po':la dgongs:pa ni:.... Compare another treatise in which the paragraphs are introduced by the same dgoṅs-pa, 709, 2.
IOL Tib J 680.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 87. IV. 3, Pothī; 41.7 c. x 8.2 c.: fol. 1, numbered verso kha 26; ll. 5: dbu-can: black and red. Fragment of a Vijñāna-vādin treatise. Relations of cause and fruit. Meaning of the similes of balance tulā-daṇḍa, name (nāman), reflection (pratibimba), candra-maṇḍala. A commentary. Recto, l. 4: .../de'i phyir bdag po las stsogs pa myed duo[sic] zin kyang/ring ba dang nye ba la stsogs pa'i las tha dad par rung ste/de nyes pa myed do zhes bstan par 'gyur ro/*/rnam par lngar blta'*/zhes bya ba la stsogs pas ni 'dir ldog pa'i sgo nas rtag pa las stsogs par lta ba sel to//skye ba dang 'chi ba'i srid pa ni rab du tha dad pas myi rtag pa nyid do//sgyu ma skye ba ltar kun rdzob du 'chi ba'i srid pa 'gag pa dang /dus mnyam du bar du ma chod par/skye ba 'i srid pa mngon bar 'grub ste/chad pa ma yin no//de yang srang mda'i dpes ston te/.... *... /myi 'dra bas na/....*
IOL Tib J 681.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 9. I, frag. 65, Pothī; 31 and 32 c. x 5.7 c.: foll. 3, numbered kA, khA, gA; the verso of kA is numbered ngA and follows gA verso; ll. 6 and 5: dbu-med. Fol. kA recto. A note (incomplete) on the eight Vijñānas. Begins: @//sems can gyi rgyud re re la rnam par shes pa'i tshogs brgyad yod de /de yang gang lags she na /kun gzhi rnam par shes pa dang /nyon mongs pa can gi yid dang /yid kyi rnam par shes pa dang /myig gi rnam par shes pa la bstsogs te /sgo lnga'i rnam par shes pa 'o / de la kun gzhi rnam par shes pa la yang don bcu gsuM gyis bstan to /nyon mongs pa can gi yid la don rnam pa dgur bstan /yid kyi rnam par shes pa la don dgus bstan /sgo lnga'i rnam par shes pa la don brgyad kyis bstan to / de la kun gzhi la don bcu gsuM gis bstan pa gang zhe nA /kun gzhi'i rang bzhin dang /.... Compare Laṅkāvatāra in Śikṣā-samuccaya.
IOL Tib J 681.2 - Section: 2 On meat, alcohol, garlic, and onions. Buddha answers, in verse and prose, a Bodhisattva. Begins, fol. khA: @//byang cub sems pa can gis /sha dang chang dang sgog pa tsong dag bza' zhing btung bar myi bgyi ba / rgyal ba khyu mchog bshad du gsol / dri nga 'phags pa myin bas bsten / myi snyan bar yang byed pa ste / sha ni sha zan rnams kyis bzas / bzar myi rung bar thub chen gsungs / zos na nyes pa gang yin dang / ma zos pa'i yon tan dag / sha za de la gang yod pa /blo gros chen pos shes par gyis/ The sermon continues in verse and ends fol.: ngA 'khor ba'i 'chi ba drag po ste / sems can dmyal ba kun gyi rgyu / gang zhig 'dod pa rnams la dgA / de 'i sdug bsngal mtha' myed dO / Then, in prose: /chung thungs pa la nyes dmyigs sum cu rtsa drug yod dO / tshe 'di la nor zad pa dang /....shi nas ngan song ngan 'gro sems can dmyal bar skye'o /rdzogs s+ho / The results of drinking alcohol.
IOL Tib J 682.1 - Section: 1 Ch. XL. 005, Pothī; 48 c. (originally 60 c.?) x 7.5 c.: fol. 1, numbered 100 (?); ll. 4: dbu-med. Fragment of a Vijñāna-vādin treatise. Begins: zhe na /de la de 'i tshe gzhan kyi sems las ni bya ba'o /bya ba las ni shes pa'o /shes pa las ni de rtogs pa'o zhes bya ba brgyud pa 'dis ji tshig bya //bya ba snang ba gzhan kyi sems las rab du skye ba'i chos chan kyi shes pa kho na 'di rtogs par byed pa yin ba [....]phyir ro/!!/.... How the thought of another can be known. Verso: .../bya bas ni g.yo ba rtogs par byed na khrul pa'i gnas skabs na ni ....
IOL Tib J 683.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 77. X. 10, Pothī; 30.2 c. x 8 c.: fol. 1; ll. 5: dbu-can. Fragment of a treatise on the Tri-svabhāva or °lakṣaṇa (pariniṣpanna, paratantra, parikalpita). Compare Tri-svabhāva-nirdeśa, Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, LVIII. 4, Cordier_1909_1915: p. 385. Begins: chos rnams gyi:skye:ba la ngo bo nyid myed pa gang zhe:na:/gang chos rnams:gyi:gzhan gyi dbang las:mtshan:nyid do:/de:ji'i:phyir:zhe na:/de ltar:de gzhan:gyi:rkyend:gyi:dbang gyis:'gyur gyi /bdag:rang gis:ni:ma:yin:no://.... 'In what does the absence-of-own-nature (asvabhā-vatā) concerning the birth of things consist? In the fact that things depend upon others (paratantra-lakṣaṇa). How? Since things are caused by extraneous causes and do not exist through themselves....' This passage seems to occur at the beginning of the Commentary on Triṃśaka-kārikā, Bstan-ḥgyur, Mdo-ḥgrel, LVIII. 1 and 10 (foll. 170-201b, Cordier_1909_1915: pp. 384 and 386.
IOL Tib J 684.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 51. I. 42, Pothī; 42 c. x 8.5 c.: fol. 1, numbered (letter) 4; ll. 6: dbu-can. Fragment of a treatise on Tri-kāya. Begins: byang chub sems dpa' dag// /chos rnams bdag myed shes 'gyur bas// /'phags myin rang gi blos mos la// /'phags pa blo dang ldan bas so// /chos rnams la ni myi dmyigs kyang// /yul rig spyan ni myi mnga' myin// /sangs rgyas yang dag rnam lnga yis// /de dag nor par gzigs pa yin// /nor pa'i rnam rig sna tshogs pa// /yang dag dran dang bral bas na// /yang dag shes de la myi gnas// /de'i phyir na [note a: abhrānta. [note nor ces bstan// /sangs rgyas ye shes gzhir gyurd cing// /nor pa'i bsod nams ma yin bas// /'di ltar bsod nams mtshan nyid las// /de phyir dpe ni bzlas te bstan // /chos sku mthar phyin ngo bo ni// /mtshan dang dpe byad [note b: anuvyañjana [note de sku myin// /mtshan dang dpe byad phun tshogs pa// chos kyi sku ni ma yin phyir// .................... /chos bstan rang gi mtshan nyid myed// /ston dang bshad bya zab kyang ni// /yid ches myed pa ma yin te// /sems can myed myin sems can myin// ................. Ends: /khor los sgyur ba sangs rgyas myin// /mtshan bzang rnam par smyin pa dang// /bsod nams yongs su grub brten nas ni// /yang dag chos sku brnyes pa myin// /thabs
IOL Tib J 685.1 - Section: 1 Fragment 60, Scroll; 37.7 c. x 31.2 c.: ll. 38: dbu-can: damaged. Fragment of a treatise. Begins: ...gzhan gyi mkhan po dang slobs dpon gyi gnas ma yin ba lta smos kyang ji dgos/... 'What is the use of mentioning the out-of-place views of the Paṇḍits and Masters of the others?'
IOL Tib J 686.1 - Section: 1 Author: the Bhikṣu Chos-grub (Dharmasiddha) ston zla ra ba nyal bur sun ci'i phyir byed pa'i lo rgyus mdo tsam du bstan pa/ Ch. 9. I, frag. 49, Pothī; 42.5 c. x 7 c.: fol. 1; ll. 9 recto, 6 verso: dbu-med. The story of Maudgalyāyana. Begins: //yul chen mnyam dka' zhes ni rnam grags pa// de'i rgyal po gzugs can snying po'i [note a: ? Bimbisāra. [note / /blon po chen po gces phan me'u gal ./ /grong khyer shing thags na [a gi gu]gnas pa ste/ /de 'i bu mying ko la ta zhes bya/ /nam zhig ston pa chen po shag kya thub/ /rgyal po'i khab [note b: Rājagṛha. [note du mngon par sangs rgyas tshe/ /ston pa'i bka' yis 'phags pa rta thul [note c: Aśvajit. [note gyis/ /me'u dgal bu ni btus nas rab tu byung/ /des ni nan tan chen po spyad pas na/ /sdug bsngal mthar byas zag pa zad pa thob/ /nyan thos nang na rdzu 'phrul mchog du gyurd/ /'phags pa me'u dgal bu ni chen po yis/ /pha ma'i drin ni yongs su glan pa'i phyir/ /pha ma gnyis la legs nyes rab bshad de/ /bblab pa'i gnas la bkod byas chos bstan kyang/
IOL Tib J 687.1 - Section: 1 Author: the Bhiksu Chos-grub (Dharmasiddha) mdo sde dang/'dul ba dang/bstan bcos rnams las btus/ [Sūtra-vinaya-sāstra-saṃgraha] Ch. 51. I. 38, Pothī; 45 c. x 9 c.: foll. 3, numbered verso (letters) 11-13; ll. 6: dbu-med. A compilation from the Sūtras, the Vinaya and the Treatises by the Bhikṣu Chos-grub (Dharmasiddha). End of the text and colophon. Deals with the different fruits (vipāka-phala, niṣyanda-phala, &c.) of the different Viratis, beginning with Mṛṣā-vāda-virati. Ends in ślokas on the Saṃvara-grahaṇa-kuśala-mūla-gati-pariṇāmanā: application, to future lives, of the merit of taking the discipline. Begins: na yang ltod pa dang bcas pa'i chung ma dang/g.yog 'khor myi grun par 'gyur ba yin no//_//brdzun du sgra ba spangs pa'i legs pa ni dge ba'i rtsa ba 'dis bral ba'i 'bras bu byang chub rnam gsum 'grub pa'i rgyur yang 'gyur la/rnam par smyin pa'i 'bras bu ni tshe rabs thams cad du lha dang myi'i gnas su skye'o//rgyu 'thun ba'i 'bras bu .... Compare Abhidharma-kośa, chap. IV. Fol. 12b, l. 3 begins the last chapter: da ni sdom ba blangs pa'i dge ba'i rtsa ba 'gro ba yongs [la?] bsngo bar bya ste/de yang 'di skad du// //dus gsum gshegs pa'i rgyal ba dang/ /sras kyi dam pa sems dpa' mchog/ /nyan thos lha klu las stsogs pa/ /'phags pa thams cad dgongs su gsol/ /bdag gis yan lag brgyad ldan ba/ /sdom ba yang dag blangs pa yi/ /dge ba'i rtsa ba ji bskyed des/ /tshangs dang brgya byin rgyal chen dang/ Ends: 'phags pa dag dang mkhyen rnams bzod par gsol//_//rdzogs so//
IOL Tib J 688.1 - Section: 1 phreng ba'i lung/ [Mālāgama? Āgamāvalī?] Ch. 73. III. 22, Pothī; 30 c. x 5 c.: foll. 2, numbered 1-2; ll. 5: dbu-med. Complete. Begins: 'phreng ba'i lung/don rnam pa bdun gis bstan de/slobs dpon gang gis mdzad pa dang/rgyud gang las btus pa dang/'khu pa [note a: = khungs pa [note gang las byung ba dang/mtshams gang du gtogs pa dang/so so 'i rigs ma nor bar bstan pa bgrang ba'i thabs dang/bsam rgyud ma nor ba dang/don las mtshan du gsol pa 'o/'di mdzad pa'i slobs dpon ni/rgya gar gi mkhan po pan pyi ta stong lnga brgya'i nang na/bye ma la mu dras [note b: Vimalamitra? [note mdzad/rgyud phyogs ni thub pa a ba da ra las btus/khungs ni rgya gar gi yul na/shing bod de slag .... Ends: de bzhin gshegs pa'i thugs dam bod to tse brgya rtsa brgyad la/bod to tse bsam gis myi khyab par 'gyur ro//༔//phreng ba'i lung//༔//rdzogs s+ho// Compare the Āgamopadeśodghāta.
IOL Tib J 689.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 0021, Pothī; 34.3 c. x 9 c.: foll. 2; ll. 4 and 8: dbu-can and dbu-med. End of a treatise (Vijñāna-vādin); reference to the Mahā-kāśyapa-dharma-kathā. Ends: .../lung las bsam bya bsam par myi bya ste//bsam bya ma yin bar yang myi bsam mo// soms shig 'gal bar ma sems shig //yang lung las je phra je gsal je mnyam dag //rnam par myi rtog dbyings na bdag myed gsal / /'od srungs che la chos gtad pa / /dar ma ta la 'di ltar sgom / /rnam par myi rtog sa le ba / /sa le ba la rtog pa myed / /di ni rang rig ye shes ste/ /'di zhes gdags su myed pa'o/_rdzogs s+ho/
IOL Tib J 689.2 - Section: 2 bod yul du byung ba'i dge ba'i bshes nyen gi rgyud kyi rnams grangs la/ Record of the succession of kalyāṇa-mitras who arose in Tibet. Thomas_1951: II. pp. 85-87.
IOL Tib J 690.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 9. I. 28, Pothī; 44.5 c. x 7.5 c.: fol. 1; ll. 3, large dbu-can interlined smaller dbu-can and dbu-med. A note on the twelve Pravacanāṅgas. A series of questions: Why Sūtra?, Geya, Gāthā.... The answers are given in a smaller hand. In the section which deals with the Vaipulyas reference is made to the Mahāyāna-sūtra and also to parts of the scriptures of the Little Vehicle, namely to the Dīrghāgama (Ḥdi-rga-a-ga-ma). Begins: mdo sde zhes bya ba ji phyir zhe na /....
IOL Tib J 691.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. XIII. 9A, Three fragments (scroll): dbu-med. 15.5 c. x 30.2 c.: ll. 7, verso blank. A fragment on the Vehicles. Begins: theg pa gsum gang zhe na/nyan thos gyi theg pa dang/rang sangs rgyas gyi theg pa dang/theg pa chen pos [sic] mngon bar 'byung ba 'o/dge ba'i bshes nyen la ltos nas/sdug sngal [sic] bden pa dang/.... Ends: pha rol du phyin pa bcu/dang sa bcu rims gyis bsgrub cing/chos dang gang zag gnyis ka bdag myed par rtogs nas//nyon mongs pa dang shes bya'i sgrub pa gnyis ka spong ba ni//theg pa then [sic] po mngon bar 'byung ba zhes bya 'o//
IOL Tib J 691.2 - Section: 2 32.5 c. x 30.2 c.: ll. 3 recto, 6 verso. Recto, the last lines of 1: pha rol du .... Verso. On the different sorts of Voidness (śūnyatā).
IOL Tib J 691.3 - Section: 3 10 c. x 30.2 c.: ll. 6. Begins: sems dang myi ldan bzhi 'du byed bcu bzhi dang/pha rol du phyin ba bcu dang /... 14 saṃskāras, citta-viprayukta, 10 pāramitās. Ends abruptly: de bzhin gshegs/pa'i myi 'jigs/pa bzhi dang//skye gnas bzhi gang zhes na/ Fragments 2 and 3, l. 1 are in the same hand; fragments 1 and 3, ll. 2-6 are in another smaller hand.
IOL Tib J 692.1 - Section: 1 Fragment 74, Pothī; 48.5 c. x 7.8 c.: fol. 1, numbered (letter) 6; ll. 6: dbu-can. Fragment of a treatise. Deals with the three Vehicles. The Pratyeka-buddha-yāna begins recto, l. 2: /rang sangs rgyas kyi theg pa ni /rten cing 'breld par 'byung ba'i yan lag bcu gnyis pa'i sgo nas 'jug ste /'khor ba'i nyes dmyigs rga shi mthong nas //ci las byung zhes brtags na /de'i rgyu ni skye ba yin bar rig la /......./snying rje chung ste /sems can mang po'i don myi byed pas rang sangs rgyas kyi theg pa zhes bya'o //rang sangs rgyas ni 'phags pa bi b+hi sha na lung bstan pa'i mdo las [note a: Quotation from Vibhīṣaṇa-vyākaraṇa-sūtra. [note /..... The Mahāyāna begins verso, l. 2. Compare the Triyāna-vyavasthāna, Bstan-ḥgyur, Rgyud-ḥgrel, LXXII. 8, Cordier_1909_1915: p. 82.
IOL Tib J 693.1 - Section: 1 Ch. XIX. 006, Pothī; 40.5 c. x 8 c.: fol. 1, numbered ka 50; ll. 4: dbu-can. Fragment of a treatise. Begins with the classification of the Schools (1) Śrāvaka-sautrāntika-darśana; (2) Vijñāna-mātra-vādi-darśana; (3) Sautrāntika-mādhyamika-darśana; (4) Yogācāra-mādhyamika-darśana.
IOL Tib J 694.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 85. IX. 10, Concertina; 21.5 c. (origially?) x 7.5 c.: fol. 1, damaged; ll. 6: dbu-can. Fragment of a treatise. Tenets of the Schools. Recto, l. 2: /de la rnam [note a: sic, for rnal [note 'byor spyod pa'i dbu ma'i lugs ni kun rdzob tu rnam par shes pa tsam du smra ba dang 'thund te /.... 'The Yogācāra-mādhyamika doctrine is like the Vijñāna-mātra system, as concerns the point of view of appearances (saṃvṛti).....'
IOL Tib J 695.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. VII, frag. A. 10; Pothī; 44.7 c. x 9.2 c.: fol. 1; ll. 6, verso blank: dbu-med. A note on the scriptures: that one has to ascertain the intention, nature (ṅo-bo-ñid), place, ...of the Sūtras. Ends: 'Two Schools of the Little Vehicle: Sautrāntikas and Vaibhāṣikas; two Schools of the Great Vehicle: Mādhyamikas and Yogācāras.'
IOL Tib J 696.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 03. 51, Pothī; 52.2 c. x 8.4 c.: fol. 1; ll. 6: dbu-med. A philosophical note. Concerning the relations of thought (citta) and object (viṣaya); Nāgārjuna is named as the Mādhyamika exponent (Mādhyamika-upādhyāya, dbu-maḥi-mkhan-po). Disconnected sentences.
IOL Tib J 697.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. VII, frag. A. 9, Pothī; 45.5 c. x 9.5 c.: fol. 1, damaged; ll. 10 recto, 11 verso: dbu-med: written after damage. A philosophical note; a summary of Buddhist teaching. Begins: @//ji ltar yongsu shes par bya ba la/rnam pa gnyis su dbye ste/don dam pa dang/kun rdzob bo/༚/don dam bshad pa la yang gsum..du dbye ste/rten 'brel dang/chos dang/sangs rgyas mthong ba'o/༚/kun rdzob du bshad pa la yang gnyisu dbye ste/mdor bstan pa dang/de'i rnam par bshad pa'o/༚/mdor bstan pa la yang gsum gyis bstan te/rgyu dang bcas pa las byung ba'i:mtshan nyid dang/myi rtag ....
IOL Tib J 698.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 51. I. 41, Pothī; 47 c. x 7.3 c.; foll. 3, numbered ka?, 5 (two damaged); ll. 5 and 6: dbu-can. A fragment of a Catechism. Questions and answers introduced by 'answer' (lan-btab-pa). Deals with Karman (Karma kīdṛśam?), the Antarikṣa-dhātu-devas, the Āpramāṇyas, the six Pāramitās, the Śrāvakas, the Pratyeka-buddha,... Compare Dharma-saṃgīti. First damaged fol., verso, l. 1: .../༔/las ni ji 'dra /lan btab pa /las ni lus dang ngag yid gsuM kyi sgo nas //dge ba dang sdig pa spyad pa'i las //dge ba bcu spyad pas /mtho risu skyes ba dang //sdig pa spyad pas ngan song du skye ba ni /'bras bu ste //dge sdigi las kyi 'bras bu chud myi za ba ni /dper na sa bon gro btab pa las khre 'brasu myi 'gyur ba dang /'dra'o/༔/.... l.4: /༔/bar snang khams kyi lha ni gang gang /lan btab pa //.... 5a, l. 4: @//lha ma srin zhes bgyi ba gang gang //lan btab pa'//.... 5b, l. 3: @//tshad myed pa bzhi gang gang //....
IOL Tib J 699.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. VI. 8, Pothī; 22 c. x 7.5 c.: foll. 8, the first and last blank; ll. 7 and 8: dbu-can. Two fragmentary copies of a text dealing with well-known topics, twelve limbs of the Pratītya-samutpāda, ten good acts, &c., and ending rather abruptly 'falling in the eight hells': sems chan dmyal ba brgyad du ltung/
IOL Tib J 699.2 - Section: 2 Two copies of a text dealing with the Scriptures. Begins: chos yin bar ji mngon zhe na dar ma mdo sde bcu gnyis kyi mdo //dge ba bcu dang...
IOL Tib J 700.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 2a. F, Pothī; 45 c. x 7 c.: foll. 12, numbered by a second hand ka 1-12; ll. 4: dbu-can: red and black. A treatise (Siddhānta). Imperfect at the beginning and the end. Begins abruptly: dang khong khro ba dang/... The different topics are introduced by questions written in red. Fol. 1a. 'What is the meaning of the phrase Tathāgata-garbha?' The answer refers to the Laṅkāvatāra: 'di ni lang kar gshegs pa las zhib du bshad de/'that has been explained in detail in the Laṅkāvatāra' The [Abhidharma]-kośa(?) is quoted fol. 1b, l. 3: 'di ni ko sha_las //sems dang sems 'byung bzhi rnams kyis //snyom 'jug gnyis ni gsum gyis so//gzhan ni gnyis kyis skye 'gyur te//rims bstsogs dbang 'phyug las stsogs myin .... Fol. 2 deals with the Tri-kāya; fol. 3 with the Tri-yāna. Fol. 4b, l. 1. 'Is there laukika-jñāna in the Tathāgatas?': *de bzhin gshegs pa la dag[sic] 'jig rten pa 'i ye shes mnga' 'am myi mnga'/* Fol. 5 deals with the Ālaya and the Pravṛtti-vijñāna; fol. 7 with the Pāramitās; fol. 8 with the six Hetus, the four Pratyayas and the five Phalas. Fol. 12a. 'How is there in the Pratyeka-buddhas intelligence of the profound Pratītya-samutpāda?'
IOL Tib J 701.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. VII, frag. B. 5, Scroll: 58 c. x 22 c.: ll. 24: dbu-med. A fragment on the eighteen śūnyatās (see Mvyut., § 37). Begins: stong ba bco brgyad gang zhes na /zhes bya ba ni stong ba nyid la ni tha tad du dbyer myi rung ste //du mar bgrang du myed mod kyi /sems can rnams kyis /rngos po yod par brtag pa'i yul tha tad pa rnams la /rngos po myed par bstan pa'i sgo nas /stong ba rnam grangs yang bco brgyad du phye 'o /.... Ends: don dam pa stong pa nyid ni/myi brtag myi 'jigs pa'i mtshan nyid de/
IOL Tib J 702.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. III. 39, Pothī; 26 c. x 6 c.: fol. 1, numbered verso, by a second hand, 2; ll. 4: dbu-can. Fragment of a treatise. Mādhyamika aphorisms: there is neither Samādhi, nor Prajñā, nor Jñāna.... Quotation from the Buddha-kośa (verso, l. 1). The Tathāgata tells Śāriputra that all Dharmas are insubstantial. Buddha-kośa = Saṅs-rgyas-kyi-mdzod = Saṅs-rgyas-kyi-mdzod-kyi-chos-kyi-yi-ge, Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Csoma_1836: VIII. 235-333, Buddha-dharma-kośa-kāra; Beckh_1914: X. 191-266, translated from the Chinese.
IOL Tib J 703.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 51. I. 53, Concertina; 27.5 c. x 7.5 c.: foll. 2, slightly damaged; ll. 4 and 5: dbu-can. Recto. Fragment of a treatise. Absence of Manaskāra is the right way of the 'meditation of the nature of a Buddha' (Buddha-dharmānusmṛti). If one proceeds by the method of attention, that will be an obstacle to Nirvāṇa. Quotations to this effect from the Prajñā-pāramitā, the Ghana-vyūha (Sdug-po-bkod-pa), the Laṅkāvatāra. Begins: .../yid la byed pa myed pa ni chos nyid gyi sangs rgyas [note a: = sangs rgyas kyi chos nyid? [note dran ba' yin bar mngon la //gal te dmyigs pa'i tshul gyi[s] sangs rgyas [nyid [note b: margin damaged [note dra]n bar byed pa' ni //mya ngan las 'da' la bsgrib par 'gyur te//shes rab gyi pha rol du phyin pa'i mdo las /.... The Gaṇḍa-vyūha states, fol. 2a, l. 1: sa la yod pa'i gzugs rnams dang_lha yul [.... [note c: margin damaged. [note ]rnams kyang //rnam pa sna tshogs gang snang ba'//de ni kun gzhi snang ba yin .... This phrase, 'ālayābhāsa', is explained by a quotation from the Laṅkāvatāra. Compare 707, 1.
IOL Tib J 703.2 - Section: 2 Verso. An address to a 'Son of Buddha'. Begins: pa 'di rnams/ /sangs rgyas sras po nga la nyon/ /yang dag sangs rgyas bstan pa 'di/ /thos pa tsam gyis myi grub bo/ ..... 'This rule of the perfect Buddhas is not realized by bare hearing.... Illnesses are not healed without the use of remedies.'
IOL Tib J 704.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 80. II. 4 (fol. 1) and Ch. 80. IV. e, Concertina; 21 c. x 9 c.: foll. 13; ll. 5: dbu-can: red and black. Fragment of a treatise (Siddhānta). Specimen of the Mūla, foll. 8a and 11a: *de yang phyin ci log gi rtog pa yod kyi bar du /'phags pa'i shes rab kyis bzlog pa'i las kyang yod do //..../nam phyin ci log gi rtog pa myed pa'i tshe na/shes rab kyis bzlog pa'i las kyang myed de/cig car mnyam bar stong pa nyidu 'gag go//* 'As long as erroneous imaginations exist, so long exists the work of repelling them by means of the noble Wisdom. When these imaginations no longer exist, the work of repelling them by means of the Wisdom ceases also to exist. Both are, at the same time, destroyed in Vanity. In the same way as fire lasts only as long as the fuel....' Fol. 1 (80. II. 4) deals with the Ālaya-vijñāna. Quotations from the Laṅkāvatāra and the Ratna-kūta. Fol. 13. To the question: 'Who is a Kalyāṇa-mitra?', answer is given from the Buddha-kośa-sūtra, the Bodhi[sattva-]piṭaka-sūtra, the Suvarṇa-prabhāsottama-sūtra. Quotations from the Uṣṇīṣa-sūtra, the Laṅka-phaḥi-mdo, the Prajñā-pāramitā-sūtra
IOL Tib J 705.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 83. IX. 8-9 and 87. VIII. 1-2, Pothī; 52 c. x 8.7 c.: foll. 5, numbered ka 13, 15, 22, 33, 36; ll. 5: dbu-can: red and black. Fragment of a treatise. Fol. 13. To the question: 'Who is a Kalyāṇamitra?', answer is given from the Buddha-kośa-sūtra, the Bodhi[sattva]-piṭaka-sūtra, the Suvarṇa-prabhāsottama-sūtra. Quotations from the Uṣṇīṣa-sūtra, the Laṅka-phaḥi-mdo, the Prajñā-pāramitā-sūtra, the Ajātaśatru-[kaukṛtya-vinodana-]sūtra, the Tathāgata-kośa-sūtra, the Mañjuśrī-vihāra-sūtra, the Parinirvāṇa-sūtra, the Phyogs-su-rgyas-paḥi-mdo. Compare 706. Fol. 15a, l. 4: */de la dang po sems bskyed pas/chos rig pa de 'i yon tan dang/sems can gyi don byed pa'i mthu ji lta bu zhe na/byang chub kyi sde snod kyi mdo las/...* 'When the first thought has been produced, what is the quality of this knowledge of the Dharma, and what is the strength to benefit the creatures? It is said in the Bodhisattva-piṭaka-sūtra:...' The quotation follows, in black. Quotations also from the Vajra-cchedikā, the Ratna-kūṭa-sūtra, the Śraddhābalādhāna-[avatāra-mudrā-]sūtra (Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Csoma_1836: XVI. 1-103; Beckh_1914: XVIII. 1-83).
IOL Tib J 706.1 - Section: 1 Ch. XL. e, Concertina; 19.5 c. x 8.7 c.: fol. 1; ll. 5: dbu-can: red and black. Fragment of a treatise (Siddhānta). Quotations from the Prajñā-pāramitā, the Laṅkāvatāra,... The titles written in red. Recto: .../yang kha cig na re/dang po sems bskyed nas /rnas par myi rtog pa bsgom du myi rung ngo zhe na /de la bshad pa /*/shes rab kyi pha rol du phyin pa'i mdo las /*/dang po sems bskyed nas //rnam pa thams cad mkhyen pa nyid yid la bya'o zhes 'byung /*/yang dag pa'i ye shes kyi yon tan bsam gyis myi khyab pa'i mdo las/*/sems can rnams ji lta bus 'dul ba de lta bur mthong /ji lta bus 'dul ba /de lta bur thos so zhes 'byung /*/lang kar gshegs pa'i mdo las /*/blo gros chen po 'di lta ste//mye long gi ... 'Some people say: When the first thought [of Bodhi] has been produced, one must not meditate on the avikalpaka. But it is said in the Prajñā-pāramitā-sūtra: "When the first thought has been produced, one must keep in mind the sarvākārajñāta", and in the Samyag-jñānācintya-guṇa-sūtra(?) "As beings have been educated, so they see; as they have been educated, so they hear."' The same quotation from the Acintya-jñāna-sūtra, 707, 1. Compare the Tathāgata-guṇa-jñānācintya-viṣayāvatāra-nirdeśa, Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Mdo, Csoma_1836: XV. 167-228; Beckh_1914: XVII. 143-96. Compare also 704. Verso: dam pa ni /don dbu ma la chig car 'jug pa yin te//chig car 'jug pa ni thabs myed de//chos nyid rang bzhin las sgom mo //de la chos ni sems /sems ni ma skyes pa'o/*/ma skyes pa ni stong pa ste /dper na nam mkha' dang 'dra bas na *//....
IOL Tib J 707.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 77. X. 7, Concertina; 26 c. x 7.5 c.: foll. 4; ll. 5: dbu-can: black and red. Recto. Fragment of a treatise or commentary. Quotations from the Acintya-jñāna-sūtra: *yang dag pa 'i ye shes bsam gyis myi /khyab pa'i mdo las kyang //*sems can rnams ni //ji lta bus 'dul ba de lta bus mthong //ji lta bus 'dul ba de lta bus thos so .... See 706. From the Laṅkāvatāra-sūtra: *lang kar gshegs pa 'i mdo las kyang //*blo gros chen po 'di lta ste//mye long gi nang du gzugs kyi gzugs su snang thams cad //rnam par rtog pa myed par cig char snang ngo/.... and from the Sañcaya-gāthā-sūtra (? Sdud-pa-tshig-su-bcad-pa-ḥi-mdo), and the Prajñā-pāramitā-sūtra. Names of the Sūtras in red.
IOL Tib J 707.2 - Section: 2 Verso. Fragment of the Vajra-cchedikā. Bhagavat and Subhūti . (Begins Müller_1881: p. 25, l. 2 of Max Müller's edition.)
IOL Tib J 708.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 51. I. 5, Pothī; 49 c. x 9 c.: foll. 10; ll. 7: dbu-med. A treatise, Buddhist dogmatic. Begins with the three Bodies (kāya) and the four Knowledges (jñāna [ādarśa, &c. Mvyut. § 5]) of a Buddha; the classification of the vijñānas follows. Ends with the manovijñāna. There are many Sanskrit and Tibetan equivalents, for instance, fol. 1a, l. 7: rgya gar gi skad du a la ya na dbyig ya na zhes bya /bod skad du sbyor ba don gi kun gzhi .... Defective at the beginning; ends without colophon, l. 4, recto, of the last folio.
IOL Tib J 709.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 2a. A, Pothī; 26 c. x 9 c.: foll. 37, numbered 4, 7-23, 25, 27-45; ll. 4 and 5: dbu-can. Foll. 4, 7-16a, l. 1. A treatise on Dhyāna and its defects (doṣa). Chinese-Tibetan equivalents, fol. 14b, l. 5: rgya skad du /shab sim 'do'i je 'u//bod skad du sems bsdu zhing nang du rtog pa//rgya skad du /khi sim pa'u hwe'i//bod skad du sems ldang zhing skye ba 'o//.../'ging sim sha byi [note a: ? shi bya [note deng//.../sems lhan ni 'dug cing rtse gcig du 'jug pa//.../the'u sim khan tseng//...sems gnas shing dben ba la dmyigs pa// Ends: mnyam bar bzhag pa'i dus na mtshan ma ci byung yang rang gi dben ba'i sems yin no'//_//_//
IOL Tib J 709.2 - Section: 2 tshangs la phan sems kyis 'jam dpal la zhus pa/ [Brahma-hita-citta-Mañjuśrī-paripṛcchā] Foll. 16a-25b. Title in colophon. Interrogation of Mañjuśrī by 'Brahma-Benevolence': 'Sometimes it is said that Buddhas appear in the world; sometimes that they do not appear;...that Nirvāṇa exists, that beings exist; that Nirvāṇa does not exist, that beings do not exist....' Answer, fol. 18a, l. 3: .../sangs rgyas 'jig rten du 'byung ngo zhes bshad na yang yid ches par bya 'o//de ji'i phyir zhe na/chos kyi chos nyid la 'byung ba myed pa las dgongs pa yin no/ See 239.
IOL Tib J 709.3 - Section: 3 Foll. 27-33. Defective at the beginning. Dialogue between a Teacher (ston-pa-na-re) and an Enquirer (ḥdri-ba-na-re). 'Beings transmigrate only by illusion. How can they learn the Law in order to order to obtain Nirvāṇa?...' Ends: ...yod dang myed pa'i phyogs kyang spangs//de ltar skye 'jig spangs pa 'i//thub pa zhi ba sus mthong ba'//de dag 'di dang slad mar yang//chags myed nyer len ma mchis 'gyurd// 'Abandoning the alternatives (pakṣa) of being and not being, abandoning birth and destruction....'
IOL Tib J 709.4 - Section: 4 Foll. 34-36a. A text beginning: 'It is said by the Ācārya Bodhisāgendra (Byan-chub-klu-dbaṅ).' Begins with the definition of 'sincerity': yathā-vādī tathā-kārī: byang cub sems dpa'i bden ba'i tshig gang zhe na//'di lta ste//de ni gang smra ba de byed//gang byed pa de smra ba 'o //.... Ends: lus myi bcos sems myi bcos//bsam ba myi bcos//smra ba myi bcos//spyod lam myi bcos te//chos nyid kyi rang bzhin myi 'khrugs pa'//ci bzhin bar spyod lam rnam bzhir myi nyams par bgyi 'o//
IOL Tib J 709.5 - Section: 5 Foll. 36b-41b. 'Homage to Mañjuśrī. Just as in the illusions of a mirror...beings are deluded by the five cbjects of pleasure. Meditation being absent, they cannot understand the true state of things.... To find a kalyāṇa-mitra, to hear the Sūtras of the True Law;...' Fol. 39. On the ten Bhūmis; each Bhūmi is destructive of some vice or illusion.
IOL Tib J 709.6 - Section: 6 Foll. 41b-45a, l. 1. 'Endowed with Upāya and prajñā....' Both are defined. Fol. 43a, l. 3. Quotation from the Laṅkāvatārāgama.
IOL Tib J 709.7 - Section: 7 Fol. 45a, l. 2-45b. 'How is samaya (dam-tshig) to be acquired (blaṅ)? First, venerate the numerous Buddhas....' Defective.
IOL Tib J 710.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 2a. B, Pothī; 27.3 c. x 6 c.: foll. 53, numbered ka 1-53; ll. 4: dbu-can: black and red. Foll. 1-14. A text beginning: @//://nor bdag chen po'i drung du rkun pos myi chud pa dang rlung chen pos sprin gyi tshogs mang po gtor ba bzhin du phyin ci log gi rtog pa yang nas yang du nyung zhing 'bri bar 'gyur ro//_//rnal 'byor chen po la 'jug pas///sems gyi ngo bo nyid rang bzhin gyis myi skye myi 'gog par rang gis rigste///.... 'Whoever has entered into the Mahā-yoga knows by himself that the own nature of thought is free from birth and destruction.' Ends: de bzhin gshegs pas bdag myed par thugsu chud pa de'i tshul ci 'dra ba//blo' shugs ched pos rig par bya'o////༔༜༔////dang zhus/ ____///rdzogs s+ho//// 'By what method does the Tathāgata understand the nairātmya? That can be understood by a man of great intellectual power.'
IOL Tib J 710.2 - Section: 2 *ling ka'i mkhan pho dang slob ma'i mdo bam pho gcig go/* Foll. 15-53a. a. Foll. 15-25b. Begins: thog ma gcigste khi'u 'da bar ta ras bshad phA//rgya rje song gi tshe na//rgya gar gyi dbus gyi yul nas/chos gyi mdzod gsum gyi mkhan po khi'u 'da bar ta ra//theg pa chen po la mkhas par shes pa//mkhan po ma ha ya_na zhes bya bA//lo'i mying 'gwan kwa zhes bya bA/lo gcig la gru chen por zhugste//kwang cur phyin nas//rgya rje stsong ta chos tan yang kun du bstsuste//ling ka'i chos gyi yi ge bsgyur nas//rgya rje'i sras dang kong co [note a: See 729, kong tse. [note khyim nas byung ba dang/ma byung bas bsam gtan bstan pa'i sgo dbye bar gsol nas//bar ta rgya'i skad myi shes te//snying la chags nas//mtshan mo'i rmyi lam na/ral gyis mgo bcad de/brjes pa snyam byed nas//bsam gtan bstan pa'i sgo phye na//chos gsum gyi mkhan po na re//yul 'di shar phyogs na 'dug pas las spyad du chos myed pas na//la la ni theg pa chung ngu dang//theg pa gnyis gyi chos su lhung//la la ni .... Ends: yang gcig du na res shig//nos te phyir ma nur na//rtag par myi g.yos te/sangs rgyas gyis bshad pa yin no//// b. Foll. 25b-33b. Begins: *@/:/gcig gi 'ogs te/*//rgya rje 'gru'i tshe//chos gsum gyi mkhan po bod de/dar mas [note b: Bodhidharma [note bshad pa'o//bod de dar mas ni khi'u 'da bar ta'i rjes bsab_ste//bsam gtan gyi mkhan po dar ma ni yid la theg pa ched po drang bar dga' ste/.... c. Foll. 33b-42a. Begins: gnyis gyi 'og rgya rje rje'u'i tshe/stsang chu'i dge sbyong yeb kas bode dar ma'i rjes bsabs pa'o//.... d. Foll. 42a-48b. Begins: gsum gyi 'ogste//rgya rje zu'i tshe/shu tsi'u 'i si kong gi ri la bsam gtan gyi mkhan po/tshan nas yab ka'i rjes bsaMs pa//dge 'dun mkhas pa'i brjod pa'i yi ge nang na/yeb ka'i 'og du tshan zhes bya ba ..... Ends: sangs rgyas la mying gsum yod mod gyi ngo bo nyid gsum du myed do// e. Foll. 48b-53a. Begins: bzhi 'ogste rgya rje li'i tshe/gi chi'u shong gi ri la/bsam gtan gyi mkhan po ha ho stson gyis/bsam gtan gyi mkhan po tshan gyi rjes bsabs so//bsam gtan gyi mkhan po ha ho stson gyis.... Ends: sems tshol ba nyid sangs rgyas tshol ba yin no//ji lta zhes byas na//sems gyi rnam par shes pa la/gzugs myed//sangs rgyas la byad gzugs myed do//༔// ____/rdzogs s+ho//rdzogs s+ho
IOL Tib J 710.3 - Section: 3 Fol. 53b. Another hand. Fragment of a text on the Bodhisattva. Begins after the first syllable of a pāda of a śloka.
IOL Tib J 711.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. III. 3, Pothī; 35 c. x 5.3 c.: foll. 14, numbered 1-14; ll. 4: dbu-can. On Tantra and Tantra-nidānas. A story: how the son of Bhaiṣajya-rāja leaves the world and obtains, after seven days, seven Samādhis.... Begins: rgyud dang rgyud kyi gleng gzhi bshad pa la//thog ma yul lho phyogs zhes bya ba na/yangs pa'i grong khyer chen po zhig yod de//sa phyogs der 'og min gnam gyi pho brang nas//sman pa'i rgyal po'i bu las rab tu byung nas//zhag bdun gyis lha 'i ting nge 'dzin bdun grub ste//tshe 'i dngos grub dang/dbang gi dngos grub dang/che ba'i dngos grub dang/bsam ba 'grub pa'i dngos grub dang/bya ba la dbang thob pa'i dngos grub dang/bya 'o cog thams cad thob ste/'dzam bu gling du chos 'chad pa'i 'dul skal du byon nas//phyogs bcur bltas na/sems can thams cad nyon mongs par mthong ste/.... Fol. 4a, l. 3: rgya gar skad du tsan bu du zhes bya ste//bod skad du zla ba'i bu chen po zhes bya 'o/ Fol. 4b, l. 1: rgya gar skad du de 'i/bod skad du the 'u rang zhes bya 'o/ Much concerning Heruka. Ends with mantras: Om badzri ha a a hung/huM^ huM^ muM^ huM^ muM^/'dzA 'dzA zhes bya'/
IOL Tib J 712.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 2a. H, Pothī; 44 c. x 10 c.: foll. 15, numbered, second hand, 2-16; ll. 6 and 7: dbu-med. Tāntrik work. No colophon. Fol. 15b, l. 6 upadhārayāmi (u pa da ra ya myi) is given as Sanskrit (Rgya-gar-skad-du). Among the texts referred to, the Uṣṇīṣa-vijaya-hṛdaya-mantra (foll. 11b, l. 2), the Maṇḍala-deva-mukha (Dkyil-ḥkhor-gi-lhaḥi-ṅo-ston-mdo) (fol. 14b) and many others.
IOL Tib J 712.2 - Section: 2 Fol. 16b. Begins: dkyil 'khor gi stegs bu brtsig pa'i sa brko ba'i sngags ....
IOL Tib J 713.1 - Section: 1 Ch. XXVII. Q, Pothī; 34.5 c. (originally?) x 7.1 c,; fol. 1, damaged; ll. 5: dbu-can. Recto. Maṅgala. Stanzas ending: /rtag du dpal nas nyin mtshan bkra shis shog/ Ends: sangs rgyas bsod nams mthu dag dang/ /lha rnams kun gyis bsam ba 'is/ /gdag kyi don 'dod gang yin ba / /don de bdag la grub 'gyur cig//____rdzogs
IOL Tib J 713.2 - Section: 2 Verso. Verses of six syllables. ..... ..... /byang cub ni mched dang lcam/ /'phags pa 'i ni bzhugs tshul gis/ ....... /'od zer ni phyogs bcur 'phro/ /nang nas ni bltam ba 'di/ /'dza gad ni dpA bo ste /........ See Laufer_1914a: p. 32 (T'oung-pao, Ser. 2, t. XV, 1914), verses of six syllables.
IOL Tib J 714.1 - Section: 1 79. II. 1, Scroll; 27 c. x 23 c.: ll. 19: dbu-can: damaged. A fragment of a metrical text. A fragment of a metrical text. Line 3: /de bas de/la gus phyag/'tshald/ /la/las/'di'i mtshan:thos na/ ....... The words are separated by the regular dot, or by two dots, or by a short stroke.
IOL Tib J 715.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 80. IX. 3, Roll; 34 c. x 26 c.: foll. 3; ll. 17, verso ll. 49 written scrollwise: dbu-can: damaged. Fragment of a Tāntrik text, initial invocations.
IOL Tib J 716.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 80. IV, Scroll; 158 c. x 25 c.: ll. 53 +109: dbu-can. Tāntrik invocations, Vajrayāna metaphysics. Several hands, inaccurately written.
IOL Tib J 717.1 - Section: 1 Vol. 33, fol. 1, Pothī; 44 c. x 3 c.: fol. 1; ll. 2 recto+1 verso: small dbu-med. A note on opposite qualities and states, with Chinese glosses.
IOL Tib J 718.1 - Section: 1 Vol. 68, fol. 1, Concertina; 13 c. x 7 c.: foll. 14; ll. 4: dbu-can: red and black. Commentaries on Tāntrik texts; two hands.
IOL Tib J 719.1 - Section: 1 Vol. 69, foll. 11-12, 14-15, Scroll, four fragments; 42 c., 41 c., 43 c., and 34 c. x 30 c.: ll. 22, 18, 21, and 18: dbu-can. Tāntrik ritual.
IOL Tib J 720.1 - Section: 1 Vol. 56, fol. 75, Fragment of a scroll; 38 c. x 19 c.: bedly damaged; ll. 27, verso 22 columns Chinese: dbu-can. Concerning various abodes for beings in the cosmos.
IOL Tib J 721.1 - Section: 1 Vol. 36, fol. 172, Pothī: 45 c. x 8 c.: fol. 1, numbered tsha 17; ll. 4: dbu-can. Divinities and nāgas associated with different regions.
IOL Tib J 722.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 83. IX, Scroll; 37 c. x 24 c.: ll. 21+6: dbu-can. Recto: Invocations. Verso: alphabets, notes, and two rough drawings of Buddhas.
IOL Tib J 723.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 79. XIV. 2, Scroll, 35 c. x 25.5 c.: recto 20 columns Chinese, verso ll. 30: dbu-can: damaged at beginning. Ritual. Line 12: lcags kyi ni phur dang bchas:gdags kyi ni sna dgu gsol/yum sru' [note a: Cancelled in MS. [note ni_zhal myi bgyon gchen gchung ni dug bsring ba' /mtsha' ro ni g.yu bkra dang dngul gyi ni kha tshul la mgo bo ni ba rab gser/pra rgyal ni la rgya thing_dbu le'i ni rgyan du gsol/gser gyi ni sor ngub la/rin chen ni pra bchud cing pyag kyi ni rgyan du gsol/g.yu las ni mchog bthus pa la mtshi ro ni mu tshi thing /gser las las ni dbyig bthus la/ca rab sa le sbyam/dkor las ni bzang bthus la mu g [note a: [note thig /ni sel gyis [note a: [note 'bru'/mdo'i ni smug chong du [note a: [note dang bzang dgu ni spel spel zhing /mgar gyi ni rgyan du gsol/shel gyi ni skur ma ma la/no men ni pra bchud cing srin la ni 'dab dang bchas//gser gyi ni mong phang la/mthing gyi ni phang lo bchug dar skud ni phur dang bchas/...
IOL Tib J 724.1 - Section: 1 a mye da phur kyi yon tan bcu la/ [Amitābha kīla-guṇa-daśaka] Ch. 73. VIII, frag. 3, Pothī; 37 c. x 6.5 c.; fol. 1, numbered ka 78; ll. 4 recto, verso blank: dbu-can. Contains the enumeration of the ten qualities of the Amitābha's (?) magical nail.
IOL Tib J 724.2 - Section: 2 Line 4. The names of the twelve calendar animals, with subscript syllables: //byi ba la //glang la // stag la //yos bu la // ___tshi___che'u___'ying___'bre'u 'ubrag la //sbrul la //rta la //lug la // ___zhin___zi___'gu___'byi sphre'u la //bya la //khyi la //phag la // ___gzhin___ye'u___gshur___hra'
IOL Tib J 725.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 77. X, two fragments of roll; a. 12 c. x 6 c.: b. 26 c. x 14 c.: ll. 5 and 25: dbu-can, red and back: faint and badly damaged. Calendar or astronomy. Small paragraphs written in columns. b. l. 6: *@/:/dgun zla 'bring po//*po btsasna lha dpal 'go[...] *@/:/dgun zla tha cungs//* phor btsas na phyug la btsan du mchi///mor skyes na khyo dang rga khar bye nas [...] *@/:/tses dgu bcu dgu nyi shu dgu* /...
IOL Tib J 726.1 - Section: 1 klu'i dam tshig gi cho ga/ [Nāga-samaya-vidhi] Ch. 73. III. 1, Pothī; 35 c. x 9 c.: foll. 3, numbered (letters) 1-3; ll. 5: dbu-can. Title in colophon. Begins: slobs dpon man ti gar pa dang /arya a sang gnyis kyis /rgya gar yul du brtsams ste /theg pa chen po'i chos gtan nas myed pa la thu[m?] nas //klu gdug pa can gyis gsad pa'i man ngag gi rtsis 'go gtan la phab pa lags te //klu nag po la gtad pa'i thabs la /gtor ma nag po byas la /...
IOL Tib J 727.1 - Section: 1 khro mo bdun dkyil 'khor/ Vol. 72, fol. 3, Scroll; 66 c. x 26 c.: recto 39 columns Chinese, verso ll. 23: dbu-can. Maṇḍala of the seven angry goddesses. Text, headed by a large diagram, begins: @//thod 'phring 'bar ba 'i dkyil 'khor na//za byed chen mo rngam stabs can//bdun phung drag bsnyems 'joms mdzad cing//dpal ltan shug 'gro 'i gtso mo ste//...
IOL Tib J 728.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. III, fragg. 42 and 35, Pothī; 17.7 c. x 6 c.: foll. 2, numbered 7-8; ll. 4: dbu-can. Questioning of a fiend Peg-tse by Buddha. Begins: @//sngun bcom ldan 'das kyi sbya ngar srin po 'dzA ga ra mchis//nas zhus pa peg tse gang 'jam //bag gsal pa sa 'jam//ma yin ces smras//zhus pa zan gang zhim bag gsam phye zhim//ma byin ces smras//gos gang 'jam/bag gsal pa phying ral 'jam//ma yin ces smras//gnyen rtse 'am /btsun mo rje bag gsal pa btsun mo rtse ma yin ces smras//myi shes khyod //slas log khyam du/'dza ga ra [note a: slas....ra cancelled. [note //bcom ldan 'das la [note b: la added below line. [note zhus pa/!/!// @//sa ma tshang dar zab kyi peg tse 'jam myi shes khyod...
IOL Tib J 729.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. IV. 2, Scroll; 113 c. x 29 c.: ll. 69: dbu-can damaged. A dialogue between Koṅ-tse (cf. 710, Koṅ-co) and the child. Incomplete beginning and end. Clearly written, but with many inaccuracies and corrections. Line 28: .../kong tse na re/bzang ngo/bzang ngo/bzang ngo//khye'u khyod dang /shing rta gcig gyin du zhags ste//yul 'khams brgyu zhing 'gro na//de lta' rung ngaM myi rung zhes smras pa dang /khye'u na re//bdag gyang pha ma nan thur che 'o//pha'i shi bdur yang bgyi 'tshal//ma snying rje can gyi bsod nams kyang bgyi 'tshal//nu byug ngan pa'i slobs byung yang bgyi 'tshal //'khams rgyu zhing mchi rngo yang myi thog zhes byas pa dang//kong tse na re/dge 'o/dge 'o zhes byas nas//khyod 'o skol gnyis ....
IOL Tib J 730.1 - Section: 1 sum pa ma shags chen po/ Fragment 1, Scroll; 101 c. x 24 c.: recto, 60 columns Chinese; verso, ll. 49: dbu-can. Thomas_1957: pp. 103-12.
IOL Tib J 731.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 82. IV, Scroll; 170 c. x 25.5 c.: recto, 105 columns Chinese and ll. 103: Tibetan written between the Chinese columns; verso, ll. 133: dbu-can, sevaral hands: damaged. The End of the Good Age, the Funeral of Sten-rgan-ñer-pa and the story of Gyim-po Ñag-cig's bride. Thomas_1957: 2-39.
IOL Tib J 732.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 75. IV, frag. 1, Scroll; 40.5 c. x 26 c.: recto 26 columns Chinese; verso, ll. 31: dbu-can: damaged. The story of Gyim-po Ñag-cig's bride. Thomas_1957: pp. 40-44.
IOL Tib J 733.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. XV. 4, Scroll; 46 c. x 25 c.: recto, 28 columns Chinese; verso, ll. 51: dbu-can: damaged. The Decline of the Good Age. Thomas_1957: pp. 45-51.
IOL Tib J 734.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 85. IX. 4, Scroll; 363 c. x 26 c.: recto, 211 columns Chinese; verso, ll. 353: dbu-can. Ages of decline: the Skyi kingdom and its religion. Thomas_1957: pp. 52-102.
IOL Tib J 735.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 77. XII. 2, Scroll; 35 c. x 26 c.: recto, 22 columns Chinese; verso, ll. 27: dbu-can: damaged. A fragment similar in content to 733.
IOL Tib J 736.1 - Section: 1 A/1926, Scroll; 506 c. x 25.5 c.: ll. 398: dbu-can. See Thomas: Nam: an ancient language of the Sino-Tibetan borderland (Publications of the Philological Society, vol. xiv, 1948) Thomas_1948.
IOL Tib J 737.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 81. X, 80. IX. 3 and Fragment 63, Scroll; a. 497 c. x 25.5 c.: recto, 259 columns Chinese; verso, ll. 439: b. 156 c. x 29 c.: recto, ll. 99, verso, ll. 40: c. 58 c. x 26 c.: recto, 31 columns Chinese, verso, ll. 51: dbu-can and dbu-med: badly damaged. Tibetan versions of Rāmāyana stories. See Indian studies in honor of C. R. Lanman, Lanman_1929: pp. 193-212.
IOL Tib J 738.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. IV. 3a, 73. VIII. 1, '14/10/24' and vol. 55, fol. 6, Roll; 26 c. x 25 c.: foll. 13 and 2 fragments: ll. 16; verso ll. 251 written scrollwise: dbu-can, two hands. Recto: a fragment of Śata-sāhasrikā-prajñā-pāramitā.
IOL Tib J 738.2 - Section: 2 Verso: Mo divination. '14/10/24' contains another portion of the text published in Thomas_1957: pp. 113 et seq.
IOL Tib J 739.1 - Section: 1 Ch. XIX. 004, Book form; 15 c. x 12.5 c.: foll. 17: ll. 10 and 11: dbu-med, red and black. Mo divination. Thomas_1957: pp. 141 et seq.
IOL Tib J 740.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 9. II. 19, Scroll; 849 c. x 26.5 c.: recto 473 columns Chinese; verso ll. 303: dbu-can. Ll. 1-181. Mo divination. Thomas_1957: pp. 140-1.
IOL Tib J 740.2 - Section: 2 Ll. 182-303. A document about taxes.
IOL Tib J 741.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 80. IV, and 80 IV. g, Scroll; 135 c. x 26 c.: recto 76 columns Chinese; verso ll. 78: dbu-can, damaged. Mo divination. Thomas_1957: p. 150.
IOL Tib J 742.1 - Section: 1 Fragment 55, Scroll; 95 c. x 27 c.: recto 50 columns Chinese, verso ll. 49: dbu-med, damaged. Mo divination. Thomas_1957: pp. 150-2.
IOL Tib J 743.1 - Section: 1 Fragment 2, Scroll; 36 c. x 28 c.: recto 28 columns Chinese, verso ll. 30: dbu-med. Mo divination. Thomas_1957: p. 150.
IOL Tib J 744.1 - Section: 1 Vol. 69, fol. 10, Scroll; 48 c. x 14 c.: ll. 29: dbu-med. Mo divination. Thomas_1957: p. 150.
IOL Tib J 745.1 -
IOL Tib J 746.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 84. XIVa, Scroll, divided; 42 c., 41 c. x 31 c.: ll. 8 and table: dbu-can: damaged. Divination from the sounds of the crow. The preface and table agree with Pelliot MS. no. 3530 (Bacot_1913a: pp. 445-9, and Laufer_1914a), but there is no commentary.
IOL Tib J 747.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 85. IX, Scroll, divided; 27 c., 35 c., 42 c. x 28-30 c.: ll. 9, table, ll. 8: dbu-can. Divination from the sounds of the crow. The preface and table agree with 746 as far as the eighth division of the day. The last two differ, and are followed by a concluding paragraph: IX. Column 1: 'dre gdon 'ong bar ston/ Column 2: nor dang grog 'ong bar ston/ Column 3: dmyigs ma chung la chu la bag bya bar ston/ Column 4: khyim tshol zhig 'ong bar ston/ Column 5: phu nu pho dang bu tsha zhig 'ong bar ston/ Column 6: dga' ba'i gtam 'ong bar ston/ Column 7: gtam zhig 'ong bar ston/ Column 8: phu nu dang phrad bar ston/ Column 9: dga' ba thos par ston/ X. Column 1: bu sring dmyag pa 'ong bar ston/ Column 2: shar phyogs nas myi zhig 'ong bar ston/ Column 3: 'tsham zhing dmyigs par ston/ Column 4: lho phyogs nas myi zhig 'ong bar ston/ Comlumn 5: nub phyogs nas bdag la zhang lon sko ba 'ong/ Column 6: bdag stag thob par ston/ Column 7: char pa 'ong bar ston/ Column 8: phyis chad pa 'ong bar ston/ Column 9: bdag stag thob par ston/ @//!//lam ring por song song na //pho rog mdun nas 'ongs te //rgyab du zer zhing song la //slar log na bzang ngo//chom rkun dgra dang myi phrad//byang nas 'ongs te zer zhing song na//la mar mgyogs par song na //ci bsams pa 'grub //zan chang dang phrad par 'gyur ro//mdun nas lan cig bdag la bskor nas song na//bdag gar 'gro na yang ///la mar song na dga' ba 'ong//bya pho rog 'o byed na //bdag so la lan gsum brtsams te//bkra shis lan gsum brjod na bzang ngo//bya shing ngam shing rtsa 'am /thang la 'dug cing gcig la gcig thab pa mthong na //bdag la dgra yod de //sha gnyer na thub par 'ong ngo//bya sa la 'dun ma 'das te thab pa mthong na //rgyal khams ched por 'khrug pa 'ong bar 'gyur ro/༚/༚/
IOL Tib J 748.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 80. IV. h, Scroll, divided; 96 c. x 26 c.: ll. 53+28: dbu-med and dbu-can. Incomplete and damaged at the beginning. Recto. Prognostications for different years, &c., beginning with a Dragon and ending with a Hog year. Three hands. Line 45: phag gyi lo la btsas pa'//skar ma shin mun dbang//byang phyogs kyi rgyal po hig de tse 'i bu la bab ste//tshe snga ma la/khyi sha kog gyi myi las//lha chos ma thub/snog pa'i phyir/deng sang phag gyi lo la bab ste//srog ni/'gyo'i the'i shan shin 'dug pa'i 'og na 'o//zhag cig la khre khal phyad dbang//gos dang/zan dang/sman ni/nag po dang/'phrod//khong drang la/ log pa myi byed/nyi shu bdun dang/sum cu rtsa gnyis dang/sum cu rtsa dgu dang/bzhi bcu rtsa drug la eg che//der ma shi na/brgyad cu rtsa gnyis thub bo//mthar bu bdun phan thogs so//lo myi mthun ba ni/phag dang /sbrul myi mthun//zla ba ngan ba ni dbyar sla ra ba dang /dgun sla ra ba la /nad pa dang/shi sar 'gror myi rung/bu(?) yag gyi yi ge rdzogs s+ho/༔༔/ Verso. Tāntrik ritual. A different hand from recto.
IOL Tib J 749.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. IV. 3b, Scroll; 134.5 c. x 25.5 c.: recto, 73 columns Chinese; verso, ll. 130: dbu-med: damaged. Divination? Several paragraphs beginning: Line 1: seng 'ge seng 'ge 'brug//... Line 4: ban lang 'brug 'brug//... Line 7: seng 'ge seng 'ge 'brug ban long//... Line 12: ban lang ban lang 'brug//... Line 20: 'brug gyi gdang 'brug//... Line 29: 'brug seng 'ge 'brug//... Line 33: gyi gdang seng 'ge seng 'ge//... Line 36: seng 'ge gyi gang seng 'ge//... Line 40: ban lan [sic]ban lang seng 'ge//... Line 45: seng 'ge ban lang gyi gdang//... ...............
IOL Tib J 750.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 79. VIII. 7, Scroll; 364 c. x 25.8 c.: recto 224 columns Chinese, verso ll. 354: dbu-can: red and black. Tibetan chronicle for the years A.D. 672-747: Documents de Touen-houang relatifs à l'histoire du Tibet (Annales du Musée Guimet, Bibliothèque d'Études, t. 51) Bacot_1940.
IOL Tib J 751.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 9. I. 37, Pothī; 42.5 c. x 7 c.: foll. 9, numbered nga 35-41, 74-75: ll. 4 and 5: dbu-can: red and black. Prayers offered at the founding of a monastery: Thomas_1951: II, pp. 92 et seq. Foll. 35-41.
IOL Tib J 751.2 - Section: 2 bcom ldan 'das ma shes rab kyi pha rol du phyin pa'i snying po/ (Bhagavatī-prajñā-pāramitā-hṛdaya) Foll. 74-75. Bkaḥ-ḥgyur, Rgyud, Beckh_1914: XII. 49-50; Csoma_1836: XI. 92-94.
IOL Tib J 752.1 - Section: 1 Ch. CXLVII. 25, Pothī; 46.5 c. x 8 c.: fol. 1, numbered ga 4: ll. 5: dbu-can: damaged. Fragment of an historical text? Verso: .../bod rgyal khams khrug pa yang myur du zhi nas //chos skyong ba'i sgyal bo sku tshe ring dbu rmog brtsan bar gyur cig //gzhan [yang ]rdo rje theg pa'i dgra bgegs su gyur pa dang //...
IOL Tib J 753.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 88. VI, Scroll; 134 c. x 25.5 c.: recto 78 columns Chinese, verso ll. 72: dbu-can: damaged. See Thomas, Law of theft in Chinese Kan-su (Zeitschrift für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft, Bd. 50, Heft 3, 1936). Thomas_1936
IOL Tib J 754.1 - Section: 1 phyag rgya chen por zhugs/ (Mahā-mudrāvatāra?) Ch. 83. XI, Scroll, divided; 286 c. x 25 c., double paper, now separated: recto 160 columns Chinese+ll. 3 Tibetan; original verso ll. 181, dbu-can, three hands; second verso pasted over first, ll. 11, 13, 7, 8, 10 dbu-can with Chinese intercalations+16 columns Chinese similar to recto. Recto, ll. 3, and original verso. Three hands, but apparently all one text on Tāntrik ritual.
IOL Tib J 754.2 - Section: 2 Second verso. A Chinese Buddhist pilgrim's letters of introduction: Thomas_1927: pp. 546-58.
IOL Tib J 755.1 - Section: 1 Fragment 43, Scroll; 194 c. x 25 c.: recto, 104 columns Chinese; verso, ll. 124: dbu-can. A medical text, divided into short paragraphs. Line 15: @//rma : lang : sher : thundo//ting : li : bin//ting : sag : skyus//ci : sum : sa//khug : ma : ci : tsa//ting : sbib : zhis//ting : kum : tsha//mar : kul : thum : ca : kyero//ci : mar : skar//brang : lag : sha//... Line 27: @//dis : ma : dar : dang//ting : li : byin//ting : shag : skyus//gdang : tog//rba : tse : rkwas : da : cho : min//shang : za : rkyud : da : cho : min//mar : kul : thum : ca : khyero// For a discussion of the language, Źaṅ-zuṅ, see the articles by F. W. Thomas, Thomas_1926a: p. 506; Thomas_1933: pp. 405-10.
IOL Tib J 756.1 - Section: 1 Fragment 58, Scroll; 410 c. x 17 c.: recto, 42 columns Chinese and ll. 184 Tibetan; verso, ll. 251: dbu-can, two hands. A medical text, divided into paragraphs. Line 190 verso: /༔/myi glo 'drams pa la/bya ngur pa'i sha zhag cig tu btsos pas /bdugs la lto khyim bya gson por bgags pa'i phags pas g.yogs na phano/༔/ri bong gson por bzur ste glo sman thun cig khar blugs la ri bong gi rtse'u btagste khrag zad zad du bzhib la/mal dron po rlung ma sho ra par lug cig bsha' khral tsam du nyal la/'tsal mdrod bag du 'tsal na/phano/...
IOL Tib J 757.1 - Section: 1 Vol. 73, fol. 53, Fragment of scroll; 17 c. x 7 c.: ll. 7: dbu-can, damaged. Fragment of a medical text.
IOL Tib J 758.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 85. IX, Fragment of scroll; 31 c. x 31 c.: ll. 29: dbu-can, badly damaged. A medical text, divided into paragraphs. Line 19: @//bud myed bu btsas pa'i 'og du khong na ba'i dpyad_la//shing tsha'i phye ma tshon ga[ng gru]bzhi_nyin_gcig_la lan gsum//chang bsro[...]bthang na phan//yang sta ri dmar por bsregs la//chang gi nang du btsugste blud na sos//yang lcim rtsa dang shing tsa//srang re re//chu phul gang gi nang du btsoste_btsags_la khru ba 'thungs na phan/༔/bud med bu myi phyin pa'i dpyad_la/...
IOL Tib J 759.1 - Section: 1 Vol. 15, fol. 3, Pothī; 24 c. x 5 c.: fol. 1: ll. 4: dbu-can, damaged. On bodily ills.
IOL Tib J 760.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 84. XIV, Scroll; 38 c. x 32 c.: ll. 32: dbu-can: damaged. Fragment of a veterinary work, on horses: divided into paragraphs. Line 3: @/rta kha nas khrag mci dang gchad pha'i thabs la/... Line 5: @/rta myig snad dang bchos pa'i thabs /... Line 10: @/rta smyos na na ba'i thabs ni /...
IOL Tib J 761.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 79. XV. 1, Scroll; 88 c. x 25 c.: recto, 54 columns Chinese; verso ll. 56: large dbu-med, two hands: damaged. Fragment of a veterinary work, on horses. Line 34: rta sa dug 'tshal [note a: la below line. [note na kha sna yid tsham skrang zhing kha chu 'dzag/rkya(?) khong ldem zhing rka lag 'khyaM_khra phye dang lce dkar por mchi_._._la sen mos btab dang dkar [note b: dkar cancelled. [note rim chig chad de nul gyi_._'byi dang sa dug 'tshal gyis gdab ching bsos pa'i thabs ...
IOL Tib J 762.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 85. IX, Scroll; c 13 c. x 15 c. (originally?): ll. 13 recto, dbu-can; 10 verso, large dbu-med: damaged. Recto: veterinary. Verso: omens.
IOL Tib J 763.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 79. VI. 2, Scroll; 22 c. x 25 c.: recto, 14 columns Chinese; verso, ll. 18: dbu-can: damaged. Veterinary. Damaged by fire and mostly illegible.
IOL Tib J 764.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 80. VII, Scroll; 28 c. x 27 c.: ll. 16: dbu-can: margins damaged. A multiplication table, working from nine times nine downwards to twice two.
IOL Tib J 765.1 - Section: 1 Ch. 73. VII, frag. B. 14; 22 c. x 5.5 c.: ll. 3 recto+1 verso: dbu-can. A fragment cut from a sheet of western paper, with a faint embossed stamp FABRIKI TAMKINA Recto: @@/_/blo zhi ming can gyis 'phral du sug pris su bgyis pa'o/_/bla ma yi dam dkon mchog gsum/_/rgyud sde bzhi yi lha tshogs dang /_/khyad par rgyal chen rnam thos sras/_/gser skyems mchod pa 'di bzhes// Verso: la/_/'dod dgu'i dngos grub ma lus stso/_/zhes pa 'di ni 'dza' ya paN+di tas gsungs so/_/