Catalog entry rKTs-B646
gshen rab rnam par rgyal ba'i yid bzhin nor bu'i smon lam sogs smon lam rnam gsum


gshen rab rnam par rgyal ba'i yi bzhin nor bu'i smon lam sogs smon lam rnam gsum

set MW4CZ58520: volume byang chub sems gab pa dgu skor - folios 1a1-11a6

rtse drug sgrub mkhan brtson 'grus rgyal mtshan gyis par bskrun pa lags

this begins with three short aspiration prayers as the title suggests. the first runs from 1v1 through 4r2, and it seems to be extracted from the rnam rgyal gzungs chen, as its colophon suggests (ces pa gzungs chen nor bu'i gter [illeg.] sa las byung ba'o). the second text starts at 4r2, and, although the heading title is barely legible, it seems to say rnam rgyal gtor ma'i smon lam, while the colophon tells us that it is a gter ma of gnyan-'thing (ces rnam rgyal chu gtor smon lam gnyan 'thing gi gter ma'o). the third text starts on 5r5 and ends at 6v4; it is entitled sa bcu'i smon lam, while the colophon gives the title sa bcu lam bsgrod kyi smon lam and tells us that it was extracted from the khri rje mdo mang. the fourth text has no heading title. it begins at 6v4 and ends at 7r6, and is also extracted from the same work as the preceding (zhes pa 'di yang khri rje lung bston mdo mang gi mdo yan lag brgyad pa las byung ba rdzog so). the brief 5th text, from 7r6 to 8r1, has neither heading nor colophon title, but the colophon tells us it was composed by zog-grong (?) slob-dpon bstan-pa 'od-zer, at mt. kailash (the reading of this colophon is difficult). other extremely brief works are contained in the following pages, but they have no titles and the colophons are very difficult to read, so the following remarks are based on the available clues. the 6th is completely untitled. the 7th has an illegible title, but from the colophon (9v1) it seems to have been composed by yar-me shes-rab 'od-zer. the 7th is by dmu-gshen nyi-ma rgyal-mtshan (9v6). the 8th is extracted from the skye sgo gcod pa (10v1). the 9th is by sangs-rgyas bu-chen (? 10v4). the 10th is extracted from the tshe dbang gsang sgrub (10v5), and so is the 11th (11r1). the 12th is extracted from the bzlas chog rin chen sgron ma (11r2). the final 13th work is extracted from the skye sgo gcod pa'i mdo (11r5).

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