Catalog entry rKTs-K1414
dpal 'gon po mngon 'byung ba zhes bya ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po


dpal 'gon po mngon 'byung ba zhes bya ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po
shri ma ha ka la a b+h+ya d+ha ya tan tra ra dza na ma ma

Textual structure
set MW1BL10: volume rgyud, ta (Dm39) - folios 244a2-300a7

དཔལ་འགོན་པོ་ནག་པོ་།། མངོན་པར་འབྱུང་བ་ཞེས་བྱ་བའི་བརྒྱུད་ཀྱི་།། །།བརྒྱལ་པོ་ཆེན་པོ་བརྫོགས་སྷྱོ་།། །།རྒྱ་གར་འཁན་པོ་ཨ་ཙ་བརྒྱ་། ་ནན་བྷ་དང་། བོད་ཀྱི་ལོྪ་ཝ་དགེ་སློང་བརྡོ་བརྗེ་གྲགས་ཀྱིས་བསྒྱུར་བ་འོ།།
dpal 'gon po nag po //_mngon par 'byung ba zhes bya ba'i brgyud kyi //_//brgyal po chen po brdzogs s+h+yo //_//rgya gar 'khan po a tsa brgya /_a nan b+ha dang /_bod kyi lo+tsha wa dge slong brdo brje grags kyis bsgyur ba 'o//

Translators and Revisors
rgya gar 'khan po a tsa brgya /_a nan b+ha (translator)
bod kyi lo+tsha wa dge slong brdo brje grags (translator)

This work is related to rKTs-K440 but given the differences in the title as well as in the text, it should be considered a different work, which is not found in other canonical collections! Note that this work is also found in Tsarang (Ts); there, the identification needs to be corrected. After f. 250 follow two folios numbered again 249' and 250'; f. 277 and 288 are missing. The text sequence seems fine. Last folio of the volume contains dedicatory remark: yon yon mchod 'khor bcas pha mas //_thog brangs sems can rnams //_rnam 'khyen sangs rgyas go 'phangs thob par shog //_dge' 'o /_dag go //_brka shis so mam g+ha laM b+ha//.

Additional miscellaneous Collections

Mongolian Canon

rdo rje grags

source rKTs &

84000 Toh